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Ganking question

Velinda Strom
#1 - 2013-09-02 19:44:04 UTC
So after i've been give a lesson not to transport 1bil worst of stuff in a tanked bestower i was wondering if anyone got any ideea what is the best blockade runner to transport high value good with medium cargo requirements. I'f i`m not mistaken now you can cargoscan the orca's hold right? Some people suggest the prorator.. and for some odd reason i thinking the Prowler is the best at aligning and things of this nature. Suggestions?
Baggo Hammers
#2 - 2013-09-02 19:45:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Baggo Hammers
I like the Prowler. They can't scan you when you are invisible.

If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there.

Invisible Exchequer
#3 - 2013-09-02 19:49:31 UTC
Any blockade runner is unscannable, with the added bonus of being able to warp cloaked.
#4 - 2013-09-03 00:11:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Soporo
I have had my Crane for years and never had any problems. Put something sensible in your lows and you'll have no worries in Empire. Some navigation skills + Inertial Stabilizers in the lows and Low Friction Nozzle Joints rigs ftw.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H.L. Mencken

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2013-09-03 03:10:54 UTC
Baggo Hammers wrote:
I like the Prowler. They can't scan you when you are invisible.

Or ever.

Now, more than ever, we need a dislike button.

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#6 - 2013-09-03 04:25:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Rinn
ACE McFACE wrote:
Baggo Hammers wrote:
I like the Prowler. They can't scan you when you are invisible.

Or ever.

They can't lock or shoot when you are invisible. The key being the use of covert ops cloaking device, not the unscannable cargo hold :)

All the blockade runners are good, the Prowler being my favourite because it is Minmatar.
Forum Damsel
#7 - 2013-09-04 01:34:42 UTC
Velinda Strom wrote:
So after i've been give a lesson not to transport 1bil worst of stuff in a tanked bestower i was wondering if anyone got any ideea what is the best blockade runner to transport high value good with medium cargo requirements. I'f i`m not mistaken now you can cargoscan the orca's hold right? Some people suggest the prorator.. and for some odd reason i thinking the Prowler is the best at aligning and things of this nature. Suggestions?

How about an industrial loaded to the gills with GSCs (Giant Secure Containers). I admit I am new to the game, but unless the ganker is only after kills (which is probably what you're asking about), the ganker is looking for salvage and the GSC deprives him of that.

GSCs can extend your cargo capacity (each one takes up 3,000 cubes, but gives you 3,900), but also deprive a ganker access to that cargo as salvage if you're attacked.

If a ganker is after salvage, he'll scan your ship before attacking. Seeing your cargo in containers he can't open will give him second thoughts about attacking you... especially if the attack is in high sec (where he will lose his ship to Concord) .
Azn Empire
#8 - 2013-09-04 01:39:24 UTC
Why the BR ever needed the scan immunity is still baffling to this day. Stupid change was stupid.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

The Greenmachine Greenmachine
Green's Bicycle Shop
#9 - 2013-09-04 01:50:34 UTC
Always move your BPO's in a shuttle. its the quickest and safest way.

like this guy

Ambassador Spock
#10 - 2013-09-04 01:52:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Ambassador Spock
I was helping out a friend a few days ago by moving their stuff to a new home using my lovely Iteron Mark V. I undocked and was on my way to the first gate before I opened my inventory and realized the stuff I was carrying for him was worth just over 5 bil (more than I've ever had put together). I flew the rest of the way (including a lovely warp through Uedama...) in a low-tanked Itty, practically crapping my pants for about 30 minutes straight. I've never been so relieved to dock at a destination.

Was I lucky? Yes. Am I stupid? Certainly. But it was fun!

So to answer your question: buy an Itty, throw a couple medium shield extenders on there, you'll be fine. Big smile

 --  - Ambassador Spock

"Vulcans never bluff."

S Byerley
The Manhattan Engineer District
#11 - 2013-09-04 01:52:50 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Why the BR ever needed the scan immunity is still baffling to this day. Stupid change was stupid.

Do you collect your own tears or are they FCFS?
Hammer Crendraven
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2013-09-04 01:58:09 UTC
Forum Damsel wrote:
Velinda Strom wrote:
So after i've been give a lesson not to transport 1bil worst of stuff in a tanked bestower i was wondering if anyone got any ideea what is the best blockade runner to transport high value good with medium cargo requirements. I'f i`m not mistaken now you can cargoscan the orca's hold right? Some people suggest the prorator.. and for some odd reason i thinking the Prowler is the best at aligning and things of this nature. Suggestions?

How about an industrial loaded to the gills with GSCs (Giant Secure Containers). I admit I am new to the game, but unless the ganker is only after kills (which is probably what you're asking about), the ganker is looking for salvage and the GSC deprives him of that.

GSCs can extend your cargo capacity (each one takes up 3,000 cubes, but gives you 3,900), but also deprive a ganker access to that cargo as salvage if you're attacked.

If a ganker is after salvage, he'll scan your ship before attacking. Seeing your cargo in containers he can't open will give him second thoughts about attacking you... especially if the attack is in high sec (where he will lose his ship to Concord) .

Your a young player so you should know that these GSC's are not secure. Because they can drop as loot so they are not anchored. Then they can be picked up. Then when they get back to a base they simply repackage the GSC and all the stuff inside simply falls out. So GSC's do not slow down a gank at all.

But I will give you points for thinking. Just the mechanic does not quite work the way you think it does.
Hammer Crendraven
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-09-04 02:05:02 UTC
Ambassador Spock wrote:
I was helping out a friend a few days ago by moving their stuff to a new home using my lovely Iteron Mark V. I undocked and was on my way to the first gate before I opened my inventory and realized the stuff I was carrying for him was worth just over 5 bil (more than I've ever had put together). I flew the rest of the way (including a lovely warp through Uedama...) in a low-tanked Itty, practically crapping my pants for about 30 minutes straight. I've never been so relieved to dock at a destination.

Was I lucky? Yes. Am I stupid? Certainly. But it was fun!

So to answer your question: buy an Itty, throw a couple medium shield extenders on there, you'll be fine. Big smile

Not really you just went thru systems that happened to not be camped by gankers at that moment in time.
Uedama is probably camped less than 50% of the eve day anyway. So you just got lucky. But even if you had shield extenders they would not have saved you from a gank camp with 5 bil on board.
Forum Damsel
#14 - 2013-09-04 02:19:31 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Why the BR ever needed the scan immunity is still baffling to this day. Stupid change was stupid.

no, it's like assuming the lions in the savannah will ignore you if you're a tree.
Forum Damsel
#15 - 2013-09-04 02:23:37 UTC
Hammer Crendraven wrote:
Forum Damsel wrote:
Velinda Strom wrote:
So after i've been give a lesson not to transport 1bil worst of stuff in a tanked bestower i was wondering if anyone got any ideea what is the best blockade runner to transport high value good with medium cargo requirements. I'f i`m not mistaken now you can cargoscan the orca's hold right? Some people suggest the prorator.. and for some odd reason i thinking the Prowler is the best at aligning and things of this nature. Suggestions?

How about an industrial loaded to the gills with GSCs (Giant Secure Containers). I admit I am new to the game, but unless the ganker is only after kills (which is probably what you're asking about), the ganker is looking for salvage and the GSC deprives him of that.

GSCs can extend your cargo capacity (each one takes up 3,000 cubes, but gives you 3,900), but also deprive a ganker access to that cargo as salvage if you're attacked.

If a ganker is after salvage, he'll scan your ship before attacking. Seeing your cargo in containers he can't open will give him second thoughts about attacking you... especially if the attack is in high sec (where he will lose his ship to Concord) .

Your a young player so you should know that these GSC's are not secure. Because they can drop as loot so they are not anchored. Then they can be picked up. Then when they get back to a base they simply repackage the GSC and all the stuff inside simply falls out. So GSC's do not slow down a gank at all.

But I will give you points for thinking. Just the mechanic does not quite work the way you think it does.

Then I've been extremely lucky. Thanks for the info.

Well, if the GSCs don't work that way, CCP is really down on the job. The GSC SHOULD work that way.
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2013-09-04 02:28:49 UTC
Velinda Strom wrote:
So after i've been give a lesson not to transport 1bil worst of stuff in a tanked bestower i was wondering if anyone got any ideea what is the best blockade runner to transport high value good with medium cargo requirements. I'f i`m not mistaken now you can cargoscan the orca's hold right? Some people suggest the prorator.. and for some odd reason i thinking the Prowler is the best at aligning and things of this nature. Suggestions?

Fit for fast align time (whichever ship actually reaches that using mods)
and build up your fitting around that.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#17 - 2013-09-04 02:30:10 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Why the BR ever needed the scan immunity is still baffling to this day. Stupid change was stupid.

Here's what I think.

CCP took a look at the sheets and noticed that not enough blockade runners were being blown up. Knowing that most gamers are just plain dumb, they came up with the plan to sell a fit that would get them ganked more often. Pretty smart really in that they convinced dumb players to nerf their own ships instead of CCP doing it.

Sneaky bastards!

Mr Epeen Cool
Ethereal Night
Strategic Exploration and Development Corp
Silent Company
#18 - 2013-09-04 03:33:48 UTC
I thought this thread was going entirely in the other direction. Probably what most peopel already told you. Get one that can cloak, you'll be golden.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool, or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant: "If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven." Such is the Rule of Honor.

Trudeaux Margaret
University of Caille
#19 - 2013-09-04 03:54:51 UTC
Consider that maybe if you need to ask these questions on the forum, you should step back and ask yourself if you need to be transporting this stuff yourself right now. If you have 1 bill in goods to transport to begin with, you probably can afford to pay a pro to transport it. Ask an appropriate collateral amount and the hauler gets paid when the load is delivered. Easy peasy.

> anyone willing to give me like a 5 min politics crash course?

> grr goons, lowsec is full of elitist sh*s, all roads lead to the bittervet pl

I Love Boobies
All Hail Boobies
#20 - 2013-09-04 07:43:16 UTC
Love running my Viator through Rancer with very expensive cargo in my cargo bay on my way to Jita if I have business there. Always have polite conversation on my way through too. Pirate
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