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  • Topic is locked indefinitely. - Bootcamp

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Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
#121 - 2013-09-08 22:00:37 UTC
Last I looked Culo is running a training corp teaching new players how to operate in Eve. Zemo, may I have a copy of your resume?

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

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culo duro
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#122 - 2013-09-08 22:03:51 UTC
Zeus Maximo wrote:
Last I looked Culo is running a training corp teaching new players how to operate in Eve. Zemo, may I have a copy of your resume?

It's right here.

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Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
#123 - 2013-09-08 22:11:10 UTC
Oh goodie it's better than what I thought. Nice to know a solid pvper of his stature could make losing a pod in high sec look so easy.

But wait, all of his comments pertained to PVE ships. He truly is going about this the wrong way. The day a sheep stood up to a wolf and said he was doing it wrong.

Maybe his resume could be switched to his wallets depth? Isn't that was carebears work for?

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Zemo Walden
Mortal Retribution
#124 - 2013-09-08 22:21:02 UTC
Zeus Maximo wrote:
Last I looked Culo is running a training corp teaching new players how to operate in Eve. Zemo, may I have a copy of your resume?

That's what I heard too, but apparently he doesn't know the difference between passive and active and knows diddly squat about PvE build or ship differences. The Drake even states on the recommended skill structure as a passive shield tank... something culo wouldn't know because he didn't even skill his character himself.

The main thing for builds is the skills to go with them - so I don't see the relevance of a pay to win character trying to promote builds on his site that are completely incorrect - I'm not the first to notice build problems here either. A lot of PvP people seem to think people do PvE to blow up their ship and armor tank Battleships lol.

Yes this character is a PvE character as stated about 100 times before - come out to low sec and you'll see some action; the only care bears are ones that think they are great ganking PvE and mining ships in high sec. Lets look at the latest Bootcamp killboard... oh it's back to mining ships and industrial ships again, what a surprise.
Zeus Maximo
Mentally Assured Destruction
#125 - 2013-09-08 22:38:40 UTC
Zemo Walden wrote:

That's what I heard too, but apparently he doesn't know the difference between passive and active and knows diddly squat about PvE build or ship differences. The Drake even states on the recommended skill structure as a passive shield tank... something culo wouldn't know because he didn't even skill his character himself.

The main thing for builds is the skills to go with them - so I don't see the relevance of a pay to win character trying to promote builds on his site that are completely incorrect - I'm not the first to notice build problems here either. A lot of PvP people seem to think people do PvE to blow up their ship and armor tank Battleships lol.

Yes this character is a PvE character as stated about 100 times before - come out to low sec and you'll see some action; the only care bears are ones that think they are great ganking PvE and mining ships in high sec. Lets look at the latest Bootcamp killboard... oh it's back to mining ships and industrial ships again, what a surprise.

Putting the words killboard and PVE in the same sentence only fits into place in eve, a loss mail. To my knowledge Culo is advertising a PVP based corporation. Why would anyone care about a PVE ship?

Also why ask me to come to lowsec? I doubt your ship is bigger than mine....

"It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus."

U-MAD Membership Recruitment

PoH Corporation Recruitment

Zemo Walden
Mortal Retribution
#126 - 2013-09-08 22:48:59 UTC
Zeus Maximo wrote:

Putting the words killboard and PVE in the same sentence only fits into place in eve, a loss mail. To my knowledge Culo is advertising a PVP based corporation. Why would anyone care about a PVE ship?

Also why ask me to come to lowsec? I doubt your ship is bigger than mine....

The low sec comment was to culo, in case you haven't caught up yet he posted a supposed PvE ship build which made no sense at all and would never work for PvE for level 2 missions let alone level 4 missions. that's why the PvE comments for the last 2 pages.

Also his inability to understand ship differences and skill sets for what you are planning to do clearly shows he never even skilled his character himself (which we know his character has been sold like 6 times now). All he's doing by posting bad ship builds with lack of skill based knowledge is prove what he is.

PvP based corp that only targets mining ships and Industry ships, but wait those mining barges can fight back can't they?... as soon as he faced losing 2 ships to a proper merc corp he went running to 2 other mercs to defend him. That's how convincing his supposed 'PvP corp' is. They won't ever go to low sec, they are not a PvP corp either.
culo duro
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#127 - 2013-09-08 23:35:42 UTC
Zemo Walden wrote:

The low sec comment was to culo, in case you haven't caught up yet he posted a supposed PvE ship build which made no sense at all and would never work for PvE for level 2 missions let alone level 4 missions. that's why the PvE comments for the last 2 pages.

The worst part about this is... you're not even trolling zemo, you're just that dum.
Why would we go to LS, if we got wardecs in HS, and maybe get a fight after a couple of hours?
We can use Singularity for that.

Zemo Walden wrote:

Also his inability to understand ship differences and skill sets for what you are planning to do clearly shows he never even skilled his character himself (which we know his character has been sold like 6 times now). All he's doing by posting bad ship builds with lack of skill based knowledge is prove what he is.

Once again, confirming that i'm terrible at pvp and have no idea how to do anything in eve... yet somehow managed to take a handful of guys that could barely fly T1 cruisers with T2 fits, into making a 95,46% Efficiency KB.

Also since you're so interrested in my character, and how 'badly' skilled it is, i'll let you know that i've improved a ton of the skills on this toon, since it barely had any gunnery skills.

And for the last one, since i have no idea what i'm doing fitting wise, why don't you bring your big bad main to take me on... which you promised us like a month ago?
As much as i like your free bumps.

Zemo Walden wrote:

PvP based corp that only targets mining ships and Industry ships, but wait those mining barges can fight back can't they?... as soon as he faced losing 2 ships to a proper merc corp he went running to 2 other mercs to defend him. That's how convincing his supposed 'PvP corp' is. They won't ever go to low sec, they are not a PvP corp either.

For one that's posing on an NPC corp 'alt' you sure have a big mouth, but i guess that would be demanding too much from you.

As for the "Mercs" that decced us, they never really went outside of their homesystem, and only wanted to engage us when they had a 100% chance of success, so we never really got to fight them or bothered with going down there, since they were hired to kill us.
That being said we did have tons of fun going right past their system with them not really doing anything.

For LS, i'm going to state it again.
We have wardecs in HS we have no purpose to go to LS, because if our Wartargets go to LS, they're either in a cloaky, or it's a tarp.

I'd really like to know your definition of pvp, since most of the 'indy' kills we got is while we've had tons of wts around, they just refuse to fight us.

But then again as you're saying i have no idea what pvp is nor do i know how to execute it, so it shouldn't be a problem for a pro like you to kill me? Twisted

I've starting blogging 

Zemo Walden
Mortal Retribution
#128 - 2013-09-09 00:06:15 UTC
As always you go off topic to what's being posted yet again. All your corp does is make easy kills with the protection of high sec, everyone can see that from your killboards. 95.46% efficiency vs mining ships doesn't really count for much in PvP terms. You can't even fathom that... you ran around in the area the mercs were after you hired 2 other merc corps to protect you lol. Do you realise how pathetic you make your little supposed PvP corp sound and look?
Kamiko Nomura
Negative Reinforcement
#129 - 2013-09-09 00:42:51 UTC
Zemo you're cute.

The way you hunt for snippets of mistakes and the way you try to rub a bad PvE fit in our faces over 2 pages is simply adorable.

Stay fluffy
culo duro
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#130 - 2013-09-09 08:02:15 UTC
Zemo Walden wrote:
Do you realise how pathetic you make your little supposed PvP corp sound and look?

As this is pretty much the only thing that wasn't responded from the previous poster...

Zemo, if you're under the assumption that we're a supposed to be a pro pvp corp i'd like to redirect you to this (Read line 5) and this (read the title)

I'd usually accept this a duel request from someone, but then again you wouldn't accept a duel from me.
Although i gotta say as Dispike, you're truely the best mascot a project like the one i'm running could have.
You bump our thread with complaints all the time, which i'm more or less guessing is what most people that would like to pvp in eve online wants to be able to make people do.

I have to say i kinda enjoy you, simply because we've reached the point where our war history is quite good, tons of isk destroyed.
People don't really want to fight us anymore.

I've starting blogging 

Zemo Walden
Mortal Retribution
#131 - 2013-09-09 09:45:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Zemo Walden
lol pointing out culo's builds are bad is nothing new, read through the thread - loads of people have noticed it and every time all he has done is edit the builds then go completely off topic as per always - trying to state that he was never wrong in the first place. The PvE build he posted was laughable which is why i pointed it out, the most used and highest rated Drake level 4 mission build is a completely passive shield tank seeing as tho that's what the ship is - it even states on the recommendations a passive tanking skill build. So yes he is clueless. All the brown nosers I see on here are the same 3 people constantly, who suddenly disappear when they realise culo was actually wrong.

Just the way he acts like he is a pro PvP trainer is a joke, killboards show different and the only carebears are people who can't fight low sec and are scared of losing ships in low sec. The only decent PvP (who actually fight PvP not P v Miner) are in low sec. Most decent mercs also reside in low sec.
Zemo Walden
Mortal Retribution
#132 - 2013-09-09 10:38:44 UTC
I have one last question for you on the PvE subject, going by your first build do you think that someone is going to be doing Angel Extravaganza level 4 mission (5 rooms) with that build? The problem you don't see is most level 4 missions take an hour to complete, with 5 different rooms. Do you really think it is viable to use 2 inv fields on a low cap ship for an hour along side a module which was specifically made for armor tanks in short periods (why it's used on all pvp builds).

You try to mock me constantly but you still don't have the decency to state when you are wrong. Also your build would have never of even worked for level 2 missions because of the time and cap - which is exactly why I stated about the passive modules. There is more to PvE then you try to make out, you may have done PvE at level 1 but it's completely different from level 3 on and completely different to PvP where your bursting damage and cap.
culo duro
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#133 - 2013-09-09 10:57:13 UTC
Zemo Walden wrote:
I have one last question for you on the PvE subject, going by your first build do you think that someone is going to be doing Angel Extravaganza level 4 mission (5 rooms) with that build? The problem you don't see is most level 4 missions take an hour to complete, with 5 different rooms. Do you really think it is viable to use 2 inv fields on a low cap ship for an hour along side a module which was specifically made for armor tanks in short periods (why it's used on all pvp builds).

If you're refeering to the drake no, because a drake is not meant to be able to do that.

Now you're asking the right question, wether it's viable or not have to inv fields or not.
Honestly it's up to you which modules you use for pve, however i'm always going to bring 2 AIFs on a shield tanked ship if it allows it.
AIFs is also the reason why there's hardly any Shield ships which are meant to shield tank, that actually roam around, it's quite cap intensive requiring 1,5GJ/S.

And for the last one a DCU is by no means only meant for armor, and hull.
it gives 12,5% Shield resist because AIFs give a whole 10% more adaptive resistance than EANMs does unless you've skilled your compensation skills up to V.
Leaving the armor at 15% to even that out.

In my opinion a DCU should be used on all ships unless you can tank the mission without.

Zemo Walden wrote:

You try to mock me constantly but you still don't have the decency to state when you are wrong. Also your build would have never of even worked for level 2 missions because of the time and cap - which is exactly why I stated about the passive modules. There is more to PvE then you try to make out, you may have done PvE at level 1 but it's completely different from level 3 on and completely different to PvP where your bursting damage and cap.

Zemo we're mocking you because before this post you've not posted anything productive/constructive and have just been pointing your fingers at us and saying we're bad.
If you're not showing people decency atleast, they will not show you any.

Also that drake fit is perfectly viable for L3s it's overtanked though, but viable.

You're talking about Passive tanking and Active tanking.

Active tanking means that you're using a module to boost your shield/armor up.
Passive tanking means you're relaying on your shield to regenerate itself fast enough so you don't die.
Passive tanking is only really viable on a drake, and doesn't really work on anything else.
As for Buffering means that you cannot repair yourself at locally.

Also i've just as many other run L3s and L4s to unlock Locator agents, i however did it in a shield talos because i could blap through the L3s like nothing at anything nearing 60km to me.

And for the last one, if you can't make a 'stable' fit for pvp, you're going to end up dieing because of that.
We just don't use cap rechargers because it'll take way too much of our slots to make it stable, we go with cap boosters, since our fights are usually ranging from 5-20 mins fights.

If you're refeering to having a MWD on, yes but you shouldn't in any way use a MWD 24/7 when you fight, you actually really rarely use it.

I've starting blogging 

ISD Tyrozan
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#134 - 2013-09-09 13:27:04 UTC
Off-topic post removed.

Forum rule 26. Off-topic posting is prohibited.

ISD Tyrozan


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

@ISDTyrozan | @ISD_CCL

ISD Tyrozan
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#135 - 2013-09-09 13:30:56 UTC
Off topic post removed.

Forum rules 26. Off-topic posting is prohibited.

ISD Tyrozan


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

@ISDTyrozan | @ISD_CCL

culo duro
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#136 - 2013-09-09 17:54:53 UTC
ISD Tyrozan wrote:
Off-topic post removed.

Forum rule 26. Off-topic posting is prohibited.

BUT WHICH POSTS DAMNIT!? Now i'll have to think about that for decades.

I've starting blogging 

culo duro
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#137 - 2013-09-10 13:11:47 UTC
bumping with a new text editor on our website. \o/

I've starting blogging 

culo duro
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#138 - 2013-09-12 08:57:15 UTC
I felt like we'd need more unicorns in our corp.

I've starting blogging 

Freight Club
#139 - 2013-09-13 02:23:12 UTC
There are a lot of words on this page.

I read none.

Integrated Insterstellar Holdings
#140 - 2013-09-13 11:20:48 UTC
we support this project 100%