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Do Level 4 missions pay too much compared to 1 through 3?

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Sunshine and Lollipops
#401 - 2013-09-03 10:53:04 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
How do you determine how much is too much and that too many people do it?
By looking at what you can earn from a singe source and noticing that the highsec sources are for all intents and purposes infinite, and by looking at what kind of risk exposure these income sources inherently entail.

I've never seen this data compiled in any meaningful way. How are you getting incomes data?
You ask them at any opportunity. Sure, the number we have right now are a bit old, but they and the general economic development since point in one direction.

The problem with your way of thinking is that CCP has all the data and numbers, but they don't seem to be making the same conclusion as you. If it was so imbalanced and terrible as you say then why haven't they reduced bounties and mission rewards in the latest patch?
They did adjust income levels in the last patch, and they have acknowledge that it is fairly imbalanced. They are also moving fairly slowly to be able to measure the impact of the changes they do.

If it is as terrible as you think it as, then create a webpage with links to CCP data and prove it.
I did that, many times. They've change it every time… Twisted
Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#402 - 2013-09-03 11:53:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
Tippia wrote:

The problem with your way of thinking is that CCP has all the data and numbers, but they don't seem to be making the same conclusion as you. If it was so imbalanced and terrible as you say then why haven't they reduced bounties and mission rewards in the latest patch?
They did adjust income levels in the last patch, and they have acknowledge that it is fairly imbalanced. They are also moving fairly slowly to be able to measure the impact of the changes they doTwisted

Yes I agree CCP will try arbitrarily and without reason to make nullsec more attractive. Ever so slowly making hisec tedious and unrewarding. That's not evidence though. That's just CCP trying an ineffectual method to fix a design problem. If you want people in Nullsec there are a few issues.

#1: Logistics. Its a royal pain in the ass to move things to and fro. Paying someone to do it is an option technically but is it an option people feel satisfied in using? No, in most cases. There is no guarantee any invite to nullsec will turn out to be worth the trouble or cost.

#2: Sovereignty of the individual. The thought of paying to play a game and living under the rule of people you may or may not like with likely no chance of ever being able to rise in rank to the level of control or ability to affect that controlling entities agenda is about as alluring as chomping into a excrement sandwich.

#3: Profit Sharing. There is no culture of where joining an alliance nets you great wealth. Sure, you can go and farm wealth in the regions the alliance controls but it comes at the cost of great risk to your own personal wealth. Yes replacement programs exist for ship losses, few cover anything your typical HISEC mission runner would want to fly. I know I can kill battleships with frigates but what if I just don't want to?

#4: Stress. Every time someone logs in they may not be up for playing with the protocols that are required to operate in nullsec. This is often replicated in hisec when you begin pimping out your ships but in nullsec it's like this for every ship.

#5: Self-Interest. Why would I want to join your alliance? I'd rather run my own!

Now, if you want people in nullsec there is one solution. And that is to remove local intel. You won't often get more people in the alliances currently established but you will get more there to visit. Without that option you can go beyond lowering the wealth generation of level 4s, hell remove them from game and leave just level 1s in hisec. None of any significant number are going to suddenly forget about the 5 reasons I just mentioned.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#403 - 2013-09-03 12:59:43 UTC
Caliph Muhammed wrote:

Now, if you want people in nullsec there is one solution. And that is to remove local intel. Mind you, you will not get more people in the alliances currently established but you will get more there to visit. Without that option you can go beyond lowering the wealth generation of level 4s, hell remove them from game and leave just level 1s in hisec. None of any significant number are going to suddenly forget about the 5 reasons I just mentioned.

Move the level 4s to low sec.....all of them. Then make lowsec border regions between all of the empires so there is room. Because you can't pay for a lot with level 3 income figure that is what maybe 10mil an hour being gracious.

This would have a couple of interesting effects.
1) With the border regions it would be a LOT harder to "I'm just going to haul this to Jita" you can now (I know all of the quick ways from say Hiematar run through low) and you can certainly run that way. However, it means that the markets have to get a bit more regional. Because you aren't just going to haul a frieghter across three or four low sec jumps.

....well you can I'm sure the local pirate types would love it. See emergent gameplay Twisted

2) With the level 4 missions agents in low sec you get more reward per mission, which is fine, since there is going to be a fair bit of cat and mouse just to do a mission, because PvE battleships are easy as hell to gank, so people are either going to have to run in groups or just use a PvP fit which can potentially be god aweful slow.

Tinkering with rewards and bounties can tune it further, but it would make the game a hell of a lot more interesting.

Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#404 - 2013-09-03 13:02:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
Just ignored every point I made eh?

Don't worry, 95% of everyone else will too because facts and realities don't matter. Pie in the sky delusions of hisec mission ships prancing into low/null sec for the plundering just sounds so awesome!

Who am I to awaken the dim masses with reality? Spend as much time as you'd like with fact-less armchair economics and delusions of success. This time next year you'll be just as bored in null/low as you are now. CCP has no way to force anyone to be a victim that won't cut into their profits. And no one is going to be allowed to do that.

It was once said level 5s in low sec would make it a vibrant land of death and destruction. And now its level 4s. What is it they say about repeating the same exact action and expecting different results?
Skill Training Online
#405 - 2013-09-03 13:14:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Skill Training Online
I just think it should be said for the record:


That being said.


Thank You Obama!

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#406 - 2013-09-03 13:19:56 UTC
If missionning income is so out of wack, why are people throwing billions of ISK to large alliance just for the right to live in a sull system? Are they all idiots not understanding where the money is?

If the income is so unbalanced, why are people going through all the trouble of moving **** to and from null to farm in thier system insetad of farming with no problem in high?
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#407 - 2013-09-03 13:22:47 UTC
Caliph Muhammed wrote:
Just ignored every point I made eh?

Don't worry, 95% of everyone else will too because facts and realities don't matter. Pie in the sky delusions of hisec mission ships prancing into low/null sec for the plundering just sounds so awesome!

Who am I to awaken the dim masses with reality? Spend as much time as you'd like with fact-less armchair economics and delusions of success. This time next year you'll be just as bored in null/low as you are now. CCP has no way to force anyone to be a victim that won't cut into their profits. And no one is going to be allowed to do that.

It was once said level 5s in low sec would make it a vibrant land of death and destruction. And now its level 4s. What is it they say about repeating the same exact action and expecting different results?

^ ^ this.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#408 - 2013-09-03 13:24:01 UTC
Caliph Muhammed wrote:
Just ignored every point I made eh?

Don't worry, 95% of everyone else will too because facts and realities don't matter. Pie in the sky delusions of hisec mission ships prancing into low/null sec for the plundering just sounds so awesome!

Who said all of the "prancing" bling boats would be trapesing around low, I would hope that better sense would prevail. It may no but it may. More importantly its a conflict driver, once you accept a mission you are on a timer do it or lose statnding, and there are only so many 2% hits that you can take before you lose access to an agent.

It takes ten or more people to pull incrusion level incomes, and there is stiff competition to actually make that happen. But, you get myrid claims here that people are pulling anomally level incomes......all safe and secure under concord.

So much for risk vs reward eh?

Caliph Muhammed wrote:

Who am I to awaken the dim masses with reality? Spend as much time as you'd like with fact-less armchair economics and delusions of success. This time next year you'll be just as bored in null/low as you are now. CCP has no way to force anyone to be a victim that won't cut into their profits. And no one is going to be allowed to do that.

What gives you the idea that I am the slightest bit bored? I moved out of both hi sec and low sec because they were boring, I spent a lot more time looking for things to do than actually doing them....and running level 4s in high makes me want slit my wrists after about 3.

Caliph Muhammed wrote:

It was once said level 5s in low sec would make it a vibrant land of death and destruction. And now its level 4s. What is it they say about repeating the same exact action and expecting different results?

Yes, but the simple fact is that there is a HUGE divergence between the income available. A T1 BS with T1 rigs runs in the neighborhood or 300mil now meaning you would need 30 hours to replace a battleship on level 3 income, around the same for the T2 cruisers a full workweek for a T3.

...or just sit in hi and do what? Run level 3s with a Drake?
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#409 - 2013-09-03 13:26:23 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
If missionning income is so out of wack, why are people throwing billions of ISK to large alliance just for the right to live in a sull system? Are they all idiots not understanding where the money is?

If the income is so unbalanced, why are people going through all the trouble of moving **** to and from null to farm in thier system insetad of farming with no problem in high?

The easy answer there is bots. Plain and simple.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#410 - 2013-09-03 13:29:40 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
If missionning income is so out of wack, why are people throwing billions of ISK to large alliance just for the right to live in a sull system? Are they all idiots not understanding where the money is?

If the income is so unbalanced, why are people going through all the trouble of moving **** to and from null to farm in thier system insetad of farming with no problem in high?

This is demonstrating a lack of what is being discussed.

Mission income isn't unbalanced because it provides so much isk to an individual pilot. it's a prblem because of 150,000 people injecting isk into a game's economy while suffering very VERY few loses to compensate (thus Malcanis' comment about the risk being too low).

Many activities provide more isk. When those other activities stuff to much isk into the economy (like null sec anoms before the system's upgrade nerf and the Titan tracking nerf or like the original incursions), they get nerfed despite injecting less overall isk than missions do.

The proper fix is injecting more risk in to level 4 missions. The NPC AI change was a good start and is healthy for the EVE economy in that it actually spurred more drone consumption and production. Prior to the npc AI change, the only time dropnes were lost were in pvp or if a mission runner warped off and forgot them.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#411 - 2013-09-03 13:31:10 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

The proper fix is injecting more risk in to level 4 missions. The NPC AI change was a good start and is healthy for the EVE economy in that it actually spurred more drone consumption and production. Prior to the npc AI change, the only time dropnes were lost were in pvp or if a mission runner warped off and forgot them.

Like I said, toss them all out into low sec.
Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#412 - 2013-09-03 13:36:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
Yes, level 4s must be the reason EVE's economy is out of wack. Care to provide some evidence for that claim? If you don't mind the general public won't be taking your word for it. Its akin to me saying nullsec rats are the real unchecked faucet. All that safe alliance space generating heaps of income well beyond a hisec rat and requiring not a mission objective one other than land, target, fire, kill & collect. Unlike the rest however I won't parrot that and pretend it quantified as evidence.

And why is it that every mention of level 4 mission running assumes the runner is in a shiffit poor mans drake? There isn't as much risk strolling through nullsec in a 20 mil ISK cruiser as there is in hisec with a 5bil ISK marauder or other such ship.
Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#413 - 2013-09-03 13:44:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Tardbar
Tippia. I asked for data and I received none in your last post. Just you saying that you had it.

You seem to be able to multi-quote just fine, but how about linking to that webpage with current numbers. Hell if you can link to a CCP document that lists player incomes from Odyssey patch that would be a start.

Also, I am not seeing major changes to high sec. There are changes yes, but nothing major. I mean hell, they balanced moon income but would you say that they did that because hi-sec carebears complained about it?

But let's not argue about that... I want to see a website with data with sources cited from CCP released data.

Otherwise its just you saying "I got the data to prove I'm right. No, you can't see the data."

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Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#414 - 2013-09-03 13:48:29 UTC
Onictus wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

The proper fix is injecting more risk in to level 4 missions. The NPC AI change was a good start and is healthy for the EVE economy in that it actually spurred more drone consumption and production. Prior to the npc AI change, the only time dropnes were lost were in pvp or if a mission runner warped off and forgot them.

Like I said, toss them all out into low sec.

I disagree with that, if for no other reason is it fuels that irrational "high sec persecution complex" where they allow themeslve to think that the ONLY motivation I and those like me have is that "you don't like my playstyle" lol. But also because it doesn't work.

Put lvl 4s in low sec and watch the brand spanking new LEVEL 3 community burst into existence like the Big Bang. Lvl 5s and incursions and all the rewards outside of high sec prove that no level of reward justifies any level of risk for a great many PVE players. Lvl 4s in low sec just means waste content.

No, HIGH SEC lvl 4s should be more dangerous, to reinforce the core spirit of EVE online to it's players: No where is safe but you can mitigate the danger with creativity and teamwork. As it is now the only high sec PVE players forced to pay attention to their screens for any lenght of time are mission runners with blinged ships and Incursion runners moving to the next incursion because ISN or DIN killed the freaking MOM again.

Hell, If lvl 4s were more dangerous (ie lets make EVERY lvl 4 the same as enemies abound 5/5) and thus killed more ships, it would be ok to BUFF mission rewards.
Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#415 - 2013-09-03 13:52:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
Jenn aSide wrote:
I disagree with that, if for no other reason is it fuels that irrational "high sec persecution complex" where they allow themeslve to think that the ONLY motivation I and those like me have is that "you don't like my playstyle" lol. But also because it doesn't work.

That's because it is your only motivation (simplified). It would be more accurate to say you believe making hisec suck to the point that unallied solo missioners would throw themselves onto your spears for your satisfaction is a good thing. Because you can't provide any substantial facts that what you say is true or that your solution would make a bit of difference in population distribution.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#416 - 2013-09-03 13:53:24 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Mission income isn't unbalanced because it provides so much isk to an individual pilot. it's a prblem because of 150,000 people injecting isk into a game's economy while suffering very VERY few loses to compensate (thus Malcanis' comment about the risk being too low).

Could you provide evidence or data showing Eve's economy is not only in turmoil or imminent danger, but that it is being caused by mission running? Could you show the numbers indicating that "very very few" player losses is part of the "problem"? How much more losses should players be incurring to fix this "problem"?

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#417 - 2013-09-03 13:54:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Tardbar
Jenn aSide wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
If missionning income is so out of wack, why are people throwing billions of ISK to large alliance just for the right to live in a sull system? Are they all idiots not understanding where the money is?

If the income is so unbalanced, why are people going through all the trouble of moving **** to and from null to farm in thier system insetad of farming with no problem in high?

This is demonstrating a lack of what is being discussed.

Mission income isn't unbalanced because it provides so much isk to an individual pilot. it's a prblem because of 150,000 people injecting isk into a game's economy while suffering very VERY few loses to compensate (thus Malcanis' comment about the risk being too low).

Many activities provide more isk. When those other activities stuff to much isk into the economy (like null sec anoms before the system's upgrade nerf and the Titan tracking nerf or like the original incursions), they get nerfed despite injecting less overall isk than missions do.

The proper fix is injecting more risk in to level 4 missions. The NPC AI change was a good start and is healthy for the EVE economy in that it actually spurred more drone consumption and production. Prior to the npc AI change, the only time dropnes were lost were in pvp or if a mission runner warped off and forgot them.

Personally, I have no problem with making missions more interactive and the drones AI was a pretty good addition to crowd control (although they could use to improve the drone interface).

If there was some more "interactivity" they could add to the missions that would be fine too. The problem with missions now is that they are completely scripted so either you memorize them or look it up on the google.

If they could somehow create the technology to randomize missions then I would say that isn't a bad idea, but that is probably a great deal of work.

Maybe if they made NPCs act like humans in that you have to point them or they warp off to repair and come back or were better at avoiding your optimal ranges.

Looking to talk on VOIP with other EVE players? Are you new and need help with EVE (welfare) or looking for advice? Looking for adversarial debate with angry people?

Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#418 - 2013-09-03 14:09:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Caliph Muhammed wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
I disagree with that, if for no other reason is it fuels that irrational "high sec persecution complex" where they allow themeslve to think that the ONLY motivation I and those like me have is that "you don't like my playstyle" lol. But also because it doesn't work.

That's because it is your only motivation (simplified). It would be more accurate to say you believe making hisec suck to the point that unallied solo missioners would throw themselves onto your spears for your satisfaction is a good thing. Because you can't provide any substantial facts that what you say is true or that your solution would make a bit of difference in population distribution.

That's idiotic. I don't pvp much, what spears of mine do you want to throw yourself at, the one I keep in the closet for a keep sake?

People like yoiu like to believe that other people "want you to do something" because then you can lie to yourself and say your existence is actually relevant lol. No one cares how or where you play.

Some of us do care about the health of our game, however. I didn't like the anom or incursion or FW nerfs as it dried up some of my isk making, but I accepted them as needed for the game, the same way I'm going to cry when ccp nerfs my mach and cynabal soon lol. See, some of us can be unselfish when it comes to a communal activity like a video game.

You should try it.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#419 - 2013-09-03 14:14:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Mission income isn't unbalanced because it provides so much isk to an individual pilot. it's a prblem because of 150,000 people injecting isk into a game's economy while suffering very VERY few loses to compensate (thus Malcanis' comment about the risk being too low).

Could you provide evidence or data showing Eve's economy is not only in turmoil or imminent danger, but that it is being caused by mission running? Could you show the numbers indicating that "very very few" player losses is part of the "problem"? How much more losses should players be incurring to fix this "problem"?

Look at the part I bolded. Where ever did I say any such thing?

Do you realize you just tried to put words in my mouth. That's a "reaction" to me suggesting that there is a problem with something you like (missions). It's normal human behavior, but being reactionary is still irrational.\

I run missions everyday now (because DIN killed the MOM, damn it! lol). High sec lvl 4s are too safe for the constant if low level isk you can produce, low sec lvl 4s aren't worth it, and null sec lvl 4s are JUST RIGHT (lucrative enough to bother with so you don't mind losing the occasional ship).

High sec lvl 4s should be a bit more dangerous, low sec lvl 4s should pay more and I wouldn't change a thing about null sec lvl 4s
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#420 - 2013-09-03 14:20:48 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Jenn aSide,

You're saying that there's "a problem because of 150,000 people injecting isk into a game's economy while suffering very VERY few losses to compensate". I am trying to see where the problem is. Do you have data to back this up?

If this is a problem that you personally have, well then, I can very much respect that. But please understand that that is what it is, a personal problem with mission running, and not a problem with the game's economy itself.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.