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What is wrong with wormhole space?

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Suomi Khan
#281 - 2013-09-03 07:57:57 UTC
Nothing is wrong with w-space - stop trying to fix what isn't broken...

Fix the important stuff, POS mechanics, corp roles, CSMA's.. All those things that makes w-space a pain.. But keep your fingers off the w-space effects etc... If you don't like it, get scanning. You will find K-space at some point..
Alduin666 Shikkoken
#282 - 2013-09-03 20:02:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Alduin666 Shikkoken
When I first joined eve (a few months after crucible), reading about wormholes and how mysterious they were supposed to be always fascinated me. Claiming an isolated island that always opened up to a new area of space the next day was one of my goals. It would offer me a good home turf for defending, and a new hunting ground with the next coming static and those pesky K162's.

Then I actually started to get into wormholes when I though my skills were sufficient enough to defend a lower class one. The fact that when I find a wormhole and simply google the wormhole identifier and it will tell me where it leads too, isn't very appealing to the whole 'mysterious unknown' thing. I'm ok with looking at the information and it giving me a general idea, but being able to find out exactly what class it leads to is a buzzkill. Also when I do enter that wormhole I can just google the Jsig and it gives me all the information I need about that wormhole. When I use sites like static mapper and dotlan, and then combine that with D-scan and the occasional combat probes, I automatically know everything about that wormhole and its mom . . . all in 2 minutes. I don't know about you but being able to find out that much information about anything in that short of time doesn't make it very mysterious.

A few solutions for this:
- Make D-scan unavailable in wormholes, like local. If this brings up too many whiners maybe reduce the D-scan range to 2-3 AU, this way you can scan short range and be able to see another ship incoming and be able to warp out in time.
- Disable the API information for wormholes, that way sites like Dotlan and Static Mapper aren't able to give you a readout of the entire wormhole within seconds.
- Get rid of the wormhole identifiers. Being able to google "N432" and have it tell me exactly where it goes is bad, really bad. Still give out the "this wormhole will lead to dangerous unknown space" information but have it just be called "unidentified wormhole" instead of something like "Wormhole N432".
- Instead of the Jsig being in the upper left of my screen, make it say something like "Unidentified System", "Unidentified Dangerous System", and "Unidentified Deadly System". This way the exact class of the wormhole will remain unknown until someone runs a few sites.

I know you want me to post how this will affect gameplay, well I think that these changes - along with others in this thread - will make wormhole more alive and vibrant. They were introduced as the "scary systems that bring along new and exciting fun". With the way they are now they are just way to stagnant.

~~Other ideas in this thread that I fully support~~
- Make sleepers camp wormholes (not all of them, make it something like rats and null gates), and attack you if you are in a safe for too long. Maybe even have them skirmish with a POS every now and again.
- Capital class sleepers. 'nuff said
- "Arena" like w-space that have large amounts of ABC ores and maybe even Ice where you can't anchor structures inside of it and have large amounts of incoming and outgoing wormholes.
- Have more wandering wormholes. Out of all the times I've lived in various wormholes(around 8 months all together) I've only seen two non-static and non-K162 wormholes, and they weren't even in my home system, they were just in some random hole I was scanning at the time.
- Make C1-4's have capital escalations, even if they are smaller than normal. If we are determined to build a carrier or dread in a C1-4 we should be able to have all the capital luxuries that C5-6's have.

A wormhole overhaul expansion is way overdue. The metagame for wormholes have gone way past what CCP has expected, starting with people saying "lets anchor a permanent POS in here", and personally I think CCP needs to take another look at them with a more modern mindset with the current wormhole metagame in mind. I know CCP probably has the winter expansion's theme picked out so if it isn't wormholes, make it so that next years summer expansion's general theme is wormholes.

Honor is a fools prize. [I]Glory is of no use to the dead.[/I]

Be a man! Post with your main! ~Vas'Avi Community Manager

Krops Vont
#283 - 2013-09-03 20:21:19 UTC
Afuran wrote:
Less easy mode and more challenges!

CCP Is having a CHALLENGING time... hint hint at making the game challenging. They are renaming modules to make it way easier for noobies.
Wormhole space is suppose to have variance and unmapped or UNKNOWN events to take hold. Another hint there. Wormholes use to have Unknown as system name which i somewhat miss.

CCP... Consider taking wormhole space and shaking it up in most aspects? As in taking a snow globe and all the bits go everywhere instead of tilting it so they all fall in a foreseeable path.

TL;DR Make things randomized in Whiskey space!



Wormhole Finding & Selling

o/ Play for fun

Ya Huei
Imperial Collective
#284 - 2013-09-03 21:05:07 UTC
Chitsa can we possibly get a summary of the stuff you filtered out from this thead ?

Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#285 - 2013-09-04 00:02:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Trinkets friend
Alduin666 Shikkoken wrote:
paraphrased to trim wall-o-text
"too many tools are available, like staticmapper, etc, so it's no longer mysterious"

I was discussing this the oother day with my w-bros. In the early days you'd have hordes of noobs flailing about. You would kill them easily and they'd never return, because they couldn't see what they'd done wrong and lost their shinies. It was fun and I got a hell of a lot of kills because there was only word of mouth, no staticmapper, no dotlan support, no walkthroughs, no guides.

Yes, all of these things make it easier to live in w-space. That's not a Bad Thing.

The biggest shrinking in kill rate we got was when some idiot proved that not warping to a wormhole stopped its outbound connection spawning. Before Schrodinger's Wormhole was proved, few people buttoned up in their wormholes to carebear and left statics floating to be probed. People got rich, and probably bored, and the unknown got known. Sads.

Now with the Discovery Scanner it's even easier to make Fortress Farmville; reduce your sigs to just the statics, roll and don't warp, ignore sigs and when a new one pops up, scuttle home and cower in your dens. Thats more of a concern than the hunter jumping in and knowing what the carebears had for breakfast.

Alduin666 Shikkoken wrote:

A few solutions for this:
- Make D-scan unavailable in wormholes, like local. If this brings up too many whiners maybe reduce the D-scan range to 2-3 AU, this way you can scan short range and be able to see another ship incoming and be able to warp out in time.
- Disable the API information for wormholes, that way sites like Dotlan and Static Mapper aren't able to give you a readout of the entire wormhole within seconds.
- Get rid of the wormhole identifiers. Being able to google "N432" and have it tell me exactly where it goes is bad, really bad. Still give out the "this wormhole will lead to dangerous unknown space" information but have it just be called "unidentified wormhole" instead of something like "Wormhole N432".
- Instead of the Jsig being in the upper left of my screen, make it say something like "Unidentified System", "Unidentified Dangerous System", and "Unidentified Deadly System". This way the exact class of the wormhole will remain unknown until someone runs a few sites.

- Nope. This makes no sense and would stop people finding one another except by bad luck.
- Again, this will reduce J-space to a deserted wasteland. Instead of jumping in, knowing via that the WH is populated 70% out of your timezone and rolling your static onwards, you'll spend your whole game camping your static (or spend 5 hours checking 80 moons manually because D-scan is disabled) waiting for a random person to warp to it. That sounds like a recipe for boring.
- Possible merit, but people can tell where a wormhole goes even if it's a K162. This can be down to a k-space region. I can tell if a wormhole goes to Khanid or Derelik just by looking at it. (a skill which will earn me billions i am sure) So, not worth the bother, won't change a thing.
- So, how will you know whether you are in your home wormhole? People going down the C5 super highway will get lost and disoriented. This just makes the game stupid, harder, and painful.

Actually, all your suggestions would make w-space stupid, harder and painful without bringing back the days of old before every man and his monkey watched the w-space tutorials and was an instant expert on everything.

As you say, the meta and the tools have move on. Wormhole mapping tools have advanced to API-linked mapping programs that auto populate chain maps, alliance bookmarks,, static mapper, wormnav, etc etc. This allows people to find themselves and each other, encouraging the groth of the metagame via PVp oppurtunities.

The knowledgebase has expanded and taken the mystery out of J-space. People can all know more or less what to do, so tactics have changed and mutated and evolved. This has made it harder to get kills in sites because of the buttoning-up bear fests. it is frustrating, but you can still get kills, you just have to be a step ahead.
Nix Anteris
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#286 - 2013-09-04 07:17:58 UTC
Alduin666 Shikkoken wrote:
- Make D-scan unavailable in wormholes, like local. If this brings up too many whiners maybe reduce the D-scan range to 2-3 AU, this way you can scan short range and be able to see another ship incoming and be able to warp out in time.

I don't really see how this fixes anything. So without d-scan people will just drop combats, except nobody will be able to see the combats = no chance to escape.

I have no problem with people having fair warning to try and get out of sites before the pain train arrives.

Alduin666 Shikkoken wrote:
- Disable the API information for wormholes, that way sites like Dotlan and Static Mapper aren't able to give you a readout of the entire wormhole within seconds.

What information are you trying to make unavailable, kill information? Jump information was already disabled (may or may not have been related to people using jump statistics to correlate wormhole connections *whistles*)

Alduin666 Shikkoken wrote:
- Get rid of the wormhole identifiers. Being able to google "N432" and have it tell me exactly where it goes is bad, really bad. Still give out the "this wormhole will lead to dangerous unknown space" information but have it just be called "unidentified wormhole" instead of something like "Wormhole N432".

This wont achieve much. You can tell where a wormhole leads by it's colour (you can even tell the k-space region).

Alduin666 Shikkoken wrote:
- Instead of the Jsig being in the upper left of my screen, make it say something like "Unidentified System", "Unidentified Dangerous System", and "Unidentified Deadly System". This way the exact class of the wormhole will remain unknown until someone runs a few sites.

Colour of the skybox is a dead giveaway. I have no problem with the identifier being removed (not that I support it), but it shouldn't be for making the "class of system" unknown.
Quinn Corvez
Caldari State
#287 - 2013-09-04 08:26:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Quinn Corvez
The unknown becoming know is not a problem, that is the nature of exploration. The problem is the lack of iteration on CCPs part.

To me it feels like we are an after thought when it comes to ship balancing and new content... Take the new marauders, they may be good for PVP in K-space but with the mass of half an orca, they are too problematic to include in wormhole fleets.
Strom Crendraven
The H8teful Eight
#288 - 2013-09-05 03:26:54 UTC
1) Problem: Threads like this inviting the dirtiest of dirty to get their grubby fingers in WH space and F it up royally.

Solution: Get rid of WH CSM's and fade back into obscurity.

2) Problem: People have plateaued in their WH careers and made it boring for themselves, now want stupid changes to entertain themselves that everybody has to live with.

Solution: Get the hell outta WH space if your bored, you probably belong in null anyway.

3) Problem: WH dwellers who whine more than null bears.

Solution: See solution #2
Strom Crendraven
The H8teful Eight
#289 - 2013-09-05 03:46:38 UTC
Chitsa Jason wrote:
Guys you can stop talking about T3s. Its not T3 rebalance thread.

Don't get your wig in an uproar, T3's happen to be very important tools for real WH'ers and people tend to get a little uptight when someone who claims to be from our community start adding to the "nerf t3's" frenzy.
Strom Crendraven
The H8teful Eight
#290 - 2013-09-05 03:58:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Strom Crendraven
Mr Kidd wrote:
Jack Miton wrote:
Riel Saigo wrote:
The minigame is fine - it gives PvPers more time to gank explorers. That's a good thing.
But the flying loot cans is pretty stupid.

You missed my point.
I dont care about the minigame one way or the other but the inconsistency of having rats at WH data/relic sites while theyre nowhere else is, well, inconsistent.

Yeah, the sleepers need to be removed in lower end w-space. A majority of the loot to be had from data sites has largely been de-valued by overlap from k-space which anyone can access. The market has been flooded with these items. But, in w-space our players have to spend time to clear these sites. It's a big FU from CCP.

Ridiculous, you can make way more isk on a C2 data site in sleeper loot than you can in "can" loot. Please CCP take away my money.
Jon Matick
State War Academy
Caldari State
#291 - 2013-09-05 05:05:59 UTC

Still, you're not wrong on any particular point.

My Blog:

Interbus Universal
#292 - 2013-09-05 13:24:31 UTC
Strom Crendraven wrote:
T3's happen to be very important tools for real WH'ers and people tend to get a little uptight when someone who claims to be from our community start adding to the "nerf t3's" frenzy.

Wormholers are the only demographic ready to start hunger strikes and self-immolations over a hypothetical nerf that has not happened yet and may never happen, based solely on a very old dev quote from a dev who is no longer in charge of rebalancing.

The time to get angry about changes is when Fozzie, Rise or Ytterbium make a thread in Features&Ideas discussion with actual proposed changes. Instead almost every thread is contaminated with outrage over the non-existent t3 nerf. This hilarious behaviour makes us wormholers look like hysterical little girls.


Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#293 - 2013-09-05 13:44:46 UTC
Terrorfrodo wrote:
Strom Crendraven wrote:
T3's happen to be very important tools for real WH'ers and people tend to get a little uptight when someone who claims to be from our community start adding to the "nerf t3's" frenzy.

Wormholers are the only demographic ready to start hunger strikes and self-immolations over a hypothetical nerf that has not happened yet and may never happen, based solely on a very old dev quote from a dev who is no longer in charge of rebalancing.

The time to get angry about changes is when Fozzie, Rise or Ytterbium make a thread in Features&Ideas discussion with actual proposed changes. Instead almost every thread is contaminated with outrage over the non-existent t3 nerf. This hilarious behaviour makes us wormholers look like hysterical little girls.

So we should keep quiet and wait until CCP release some ludicrous T3 re-balance plan? We are a small community and thus, our voices would probably get drowned out buy all the null sec player who are sad that they can't catch cloaky interdiction T3s.

I agree that people in the wormhole forums do tend to jump the gun a little but it is understandable as our community has a vested interest in Tech 3 ships.

I think it's great that we have openly argued the pros and cons of T3 already because it provides a useful resource for CCPs balancing team.
Nix Anteris
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#294 - 2013-09-05 22:55:40 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
We are a small community and thus, our voices would probably get drowned out buy all the null sec player who are sad

You only need look as far as the reasonable things vote results.
Asuri Kinnes
Caldari State
#295 - 2013-09-05 23:38:30 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
Terrorfrodo wrote:
Strom Crendraven wrote:
T3's happen to be very important tools for real WH'ers and people tend to get a little uptight when someone who claims to be from our community start adding to the "nerf t3's" frenzy.

Wormholers are the only demographic ready to start hunger strikes and self-immolations over a hypothetical nerf that has not happened yet and may never happen, based solely on a very old dev quote from a dev who is no longer in charge of rebalancing.

The time to get angry about changes is when Fozzie, Rise or Ytterbium make a thread in Features&Ideas discussion with actual proposed changes. Instead almost every thread is contaminated with outrage over the non-existent t3 nerf. This hilarious behaviour makes us wormholers look like hysterical little girls.

So we should keep quiet and wait until CCP release some ludicrous T3 re-balance plan? We are a small community and thus, our voices would probably get drowned out buy all the null sec player who are sad that they can't catch cloaky interdiction T3s.

I agree that people in the wormhole forums do tend to jump the gun a little but it is understandable as our community has a vested interest in Tech 3 ships.

I think it's great that we have openly argued the pros and cons of T3 already because it provides a useful resource for CCPs balancing team.

Its also been demonstrated to me more than once over the last 5 1/2 years that CCP can get things incredibly right and incredibly wrong.

It's *very* important to stay on top of things and in front of them (as much as possible) to prevent :ccp: again...

Bob is the god of Wormholes.

That's all you need to know.

Jon Matick
State War Academy
Caldari State
#296 - 2013-09-06 01:31:04 UTC
Nix Anteris wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
We are a small community and thus, our voices would probably get drowned out buy all the null sec player who are sad

You only need look as far as the reasonable things vote results.

man that whole thing was a gigantic joke.

My Blog:

Interbus Universal
#297 - 2013-09-06 07:51:48 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
I think it's great that we have openly argued the pros and cons of T3 already because it provides a useful resource for CCPs balancing team.

Fair enough, but I think we've made our concerns clear by now ;)

Also, some of you may want to read this more recent post about the T3 rebalance: Dev post. It's not really new, but I only just found it, and I suspect that many others in this subforum also have not read it yet P

I at least have some trust in the abilities of CCP and especially the rebalancing team to deliver something that is at least as good and fun as what we have now, even if it will be different. Because, you know, all the rebalancing has been pretty decent so far!


Josilin du Guesclin
Gallente Federation
#298 - 2013-09-06 08:26:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Josilin du Guesclin
Strom Crendraven wrote:
Chitsa Jason wrote:
Guys you can stop talking about T3s. Its not T3 rebalance thread.

Don't get your wig in an uproar, T3's happen to be very important tools for real WH'ers and people tend to get a little uptight when someone who claims to be from our community start adding to the "nerf t3's" frenzy.

Sensible wormholers don't want T3s nerfed, because if they're nerfed demand will drop, and that's a sizeable chunk of the income from wormholes. Be sensible, fellow wormholers, and do not advocate for a hit to your own income!

What we need is for people to fly many T3s and to get them blown up in quantity.
Ennoia Cain
#299 - 2013-09-06 10:07:42 UTC
I want CCP to keep the escalations as they are, it is bullshit that they pay that much versus the risk. The sites are quite random when you get them. and you could potentially make 10 billion a month and that is if you re doing them solo. With 2-3 people you would make so little isk it's not even bothering. If CCP nerfes the escalations. I would gadly sa that wormholes is pretty much dead and **** forever. becuase there has to be something very attractive for people to actually risk that much.

I think Wormholes are good as they are isk wise. Might even make it better?
Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#300 - 2013-09-06 13:47:58 UTC
I would want to get rid of the flying cans. After expending a good time opening them you may end up gtabbing tonsh!t od sh!it

Bob Artis, you will be missed.
