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Matar Ronin
#1 - 2013-09-06 07:20:34 UTC
Sanmatar, it is a noble regal title from our antiquity, a title that denotes a solemn responsibility to the Matari people, and in the modern context, to the Minmatar Republic.

To symbolize the reunification of the seven tribes restoring the title of Sanmatar was a brilliant idea, and it could have been an event that was celebrated by Matari everywhere. The title should have been bestowed upon the individual who had proven his or her worth to the Matari people and the Minmatar Republic.

Sadly this noble title has been recalled by a politician to embrace as his own for what has proven to be selfish reasons. In doing this he without doubt demonstrates his unworthiness to shoulder the true obligation required of a legitimate Sanmatar, the absolute unswerving resolve to place the good of the Matari above any personal advantage or profit.

What has our self promoted Sanmatar accomplished since taking control of the Minmatar Republic? Has he promoted wide successful educational opportunities, vibrant civic improvement programs on every planet in the Republic, effective relocation programs for the recently emancipated that treat them with the human dignity they deserve while giving them a path towards full participation in the growth of the Republic?

No, only a small minimal amount of these things have been done, because more isk has been spent on warships, and clone soldiers than on housing, and education. More isk spent on rockets, missiles, and capsuleer training then on healthcare, senior programs, and prenatal care.

Our current foolhardy conflict with the Gallente implemented on the watch of our esteemed Sanmatar has created more orphans, and more single parent homes from those lost in battle against our only proven friend in all of New Eden.

The time has come for the Matari to demand that a legitimate, accountable Sanmatar that can unify the parliament to do something more than just fight never ending wars. A Sanmatar capable of convincing the parliament to prioritize making the Minmatar Republic a beacon of equalitarian righteousness dedicated to not only protecting itself but equally committed to improving the lives of all it's citizens.

Despite what our current politicians may believe or hope, Sanmatar is not a title they can just assume, it must be earned and bestowed by the people.

‘Vain flame burns fast/and its lick is light/Modest flame lasts long/and burns to the bone.’

" We lost a war we chose not to fight." Without a doubt this is the best way to lose any war and the worst excuse to explain the beating afterwards.

Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#2 - 2013-09-06 15:22:40 UTC
As I said in my good friend and colleague's thread, I'm loathe to bring these issues into the public arena. However, the actions of our leaders since they unceremoniously deposed the Midular administration have shown to be counterproductive to the overall strength and stability of the Minmatar nation.

It's time for us to demand answers from the Tribal Council and the Sanmatar as to why they've acted as they have and to learn what their plans are for the future. Should we find those answers not to our satisfaction then we should speak with our Clan and Tribal Elders to demand that those responsible for the debacles over the years be replaced by people who will act in the best interests of our people.

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Isis Dea
Society of Adrift Hope
#3 - 2013-09-06 16:04:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Isis Dea
For all our power provided within our immortality, we are powerless to act on behalf of our people in ousting a corrupt figure.

To this day, I still mourn the loss of Midular and the voice she carried, the vision she dared to brawl for our Republic.

I came to the Gallente (among many reasons, much of which involving a score to settle) hoping to get a grasp of checks and balances where within our Republic we clearly lack them.

Else one of our Thukker immortals would have strolled into this selfish man's chamber and ended his reign of power. If only there was another way. Karin knew other ways...

Sadly we're powerless to intervene as it stands.

Unless... there was some kind of movement.

Some kind of deportation of people or resources provided by this man's stations. A figured that could be monitored by the Assembly as a movement made by the Matari immortals to cause havoc or movement within the Republic.

Moving massed goods to Gallente space to sell at cheap pricing or trash directly (implying simply leaving at a station free from any action in the books). Mind you, only good provided by the native ((NPC)) vendors would be targeted or considered, so as to break any chance of another Immortal prospering by this affair.

This movement could be viewed a gesture of faith in our Sanmatar to push for restoring and unifying our Republic, or for the call to step down in light of someone better suited. If nothing is done because of this movement, we can further confirm the selfish visions of this Sanmatar.

Your move, Summit.

More Character Customization :: Especially compared to what we had in 2003...

Constantin Baracca
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#4 - 2013-09-06 17:06:31 UTC
Isis Dea wrote:
For all our power provided within our immortality, we are powerless to act on behalf of our people in ousting a corrupt figure.

To this day, I still mourn the loss of Midular and the voice she carried, the vision she dared to brawl for our Republic.

I came to the Gallente (among many reasons, much of which involving a score to settle) hoping to get a grasp of checks and balances where within our Republic we clearly lack them.

Else one of our Thukker immortals would have strolled into this selfish man's chamber and ended his reign of power. If only there was another way. Karin knew other ways...

Sadly we're powerless to intervene as it stands.

Unless... there was some kind of movement.

Some kind of deportation of people or resources provided by this man's stations. A figured that could be monitored by the Assembly as a movement made by the Matari immortals to cause havoc or movement within the Republic.

Moving massed goods to Gallente space to sell at cheap pricing or trash directly (implying simply leaving at a station free from any action in the books). Mind you, only good provided by the native ((NPC)) vendors would be targeted or considered, so as to break any chance of another Immortal prospering by this affair.

This movement could be viewed a gesture of faith in our Sanmatar to push for restoring and unifying our Republic, or for the call to step down in light of someone better suited. If nothing is done because of this movement, we can further confirm the selfish visions of this Sanmatar.

Your move, Summit.

I'm afraid this may have something to do with us. It seems even when you are not enslaved, the Matari seem to have arrested development due to the Amarr.

From what I understand, every call for the Sanmatar and Tribal Council to answer for their poor performance is generally met with a chorus that involves the Empire. I cannot say I have my finger completely on the pulse, mind you, so do correct me if I am wrong. However, I have generally concluded that the Minmatar Republic's domestic issues are directly affected by military spending.

Take, for instance, the Elder Fleet. The money spent to build it could have been spent on infrastructure for your people. Instead, the Elder Fleet freed a few million more mouths to feed. Not necessarily a bad thing, but considering the money was not spent on infrastructure anyway, it puts a large strain on the Republic's ability to provide domestic services.

It's actually why we've seen some repatriation back to the Empire. Imperial infrastructure has always been strong, so some people were simply getting a better deal as slaves. I told most to look into the Gallente and Caldari ways of life before doing so if they came to me, but we did receive a significant amount of those Matari back.

So, to your point, I think the issue is a fixation on us. Perhaps an understandable one, but our name seems to be a good excuse for every bad decision your leadership makes. Or it might be that the fear of us keeps the Minmatar Republic following its leaders.

Even as threatening as the Amarr Empire can be, I think it is only a capsuleer's perspective that might make one think the Empire may only be the second most significant threat to the Republic. When you see it all from the outside, it seems obvious.

Then again, I am an Amarr hearing only complaints here from capsuleers and what I can gather from those Matari I minister to. My perspective is certainly that of an outsider's, and I mean no offense if I got it wrong. I would like to be corrected, if that is the case.

"What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?"

-Matthew 16:26

Matar Ronin
#5 - 2013-09-06 18:15:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Matar Ronin
Clearly the undeniable evil of the Amarrian Slavery Cultists represents an ongoing threat to the liberty of all Matari. Their twisted self created wicked cult masquerading as a religion has unfortunately found root in some Matari minds weakened by long addiction to foul drugs forced into them by those same Amarrian Slavery Cultists.

The tragedy is that as long as the cancer of these Amarrian Slavery Cultists are allowed to metastasize within the body of humanity anywhere in New Eden, no Matari nor anyone else, other then the Cultists who are allowed unfettered movement in Concord controlled space, are safe. The horrifying open admission that drug weakened Matari are currently being transported back into the regions controlled by the Amarrian Slavery Cultists by shameless smooth talking Cult slave traders posing as clergy demonstrates how ineffective Concord is in this regard.

At a time when our Republic should be building relations with the Gallente and the Caldari to unify opposition to the Amarrian Slavery Cultists that could force Concord to legitimately label that regime as a criminal enterprise they choose to instead inflame hostilities between the Republic and the Gallente, and in the process completely missed an historic opportunity to broker a lasting fair peace between the Gallente and the Caldari.

Our Sanmatar should be making every political effort to change the policy of Concord that allows Amarrian Slavery Cultists safe passage around New Eden, they should be labeled criminal slavers and set upon by guns at every jump gate and station. Once their mobility is thus restricted they will become vulnerable, and eventually weakened enough to be eradicated, only then will humanity in New Eden be able to turn the page and close forever the chapter that this wretched Cult has inflicted upon a proud people.

We the capsuleer pilots and clone soldiers of the Minmatar Republic and the Matari people must demand our Sanmatar widen his vision and expand the scope of possibilities for the future of the cause of liberty and freedom in New Eden that will rally the people of the other two legitimate empires to our side in an effort to finally eradicate for evermore the Amarrian Slavery Cultists.

‘Vain flame burns fast/and its lick is light/Modest flame lasts long/and burns to the bone.’

" We lost a war we chose not to fight." Without a doubt this is the best way to lose any war and the worst excuse to explain the beating afterwards.

Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#6 - 2013-09-06 18:50:02 UTC
The hope for change through CONCORD was lost when your "Sanmatar," however skewed that word is from it's original meaning, ousted Karin Midular, and when Ambassador Keitan Yun essentially spat in the CONCORD Assembly's face. It seems to me you want to eliminate Amarr which, if that's the case, would confuse me since you also disapprove of Shakor's current policies even though that is essentially what he seems to desire most.

The whole issue with Colelie isn't that he made a poor judgement; the baseline Minmatar of the Republic seem to be perfectly fine with his actions against the Gallente. Though a few I've encountered wish it transpired differently, they mainly see his actions as justified. It's more an issue of misguided hate and anger than poor leadership, I believe. This general attitude among Matari in the Republic, and their willingness to lash out and anyone who doesn't do or speak as they wish is exactly why the "Amarrian Slavery Cultists" find it so impertinent to restructure the Matari race, instead of focusing on, say, the Gallente.

Certainly, as Baracca pointed out, the Amarr have some fault in things being the way they are. However, many seem to wave over the parts of history kept intact from our ancient times before the Amarrian occupation. The Minmatar people have always been a warring race, and it was a tenuous peace at best that kept the seven major tribes together. There were many tribes before that were simply exterminated or enslaved and assimilated before peace was forged on was kind of similar to the peace the current four major empires had before the attack on Yulai...

Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#7 - 2013-09-06 20:47:52 UTC
While I'm certainly no fan of the current regime in Pator let's not overstate things here. Shakor does not want to eradicate the Amarr from the universe. He does advocate the freeing of our people held in the Empire via force if necessary. I feel it's because he and the Elders did so, along with rescuing the Starkmanir and Nefantar, that he still enjoys at least some level of popular support. While we can accuse the Sanmatar of misappropriation of funds, carrying out unprovoked aggressive acts against sovereign entities, failure to address key domestic issues and alienating allies we can't accuse him of calling for or attempting to carry out genocide.

The fact that so many in the Republic (and I have no idea as to whether that number is a majority of the populace or not) still carry such deep-seated animosity towards the Amarr is most certainly the imperials' fault. There are many Matari, and not just the newly liberated either, who live with the consequences of imperial intervention in our affairs, myself included. It's easy for someone not directly affected by the legacy of imperial occupation and subjugation to say that we should simply "move on" or, that the invasion happened so long ago that it shouldn't matter. What these people fail to understand is that we see, feel and live with that legacy every day of our lives. Whether it's someone like me who will most likely never know her parents and family or the newly freed man reliant on Vitoc for survival, we live with the aftermath of imperial intervention every single day.

It's impossible for a wound to heal when it's being reopened on a regular basis.

That being said, I feel that we could at least begin the process of healing if we could begin to look inward, address our internal issues and thus find ways to make life more complete for every citizen. I'm not certain that could occur under a Shakor-led government.

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#8 - 2013-09-06 22:38:50 UTC
The argument can be, and has often been made that Shakor's focus on war is for the sake of defense (best defense is a good offense, etc.) and the pursuit of liberating slaves. However, I'm not going to argue against that. I hate to pose a hypothetical but I'm curious as to your answer, Ms. Rella; what do you think would happen if the Republic was successful in freeing all the slaves? What then? After years of hatred directed towards the Amarr, and a millennium of anguish because of them, would Shakor or the Elders stop short of genocide, or would they continue for the sake of defense and certainty that they'd never have to endure enslavement again? I would like to think a peace could be established but what I like to think isn't always reality.

Even if it is the Amarrians fault that there is such strong animosity against them, it is the Minmatar who are responsible for their own actions. Violence begets violence more often than not, but it is the victim who decides how they respond. Karin Midular tried to broker deals that brought spite from the majority of the Matari. Shakor brought war, albeit supposedly for a noble cause, at a great price for the Matari people yet he has held their support for the last five years. Yes, it is good that Nefantar and Starkmanir have been brought back from the ashes but this war rages on with no end in sight. Minmatar die every day in the low-sec regions for this goal of emancipation and I would wager there are more lives lost than freed as a result. The Minmatar people are slowly chipping away at themselves and their nation in the pursuit of this dream, destroying families and tiring the economy.

I'm not saying emancipation is an impossible goal, but the current means are not proving successful. Despite this, they garner so much support because of the hatred the Matari people have.

I am assuming in your second paragraph you are referring to people other than myself as I never said that the Matari can "simply 'move on,'" but that efforts should be taken to mend the wounds and find better ways to coexist in this universe with others. Allowing ourselves to brandish hatred as a means of survival isn't going to work. History matters, certainly, and we should learn from it. However, that does not mean we should live in the past. I certainly have marks on my past from Amarr; I did grow up in the Republic and was even enslaved (though I've recently found out during my piloting hiatus that it wasn't the Amarr who were responsible for that...) so I am quite aware of the terror and pain these issues cause.

With all that said, and I could say more but I'd be surprised if any cared to listen, I do agree whole-heartily with your last point that you made.

Anabella Rella wrote:
I feel that we could at least begin the process of healing if we could begin to look inward, address our internal issues and thus find ways to make life more complete for every citizen. I'm not certain that could occur under a Shakor-led government.

I will wish you and yours the best in this endeavor.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2013-09-06 22:39:54 UTC
If I might contribute some Federation views on this.

The biggest qualm we have with the Shakor administration is the secrecy and underhanded ways Shakor deals with us, his closest and oldest allies. We gave him trillions of ISK to aid the Republic and help it grow into a powerful nation that Matari can be proud to call their home, instead he used it to build warships and cement his power. He attacked Yulai without even consulting us first, leaving us unprepared and easily invaded by the State. He demanded we turn over Midular's assassin before the murderer was even processed as a criminal.

I can imagine Shakor would have his reasons, some of them good and some of them bad for doing all the things he did. Yet he would have a lot more success if he was more transparent to us about them. The Federation has admired the endurance and pride of the Matari and how far they have come in a relatively short time. Shakor doesn't need to treat people who would be open to discussing his plans like we are his enemies.

Meanwhile, we are constantly outreaching towards the Republic, inviting them on joint training sessions, trying to find new ways we can help them and so on and so forth.

Then you have his attitude towards liberating slaves. He sends the fleet to a planet, slaughters everyone that opposes him, and tells the Matari to either come with him or they will die too. Doesn't this sound more like that of the Amarr slavers than these Republic "Liberation" fleets? Granted freeing the rest of the slaves has been the goal of every Republic administration, but Shakor's methods are borderline genocidal, against the Amarr and his own people.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Matar Ronin
#10 - 2013-09-07 18:35:50 UTC
At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken.

Brothers, we must rise.

-Malaetu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head
Speaking before the Tribal Council
November 27th, YC 107

These words are familiar to any Minmatar Titan Ragnarok capsuleer pilot as they are etched indelibly onto a plaque welded into the inner hull of the main crew assembly room. As capsuleers we don't often walk the corridors of our ships and directly interface with our crews and or our passengers, but I do not know of one combat pilot that has not walked the full extent of the interior their Titan once construction was almost complete prior to accepting delivery. As capsuleers we have a unique perspective of being able to relate to both the humbling majesty that a walk around the multiple decks that compose a Titan imbue upon our human senses with their scale and power, and then the unparalleled ability to harness and control that world shattering power and feel that enormity as an extension of our individual physical being when piloting a Ragnarok.

We capsuleers are human beings afforded a perspective few others in the history of humanity have achieved, we can experience first hand the physical intimacy of our loved ones and then with equal physical intensity pilot the most powerful war ships ever built by human hands as if it were our natural body. But it takes years to master the skills to successfully pilot a Titan, years climbing the ladder from frigates to capital ships to super carriers is a long tough assent. To be effective every rung must be mastered on the way up.

Being Sanmatar is like being a Titan pilot, and the Minmatar Republic is his Ragnarok, and the Matari are the crew and passengers. Our Sanmatar is piloting the ship of state like he skipped rungs and never learned the entirety of the requisite skills. The haphazard course he has set us on is indicative of the lack of strategic insight he commands, a solo Titan does not deploy alone into combat. We need the support of another Titan or two as in the ships of state of the Gallente and the Caldari people to deploy with us to eradicate the cancer that is the Amarrian Slavery Cultists.

I have read here in these capsuleer forums the numerous predictable whimpering of the slavery cult apologists as they toss about the word genocide with wide eyed fear hoping to engender support for their morally bankrupt assertion that the slavery cult should not be eradicated from New Eden. To you all I say only simple minded hypocrites would harbor such notions, did not the empires join forces to eradicate the Sansha? Where were your cries of genocide when every world in New Eden was subject to their inhuman slaving predation? I submit your voices joined the chorus that demanded safety and security from their monstrous expansion, and the combined military might of the empires responded with overwhelming force and a uniform commitment to eradicate the infestation of Sansha.

Make no mistake, the expansionist Amarrian Slavery Cultists are no different from the Sansha in the real threat they represent to the freedom loving people of New Eden. One day it could be a sad final chronicle for the civilized people of New Eden if the lament of the last empire to fall is “They came for the Minmatar and we did nothing to help, they came for the Caldari and we did nothing to help, and now they are coming for us and there is no one left to help us.”

The very real threat to all the civilized people of New Eden that is the irrefutable evil of the Amarrian Slavery Cultists must be eradicated.

‘Vain flame burns fast/and its lick is light/Modest flame lasts long/and burns to the bone.’

" We lost a war we chose not to fight." Without a doubt this is the best way to lose any war and the worst excuse to explain the beating afterwards.

Motoko Kasaki
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#11 - 2013-09-07 19:04:37 UTC
Why exactly should The State align alongside the greatest threat to its existence, next to a nation that has a history of shooting its allies in the back and engaging in gunboat diplomacy of the worst kind, against a respected ally?
Our relationship with the Amarr may be born of necessity rather than any shared ideal, yet it is a long and prosperous relationship nonetheless. Should the Amarrians show signs of expansionism in our direction then we shall take steps. For the present however, I see no reason to turn on our oldest ally purely because they have some funny notions about property ownership.

The sansha presented a clear and present danger to the whole Cluster, the Amarrians do not.

Glory to the State.

Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#12 - 2013-09-07 19:49:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Elsebeth Rhiannon
I do not think we need a new Sanmatar.

I think we need a new Parliament and a new Prime Minister.

May I remind the good readers that Sanmatar Shakor came to power after a lot of government officials and parliament were awfully conveniently murdered and the Yulai incident threw us all off balance, right after the sitting Prime Minister had called for Shakor's removal from government? That he then called for removing the established system of government and its replacement by a vaguely defined "Tribal Council"?

What exactly is "tribal" about accepting without word the murders without trial of officials of the tribes, and then replacing the governing system of the tribes had agreed on by a system devised by one man's vision?

Keitan Yun and Malaetu Shakor would have you believe they know what the Minmatar nation was like before the Long Night. They would have you believe that what they are instituting is the "true Matari" way. This is nonsense. Not only can they not know any better than anyone else - that knowledge has been lost to us, stolen and starved and butchered and tortured to death by the Enemy - but even if what they state was true, we are not that nation anymore. The Long Night came, and it changed us, and the Matari we are now is not the Matari we were then. Living tradition matters more than secret knowledge of dead ways.

This foray into despotism and warmongering, under the guise of "tribal pride" and false claims into more traditional traditions than the established ways of living clans, has gone on long enough. I am a Sebiestor. My clan follows the Ways handed down to us by the previous generations, not the word of some Outsider about how we supposedly were some thousands of years ago. My leader was, and the Chief of my spirit still is, Prime Minister Karin Midular. I have no patience and no need for self-titled Sanmatars.

Elsebeth Rhiannon
Sebiestor Tribe
Warrior for the Republic
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#13 - 2013-09-07 20:15:55 UTC
Motoko Kasaki wrote:
Why exactly should The State align alongside the greatest threat to its existence, next to a nation that has a history of shooting its allies in the back and engaging in gunboat diplomacy of the worst kind, against a respected ally?
Our relationship with the Amarr may be born of necessity rather than any shared ideal, yet it is a long and prosperous relationship nonetheless. Should the Amarrians show signs of expansionism in our direction then we shall take steps. For the present however, I see no reason to turn on our oldest ally purely because they have some funny notions about property ownership.

The sansha presented a clear and present danger to the whole Cluster, the Amarrians do not.

The only other force, that present danger to the whole Cluster besides the sansha, is the Federation.
And this is why it must be destroyed.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Gallente Federation
#14 - 2013-09-07 20:23:42 UTC
and, Drink!

Not indicative of corporate policy unless otherwise stated.

Constantin Baracca
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#15 - 2013-09-07 20:29:11 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Motoko Kasaki wrote:
Why exactly should The State align alongside the greatest threat to its existence, next to a nation that has a history of shooting its allies in the back and engaging in gunboat diplomacy of the worst kind, against a respected ally?
Our relationship with the Amarr may be born of necessity rather than any shared ideal, yet it is a long and prosperous relationship nonetheless. Should the Amarrians show signs of expansionism in our direction then we shall take steps. For the present however, I see no reason to turn on our oldest ally purely because they have some funny notions about property ownership.

The sansha presented a clear and present danger to the whole Cluster, the Amarrians do not.

The only other force, that present danger to the whole Cluster besides the sansha, is the Federation.
And this is why it must be destroyed.

Does anyone else feel as if we are playing the six-degrees-of-the-Federation-must-be-destroyed?

In a way, I wish I could test Diana. We should write an essay over local authorities' differing methods of warp-ion disposal to see if she can somehow call for the Federation's destruction.

"What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?"

-Matthew 16:26

Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#16 - 2013-09-08 01:22:27 UTC
Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
I do not think we need a new Sanmatar.

I think we need a new Parliament and a new Prime Minister.

May I remind the good readers that Sanmatar Shakor came to power after a lot of government officials and parliament were awfully conveniently murdered and the Yulai incident threw us all off balance, right after the sitting Prime Minister had called for Shakor's removal from government? That he then called for removing the established system of government and its replacement by a vaguely defined "Tribal Council"?

What exactly is "tribal" about accepting without word the murders without trial of officials of the tribes, and then replacing the governing system of the tribes had agreed on by a system devised by one man's vision?

Keitan Yun and Malaetu Shakor would have you believe they know what the Minmatar nation was like before the Long Night. They would have you believe that what they are instituting is the "true Matari" way. This is nonsense. Not only can they not know any better than anyone else - that knowledge has been lost to us, stolen and starved and butchered and tortured to death by the Enemy - but even if what they state was true, we are not that nation anymore. The Long Night came, and it changed us, and the Matari we are now is not the Matari we were then. Living tradition matters more than secret knowledge of dead ways.

This foray into despotism and warmongering, under the guise of "tribal pride" and false claims into more traditional traditions than the established ways of living clans, has gone on long enough. I am a Sebiestor. My clan follows the Ways handed down to us by the previous generations, not the word of some Outsider about how we supposedly were some thousands of years ago. My leader was, and the Chief of my spirit still is, Prime Minister Karin Midular. I have no patience and no need for self-titled Sanmatars.

Elsebeth Rhiannon
Sebiestor Tribe
Warrior for the Republic

My heart fills with hope at reading this. May your Tribe survive this long winter, and in its springtime return to the fields it once tended.
Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#17 - 2013-09-08 07:02:25 UTC
Motoko Kasaki wrote:
Why exactly should The State align alongside the greatest threat to its existence, next to a nation that has a history of shooting its allies in the back and engaging in gunboat diplomacy of the worst kind, against a respected ally?
Our relationship with the Amarr may be born of necessity rather than any shared ideal, yet it is a long and prosperous relationship nonetheless. Should the Amarrians show signs of expansionism in our direction then we shall take steps. For the present however, I see no reason to turn on our oldest ally purely because they have some funny notions about property ownership.

The sansha presented a clear and present danger to the whole Cluster, the Amarrians do not.

First of all pilot, I don't recall any Minmatar asking for your so-called "help".

Second, justify your relationship any way you like but, your "allies" have what they consider a sacred duty to subjugate all of humanity, including all those living in the State. They make no secret of what their goal is. They never have. It's a part of their religion, their philosophy, their popular culture. Perhaps you should take them at their word and see them as a threat since they've flat out told you that they'd come for you one day.

And just for the record; while I despise the Amarr at least they do what they do out of a deeply held sense of duty and obedience to their deity. The Caldari are aligned with them for the most base motive--to make money.

Perhaps when the slave transports arrive in Jita you can remind them of your alliance or, offer them money to leave peacefully. I'm sure they'll totally listen.

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#18 - 2013-09-08 07:55:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Eran Mintor
Anabella Rella wrote:
First of all pilot, I don't recall any Minmatar asking for your so-called "help".

Second, justify your relationship any way you like but, your "allies" have what they consider a sacred duty to subjugate all of humanity, including all those living in the State. They make no secret of what their goal is. They never have. It's a part of their religion, their philosophy, their popular culture. Perhaps you should take them at their word and see them as a threat since they've flat out told you that they'd come for you one day.

And just for the record; while I despise the Amarr at least they do what they do out of a deeply held sense of duty and obedience to their deity. The Caldari are aligned with them for the most base motive--to make money.

Perhaps when the slave transports arrive in Jita you can remind them of your alliance or, offer them money to leave peacefully. I'm sure they'll totally listen.

I respect the determination of the Matari but, whether or not they ask for help, you should not shrug off outside assistance so easily in my opinion. You may not like outsiders opinions or offers, but outsiders are often the only ones keeping our dreams afloat. See the Gallente and other organizations as an example...we could pose examples and questions as to how the Minmatar would be without such help but, rather than diving into hypotheticals, I feel the obvious presence of reality will remind you of the worst. The Rebellion would not have happened without them.

You know, things could be much worse.

You can disregard all the help and offers that have been made-your pride may warrant this; but if it wasn't for any so-called "help," we, as a people, wouldn't be able to present our opinions at all.

Moving on though, I haven't seen any Amarr claim they'd move onto the Caldari next. If anything, they'd move onto the Gallente next because that is the second greatest threat to their safety. Put as many words into the mouths of those you hate but, until you have proof, I'd be very doubtful of the connections you make.

The Caldari State has much more reason for being aligned with the Amarr Empire than "money," but if you must simplify it to serve your own means and dehumanize the enemy then there is nothing I can do to stop your ignorance.

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#19 - 2013-09-08 08:41:56 UTC
We are aligned with the Empire because the Republic joined forces with our hereditary enemies, forming a bloc larger than we could handle militarily.

Being cunning and wise in the ways of the cluster, our leaders neutralised this threat by siding with the Amarr Empire.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#20 - 2013-09-08 09:39:05 UTC
Anabella Rella wrote:

First of all pilot, I don't recall any Minmatar asking for your so-called "help".

Second, justify your relationship any way you like but, your "allies" have what they consider a sacred duty to subjugate all of humanity, including all those living in the State. They make no secret of what their goal is. They never have. It's a part of their religion, their philosophy, their popular culture. Perhaps you should take them at their word and see them as a threat since they've flat out told you that they'd come for you one day.

And just for the record; while I despise the Amarr at least they do what they do out of a deeply held sense of duty and obedience to their deity. The Caldari are aligned with them for the most base motive--to make money.

Perhaps when the slave transports arrive in Jita you can remind them of your alliance or, offer them money to leave peacefully. I'm sure they'll totally listen.

Speaking purely in a hypothetical scenario, if the State and Republic were to pursue a strategic political and military alliance I would say it would create a new status quo where the State and Republic together are able to maintain parity or above parity against either the Empire or Federation alone. Since it's extremely unlikely the Federation or Empire will ally together due to the deep divergence in their ideological foundations it would mean an inability by either alone to launch continued offensive action against a united State-Republic front.

The reasons I think such an alliance is impossible is because of Matari like yourself whom make it impossible. You denigrate the State and its citizens, attributing everything that it does is out of what might be said to be base motives -- to make money as you put it -- without taking into account the historical or political factors that guide CEP decision making. The State alliance with the Empire was made at a time when the Caldari State had been in a century of conflict with the Federation. It was signed in compact with Emperor Heideran who espoused the promotion of peace and the status quo, to the point he was instrumental in the formation of the CONCORD Assembly to promote those values.

If the State and the Caldari people had to choose at the time between a Federation that had displayed its own willingness to seek their subjugation through force and violence for over a century, or an Empire that espoused peace and accord then it's unsurprising the State chose alliance with the Empire at the time. Does this mean it will always remain so? It would be dependent on what the Empire decides upon as its foreign policies. If the Empire decides to embark upon a more belligerent or bellicose foreign policy in general, and towards the Minmatar Republic specifically, then certainly that might require a re-assessment of the current State-Empire accord. I do not believe the State has either the desire or the ability to assist the Empire in a military Reclaiming against the Republic.

However the measure of State intervention, if at all in the matter, will always be dependent on the governments of the Empire and Republic themselves. Whilst I'm personally ambivalent in having Caldari blood shed in the name of the Empire, I'm just as ambivalent in having Caldari blood shed in the defense of a Matari people who have continued to show outright hostility against the Caldari people and who, much like yourself, display a willingness to engage in continued demonizing and insults towards it.

If the Matari want the assistance of the State then at least be willing to show a modicum of respect towards it -- as the Empire at least have done -- and seek to understand the position its people and leaders feel they are in. For if all that is displayed is overt hostility and insulting attitudes don't be upset if all that is received is ambivalence in kind.


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