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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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How long should i wait before joining a corp?

Fomol620 BrewGuard
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-09-07 18:55:17 UTC
ok so ive been playing for about a week or two. i started out as Caldari and ive done about 3 of the career tutorials. i heard about this sisters of eve arc but i dont see it anywhere. i would expect it to show up in the agent queue where the career missions show up?

i think i saw somewhere that i need a standing of 5.00 with my faction (Caldari?). that seems like a do i get my standing up to 5.00?

ive also been thinking about joining EVE University...went to theie website and applying to them is almost as laborious as applying to a real university WTF. it really the best way to learn EVE? ive seen all of these forums and youtube vids and many of them recommend EVE Uni, but it seems like a lot of investment.

i guess im just fighting the learning curve. ugh i just want to be good already!!
Ice Fire Warriors
#2 - 2013-09-07 19:15:09 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Fomol620 BrewGuard wrote:
ok so ive been playing for about a week or two. i started out as Caldari and ive done about 3 of the career tutorials. i heard about this sisters of eve arc but i dont see it anywhere. i would expect it to show up in the agent queue where the career missions show up?

I'm a little fuzzy about the details... but it should show up. If not, head to the system of Arnon and talk to the Sisters of EVE agent in the busiest station there.

Fomol620 BrewGuard wrote:
i think i saw somewhere that i need a standing of 5.00 with my faction (Caldari?). that seems like a do i get my standing up to 5.00?

You don't need standings to run the Epic Arc. However you do need them to run regular missions.

And you don't need faction standing... just corporate/agent standings.

Fomol620 BrewGuard wrote:
ive also been thinking about joining EVE University...went to theie website and applying to them is almost as laborious as applying to a real university WTF. it really the best way to learn EVE? ive seen all of these forums and youtube vids and many of them recommend EVE Uni, but it seems like a lot of investment.

I would look elsewhere. EVE University can give you access to wealth of information and peers... however it's "cold" in the sense that you are just another number unless you have something that makes you stand out. They also won't really teach PvP beyond "zerg rush" tactics.

I personally point newbies towards smaller, more PvP-oriented corps as they generally are more relaxed and can give more "hands-on" tutoring. However "rules" and "teamwork" in smaller corps tend to be a bit more loose and leave you with less direction and/or back-up.

To get in to such corps; ignore any skillpoint requirements you come across and directly talk with any diplomats, recruiters, directions, CEOs, etc. Show that you are relaxed, have some understanding of EVE's mechanics, are willing to learn, and that you can be a part of their "cool kids club."
Fomol620 BrewGuard
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3 - 2013-09-07 20:08:04 UTC
i have a friend that joined EVE with me so we both are looking for a corp to join.

sounds like maybe a smaller corp would be best. i got a message from a CEO of a corp because of this do i know its not a trap?
Halo Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2013-09-07 21:11:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Halo Crendraven
Fomol620 BrewGuard wrote:
i have a friend that joined EVE with me so we both are looking for a corp to join.

sounds like maybe a smaller corp would be best. i got a message from a CEO of a corp because of this do i know its not a trap?

Try to join a reputable corp with a lot of people. Be careful, I almost got shot down by someone who was trying to scam newbies out of their newbie goods with corp invites. I only survived because I got suspicious.
Virginie Sirois
#5 - 2013-09-07 21:19:28 UTC
I suggest doing all of the tutorials. If you're new to Eve you'll pick up a lot of useful hints from them, plus you can't knock free ships and skillbooks, along with the ISK.
I believe pilots used to get referred to Sister Aliata (sp?) during the tutorials, but now you can find her in the Agent Finder under Sisters of Eve. It will specify she's for the epic arc and located in Arnon. The arc isn't too exciting, but it does get you flying around high-sec and making decent noob-ISK. Just make sure you don't join FW or upset an empire before you start it, or you won't be able to get into their space without being attacked.
Though I've played Eve in the past, I've never joined a player corp, so I can't recommend any. But you should probably be wary of those who aren't properly paranoid about you. If they seem too relaxed or too keen to have you join, you're probably in for a hard lesson. You'll also likely need a new clone.
Fomol620 BrewGuard
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-09-07 21:39:44 UTC
sounds like some good advise. this invite i got does seem a bit of the 'too good to be true' kind...
Spy 21
#7 - 2013-09-07 22:03:16 UTC
It's Sister Alitura

Obfuscation for the WIN on page 3...

Spy 21
#8 - 2013-09-07 22:04:55 UTC
Oh ya... and to answer first question...
As soon as you find a corp you like.
If you don't like it, you can always leave.

And also... a corp is not entitled to ask for your assets or any kind of entrance fee for joining... stay the f away from any that demand such.


Obfuscation for the WIN on page 3...

NightCrawler 85
Phoibe Enterprises
#9 - 2013-09-07 22:12:18 UTC
Join a corp when you feel ready to do so. If you want to join one on day one, go ahead and do it, if you want to wait 6 months go ahead and wait Smile
Everyone has different preferences, so you need to figure out what feels right for you and your friends,

I would also suggest that you read over this guide that will help you know what to look for and what to avoid when looking to join a corp.

Good luck and welcome to EVE Smile
Gallastian Khanid
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2013-09-08 08:44:43 UTC
I would try joining one of Brave Newbies Incorporated, Red vs Blue, or Eve University. They're all big, but the nice thing about being big is with that many dudes some of them are bound to be competent. They're also very friendly towards newbies.

Brave Newbies recruitment process is you literally apply to the corp and get accepted.

Eve Uni has an annoying recruitment process, but frankly its next to nothing compared to the recruitment process to join a veteran corp, so I'd get used to it frankly.

RvB I believe is just open recruitment.

Google the names of each to learn about the details. BNI will just throw you into PvE/PvP in lowsec/nullsec and lets you learn through experience. RvB does the same in highsec, which has a different feel to the PvP. More 'arena' like and less organic. Eve Uni is more structured and you have to get grouped up with one of the more focused PvP groups within the Uni to get small gang experience.
Fomol620 BrewGuard
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#11 - 2013-09-08 17:15:20 UTC
hey so another question...

how do i increase my standing in a base/station? or should the question be how to i increase my standing with my faction or what not? i thought it was by doing missions..

ok so my friend says that he has no more missions available to him via the agents on the bottom right of the screen..if there are no more mission how would he increase his standing?
NightCrawler 85
Phoibe Enterprises
#12 - 2013-09-08 17:57:44 UTC
Fomol620 BrewGuard wrote:
hey so another question...

how do i increase my standing in a base/station? or should the question be how to i increase my standing with my faction or what not? i thought it was by doing missions..

ok so my friend says that he has no more missions available to him via the agents on the bottom right of the screen..if there are no more mission how would he increase his standing?

Im guessing your friend means he has finished all the tutorial missions.
From this point he needs to start working for regular agents (Level 1 to 5, level 5 agents being found in low sec). His standings will increase as he does the missions, and he will get a storyline mission every..15'th? mission or so which gives a good standing boost.

Also remember that doing missions will decrease your standing with the other factions (as in, if your doing missions for Gallente your standings with Gallente and Minmatar will go up, while your standing towards Amarr and Caldari will go down. Because of that a lot of people wont do missions that goes up against the opposing factions, which means you have to decline a lot of missions.

You can decline a mission from an agent every 4 hours without loosing standings, but if you have several agents you can just run missions for one of your other agents while your waiting out the timer.
Spy 21
#13 - 2013-09-08 19:24:22 UTC
You can use the agent finder to find agents that give missions for specific corps or factions.


Obfuscation for the WIN on page 3...

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2013-09-09 02:04:12 UTC
Fomol620 BrewGuard wrote:
sounds like some good advise. this invite i got does seem a bit of the 'too good to be true' kind...

May I suggest some name-and-shame? Lol
Fomol620 BrewGuard
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#15 - 2013-09-09 14:09:13 UTC
so after finishing (i think) most of the tutorials, i started doing Level 1 security missions. this got real boring real fast. so i decided to join a Corp.

my friend and i ended up joining Brave Newbies because EvE Uni's application process was just ridiculous (what is this? RL Uni?)

i guess now i need to get together with my fellow corp members and figure out how the hell to play this game....right?

Fomol620 "Still lost" BrewGuard
Fomol620 BrewGuard
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#16 - 2013-09-09 14:10:20 UTC
lollerwaffle wrote:
Fomol620 BrewGuard wrote:
sounds like some good advise. this invite i got does seem a bit of the 'too good to be true' kind...

May I suggest some name-and-shame? Lol

i shouldnt be naming and shaming unless i have proof right? for all i know it could be a legit offer...maybe ill join up with them later in my career..
Cara Forelli
State War Academy
Caldari State
#17 - 2013-09-09 15:38:18 UTC
Fomol620 BrewGuard wrote:
sounds like some good advise. this invite i got does seem a bit of the 'too good to be true' kind...

That may be the case for the particular offer you received. One thing to keep in mind though is that you have very little to lose when you are just starting out. You might find you have more fun going for something new and possibly getting scammed than sitting around in the NPC corp. Just follow some basic precautions - never pay anyone to join a corp, and pay be wary of any transaction involving your assets.

Brave Newbies looks like fun though. I'm sure you will enjoy it there :)

Want to talk? Join my channel in game: House Forelli

Titan's Lament

Riel Saigo
#18 - 2013-09-09 15:45:21 UTC
Just make sure you check your corporation's war standings each day.

It would suck if a war started with another corporation while you were sleeping and you try to undock from Jita and find someone shooting at you freely.
Fomol620 BrewGuard
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#19 - 2013-09-09 15:48:11 UTC
yea i see that BN is at war so ill be careful...i also downlaoded and imported a custom overview..(sarah 3.0) so i should be able to spot any baddies..
Fomol620 BrewGuard
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#20 - 2013-09-09 15:51:38 UTC
again, im new to EvE and MMO's in general. im 28 years old and traditionally Video Games were the realm or nerdy boys.

having said that, i am surprised to see so many females responding to my topic here. now obviously im 100% in favor of more females into gaming, i just didnt know it was this good already..

..or is it that all you dudes just use female avatars lol?

...heck, it might be pretty cool to meet a woman of similar interests here...
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