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Do Level 4 missions pay too much compared to 1 through 3?

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Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#901 - 2013-09-08 06:24:13 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Well, I've seen "buff null" threads. Now, with there being more risk to null, I can certainly understand that the reward should be greater. If that is not the case then that is definitely an issue.

The problem is not the "buff null" threads. The problem are the "nerf hi sec" threads. I've seen various ones. Make lvl 4's require players to venture into low sec for the reward. Reduce the reward/bounties on lvl 4's since they take place in hi sec. etc. etc. If these people really don't care if hi sec people move into null, then why make a "nerf hi sec" thread? Why not make a "buff null" thread instead? Then there are the "make hi sec less secure" threads/posts. Fewer but there are some floating around.

Would you like to know why the right answer isn't "buff nullsec"?


Inflation is very, very bad for the game in general, and for new players in particular. (and the learning curve of this game is legendary as it is)

Here is why the other two are valid.

Highsec income is too high in relation not just to nullsec, but to lowsec and W-space as well. Highsec is the outlier here, not nullsec, so it should be balanced around the others.

Further, the root cause of highsec income being too high is not their gross income. It's their net income. Not in the sheer amount of money they can make, but in how little risk is involved, and how little overhead they have as well. Income can be measured as gross income minus costs (both initial and from risk/losses). So their lack of costs also contributes to inflation as well.

So, since highsec is:

A. too lucrative

B. too safe

Rather than savagely nerf both, many people, myself included, argue for smaller adjustments in both areas. I argue for giving wardecs more teeth. They are designed to be the risk in highsec. But since you can dodge them, you can eliminate the primary risk that was intended for that part of space. My own proposal some time ago was to generate several killrights on someone leaving a corp during a wardec.

Put the risk that was always supposed to be there back, and then we can see if the out of control highsec income falls back into place.

If not, then we can start talking about nerfing actual income.


High sec people (willfully) don't understand the mechanics of the situation. They don't know the history.

CCP buffed null with systems upgrades and it was a DISASTER that was rightfully nerfed. The buffed null with FW rewards and that got out of hand. The "mechanics" part that high sec people miss is force, players can use force to secure and then farm the hell out of content outside of high sec, which is why buff meant to broaden appeal of non-high sec areas never work and only serve to enrich the people already organized enough and ballsy enough to be there in the 1st place.

If you have an imbalance and you can't buff your way out of it, the only other option is to nerf the other end. The other end is high sec.

The changes don't have to be nerfs, they can be shifts (like away from liquid isk and towards LP for missions, -10% rewards, -10% bounties, - 10% time bonus, +30 LP for a rough example). A likewise shift in null can be -10% liquid isk bounties in anoms, +10 elevated chance for a faction spawn or escalation (which are the null anom versions of LP because they give material things rather than just isk). That means less isk coming into the game which creates more stable and sustainable growth that what we appear to have now.

But none of what I just typed means anything to the defenders of the unsutainable high sec status quo.


Is that really all that unreasonable?

Everything is unreasonable to unreasonable people lol.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#902 - 2013-09-08 06:26:38 UTC
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Tippia wrote:
stoicfaux wrote:
Tippia's numbers:
Bounty prizes: 896.34 billion ISK (up from 876.04 billion in 2010).
NPC buy orders: 337.4 billion ISK (n/a for 2010).
Incursion rewards: 301.8 billion ISK (and 4.7 million LP, n/a in 2010).
Insurance payouts: 125.8 billion ISK (up from 111.9 billion ISK in 2010).
Agent mission rewards: 74.68 billion ISK (up from 68.93 billion in 2010).
Agent mission bonuses: 71.21 billion ISK (up from 63.45 billion in 2010)

How much of that isk is made in high, low, and null? And what's the population breakdown by high/low/null? (My google-fu has failed me.)

Incursions are 92% highsec. Mission rewards and bonuses are in the same ballpark. NPC buy orders are at least 66% null (w-space to be accurate). The bounty-to-agent reward/bonus ratio has been estimated at roughly 3:1, which would mean half of the bounties come from missions and 90:ish percent of those being in highsec (but then, out-of-HS missions such as L5s and pirate missions tend to be more LP- and loot based than based on bounties so it could well be a higher portion than that).

The last (character) population breakdown I saw was 65% highsec, 8% low, 21% null, 6% w-space.
At the same time, 0.8 missions were run per day per subscriber (and 31% of the players had mission running as their primary activity, no info on character distribution). 5% had dabbled with incursions, but only 1% counted it as a primary activity. Unfortunately, FF2013 was more retrospective and really-long-term strokes, so most of the recent data we have is from FF2012 and Diagoras' tweeting spree in spring 2012.

(nts: 1058)

Any chance that for once you can provide a link that supports your post. I would on the normal face of things accept the above on face value, but you've done much to harm the credibility of your arguments throughout this thread hence my desire for real, peer reviewable facts that support your supposition.

It took you 3 hours to run 3 missions so poorly it makes me belive you were intentionally drawing them out , and Tippia is the one with the credibility problem.

That's just brilliant. I guess you can't clink on those links to Tippia's blog to follow the evidence trail.....
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#903 - 2013-09-08 06:29:19 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Captain Tardbar wrote:
My signature isn't about null sec. Its about people that use the world entitlement and have questions about morality. Are you saying that high-sec can't use the word entitlement?

Well you've made your claims, but you should acknowledge that people won't agree with you and that you should ask CCP to do their work not based on just your opinion or a vote of a certain block of players, but to examine the actual data they have access to and come to their own conclusions.

After all if you believe that your data is correct, then CCP should come to the same conclusion, no?

However, they should base their decision on data. Not your opinion.

Personally, I suspect they don't read threadnaughts as they have better things to do then to read 50 pages of trolling and counter trolling.

Your signature is a direct insult to nullsec. Highsec receives so many entitlements its not even funny. You can dock anywhere, magic super goku police protect you and you can AFK autopilot hence ~~~~Highsec is Safe~~~~. While in nullsec we are like a conservative paradise with our free markets. If you want to roleplay diplomat you have to act like one and change that sig to extend the olive branch.

I think we should be very clear here, there are facts and opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not to their own facts. The facts show that highsec brings in more income than nullsec, like I've said before Tippia, Malcanis and other well informed people provided this data.

So that means highsec reward is higher than nullsec reward and must be nerfed.

Are you Trolling now, none of the above have provided any facts whatsoever? A slim study based on an uber fitted Golem is hardly a satisfactory set of statistics. The rest of the posts of Malcanis and Tippia have been hot air used to defend an emotional opinion that on the face of it has very little substance. It's my own opinion that life is too good in Null and I should know as I am a null sec resident with JC all over the map.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Alavaria Fera
#904 - 2013-09-08 06:33:45 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
It took you 3 hours to run 3 missions so poorly it makes me belive you were intentionally drawing them out , and Tippia is the one with the credibility problem.

That's just brilliant. I guess you can't clink on those links to Tippia's blog to follow the evidence trail.....

Mabye if he was using a 60 billion isk raven?

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#905 - 2013-09-08 06:35:08 UTC
One does not simply call someone in a friendly argument intellectually dishonest.

If they behave like you, yes, I do.

If I didn't bother you so much, you should use less argumentative language like "you might not realize your mistakes, no offense, and I hope to help you see my point of view".

Again, your perception is incorrect. You are perceiving my telling you that you are wrong as hostility.

Also, I don't talk like that because I am not a teenage girl. It really doesn't matter to me whether someone finds what I say (or the tone in which I say it, lol) offensive or not.

Really, though. Read what you just wrote out loud. No one talks like that.

Hrm... One other thing. Though, are you are saying I've been trolled and that null sec really doesn't care about high-sec after all? If that is true then I suppose I've done my job.

No, I'm saying your repeated references to how much "change your sig" offends you are you not realizing that the request was made with no intent but to troll you. It really seems to have upset you, what's more.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#906 - 2013-09-08 06:36:10 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Captain Tardbar wrote:
Well when was the last time they listened to you personally and actually changed the game in some fashion?

And I mean personally as in just you.

What, on earth, does that have to do with anything?

Oh, and for your answer, that'd be more recent than you might imagine. Features and Ideas forum, for the win.

[Edit: But again, I would question why your statement above has any relevance to the topic.

He's utterly powerless. Please provide a link to the F&I thread in which you single handedly convinced CCP to write thousands of lines of code to change some aspect of the game that you thought needed a rebalance.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#907 - 2013-09-08 06:39:53 UTC
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Captain Tardbar wrote:
Well when was the last time they listened to you personally and actually changed the game in some fashion?

And I mean personally as in just you.

What, on earth, does that have to do with anything?

Oh, and for your answer, that'd be more recent than you might imagine. Features and Ideas forum, for the win.

[Edit: But again, I would question why your statement above has any relevance to the topic.

He's utterly powerless. Please provide a link to the F&I thread in which you single handedly convinced CCP to write thousands of lines of code to change some aspect of the game that you thought needed a rebalance.

Or... I might have been trolling him.


And, I did not say "singlehandedly". But I do post frequently in F&I, and I'd like to think I was part of the push for a "Round 2" of the industrial rebalance, which did a lot of good.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#908 - 2013-09-08 06:41:52 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:

Are you Trolling now, none of the above have provided any facts whatsoever? A slim study based on an uber fitted Golem is hardly a satisfactory set of statistics. The rest of the posts of Malcanis and Tippia have been hot air used to defend an emotional opinion that on the face of it has very little substance. It's my own opinion that life is too good in Null and I should know as I am a null sec resident with JC all over the map.

That "uber fitted Golem" was fitted with CN hardeners and CN damage mods and was using t1 ammo. So no, it was a run of the mill fit.
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#909 - 2013-09-08 06:45:19 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Tippia wrote:
stoicfaux wrote:
Tippia's numbers:
Bounty prizes: 896.34 billion ISK (up from 876.04 billion in 2010).
NPC buy orders: 337.4 billion ISK (n/a for 2010).
Incursion rewards: 301.8 billion ISK (and 4.7 million LP, n/a in 2010).
Insurance payouts: 125.8 billion ISK (up from 111.9 billion ISK in 2010).
Agent mission rewards: 74.68 billion ISK (up from 68.93 billion in 2010).
Agent mission bonuses: 71.21 billion ISK (up from 63.45 billion in 2010)

How much of that isk is made in high, low, and null? And what's the population breakdown by high/low/null? (My google-fu has failed me.)

Incursions are 92% highsec. Mission rewards and bonuses are in the same ballpark. NPC buy orders are at least 66% null (w-space to be accurate). The bounty-to-agent reward/bonus ratio has been estimated at roughly 3:1, which would mean half of the bounties come from missions and 90:ish percent of those being in highsec (but then, out-of-HS missions such as L5s and pirate missions tend to be more LP- and loot based than based on bounties so it could well be a higher portion than that).

The last (character) population breakdown I saw was 65% highsec, 8% low, 21% null, 6% w-space.
At the same time, 0.8 missions were run per day per subscriber (and 31% of the players had mission running as their primary activity, no info on character distribution). 5% had dabbled with incursions, but only 1% counted it as a primary activity. Unfortunately, FF2013 was more retrospective and really-long-term strokes, so most of the recent data we have is from FF2012 and Diagoras' tweeting spree in spring 2012.

(nts: 1058)

Any chance that for once you can provide a link that supports your post. I would on the normal face of things accept the above on face value, but you've done much to harm the credibility of your arguments throughout this thread hence my desire for real, peer reviewable facts that support your supposition.

It took you 3 hours to run 3 missions so poorly it makes me belive you were intentionally drawing them out , and Tippia is the one with the credibility problem.

That's just brilliant. I guess you can't clink on those links to Tippia's blog to follow the evidence trail.....

I shouldn't have to follow any evidence trail. It should be presented in order for us to understand a coherent argument. If I argued against or for global warming you would expect me to provide solid peer reviewable facts that either support my argument that warming is somehow happening or that it isn't. It's no good me saying to you to visit your local library or even worse get on the internet, or that google is your friend, because naturally enough I might not find the same sources that you are relying upon to support your argument. This is intellectual laziness or a big fat dishonesty shield....

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#910 - 2013-09-08 06:49:18 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Tippia wrote:
stoicfaux wrote:
Tippia's numbers:
Bounty prizes: 896.34 billion ISK (up from 876.04 billion in 2010).
NPC buy orders: 337.4 billion ISK (n/a for 2010).
Incursion rewards: 301.8 billion ISK (and 4.7 million LP, n/a in 2010).
Insurance payouts: 125.8 billion ISK (up from 111.9 billion ISK in 2010).
Agent mission rewards: 74.68 billion ISK (up from 68.93 billion in 2010).
Agent mission bonuses: 71.21 billion ISK (up from 63.45 billion in 2010)

How much of that isk is made in high, low, and null? And what's the population breakdown by high/low/null? (My google-fu has failed me.)

Incursions are 92% highsec. Mission rewards and bonuses are in the same ballpark. NPC buy orders are at least 66% null (w-space to be accurate). The bounty-to-agent reward/bonus ratio has been estimated at roughly 3:1, which would mean half of the bounties come from missions and 90:ish percent of those being in highsec (but then, out-of-HS missions such as L5s and pirate missions tend to be more LP- and loot based than based on bounties so it could well be a higher portion than that).

The last (character) population breakdown I saw was 65% highsec, 8% low, 21% null, 6% w-space.
At the same time, 0.8 missions were run per day per subscriber (and 31% of the players had mission running as their primary activity, no info on character distribution). 5% had dabbled with incursions, but only 1% counted it as a primary activity. Unfortunately, FF2013 was more retrospective and really-long-term strokes, so most of the recent data we have is from FF2012 and Diagoras' tweeting spree in spring 2012.

(nts: 1058)

Any chance that for once you can provide a link that supports your post. I would on the normal face of things accept the above on face value, but you've done much to harm the credibility of your arguments throughout this thread hence my desire for real, peer reviewable facts that support your supposition.

It took you 3 hours to run 3 missions so poorly it makes me belive you were intentionally drawing them out , and Tippia is the one with the credibility problem.

That's just brilliant. I guess you can't clink on those links to Tippia's blog to follow the evidence trail.....

If you check my posts you'll notice that the average completion time was 30 to 45 minutes with no blitzing, averaging at 37.5 minutes. This is not and does not represent playing badly.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Alavaria Fera
#911 - 2013-09-08 06:52:42 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Are you Trolling now, none of the above have provided any facts whatsoever? A slim study based on an uber fitted Golem is hardly a satisfactory set of statistics. The rest of the posts of Malcanis and Tippia have been hot air used to defend an emotional opinion that on the face of it has very little substance. It's my own opinion that life is too good in Null and I should know as I am a null sec resident with JC all over the map.

That "uber fitted Golem" was fitted with CN hardeners and CN damage mods and was using t1 ammo. So no, it was a run of the mill fit.

Why would you do that....

I think life is too good in high, and I have highsec characters with jump clones all over as well

my most expensive personal ship is safely in high, thankfully

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#912 - 2013-09-08 06:53:26 UTC
This is intellectual laziness or a big fat dishonesty shield....

No, it's you not wanting to click a link.

My personal thought on the matter is that the longer you have your head in the sand, the longer you can claim the sun does not exist.

Willful ignorance is both obvious and does little to bolster your argument, however.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#913 - 2013-09-08 06:56:15 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
This is intellectual laziness or a big fat dishonesty shield....

No, it's you not wanting to click a link.

My personal thought on the matter is that the longer you have your head in the sand, the longer you can claim the sun does not exist.

Willful ignorance is both obvious and does little to bolster your argument, however.

Read my posts, I've clicked the links early on in the thread, I even reposted them when Tippia wouldn't despite the fact that she was using them to support her argument lol. I didn't see any evidence there, just numbers that were not broken down enough by sec status or mission types to mean anything significant.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#914 - 2013-09-08 07:01:42 UTC
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
This is intellectual laziness or a big fat dishonesty shield....

No, it's you not wanting to click a link.

My personal thought on the matter is that the longer you have your head in the sand, the longer you can claim the sun does not exist.

Willful ignorance is both obvious and does little to bolster your argument, however.

Read my posts, I've clicked the links early on in the thread, I even reposted them when Tippia wouldn't despite the fact that she was using them to support her argument lol. I didn't see any evidence there, just numbers that were not broken down enough by sec status or mission types to mean anything significant.

He listed every mission, the time taken, the isk earned, the isk per minute, and the amount of times he got each mission. We also got total time and the isk earned as well as an earnings breakdown.

You cannot break the down any further than he did.
Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#915 - 2013-09-08 07:03:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Tardbar
Well, the if he really wanted me to change my sig it seemed like he was offended. I don't see how he could troll me if I was amused by his repeated requests.

You still haven't addressed the issue though... If whining is what drives changes in EVE, how are you going to push a nerf on 80% of the player base without a massive threadnaught that puts the exhumer ones to shame thus canceling your personal efforts.

Won't you need to sugar coat it someway with some tact and negotiations. Certainly calling the opposition dishonest doesn't seem to be making any friends. Had you said, "Well I know you might feel like we are attacking you personally, but we have no intention to hamper your style of game play in a major fashion. We would like some balance changes to make it more attractive for people to play in null sec. With the new phase of renting, anyone can now enjoy null sec without being involved in null politics so you too can get some benefits these changes".

I mean really, if you just name call and berate the opposition and get all uppity when they don't see your way is no surprise that people won't accept your ideas. And self congratulating each other on posts well done by like minded people won't solve the problem either. You need to reach out and try to negotiate with the other side

First things first... You need to stop calling it "Nerf Highsec". You need to call it "Balance Highsec". See that sounds much more acceptable and reasonable.

Secondly, you need to stop calling the other side derogatory things and come to terms they have needs and wants too.

Explain, in nice terms, that you feel that in order to promote a more healthy game, you would like to see changes that would require some sacrifices to prevent what you perceive as economic problems that will affect everyone negatively.

Say "I know you don't like the rising cost of ships and items just as much as me. We need to fight inflation by reducing isk faucets. I know it sounds like a reduction of income at first, but if we do this the price of ships won't go up as much."

And then offer these people ways of getting into Null sec themselves so that they too can enjoy the benefits of your life style.

Also, when a troll like myself comes along and says something snide, don't rise to the bait or attack the poster. Either ignore it or say something positive like "Haha. Well, I know EVE can be a harsh place, but we can come to an agreement if we work things out."

I'm not sure why I am spelling out this strategy out to you, but I think since I am not invested in the outcome of this debate, I would point out the most logical thing to start doing if you want to reduce the amount of whining that would occur if you pushed through your changes.

You need to win hearts and minds of the people, not make enemies. So stop using words like "intellectual dishonesty" and come up with positive terms like "intellectual conservation" or something.

Otherwise, how are you going to fight the threadnaughts that will occur and if CCP really listens to whining then you can't win that fight?

Looking to talk on VOIP with other EVE players? Are you new and need help with EVE (welfare) or looking for advice? Looking for adversarial debate with angry people?

Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#916 - 2013-09-08 07:03:50 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
This is intellectual laziness or a big fat dishonesty shield....

No, it's you not wanting to click a link.

My personal thought on the matter is that the longer you have your head in the sand, the longer you can claim the sun does not exist.

Willful ignorance is both obvious and does little to bolster your argument, however.

Read my posts, I've clicked the links early on in the thread, I even reposted them when Tippia wouldn't despite the fact that she was using them to support her argument lol. I didn't see any evidence there, just numbers that were not broken down enough by sec status or mission types to mean anything significant.

He listed every mission, the time taken, the isk earned, the isk per minute, and the amount of times he got each mission. We also got total time and the isk earned as well as an earnings breakdown.

You cannot break the down any further than he did.

But it's a narrow study centered around the use of a Golem, post 2 of one the threads was 'nerf the Golem'. It's statistically as insignificant as you guys keep on saying my own study is.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#917 - 2013-09-08 07:11:28 UTC
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:

But it's a narrow study centered around the use of a Golem, post 2 of one the threads was 'nerf the Golem'. It's statistically as insignificant as you guys keep on saying my own study is.

I see you have no grasp of sarcasm.

Again, you can replace the golem with a good number of other ships and the same or better results. If he had used an Eidolon you would have a point but he didn't, he used a golem which is a common ship in level 4 missions and can be replaced with many other ships for the same or better results.
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#918 - 2013-09-08 07:19:10 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:

But it's a narrow study centered around the use of a Golem, post 2 of one the threads was 'nerf the Golem'. It's statistically as insignificant as you guys keep on saying my own study is.

I see you have no grasp of sarcasm.

Again, you can replace the golem with a good number of other ships and the same or better results. If he had used an Eidolon you would have a point but he didn't, he used a golem which is a common ship in level 4 missions and can be replaced with many other ships for the same or better results.

Once again I ask you to provide me with some proof as the 'common ships' used for L4 missions. Is this the same as your so called 'common knowledge' you mentioned earlier on. If so this is merely hearsay or observation and as such is worthless when we are talking about peer reviewable facts.

What if I do a study in which I complete L4 missons in an Assault Frig? is it valid, of course not because it's untypical. All I am asking you for is what is typical. If it's so typical someone, somewhere must have writted a dev blog with some stats on the subject. Or someone must have pulled the data from an API somewhere. I've looked and cant see anything typical, which is why I am once again asking you to furnish me with some evidence to support what you believe is typical or common knowledge.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#919 - 2013-09-08 07:20:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Rather than savagely nerf both, many people, myself included, argue for smaller adjustments in both areas. I argue for giving wardecs more teeth. They are designed to be the risk in highsec. But since you can dodge them, you can eliminate the primary risk that was intended for that part of space. My own proposal some time ago was to generate several killrights on someone leaving a corp during a wardec.


Is that really all that unreasonable?

It was perfectly reasonable in 2009 and 2010 when me and others were asking for L4 nerfs directly in the mission sub-forum.

Since we brought in the only real and tangible numbers, CCP listened and they indeed quickly nerfed L4 missions (all secs, but more hi sec) which lost 15%-20% of their reward per nerf. Back at the time there were (if I recall correctly) 2-3 nerfs and then a later one.

Then came incursions and once again I and others noticed they were quickly destroying EvE's economy and another nerf campaign started. And succeeded.

Then came FW and their magic ISK fountains. I did not personally campaign (I was unsubbed if I recall correctly) but it was due.

Back to today: missions still *slightly* bring in too much ISK but for specific cases of outlier players who:

- keep researching the best LP/ISK valued mods
- keep grinding different standings up since those best mods change over time and are given by different corporations
- use high SP characters and good ships enough to survive full room aggro
- blitz.

Besides this is a kind of effort that needs a better reward than just spamming Caldary Navy missions in the same basic hub, making lots of ISK through blitzing is not an economy breaker, as LP items are an ISK sink and blitzing missions yields to no NPC deaths => no bounty => no faucets besides the smallish mission completion prize (easily undone by LP items ISK prizes).

It's also quite suspicious to see nerf calling on a specific niche of content that... is not in sov null sec.

I mean, those calling for the nerf *at the moment* are not former heavy missioners like myself who had foresight to defend EvE's economy, but entities that have no missions in their territory.

This is why CCP nerfed *their* own unique PvE content, as it's as bad for the economy as missions are (less people doing it, more revenue doing it though) as it's another ISK faucet.

To compound this all, as also recently discussed on Market Discussions, EvE uses the so called "wallets segregation" tecnique to make endless ISK production less of a treat.

The net result is that in these days we assist to a number of important markets going down (minerals), and PLEX staying steady. PLEX is a very good indicator of EvE's economy. PLEX is also a great tool for the Good Doctor to strenghten EvE's economy, as he has just to burn some confiscated PLEXes to undo inflative trends.

So in the end, it WAS necessary to nerf L4 missions, several times in a row, but now it's not. Not at the moment. An hot period like Christmas should be a better indicator, then the results being reported at next Fanfest would speak by themselves.

Those are the only results the count, those in the hand of the Good Doctor.

All the rest is biased talk that has no place in a serious economy rebalance.

(Edit: it's now 2+ years I don't do any mission any more. It's boring and low revenue content much useful to start up as a player but then proper ISK venues easily take over so I dropped them.
I am surprised seeing all those 2005-6 players who seem to still be stuck doing L4 missions like they are a mannah, it's not credible at all).
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#920 - 2013-09-08 07:25:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Little Dragon Khamez
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Rather than savagely nerf both, many people, myself included, argue for smaller adjustments in both areas. I argue for giving wardecs more teeth. They are designed to be the risk in highsec. But since you can dodge them, you can eliminate the primary risk that was intended for that part of space. My own proposal some time ago was to generate several killrights on someone leaving a corp during a wardec.


Is that really all that unreasonable?

It was perfectly reasonable in 2009 and 2010 when me and others were asking for L4 nerfs directly in the mission sub-forum.

Since we brought in the only real and tangible numbers, CCP listened and they indeed quickly nerfed L4 missions (all secs, but more hi sec) which lost 15%-20% of their reward per nerf. Back at the time there were (if I recall correctly) 2-3 nerfs and then a later one.

Then came incursions and once again I and others noticed they were quickly destroying EvE's economy and another nerf campaign started. And succeeded.

Then came FW and their magic ISK fountains. I did not personally campaign (I was unsubbed if I recall correctly) but it was due.

Back to today: missions still *slightly* bring in too much ISK but for specific cases of outlier players who:

- keep researching the best LP/ISK valued mods
- keep grinding different standings up since those best mods change over time and are given by different corporations
- use high SP characters and good ships enough to survive full room aggro
- blitz.

Besides this is a kind of effort that needs a better reward than just spamming Caldary Navy missions in the same basic hub, making lots of ISK through blitzing is not an economy breaker, as LP items are an ISK sink and blitzing missions yields to no NPC deaths => no bounty => no faucets besides the smallish mission completion prize (easily undone by LP items ISK prizes).

It's also quite suspicious to see nerf calling on a specific niche of content that... is not in sov null sec.

I mean, those calling for the nerf *at the moment* are not former heavy missioners like myself who had foresight to defend EvE's economy, but entities that have no missions in their territory.

This is why CCP nerfed *their* own unique PvE content, as it's as bad for the economy as missions are (less people doing it, more revenue doing it though) as it's another ISK faucet.

To compound this all, as also recently discussed on Market Discussions, EvE uses the so called "wallets segregation" tecnique to make endless ISK production less of a treat.

The net result is that in these days we assist to a number of important markets going down (minerals), and PLEX staying steady. PLEX is a very good indicator of EvE's economy. PLEX is also a great tool for the Good Doctor to strenghten EvE's economy, as he has just to burn some confiscated PLEXes to undo inflative trends.

So in the end, it WAS necessary to nerf L4 missions, several times in a row, but now it's not. Not at the moment. An hot period like Christmas should be a better indicator, then the results being reported at next Fanfest would speak by themselves.

Those are the only results the count, those in the hand of the Good Doctor.

All the rest is biased talk that has no place in a serious economy rebalance.

Agreed +1 Well said.

Edit, I would further add that since 2009/2010 we have had periods of runaway inflation in Eve due to other changes such as the Russian drone regions being changed. Mission rewards such as completion fees and bounties have to my knowledge, never been altered so in real terms the buying power of the average mission runner has dropped significantly. Yes I am aware that salvage values have increased which is some compensation, but not everyone salvages as spending the time on another mission instead is considered better value.

Also so far not one person has noted the fact that null residents who take part in PVP frequently salvage their enemies defeated ships and wrecks and make a good income from dropped loot which is better quality than anything dropped by an NPC. Indeed when I first joined the game I was told that PVP was the way to make really good money. I am aware however that such activity doesn't affect the economy in any meaningful way as it's merely the transferal of assets from one player to another, but it shouldn't be overlooked.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...