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What is wrong with wormhole space?

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Quinn Corvez
Caldari State
#301 - 2013-09-06 15:56:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Quinn Corvez
It would be better if relic and data sites didn't have any sleepers in them. Instrad the cans should contain some sleeper loot in addition to the relic/data loot. That way, we would have solo content in all classes of wormholes.
Rip Minner
ARMITAGE Logistics Salvage and Industries
#302 - 2013-09-08 00:30:54 UTC
Ya well no body likes this ideal but I will still though it out there.

Moonmining in WH space.

It will get more people into all levels of WH's and provide more targets and pew pew for all. And more pew pew and more stuff greeting the deep dark black of nothingness the better for all.

Is it a rock point a lazer at it and profit. Is it a ship point a lazer at it and profit. I dont see any problems here.

Karpov 360 Karp
#303 - 2013-09-08 10:39:09 UTC
Alduin666 Shikkoken wrote:

A few solutions for this:
- Make D-scan unavailable in wormholes, like local. If this brings up too many whiners maybe reduce the D-scan range to 2-3 AU, this way you can scan short range and be able to see another ship incoming and be able to warp out in time.
- Disable the API information for wormholes, that way sites like Dotlan and Static Mapper aren't able to give you a readout of the entire wormhole within seconds.
- Get rid of the wormhole identifiers. Being able to google "N432" and have it tell me exactly where it goes is bad, really bad. Still give out the "this wormhole will lead to dangerous unknown space" information but have it just be called "unidentified wormhole" instead of something like "Wormhole N432".

I'm sorry these are 100% idiotic , the idea is to make wormholes fun and challenging at the same time. These suggestions would make wh life even MORE boring than it already is,and would become needlessly tedious. I hope that anyone with the power to make changes will ignore what this person wrote.

Anyways a few changes that I'd like to see.

-Update the role management interface, it's clunky and overly complex for no real reason.
-T3 refitting on a POS
-Update sleeper site graphics, i.e. remove the giant gas clouds.
-Add a few more wh spawns, maybe randomly? I don't care if I get a C5, low sec or high sec wormhole, just something to increase traffic every once in a while.

"Static Wormholes do not connect to the k162 side until warped to, keeping farmers fairly isolated and "safe" during site running. Make wormholes always automatically connect without anyone needing to scan and initiate warp to the static "

No, just ******* no. This is ******** and I hope no-one considers this.



I'm sorry for the rant, but if scanning is not fixed then there's no point in being in a wh,

#304 - 2013-09-08 10:46:26 UTC
Karpov 360 Karp wrote:

+1 For this, at first i was wondering what all the drama was as i wasn't having any issues, but for the last week it has been awful and the only solution i can find that works is collecting all the probes and dropping another set.
M1k3y Koontz
Speaker for the Dead
Stay Feral
#305 - 2013-09-08 17:39:52 UTC
Karpov 360 Karp wrote:
[quote=Alduin666 Shikkoken]

Its practically the same system... with minor skill changes. On patch day I scanned out our entire chain without issue.

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

The Classy Gentlemans Corporation
#306 - 2013-09-08 18:23:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Dhuras
It would really Spice Up My Gravy if CCP would do a massive modular POS overhaul like they had talked about a while back. Allow POS's to not just be anchored at moons, but basically anywhere.(with some exceptions like at anomalies for example) Basically Implement the whole 'Cities in the sky' dream. That would get me really excited for eve again.

Hell they could easily make this into a big infrastructure based expansion, I mean POS's affect dwellers of all areas of space so its not like they would be ignoring all areas of space in favor of catering to one area.

Please CCP, Spice Up My Gravy.
Rip Minner
ARMITAGE Logistics Salvage and Industries
#307 - 2013-09-09 13:23:34 UTC
Dhuras wrote:
It would really Spice Up My Gravy if CCP would do a massive modular POS overhaul like they had talked about a while back. Allow POS's to not just be anchored at moons, but basically anywhere.(with some exceptions like at anomalies for example) Basically Implement the whole 'Cities in the sky' dream. That would get me really excited for eve again.

Hell they could easily make this into a big infrastructure based expansion, I mean POS's affect dwellers of all areas of space so its not like they would be ignoring all areas of space in favor of catering to one area.

Please CCP, Spice Up My Gravy.

I like this ideals here alot add to that a good Corp management overhaul for roles and as there going to need a much better pos management and though in Tech 3 refiting and we be rocking :)

Is it a rock point a lazer at it and profit. Is it a ship point a lazer at it and profit. I dont see any problems here.

Insane's Asylum
#308 - 2013-09-13 14:48:40 UTC
I got a little graphical improvement that would add a nice touch to site immersion when in a sleeper site!

What if you had parts of the sleeper structures animated so when the sleepers spawn they actually undock or part from the structures in the site, to build up fear and tension?

Also in higher end wh's there tend to be more structures in sites, so could have multiple undock points in the site for higher end wh's.

Or maybe just have a warpin animation when sleeper ships materialize on grid? Idea

Also could implement a 2nd type of sentry tower in sleepers sites that shoot missiles or a drone sentry tower that unleashes 2-3 drones every 60-120 seconds to spice things up a little. Twisted
Ya Huei
Imperial Collective
#309 - 2013-09-16 14:22:13 UTC
Spent an entire saturday rolling our static, scanning chains and not finding anyone to shoot at.

I think that pretty much sums up what is wrong with W-space at the moment.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#310 - 2013-09-16 14:34:39 UTC
Ya Huei wrote:
Spent an entire saturday rolling our static, scanning chains and not finding anyone to shoot at.

I think that pretty much sums up what is wrong with W-space at the moment.

This seems to be a function of population. I don't think there's anything CCP can do to bring more people into wormhole space without undermining the fundamental play-style available in w-space or breaking the game. My first inclination to the problem of "no people to murder" is to encourage people to come into w-space with greater rewards, but in reality w-space already contains vast rewards above and beyond what's available in k-space.

Yes, there are some things that aren't available in w-space, but in general w-space is more profitable than k-space so it's clearly not an issue of profits. I think most people are just lazy and since flying in the Unknown is difficult most people will settle for eking out a mediocre living in k-space under the ever-mindful eye of CONCORD or player overlords.

That being the case, I think most wormholers miss out on the vast majority of wealth at our fingertips. I'd be interested to see the total amount of potential ISK floating in w-space and how much is actually converted to real ISK.

Anyway, I'm with the crowd - if there is one - that says "there's nothing wrong with w-space."
Ya Huei
Imperial Collective
#311 - 2013-09-16 14:59:46 UTC
CCP can try to influence things so that the people who currently live in w-space have more reason to log in on a regular basis. "Farms & Fields" for w-space so to speak.

Population can be influenced by giving C3's a second w-space static, which will make them alot more attractive for actual wormholers. C2/C1 site income needs to go up, risk/reward vs L4 and highsec incursion runners is off imo.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#312 - 2013-09-16 17:18:05 UTC
Ya Huei wrote:
CCP can try to influence things so that the people who currently live in w-space have more reason to log in on a regular basis. "Farms & Fields" for w-space so to speak.

Population can be influenced by giving C3's a second w-space static, which will make them alot more attractive for actual wormholers. C2/C1 site income needs to go up, risk/reward vs L4 and highsec incursion runners is off imo.

Or how about C3's have thier k-space static change to a single w-space like a C4 has. C1's are fine, they aren't for farming sleepers, they are for building pos's in highsec without paying for starbase charters. C2 sleeper sites also suck, but I think that is fine as well as they get 2 statics making them more desirable than any other hole for most w-space dwellers. That said, I made similar income to running L4's in a maxed out 1100 dps rattlesnake, by running C2 sites in a 280m isk gila.

C4's are currently the purgatory of w-space. There is no compelling reason to farm them. You make better isk per hour in c3's. Maybe add better gas sites to C4's?

The only thing I think w-space needs is a POS mechanics overhaul. Using a POS is just an exercise in constant frustration. Also why do my shield buffer tengu's ALWAYS come out of my SMA at around 70% shields when I put them in at 100%...
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#313 - 2013-09-16 18:09:12 UTC
Jonesith wrote:
Or how about C3's have thier k-space static change to a single w-space like a C4 has...blablabla...

The only thing I think w-space needs is a POS mechanics overhaul...blablabla...

I agree, though the POS thing goes for the entire game, not just w-space.

On another note, I'd like to retract my "nothing's wrong with w-space" statement. Class 4 systems should get roaming wormholes and black hole system effects need fixing.
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#314 - 2013-09-17 05:55:37 UTC
Sorry to burst your bubble guys but the biggest reason there's nothing to shoot at in WH is because kspace people do the old "oh look, another wormhole" and switch system.

my only notable experience with wormholes was getting ganked on entry and podded? I haven't been inspired at all to return to place that feela so insurmountable
#315 - 2013-09-17 06:35:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Winthorp
Caleb Seremshur wrote:
Sorry to burst your bubble guys but the biggest reason there's nothing to shoot at in WH is because kspace people do the old "oh look, another wormhole" and switch system.

my only notable experience with wormholes was getting ganked on entry and podded? I haven't been inspired at all to return to place that feela so insurmountable

WH space doesn't need more people like you that are too scared they will tear their dress.
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#316 - 2013-09-17 07:58:07 UTC
I encourage you to play in fw sometime as part of a territorial corp. I reckon im less risk averse than you bucko
Insane's Asylum
#317 - 2013-09-17 08:21:27 UTC
Ya Huei wrote:
Spent an entire saturday rolling our static, scanning chains and not finding anyone to shoot at.

I think that pretty much sums up what is wrong with W-space at the moment.

When your static fails you, then you go to K-space and scan from there ;)
Can find some intresting chains sometimes, got into a little skirmish last night when tackling a pi ship and the locals even wanted to get on more action too Big smile

Sometimes you spend less than 15 min and you get eyes on some action and sometimes you spend 2-3 h scanning with no luck Ugh
Obil Que
Star Explorers
Solis Tenebris
#318 - 2013-09-17 16:14:17 UTC
As a CEO of a relatively new corporation to wormhole space, perhaps I can offer a perspective different than that of people living in w-space at the higher levels. We currently occupy a C2 with static C1 and high-sec for the farming of the C1s and logistical advantages of high-sec. For us, as capsulers who have never run a L4 mission and were barely touching L3s, the ISK is a significant improvement to life in high-sec. The risk, we've found, comes primarily from roving gangs looking for PvP, not from the PvE.

1. Fix POS permissions. This is a primary limiting factory in my ability to recruit new players. I cannot reasonable generate a level of trust with anyone to give them access to the SMA and all our ships and without that, I find it hard to see why anyone would want to join us with such a restrictive set of permissions I would be willing to give them. I believe that this fix alone will create a large incentive for smaller corporations to expand. I don't see much how large corporations handle this problem since I barely can figure out how to handle it at the micro-level.

1a. Alliance bookmarks and more than 250 corporate bookmarks, please.

2. Add randomness to PvE. This would make it less farming and more engaging. I currently farm our C1 in a Vexor. Yes, a Vexor and have zero issues with it. I run our C2 in an Ishkur most days, solo. Having more random PvE would at least make that a more risky endeavor.

3. Have the sleepers attack our infrastructure. I like this idea a lot. It would give us more PvE options while also making occupying the wormhole feel more like something we have to manage. Right now the biggest risk to our infrastructure is some blob deciding they want to move in and us being slaughtered. Of course, it needs to be balanced. I don't want to wake up each day to find our tower reinforced because we keep getting attacked by the game when we're not online. No real fun in that. Activity breeds activity and when I'm on, the sleepers are angry.

4. I like the larger ideas posted here about making more drivers for content in w-space. I don't agree that PvP is what w-space is about. It seems much of the discussion is from those that simply think w-space should be for gudfights and nothing more. I disagree. I have embraced EVE again *because* of my ability to carve out a space in the universe in w-space that I could never do in high/low/null space. I choose to own it, defend it as best I can, and bring others along for the ride. Removing the ability to live in w-space would remove the sole reason I play this game. Making it all about fleet PvP also is not what *my* game is about. I like the occasional fight and it sends my heart racing but I also play to fight against the game itself.

5. Ore is, to me, the most useless thing in w-space right now. Too hard to mine, too big to haul, and too wasteful to refine. Either make new w-space ores or add moon goo to the mix but fix refining either way. Both give us a reason to mine at all. The ISK/hr benefit to w-space mining isn't there. They also need to be signatures, not anomolies in w-space.

6. Data/relic. Need to have some w-space specific loot that is actually worth something. What's in the cans now is pointless for the most part. Also, please remove the gas graphics. They are *horribly* slow and make collecting the cans an exercise in futility for some computers.

The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#319 - 2013-09-17 18:13:32 UTC
It was brought up once but I dont think the idea got very far but I think the addition of some more Tech 3 Hybrid items would do wonders.

I am not suggesting ships as I understand the massive difficulties in adding/balancing new ships. But a new group of modules would be nice. I find it hard to believe that weve been reverse engineering sleeper/Jovian tech for 4 years and we havent managed to come up with anything besides t3 cruisers. Nullsec officer modules are vasttly better despite being absed off of far inferior technology.

The addition of new modules/ammo that require the addition of sleeper components would be good for the game as a whole. New industrial ventures lead to activity. Why do 0.0 alliances fight over moons? because they are worth money. Why are they worth money? Because they are a integral part of tech 2 manufacturing. Having resources worth fighting provides a conflict driver.

A careful distinction is I am not suggesting we make T3 modules and just say they are better than t2. But perhaps they offer different qualities that make them better in the right circumstances. As an example I can take a a 425mm railgun, and rather than harden/upgrade it with morphite and t2, i integrate it with sleeper weapon system, allowing it to be more resistant to overheating,( a common theme for t3s), or extended range, however an important distinction is they deal less dmg than t2s, perhaps with tighter fittings etc.

To further improve this make the loot from sleepers vary by class. C1 and C2s are basic, their items are more easily integrated/reverse engineered and elad to improved but cheaper items. C3 and C4 are intermediate, with C5 and C6 having advanced, leading to the most powerful of items, but also being the most costly to work with.

Wormhole space isn't "broken" but years of no new content beyond hotfixes, have left WH space feeling fairly antiquated, the original appeal of the unknown gone by publicly available information making even the most difficult or interesting tasks feel like routine and boring.

The recommendations of removing Jcodes or named statics isnt an awful idea in my opinion, will it make it more difficult. Yup. but WH space is supposed to be difficult. and the additional work would be worth it for the added feeling of discovery it would bring.

Event Organizer of EVE North East

Goonswarm Federation
#320 - 2013-09-17 18:44:21 UTC
Obil Que wrote:

The ****? Swat still exists? Damn, though it died back in 08' when we got booted out of syndicate.

Make black holes have a different effect. The current effect is beyond ********, and no one wants to farm/live/pvp in one. If two hostiles meet in a black hole, they're just like nah, man, we'll do this another day, somewhere else.

Anyway, I'd like to see ore refining @ 100% in POS (with skills that give you 100% in empire), make all arrays equal rate just different cargo size (5k 40k 100k). Make refining cycles shorter or a lot longer with more volume. Doing 25k every 1.5h is annoying as hell. And yes, ore is mined in wh space, but mostly just for reactions (yes yes, bring the minerals in, blah blah blah, adapt and survive, blah blah blah).
On that note, add Ice belts to WH space. I know you're not gonna do it, but it makes sense and people are already going against your will inhabiting holes permanently, so you could give in and make ice available as well, CCP. Belts with all racial ices and all dat good **** that spawns in null.
Hell to the no to moon goo. No moon goo is what actually keeps the 0.0 folk from moving in, and that's good. Whs don't need more blobs.

Add random anomalies 1 class up and down to systems. Make them 1/4 as frequent as same class anoms. C6 gets C4 and C5 and C1 gets C2 and C3 wandering anomalies.
Make system site regen faster, somehow. Make empty holes get more sites than holes with a medium or large amount of sites, make sites despawn after a week. No more piling up sites and more incentive to kill them all off. Bad side of this is T3 production takes a hit in ISK, good side is T3s are cheaper.

Sleepers attacking infrastructure seems interesting, but will eventually just devolve to people having a certain pos setup that instapops sleepers, so no to that one. There is no point in that. Would be fun, but would get tedious.

Buff, don't nerf T3 cruisers. If I had a say, I'd ask CCP to make all of them viable options for pvp as well as pve - who uses a PvE proteus or a PvP tengu? Redistribute subsystem roles so all are viable options. Remove stupid and useless subsystems and replace them with useful stuff (ECMgu - why? We have a falcon. Fleet boost legion? Why, we can use an Eos, etc. In any case, T3s should see equal use of all subsystems, not 2 or 3 subs heavily used and the rest more or less neglected).
More T3 hulls and perhaps mods, T3 RIGS! I'd go for T3 battleships first, since frigs already have a lot of versatility and I doubt T3 frigs would really shake eve up. T3 BS, however, would. In any case, give WH production/industry some love. There is no downside.

POS stuff was already mentioned multiple times in the thread. Add more security! There are workarounds, sure, but tabs in the SMA would fix most problems. The reason most low-level corp theft happens in wormholes is due to the lack of security in a POS. There are workarounds, like having a noobie tower and whatnot, but it's annoying and time and resource consuming.

Data and relic sites are currently low profit, and need a change. No container droppings like in k-space, just make them open like jettisoned containers from ships after hacking. We already have to kill sleepers to get to the good stuff, so why torture us with the container drops? Seriously, the mechanic is annoying as hell, even in empire. Not to mention two people dragging the same container by accident if going at it with a friend. Either no sleepers and scatter container droppings, or sleepers and no more green/yellow/white dots everywhere. Totally stupid. Sure, we deal with it and pick all the good ones up, but it's annoying and diminishes the good vibe that was added with the hacking minigame (love that one). The loot seems fine right now, maybe make more decryptors spawn -especially caldari :P (C4 and above give great loot - aimed at the guy I quoted).

Scanning is fine and actually hasn't changed much, it's just slightly faster now. People complaining about it are utter morons that shouldn't be scanning anyway.

Add more w-space. Add more dedicated w-space servers to reduce socket closed bullshit. Add 1 or 2 k more systems, eve's population has moved up since their introduction, and so should the number of w-space systems. Make the new ones have more statics, or different properties, or a few more isolated than the loneliest C4 in eve. Don't change the core mechanics, just make our sandbox a bit bigger.

The ability to swap clones in a POS. Not a Re-life center, just jump clones.

-no moon goo, f that
-fix black holes, they suck. Red giants are also debatable, but they're not as broken as BH systems.
-fix POSes (security, refining, bugs, operational range, missile batteries being utter ****, etc.)
-more randomness in site spawning in a class of wh (C3 gets some C2 and some C4 anoms), but don't add randomness to the sites... it'll just be a month before all new things are accurately described in eve survival anyway
-more stuff to build with sleeper scrap, especially rigs out of sleeper salvage, to rile up the salvage market (and make salvage other than nanoribbons actually worth gathering)
-more T3, BS or BC come to mind
-remove annoying data/relic can mechanics with the 'old' container system. They should feel different to k-space cans
-all in all, I like w-space as it is, and would prefer if CCP didn't mess with it too much, since no changes are better than stupid changes that could ruin w-space, as CCP has proven their immaculate ability time and time again (boot.ini, no, you will never hear the end of that one)