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Do Level 4 missions pay too much compared to 1 through 3?

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March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#741 - 2013-09-06 10:58:02 UTC
Onictus wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
La Nariz wrote:

~~~~Highsec is Safe~~~~

Highsec is not safe. Concord guarantees retribution, not defense.

sounds like safety to me.

i dunno about you but safety for me means "I"M AND MY STUFF IS SAFE". When i got killed or my stuff got destroyed/stolen it is not safety. Yes, aggressor is punished but this won't return ME or MY STUFF in intact state.

It's like killing your killer. Does it matter to you when you already dead? Can you say "i'm safe" because there will be 2 dead persons after aggression and not one?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#742 - 2013-09-06 11:55:53 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Onictus wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
La Nariz wrote:

~~~~Highsec is Safe~~~~

Highsec is not safe. Concord guarantees retribution, not defense.

sounds like safety to me.

i dunno about you but safety for me means "I"M AND MY STUFF IS SAFE". When i got killed or my stuff got destroyed/stolen it is not safety. Yes, aggressor is punished but this won't return ME or MY STUFF in intact state.

It's like killing your killer. Does it matter to you when you already dead? Can you say "i'm safe" because there will be 2 dead persons after aggression and not one?

Don't worry, his is just a L2P issue. EvE has many facets, security and retribution being *different* is a concept many fail to grasp, even some vets on this thread.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#743 - 2013-09-06 12:11:00 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Malcanis wrote:
I didn't say it was a problem... I say nothing as to whether it's a problem or whether it isn't.

Then thanks for the comparison on apples and oranges. As I said before, I don't find the fact that mission running hubs generally produce more wealth for individuals than R64 moons produce wealth for alliances relevant. And I would also expect this to be the case.

The data is in this thread.

I have yet to see relevant data showing there is (or will be a problem) where no problem has even yet been identified. The closest I have come to seeing this mysterious data is in the form of comments claiming that the data is in the thread.

I think the enraged denials, the dishonest attempts to twist the figures and laughably obvious attempts to obfuscate the issues say all that needs to be said.
Considering that the dishonest attempts to twist figures and obfuscate the issues are coming from the usual anti-hi-sec camp individuals, I have to say, I whole-heartedly agree with you.

But since you're actually directing this to me and/or those that like me, have asked for the data showing there is (or there will be a problem), this does not constitute "enraged denial". Mind you, we're on page 37 with no relevant data to show for, other than "it's in the thread". And just because someone labels his opinions as "fact" or "logical" doesn't magically make them so.

And if it doesn't, Upton Sinclair did
If this was directed at me, you'll have to find another more appropriate quote, as I make the vast majority of my income through moons.

Cute signature, though. How are the scorpions coming along P?

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#744 - 2013-09-06 12:30:41 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Highsec has concord which 100% kills gankers
Therefore ganking is riskless
Therefore highsec is dangerous

Highsec has concord which 100% kills gankers
Therefore bumping on an npc corp alt is riskless
Therefore highsec is dangerous

These is an...insanity.... that comes from high sec people, I've taken to calling it "High Psychosis" Cool.

Of course iot has nothing to do with where a player lives in a video game, High Sec attracts a certain type (or types) of people I personally just cannot stand. The Type(s) that can't understand why people would shoot at them in a game that starts you out with a free ship with a gun on it for instance. It just says a lot about a person when their too weak to risk losing something in a video game (it also says something that most games like this don't even really allow loss...)

Of all the idiotic and outrageous claims these people make, I don't know which is stupider. The "null sec is safe, high sec is the place that's really dangerous" idea is up there (despite the fact that null has 1/7th High sec's population but 7 times more ship deaths per year), but more likely the "any idea you have that I don['t like is just you not liking my playstyle and wanting easy targets in null" craziness probably wins....
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#745 - 2013-09-06 12:35:34 UTC
ashley Eoner wrote:
Dumb ****

Sure, I'll seek help, as soon as people like you who believe it's some vast conspiracy to get you to the null sec section of a video game check in to the same clinic. The claim you people make is tired and crazy.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#746 - 2013-09-06 12:37:37 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Sergeant Acht Scultz wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Caliph Muhammed wrote:

Yeah its demonstrable in game. Go kill a rat in hisec, note the payout, then go to null and kill the same class of rat. Its x3-x4 more per kill.

No it isn't. It's about 25% or 30% more for the exact same rat in a belt compared to a mission deadspace. Top tier belt BS rats pay 1.9M ISK bounty (eg: Guristas Massacerers; the same rat pays about 1.3M in a mission)

Anomaly and plex rats pay the same (0% more) as mission rats.

What this means is only that null sec anom rats need to get a huge buff to their bounties considering the risk involved "farming" them.

Also we should get pirate LP for shooting them, and an additional ISK bonus for clearing them. And another bonus if we can do them really quickly.

But getting all that extra stuff would just turn anomalies into missions and......

.....I see what you did there Cool
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#747 - 2013-09-06 12:45:02 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Onictus wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
La Nariz wrote:

~~~~Highsec is Safe~~~~

Highsec is not safe. Concord guarantees retribution, not defense.

sounds like safety to me.

i dunno about you but safety for me means "I"M AND MY STUFF IS SAFE". When i got killed or my stuff got destroyed/stolen it is not safety. Yes, aggressor is punished but this won't return ME or MY STUFF in intact state.

It's like killing your killer. Does it matter to you when you already dead? Can you say "i'm safe" because there will be 2 dead persons after aggression and not one?

You enjoy competitive safety yes.

You don't live in low
You don't live in NPC null
You don't live in a worm hole
You don't live in sov null

You. Are. Safe.

Compared to every other area in the game, and check my recent losses against how much I give a **** about ships getting dead.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#748 - 2013-09-06 12:45:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Malcanis
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
I didn't say it was a problem... I say nothing as to whether it's a problem or whether it isn't.

Then thanks for the comparison on apples and oranges. As I said before, I don't find the fact that mission running hubs generally produce more wealth for individuals than R64 moons produce wealth for alliances relevant. And I would also expect this to be the case.

The origin of the topic came up because EC2 "Let me tell you about 0.0 despite never having been there" Hawkeye asserted that moongoo was more economically significant than missioning. I provided him with better information. (Note how I mistakenly thought at that time that R64s are about twice as good as they actually are, and I have since corrected that error in my post to you).

He was utterly wrong and he and his ilk have spent the lest 20 pages of this thread talking circles around the indisputable fact that he was utterly wrong.

NB Can I also refer you to my post on the very first page of this thread:
Malcanis wrote:
The pay is fine; the risks are far too low.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#749 - 2013-09-06 12:45:55 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
Onictus wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
La Nariz wrote:

~~~~Highsec is Safe~~~~

Highsec is not safe. Concord guarantees retribution, not defense.

sounds like safety to me.

i dunno about you but safety for me means "I"M AND MY STUFF IS SAFE". When i got killed or my stuff got destroyed/stolen it is not safety. Yes, aggressor is punished but this won't return ME or MY STUFF in intact state.

It's like killing your killer. Does it matter to you when you already dead? Can you say "i'm safe" because there will be 2 dead persons after aggression and not one?

Don't worry, his is just a L2P issue. EvE has many facets, security and retribution being *different* is a concept many fail to grasp, even some vets on this thread.

Nope. CONCORD does provide safety. In the same way that I do IRL. The existence of Concord means that people don't shoot other people when otherwise they would. CONCORD like real life police forces and laws can't provide absolute safety, but they do deter crime. Places without laws and police forces suffer astronomically higher rates of murder than place that do have them.

The proof of this is EVE online's "murder rate" so to speak. EVERY part of EVE space outside of high sec has much higher rates of ships being killed than high sec. That leads to one conclusion: when given the chance, more people shoot at each other when their is no consequence than when their is a consequence.

Saying CONCORD doesn't give protection is the exact same thing as saying "murder being illegal doesn't stop murder therefore the law has failed." I'm most cases, the law did prevent murder, only the most determined murders actually commit the act.

It would be nice is ccp turned off concord for 20 minute sin high sec to demonstrate this point lol.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#750 - 2013-09-06 12:50:15 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
I didn't say it was a problem... I say nothing as to whether it's a problem or whether it isn't.

Then thanks for the comparison on apples and oranges. As I said before, I don't find the fact that mission running hubs generally produce more wealth for individuals than R64 moons produce wealth for alliances relevant. And I would also expect this to be the case.

The origin of the topic came up because EC2 "Let me tell you about 0.0 despite never having been there" Hawkeye asserted that moongoo was more economically significant than missioning. I provided him with better information. (Note how I mistakenly thought at that time that R64s are about twice as good as they actually are, and I have since corrected that error in my post to you).

He was utterly wrong and he and his ilk have spent the lest 20 pages of this thread talking circles around the indisputable fact that he was utterly wrong.

People who don't embrace logic and evidence based thinking can't ever BE wrong, that's why they think the way they do. They employ tactics such as seen in this thread (ignoring evidence, setting the standard of proof so high that even Jesus with a jetpack couldn't reach it etc) to defend their egos against loss. When you realize that it's also mostly the same people who can't stand loss in a video game, it all kinda makes sense.
Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#751 - 2013-09-06 18:34:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
Malcanis wrote:
[No it isn't. It's about 25% or 30% more for the exact same rat in a belt compared to a mission deadspace. Top tier belt BS rats pay 1.9M ISK bounty (eg: Guristas Massacerers; the same rat pays about 1.3M in a mission)

Anomaly and plex rats pay the same (0% more) as mission rats.

Except (& accept) we aren't comparing missions with belts. We're comparing hisec belt rats with null sec belt rats so we use an activity requiring the same parameters and requirements to complete with roughly the same time to completion.

Missions pay out more. But to have equal comparison you'd need a null sec mission rat versus a high sec mission rat.

Also, Hisec anomaly rats pay out the same as nullsec anomaly rats?

And this

Malcanis wrote:
The pay is fine; the risks are far too low.

Is like this

Caliphis wrote:
The pay is fine; the risks are far too high.

Great filler, not scientific. Pure opinion.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#752 - 2013-09-06 19:06:02 UTC
Caliph Muhammed wrote:

Missions pay out more. But to have equal comparison you'd need a null sec mission rat versus a high sec mission rat.

null sec missions and high sec missions use the exact same rats. null sec missions pay more LP and some missions you can get in null sec (like the missions against CONCORD) you can't get in high sec.


Also, Hisec anomaly rats pay out the same as nullsec anomaly rats?

The exact same. What null has is higher level anomalies that that high sec can't get. The rats in them are the exact same.

A Gistii Engraver in high sec pays the same bounty as a Gistii Engraver in null sec.

This is hard to understand why?
Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#753 - 2013-09-06 19:14:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
It's not hard to understand. If the same exact rat (hull class) in a nullsec anomaly and hi sec anomaly pay the same exact thing then the nullsec rat in the anomaly needs to be increased to fall in line with every other rat in game.

But that is one specific situation. It is not a coverall argument for all of null to be buffed or all of highsec to be nerfed. Its not even a good reason to nerf level 4s because missions and anomalies are two distinct things, not to be blurred.

I'd like to see proof though Jenn because quite frankly I think you might be fibbin'. But perhaps there has been an oversight.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#754 - 2013-09-06 19:20:30 UTC
Caliph Muhammed wrote:
It's not hard to understand. If the same exact rat in a nullsec anomaly and hi sec anomaly pay the same exact thing then the nullsec rat in the anomaly needs to be increased to fall in line with every other rat in game.

No it doesn't. Nul sec has access to BETTER rats. For instance, a null angel anom will have Gist Searphim Battleships, where as an angel mission in high sec (or low or null) will have Gist Saint's tops.

A Gist Saint in null pays the same bounty as a Gist Saint in high. IF Gist Saraphims spawns in high sec (they don't) they'd pay the same bounty in high as in null.

What you said that kicked this off is that the same rat in null pays 3-4 times as much. At no point is that true at all a rat of the same type pays the same everywhere, and Malcanis already explained it to you.
Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#755 - 2013-09-06 19:23:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
Im pretty sure I made clear I was using battleship hulls as a measure. When you go to a hisec belt and kill a battleship youll likely get a bounty of 250k. When you do this in nullsec and even some low sec youll clear about 1000k. I never brought anomalies into the discussion as I knew that there would be some variances. Just as I mentioned true sec variances. I also avoided going into missions because some missions give bounties others don't but you still kill battleship hulls.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#756 - 2013-09-06 19:26:01 UTC
Sergeant Acht Scultz wrote:

What this means is only that null sec anom rats need to get a huge buff to their bounties considering the risk involved "farming" them.

CCP have said they will not do this as it will lead to too much isk entering the system.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#757 - 2013-09-06 19:51:28 UTC
Caliph Muhammed wrote:
Im pretty sure I made clear I was using battleship hulls as a measure. When you go to a hisec belt and kill a battleship youll likely get a bounty of 250k. When you do this in nullsec and even some low sec youll clear about 1000k. I never brought anomalies into the discussion as I knew that there would be some variances. Just as I mentioned true sec variances. I also avoided going into missions because some missions give bounties others don't but you still kill battleship hulls.

And you're wrong, again, because there ARE no high sec battleship npcs in belts. The fact that you don't know this points to a general lack of understanding of the game we're talking about.

The cruiser and frig npcs you'll see in high sec belts pay the same as cruiser and frig npcs in null sec belts. The difference is that null sec and some low sec belts with have BSs in the 1st place.

You're beliefs about income (ie null sec is magically 3-4 times better than high sec) are faulty, and as that's the basis of much of you belief, you should understand that the rest of your thought process is likely faulty. i don't think you are internally honest enough to get to that point though.

Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#758 - 2013-09-06 20:11:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
I've never seen battleships in high sec belts? You might be right Jenn. It's been quite a while since ive ran through systems looking for belt rats. If I took a low sec belt battleship spawn that paid 250k and compared it to a nullsec battleship spawn at 1mil it makes very little difference. The overarching point was that for the same activity you make far more.

And actually if battleships can't spawn in high sec it shows something of a benefit for nullsec that high doesn't have access too.

As far as knowing about EVE, if I were you i'd back away from that subject. Making one mistake on the location of the rat that actually shows something in favor of my point is not a great triumph for your cause.

So using your data and correcting my mistake in highsec you can make 0 bounty off of asteroid belt battleship rats while in nullsec you can make 1million.

So change the number from x3-x4 to x1000000.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#759 - 2013-09-06 20:15:22 UTC
Caliph Muhammed wrote:
I've never seen battleships in high sec belts? You might be right Jenn. It's been quite a while since ive ran through systems looking for belt rats. But outside of that particular issue or whether I took a low sec belt battleship spawn that paid 250k and compared it to a nullsec battleship spawn at 1mil means very little. The overarching point was that for the same activity you make far more.

And actually if battleships can't spawn in high sec it shows something of a benefit for nullsec that high doesn't have access too.

As far as knowing about EVE, if I were you i'd back away from that subject. Making one mistake on the location of the rat that actually shows something in favor of my point is not a great triumph for your cause.

The spawnrate on belt rats is so low you can run missions and earn a lot more in the same time. The are one of the worst ways of making isk.
Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#760 - 2013-09-06 20:22:16 UTC
Only if one hasn't read how to chain spawn the belt rats.