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Alts are ruining EVE

Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#21 - 2013-09-02 16:17:27 UTC
You folks are lucky; my alts always try to awox me.
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#22 - 2013-09-02 16:29:34 UTC
Please unsub if you can't learn to not afk mine. Or align out the belt not sit on the warp in and have safe spots off the belt.


Hra Neuvosto
Party Cat Enterprises
#23 - 2013-09-02 16:29:36 UTC
popblues, never4get
Tydeth Gilitae
Magewright Artificers
#24 - 2013-09-02 16:33:44 UTC
PVP ISBoxer fleets can be killed. Probably not soloed, but shouldn't need as big a fleet to deal with as an actual multiplayer enemy force, given it is one guy. If you find and kill the main client that ISBoxer is listening to for command replication, then until he switches over to another ship, his command is momentarily disrupted. Even more, if he commands his pod to flee, ISBoxer would command his fleet to flee. If he switches client to keep fighting, the pod is sitting around being an easy target.

On the topic of alt fleets ran by multiple players who are just using alts so their mains aren't negative statused by ganking, treat them as you would any fleet piloted by mains: get another fleet and shoot them. In the case of mining barges, 50 hobgoblin drones can do some pretty vicious damage. Blob them with your little bots. If your 10 accounts are using Ventures, fit a turret, and blob with 20 bots and 10 small guns.

Industry skills use the same stats as PVP-fitting skills like the More HP Trinity, CPU/Power/Cap increases, and the skills that unlock Armor/Shield Tank modules. Intersperse your money-making skills with those, and make yourself harder to gank in the first place. While you're at it, you can also pick up the farther/faster/more targeting ones, which are always useful.
Jim Era
#25 - 2013-09-02 16:35:50 UTC
This thread has inspired me.
I just activated 14 new accounts.

And isBoxer is installing as we speak.

incoming: ISK


Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#26 - 2013-09-02 16:36:07 UTC
CCP will not give up it's cash cow....The alts will continue until moral improves....Cool

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

UK Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#27 - 2013-09-02 17:11:12 UTC
Maybe your communication skills are at fault. In this game a great number of people take themselves very seriously. The game also give you all the tools to annoy other people. All this combined becomes an emergent behavior know as "tear harvesting". The sooner you accept that this is part of the game the more fun the game becomes.

And once you accept this part of the game you will soon learn that all those elite PvP tear harvesters and their hi-sec alts are not difficult to deal with. You see those people consider you as content and there is nothing you can do to change that. Only thing you can do is control what kind of content you are for them. They will want something out of you, the way you approach the situation will define what that something will be. If you give them something, they will come back for more. This is especially bad if you give them something that you yourself find very annoying. Just play around it.

I've yet to meet anyone in this game that is foaming out of the mouth so much they can't be reasoned with. I kind of suspect you are playing the wrong game for the wrong reasons.
Christopher AET
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2013-09-02 17:27:25 UTC
You realise whining as such makes you and your corp look bad right?

I drain ducks of their moisture for sustenance.

Barzai Mekhar
True Confusion
#29 - 2013-09-02 17:47:52 UTC
Makes thread called " Alts are ruining EVE". Starts discussion with:

Crimson Vectore wrote:
for example;

You purchase 10 accounts

So... I'm not sure... troll or trying to implode the universe by causing a critical irony overload?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#30 - 2013-09-02 17:50:03 UTC
Barzai Mekhar wrote:
Makes thread called " Alts are ruining EVE". Starts discussion with:

Crimson Vectore wrote:
for example;

You purchase 10 accounts

So... I'm not sure... troll or trying to implode the universe by causing a critical irony overload?
I think we can safely say “yes” to that one.
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2013-09-02 17:52:47 UTC
So let me get this straight...

You're complaining about how your way of using multiple-accounts isn't working out because others using multiple-accounts in a different way are jamming you up?

Uhh... MKay.
Gorn Arming
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#32 - 2013-09-02 17:59:50 UTC
Crimson Vectore wrote:

I believe that CCP are aware of this yet do nothing to stop it because it's one of their main sources of income. Individual players who can barely afford one character are at a great disadvantage due to the fact that they're competing with people who are able to exponentially raise their influence by just buying more characters. Not everyone, especially newer players, can make such an investment given the current situation in EVE. The situation being that older Alliances have monopolized Nullsec.

for example;

You purchase 10 accounts
You train those accounts for industry
You purchase a sub for multibox software
You create a 0% tax indy corp in Hisec
You continuously get ganked by Alt corps that belong to a nullsec alliance
You realize that it isn't profitable and that your attempts of generating a return on your investment is impossible
Were are you going to go? Nullsec?(lol) Unsub?(only choice) Who's going to reimburse the $1000 you just spent? CCP?(pfft)
So what can you do?

It's impossible to gain any ground without joining them. It's safe to say that EVE is now a game about who's played it the longest, has the most toons, and who has the largest mass of mindless followers.

I'd like to see how much more interesting EVE would play out if everyone was just bound to one identity.

Anyone who thinks that spending $1000 on video game subscriptions constitutes an "investment" is going to die very, very poor.
Baggo Hammers
#33 - 2013-09-02 18:28:25 UTC
You can't fix stupid. Or pay to fix it.

If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there.

Domanique Altares
#34 - 2013-09-02 18:30:09 UTC
Confirming ALTs are killing EVE. CTRL is a much more accessible and user-friendly key.
ashley Eoner
#35 - 2013-09-02 18:32:48 UTC
Crimson Vectore wrote:

I believe that CCP are aware of this yet do nothing to stop it because it's one of their main sources of income. Individual players who can barely afford one character are at a great disadvantage due to the fact that they're competing with people who are able to exponentially raise their influence by just buying more characters. Not everyone, especially newer players, can make such an investment given the current situation in EVE. The situation being that older Alliances have monopolized Nullsec.

for example;

You purchase 10 accounts
You train those accounts for industry
You purchase a sub for multibox software
You create a 0% tax indy corp in Hisec
You continuously get ganked by Alt corps that belong to a nullsec alliance
You realize that it isn't profitable and that your attempts of generating a return on your investment is impossible
Were are you going to go? Nullsec?(lol) Unsub?(only choice) Who's going to reimburse the $1000 you just spent? CCP?(pfft)
So what can you do?

It's impossible to gain any ground without joining them. It's safe to say that EVE is now a game about who's played it the longest, has the most toons, and who has the largest mass of mindless followers.

I'd like to see how much more interesting EVE would play out if everyone was just bound to one identity.

Bad player is bad.

I run mining fleets all the time in highsec and none of the people with me have been ganked. Now some time ago when hulkageddon was still popular I had a few attempts but there were no success..

Basically stop mining outside of jita and stop running high value items in mammoths...

Oh wait I just got trolled..

Sunlight...Through The Blight.
#36 - 2013-09-02 18:33:25 UTC
I conversed with my alts about your post, and we are all in agreement.

This is the level of "give a damn" we possess....None.

Oh, and posting in a "Grr..Goons, Ban Multiboxing, Buff High Sec, Buff Mining, Nerf Ganking" thread.

These whine threads just get more and more complex as time goes on...

Now to post "constructively."

If a person spends a grand on what cost me quite literally nothing but my time playing the game...they are an idiot.

A billion isk can be made in a day or less, doing a multitude of things, other than mining.

I play with 6 accounts on a regular basis, without multiboxing software. In fact, I find it makes things more difficult of me.

And if people in EVE were bound to one identity, it would close out a whole world of gameplay options...such as...


Scouting for solo pvp...dead.

Missioning and Salvaging simultaneously...dead.

Hell, I am sure I could find dozens more, but you have made my head hurt with nonsense. Have a good day, sir.

Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the comedian is the only thing that makes sense.

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2013-09-02 18:35:43 UTC
Nothing wrong with alts... except you cyno alt. Never let him outta your sight, and never trust him.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Harry Forever
#38 - 2013-09-02 20:14:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Harry Forever
Crimson Vectore wrote:

I believe that CCP are aware of this yet do nothing to stop it because it's one of their main sources of income. Individual players who can barely afford one character are at a great disadvantage due to the fact that they're competing with people who are able to exponentially raise their influence by just buying more characters. Not everyone, especially newer players, can make such an investment given the current situation in EVE. The situation being that older Alliances have monopolized Nullsec.

for example;

You purchase 10 accounts
You train those accounts for industry
You purchase a sub for multibox software
You create a 0% tax indy corp in Hisec
You continuously get ganked by Alt corps that belong to a nullsec alliance
You realize that it isn't profitable and that your attempts of generating a return on your investment is impossible
Were are you going to go? Nullsec?(lol) Unsub?(only choice) Who's going to reimburse the $1000 you just spent? CCP?(pfft)
So what can you do?

It's impossible to gain any ground without joining them. It's safe to say that EVE is now a game about who's played it the longest, has the most toons, and who has the largest mass of mindless followers.

I'd like to see how much more interesting EVE would play out if everyone was just bound to one identity.

nice one :D i like the part with "mindless followers" :'D could be written by me... its all so true and even worse, they made this their game... CCP needs to understand how much this is holding it back.... 500.0000 subscribers, lol, they could have 5 million easy if they would not just listen to their vets, the vets are making this small, like a core group who do not want to open this up to others, because then they would not feel cool and special anymore... however eve will hit the mass market someday and that day I will be leading a force of randoms and blast the **** out of those old alliances
Bad Girl Posse
#39 - 2013-09-02 20:17:32 UTC
Christopher AET wrote:
You realise whining as such makes you and your altliance look bad right?

fixed that for you.
Barzai Mekhar
True Confusion
#40 - 2013-09-02 20:21:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Barzai Mekhar
Harry Forever wrote:
CCP needs to understand how much this is holding it back.... 500.0000 subscribers, lol, they could have 5 million easy if they would not just listen to their vets, the vets are making this small, like a core group who do not want to open this up to others, because then they would not feel cool and special anymore... however eve will hit the mass market someday and that day I will be leading a force of randoms and blast the **** out of those old alliances

Indeed, in a market where you see new MMO's imploding left and right, bleeding 90% of their subscribers within the first year, it's a tried and true strategy to aliente the people that kept you afloat for 10 years in order to attract a new mass audience. It is totaly unlikely that those people might move on to the next "new thing" within 6 months.