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Do Level 4 missions pay too much compared to 1 through 3?

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Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#381 - 2013-09-02 17:44:14 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Captain Tardbar wrote:
So I guess you are going to put on your cognitive dissonance bubble and say with a straight face that the whole renter phenomenon is fueled by ignorance and the lack of ability to do math.
…or I can just use the explanation above.

Well I am just saying that if your reason and logic really entail that you believe such a thing that we can dismiss you and your entire line of thinking because somewhere it has gone corrupt and that everything that you have ever said can be put into question.

I might be losing the meta game however, because I fear I might be the one being trolled at this point rather than doing the trolling.

(You know how difficult it is to come up with a contrary opinion when you really don't care about these things. Its fun though. Excercises the mind.)

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Sunshine and Lollipops
#382 - 2013-09-02 17:46:22 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
Well I am just saying that if your reason and logic really entail that you believe such a thing that we can dismiss you and your entire line of thinking because somewhere it has gone corrupt and that everything that you have ever said can be put into question.
So in other words, you can't dismiss me or my entire line of thinking.
Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#383 - 2013-09-02 17:51:22 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Captain Tardbar wrote:
Well I am just saying that if your reason and logic really entail that you believe such a thing that we can dismiss you and your entire line of thinking because somewhere it has gone corrupt and that everything that you have ever said can be put into question.
So in other words, you can't dismiss me or my entire line of thinking.

I am just saying if you can't accept the fact that renters rent because they make more money than they would in high sec, then well I guess you can't accept any other facts that may come into question.

But I guess you couldn't accept this fact either so there is little hope in that you see the error in your ways.

Remember what I said earlier though.

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Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#384 - 2013-09-02 17:54:49 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Malcanis wrote:

Also, don't forget that POS do not run for free. It's quite expensive to fuel them relative to the income that they produce.

Nor does the fuel transport itself to the POS, neither does the produced goo move itself to Jita.

My alts have some POSes. I don't find "quite expensive to fuel them relative to the income that they produce". Unless you do something like extracting / reacting bad T2 mats or screwing something up.
POSes are an advanced-ish gameplay reserved for those who can make them perform.

Come now, it was perfectly obvious from context (the context which you removed) that I was talking about moongoo producing POS, not reaction POS or invention POS or whatever.

This level of petty dishonesty is beneath you.

I did not notice you intended moon goo moons (blame my non English spoken thing).

But if you intended moon goo moons, it's actually even worse, and not because of "petty" whatever.
POSes are in the realm of no ISK faucets, more similar to trading than "digging ISK" like missioneers do.

Basics of trading and of doing anything that is not a magic ISK fountain is to venture in the profitable venues.

Why are you going to setup a barely profitable moon mining POS then? To say with pride that you own a moon?

Back to one of the various times when I lived in 0.0 we stumbled upon a system full of atmospheric gases moons. Do you believe we cared to setup an extraction in there?

I just don't understand what you want to say with those sentences. Call me petty for this.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#385 - 2013-09-02 17:59:48 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
I am just saying if you can't accept the fact that renters rent because they make more money than they would in high sec, then well I guess you can't accept any other facts that may come into question.

But I guess you couldn't accept this fact either so there is little hope in that you see the error in your ways.
…except, of course, that I have never disputed that they can earn more. I've only explained why this does not contradict the fact that large portions of nullsec gameplay and content is hideously broken.

Remember what I said earlier though.
Yes, I know that you're trolling, but that's ok. Poe's law and all that. So I'll use you as a proxy for those who genuinely believe this.
Aivo Dresden
State War Academy
Caldari State
#386 - 2013-09-02 18:04:49 UTC
We've already established that people making that much cash are using way crooked math. It's already been established that you need really good LP conversions, loot and salvage, and it's already been pointed out that it takes a lot more than is said in here.

It's also not possible to do the mission, loot and salvage all with 1 ship, at a decent enough speed to make that kind of money. You need to realize these people claiming they make 120+ million an hour are using 2-3 characters, one for each task. Their profit per account, is pretty much the same as you would make running missions on your single character. :P
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#387 - 2013-09-02 19:35:00 UTC
130m an hour is more than I can make in -1.0 true sec running anoms usually, that caps out around 100m an hour....using two accounts.
#388 - 2013-09-02 20:15:49 UTC
Onictus wrote:
130m an hour is more than I can make in -1.0 true sec running anoms usually, that caps out around 100m an hour....using two accounts.

There was a guy claiming he could Make that much L4 missions running in a Machariel on the missions and complexes subforum a couple of weeks back. It turned out he was running two pimped Machariels at the same time. Also he would collect a load of bookmarks while running L4 to salvage he would then drop one Mach and bring out his noctis to salvage while he still ran missions with the other mach. The salvage he collected he would then use to make rigs and ships iirc. All that extra work added togethor was how one particular person i know of makes 130 mill an hour from L4 mission running.

Me personally i think he's talking right out of his arse counting all that stuff togethor as one thing. In fact he's just as bad as one of those crazy indy types that think because they mined the minerals themselves for manufactoring they were free so they can sell there stuff at a lost compared to everyone else.

Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#389 - 2013-09-02 20:33:14 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Captain Tardbar wrote:
I am just saying if you can't accept the fact that renters rent because they make more money than they would in high sec, then well I guess you can't accept any other facts that may come into question.

But I guess you couldn't accept this fact either so there is little hope in that you see the error in your ways.
…except, of course, that I have never disputed that they can earn more. I've only explained why this does not contradict the fact that large portions of nullsec gameplay and content is hideously broken.

Remember what I said earlier though.
Yes, I know that you're trolling, but that's ok. Poe's law and all that. So I'll use you as a proxy for those who genuinely believe this.

Ok. So you agree that renters can make more money then they would if they were in high sec.

Then are you arguing that renters and the like need even more isk then get right now to solve the problem?

But then what exactly is the problem... Is it that highsec people make too much money for your tastes?

How can you mathematically make an equation to scientifically prove that people in high sec make too much money.

Have you polled each of the people in high sec for their income and plotted data like how many ships they lost versus say how much people in null sec make versus how many ships they lost?

No. The truth of the matter you have formulated an opnion that you believe that high sec makes too much money out of personal bias for that style of play.

There is no evidence you can put forth that is scientific or non-anecdotal.

I mean if you are going to say there is a large portion of null dissatisfied with their income versus high sec, I can simply turn around and say I know plenty of people who rent and are completly satisfied with null.

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Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Alavaria Fera
#390 - 2013-09-02 20:36:12 UTC
ExcalibursTemplar wrote:
those crazy indy types that think because they mined the minerals themselves for manufactoring they were free so they can sell there stuff at a lost compared to everyone else.


Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Sunshine and Lollipops
#391 - 2013-09-02 21:21:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Captain Tardbar wrote:
Ok. So you agree that renters can make more money then they would if they were in high sec.
Then are you arguing that renters and the like need even more isk then get right now to solve the problem?
Yes and no, in that order.

But then what exactly is the problem.
The problem is that many highsec activities, most notably industry and mission-running, offer too much bang for too little buck to too many people. It creates a benchmark that offers little to no margin where other areas and activities can be better, making it next to impossible to properly balance those other areas without introducing even bigger problems in terms of (macro)economical impact and individual draw.

How can you mathematically make an equation to scientifically prove that people in high sec make too much money.
By looking at the incomes, costs, and availabilities involved, as shown in-game, in the database, and by the statistics released by CCP, and quickly noticing that you get a lot more for a lot less in highsec.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#392 - 2013-09-02 22:19:26 UTC
ExcalibursTemplar wrote:
Onictus wrote:
130m an hour is more than I can make in -1.0 true sec running anoms usually, that caps out around 100m an hour....using two accounts.

There was a guy claiming he could Make that much L4 missions running in a Machariel on the missions and complexes subforum a couple of weeks back. It turned out he was running two pimped Machariels at the same time. Also he would collect a load of bookmarks while running L4 to salvage he would then drop one Mach and bring out his noctis to salvage while he still ran missions with the other mach. The salvage he collected he would then use to make rigs and ships iirc. All that extra work added togethor was how one particular person i know of makes 130 mill an hour from L4 mission running.

Me personally i think he's talking right out of his arse counting all that stuff togethor as one thing. In fact he's just as bad as one of those crazy indy types that think because they mined the minerals themselves for manufactoring they were free so they can sell there stuff at a lost compared to everyone else.

I'd call bullshit there, and I've done the mach + noctis thing

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#393 - 2013-09-02 22:53:49 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Thanks for affecting my game play in a negative way, why should it matter if l4 missions outperform other ways of making isk?
Why does it matter to you when you are not a dev?
Again, because it's a single economy and because any given activity spewing out ISK at an unreasonable rate is problematic.
Any activity outperforming other ways of making is matters because it creates an unbalanced economy and an unbalanced gameplay ecology.

The economy isnt balanced though, it's never been balanced, it's skewed towards null sec to entice people to visit. People do missions for enjoyment not making isk as it's already been pointed out missions are not the most efficient ways of earning money just one of the more enjoyable. I run missions for fun despite the fact that I can earn more mining in the two wormhole systems our alliance holds, not to mention the proceeds of the sleeper sites. I can do the same in null as we have a strong null sec presence and can hit ded sites and complexes all day or get the best ores mining etc. The missons are fun and relaxing but my bank and assett balance is better after a stint in null.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#394 - 2013-09-02 23:05:35 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:

Thanks for affecting my game play in a negative way, why should it matter if l4 missions outperform other ways of making isk?
Why does it matter to you when you are not a dev? Are you one of the crowd that wants to force players into null so you can have more soft targets? Thing is though more people in null would unbalance the delicate eco system out there making it impossible for you to farm your iskies without your arse being vaporized on undock, hence more people in null would be bad for your income.

Besides we are talking of posts and rebalancing made before you joined the game, you seem to not have understood my post.

There was a time to call for nerfs and they were called.

Now I am saying exactly the opposite, that is it's not the time to call for nerfs any more. Not the general "nerf it all NAO" nerfs at least.

I am not even sure that it's fair to nerf outliers who really work enough to spot the few remaining high LP/ISK items and earn on them. They are outliers (else the items would not yield high LP/ISK) and they are certainly working more than any muppet farming FW content with infinitely less expensive ships.

L4 before:

- Top tier income
- Low risk
- Only trading and little else could compete.
- Copious loot, reprocessed minerals (bad for economy), any basic "grind Caldari Navy => buy CNR" dude would get high reward for totally basic effort.

L4 after:
- middle of the pack
- a bit higher risk (drones may pop, exposing to scramblers)
- less expensive, less effort and lower tier minigames compete with L4
- very reduced loot, very reduced reprocessable loot, high income comes from selectively picking out of the way corps modules and being ready to grind new standings as the market changes.

I have more than one account, I've been playing since 2007 so like it or not I have been affected by your campaigning. Anyhow I agree that the time for nerfs is over. Personally I think copious loot is good for the economy as it forces prices down or do you only care about the space rich.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#395 - 2013-09-02 23:35:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Tardbar
Tippia wrote:
The problem is that many highsec activities, most notably industry and mission-running, offer too much bang for too little buck to too many people. It creates a benchmark that offers little to no margin where other areas and activities can be better, making it next to impossible to properly balance those other areas without introducing even bigger problems in terms of (macro)economical impact and individual draw.

How do you determine how much is too much and that too many people do it? That is completly subjective. What is too much for a high sec person to make a month? 500 million? 1 billion? 2 billion? How do you take these numbers and say "Oh that is too much for too little risk." Secondly, how can you personally determine risk? Have you looked at losses through activities? Is that data even available?

By looking at the incomes, costs, and availabilities involved, as shown in-game, in the database, and by the statistics released by CCP, and quickly noticing that you get a lot more for a lot less in highsec.

I've never seen this data compiled in any meaningful way. How are you getting incomes data? I don't even think CCP gives recents numbers. I googled "EVE online player income" and the top hit was this thread.

The problem with your way of thinking is that CCP has all the data and numbers, but they don't seem to be making the same conclusion as you.

If it was so imbalanced and terrible as you say then why haven't they reduced bounties and mission rewards in the latest patch?

There must be a reason not to then, no?

If it is as terrible as you think it as, then create a webpage with links to CCP data and prove it. Don't just say the data exists somewhere.

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Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Eva Hart
Infinitely Prolonged
Shadow Cartel
#396 - 2013-09-03 02:33:51 UTC
I'm guessing you wouldn't like to hear how lvl V mission are easily 200-400 an hour depending on your luck... sometimes more
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#397 - 2013-09-03 06:39:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:

I have more than one account, I've been playing since 2007 so like it or not I have been affected by your campaigning. Anyhow I agree that the time for nerfs is over. Personally I think copious loot is good for the economy as it forces prices down or do you only care about the space rich.

"Like it or not" is not a real concern.

We had serious economy issues because of some ISK faucets (first incursions worsened that) and because of that copious loot.

Considering I have 4 missioning characters with > 9.8 standings, a number of faction / deadspace fitted BSs and marauders etc., the nerf hit me as well. But it had to be done. Minerals were free falling worse than now, we had times when Tritanium floated at 1.2 ISK pu.

I greatly enjoyed building my own freighters and capital ships with the reprocessed loots, but... foresight and ability to look past the immediate selfish interest is a rare quality someone HAS to have.

We were heading against a wall (and then again, with pre-nerf incursion and then with pre-nerf FW buffed missions), painful measures needed to be taken.

Finally, having 1.2 ISK Trit is bad for the space poor who actually live on that: miners, newbies. The others either pass any cost to the end user (builders) or have ISK enough to cope (older players playing large ships, alliances offering ships replacement programs).

When I started the game, Trit was selling at 2.7 ISK p.u. It was not easy nor quick to get to my first 50M, before I understood that the rookie chat ISD advices (they told every new player to mine) were not very good and I switched to trading.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#398 - 2013-09-03 06:52:35 UTC
never made 60m an hour running L4s in HS even with a good setup (gus and so on), 60M an hour is something you easily do in 0.0 running anoms but not in HS - so it isn't THAT steep, plus you're only supposed to run l3s as a noob, nobody in they right mind would do l3s for cash --
Jori McKie
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#399 - 2013-09-03 09:42:18 UTC
I should shut up now and stop telling the public that 120m ISK/h is easy doable with L4. You still don't believe it read my posts in this topic and try it out yourself. The funny thing is without so many peeps thinking it isn't possible, it won't be, because if everybody does it ISK/LP would crash below 1k ISK/LP rather quick. When CCP changed all Agents to Q20, i actually thought it would be the end of blitzing missions for LPs because EVE would be flooded with them but hey guess i was wrong.

My final advice, try it out yourself (i explained it in detail -how to- in my other posts) or go on and waste your time with subpar ISK/h grinding stuff

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." - Abrazzar

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#400 - 2013-09-03 09:48:50 UTC
Eva Hart wrote:
I'm guessing you wouldn't like to hear how lvl V mission are easily 200-400 an hour depending on your luck... sometimes more

Between the pirate cat and mouse, and the need to be either very shine and/using multiple accounts just to compete.....along with the standing beatdown no one is complaining about level 5s

Plus I would wager for every time you are pulling 200 mil you are hiding or fighting off interlopers.

Unlike level 4s that you can reasonably expect to pull 40~60 mil an hour uninterrupted till you stab your eyes out from the boredom.