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Do Level 4 missions pay too much compared to 1 through 3?

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Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#361 - 2013-09-02 14:40:05 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Malcanis wrote:

Also, don't forget that POS do not run for free. It's quite expensive to fuel them relative to the income that they produce.

Nor does the fuel transport itself to the POS, neither does the produced goo move itself to Jita.

My alts have some POSes. I don't find "quite expensive to fuel them relative to the income that they produce". Unless you do something like extracting / reacting bad T2 mats or screwing something up.
POSes are an advanced-ish gameplay reserved for those who can make them perform.

Come now, it was perfectly obvious from context (the context which you removed) that I was talking about moongoo producing POS, not reaction POS or invention POS or whatever.

This level of petty dishonesty is beneath you.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#362 - 2013-09-02 14:41:43 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Also, don't forget that POS do not run for free. It's quite expensive to fuel them relative to the income that they produce.

Nor does the fuel transport itself to the POS, neither does the produced goo move itself to Jita.

I too must fuel my lower valued moons with the same amount of fuel. And I too must transport my goods the same. On a second-for-second basis, my profits still exceed what I made running L4's.

What percentage of those profits come from materials directly extracted from the moons themselves?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#363 - 2013-09-02 15:07:40 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Malcanis wrote:
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Also, don't forget that POS do not run for free. It's quite expensive to fuel them relative to the income that they produce.

Nor does the fuel transport itself to the POS, neither does the produced goo move itself to Jita.

I too must fuel my lower valued moons with the same amount of fuel. And I too must transport my goods the same. On a second-for-second basis, my profits still exceed what I made running L4's.

What percentage of those profits come from materials directly extracted from the moons themselves?

None. My moons don't produce anything worth extracting. My point is (and has been all along) that even with non-valuable moons I can make better profits than with L4 missions, discrediting the radical claim that L4's are better than (R64) moons on an individual basis. In other words, if I can make more with non-raw-material-producing moons than L4's, no one with any sense or a good conscience could claim that R64-producing moons are less profitable than L4's.

These are the kinds of BS, along with misleads and misdirection, that are fed on these threads to keep them going.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#364 - 2013-09-02 15:16:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
My point is (and has been all along) that even with non-valuable moons I can make better profits than with L4 missions, discrediting the radical claim that L4's are better than (R64) moons on an individual basis.
…except that it fails to discredit that claim because you're not actually looking at any kind of moon goo production. You're only assuming that an R64 moon will be more profitable than what you're producing. The problem is that your assumption does not stand up to the reality of the situation.

In other words, if I can make more with non-raw-material-producing moons than L4's, no one with any sense or a good conscience could claim that R64-producing moons are less profitable than L4's.
I can with good conscience claim that a moon that produces 100 units per hour of something that is worth 30k ISK per unit produces 3M ISK/h.

This is less profitable than L4s.

Hell, let's make it the impossible come true: let's say I have an R64 moon that produces one of each R64 mineral, and that somehow, all four minerals are equally valuable and sell for 30k/unit each. That means my magically impossible moon is now producing 12M ISK/h. That's still less profitable than L4s. Of course, since such moons don't exist, and since the value of the products aren't actually that high, I can't with good conscience claim that the income is actually that high… so 3M ISK/h it is.

These are the kinds of BS that are fed on these threads to keep them going.
The only BS is that you refuse to do simple maths on unit production and unit value, and then pull outrageous and blatantly false claims out of nowhere to “disprove” the facts given by the market and the underlying mechanics.
UK Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#365 - 2013-09-02 15:25:14 UTC
I remember I started before HP buff in RMR or whatever the expansion was. With training skills etc. I still remember doing some lvl3 in my domi with sub-par skills, having to warp out several times. Then I got my t2 tank and I could tackle lvl4s. After I move to null and the belt-spawns were so much better isk then the lvl4s.

Null didn't last very long. Back in hi-sec I had my t2 drone skills. That was a complete game changer. When I got my mach it was another game-changer. Most have forgotten what it feels like to have 150dps from a ship that will do 600 with proper skills.

Of course being a nub these days is much easier and there is nothing wrong with that. Some of the "100mil/h or you are doing it wrong" people should try getting a friend (if they have any) to play eve. See how long it will take a new player with no knowledge or SP to reach the 100mil/h mark running lvl4s. With 100mil SP, any ship/mod at your desposal and knowing all the missions inside and out, it's still a grind with cutting all the corners you can to get that 100mil/h.

Never mind the fact that people who claim 100mil/h rarely take into account time to convert LP and move the loot. If a guy ratting in a carrier tells you he is doing 40mil/tick you can go look. 100mil/h is usually code for "I blitzed this one mission in 5 min and got 15mil" so I must be doing 100mil/h. Running DEDs in null can be 1bil/h if you are lucky. What usually ends up happening is you don't find anything or the loot is not good.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#366 - 2013-09-02 15:36:23 UTC

You relentlessly keep doing the same thing. You avoid addressing my post, and instead misdirect it by talking about "moon goo" production alone, while throwing ad homs for good measure. I am not going to play this with you. I'm not going on spin rides with you. You "win".

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#367 - 2013-09-02 15:50:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
You relentlessly keep doing the same thing. You avoid addressing my post, and instead misdirect it by talking about "moon goo" production alone
…because that's what we're discussing: whether or not L4s offer better income than moon goo.

(Hint: they do)

Had you actually read the thread rather than jump in and started making assumptions about the topic and about other people's positions, you would have noticed this right off the bat. You didn't, so you didn't, so you keep being very confused and very wrong.

Also, since your point is “that even with non-valuable moons I can make better profits than with L4 missions, [which discredits] the radical claim that L4's are better than (R64) moons on an individual basis”, showing that R64 moons don't actually provide better income than L4s addresses your post just fine. Just because you keep assuming (incorrectly) that R64 moons provide better income than your non-valuable moons doesn't mean you have actually discredited the claim that they're worse than L4s.

If you want to discuss what kind of income individual arrays produce so we can look at mixed income, then sure, let's do that. Just remember one thing, though: a harvester and a silo to store the goo eats up 1,000tf and 60 GW worth of fitting space… Would you like to list the kind of arrays you're using and what each of those produce per hour?

It still doesn't change the fact that moon goo offers (much) lower income than L4s.
Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#368 - 2013-09-02 16:00:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Tardbar
Tippia wrote:
No, I just used its vagueness to turn it around, that's all.

But I implicitly said at the end of the statement that you couldn't use reason when dealing with these people and that you had to use something else.

Which if you turn around and say it applies to hi-sec care bears, then that means you admit you aren't use logic and reason yourself.

Secondly, if you got what I implied firstly then by replying at all to my statement you set yourself up for my enjoyment. Had you simply ignored me, then I wouldn't have achieved my goal.

Lastly, is there really a group of hi-sec carebears with an agenda to nerf null sec?

I mean they do complain about ganking and bumping, but does that have anything to do with null sec? I really don't see a strong call from these people to actually nerf null sec. I mean CCP seems fine doing that for us with the moon goo nerf.

And I'm not saying everyone in null has a chip on their shoulder about the income made in high sec... Most are happy with where they live and the income they make.

It is just that there is a subset of players who seem to be all uppity about any income made at all in high sec. Yet I know plenty of players who have moved from high to null, low FW, and worm hole space when they wanted to earn more money than running level 4s.

Why so mad?

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Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Sunshine and Lollipops
#369 - 2013-09-02 16:05:26 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
But I implicitly said at the end of the statement that you couldn't use reason when dealing with these people and that you had to use something else.
I know. That's why I suggested grinding them down with facts. They can use a lack of logic all they like, but their fallacies faceplant pretty well against reality.

Which if you turn around and say it applies to hi-sec care bears, then that means you admit you aren't use logic and reason yourself.
…if I were a highsec carebear, which I'm not.

Lastly, is there really a group of hi-sec carebears with an agenda to nerf null sec?
There's a pretty strong contingent of highsec carebears who want nullsec to be useless. Close enough?
Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#370 - 2013-09-02 16:24:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Tardbar
Tippia wrote:
…if I were a highsec carebear, which I'm not.

The statement pretty clearly stated that the opposition can't be reaonsed with and that you had to use something other than reason to get your point across. So if you turned it around and said it must be true about hi-sec, then you directly implied you can't reason with them so therefore you weren't using reason. You even quoted that part of the statement when you originally made teh statment.

I suppose there is some reason and logic behind this, but I suppose if what I am saying is true, then there is no way you can see it. For your reasoning skills, its perfectly ok to cherry pick a part of the statement, but when there is a following part of the statement that had some implication about the first, then its only applies to other people kind of situation, no?

There's a pretty strong contingent of highsec carebears who want nullsec to be useless. Close enough?

I know its annoying to go back and find some example (I wouldn't), but care to give an example of somone who actually said "Null sec income is too high. CCP should nerf that."

I personally don't care how much null sec makes and to some extent on some characters I am invested in null sec's income.

You on the other hand seem to have a bug up your butt about high sec income...

Unless you want to admit that you really don't care and have been arguing just to argue.

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Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#371 - 2013-09-02 16:26:49 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Tippia wrote:
…because that's what we're discussing: whether or not L4s offer better income than moon goo.

No. That's where you moved the goal post and that's what you now want readers to believe.

For the fourth (or fifth) time, this is what you said (your own words):

Tippia wrote:
"Yes, L4s are far better — especially for the individual — since a single person can trivially produce the same income as a single moon."

Notice how you said "moon" PERIOD, as in L4's are FAR BETTER than.

See where the goal post moving is? We went from moon value to moon goo value. Nice play of words Roll. Points for that.

Feel free to spin this however you wish.

You are simply too dishonest and deceiving to hold a conversation with.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#372 - 2013-09-02 16:32:18 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
The statement pretty clearly stated that the opposition can't be reaonsed with and that you had to use something other than reason to get your point across. So if you turned it around and said it must be true about hi-sec, then you directly implied you can't reason with them so therefore you weren't using reason.
Yeah, ok. I mixed up the referents there. Quite right: you can't use reason against them, so I don't. They could use facts and reason against me, but they don't either (since they apparently don't know how to).

I know its annoying to go back and find some example (I woudln't), but care to give an example of somone who actually said "Null sec income is too high. CCP should nerf that."
Not explicitly, no, but they get all up in arms any time you suggest that nullsec should be given any kind of worth-while income sources. You can often spot some variant of “just go to highsec if it's so good” being used alongside their protests. I suspect that in many cases, they just don't understand what they're saying (which makes it doubly fun when they immediately turn around and barf up some kind of hypocritical “stop trying to force me to [do whatever]”).

You on the other hand seem to have a bug up your butt about high sec income.
Not really. I have a bug up my butt about skewed effort:reward balancing that renders large portions of the game and vast swaths of gameplay useless. Highsec just happens to be a hideously common source of such imbalances.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#373 - 2013-09-02 16:40:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Wrong. That's the entire problem here: you are assuming things. You moved the goalposts the moment you stepped on the turf and then got all upset when I didn't move with them.

For the fourth (or fifth) time, this is what you said (your own words):
Let's see what I actually said, this time including the context in which it was said, ok?

Khemax: “I Believe that the level 4 mission payouts are at a good level compared to other money making activities, but the level 2/3 ones could do with an increase....especially level 3s”
baltec1: “That would inject too much isk into the system and do great harm to the game.”
E-2C Hawkeye: “Too much isk?? As compared to the moon goo isk faucet? Seriously? seriously?”
baltec1: “Moon goo has injected zero isk into the system ever.”
E-2C Hawkeye: “Yes you are right. The trillions and trillions of isk the moons generated all went where? RMT? Moon goo is an income just like any other.”
Tippia: “Moon goo may be an income source, but it is not an ISK faucet. It's a materials faucet, and a pretty moderate one at that.”
E-2C Hawkeye: “Yes it requires resources and management but I would argue it has done more damage to the game more than any lvl 4 mission ever could. ”
Tippia: “Ok. And your argument for that is… what, exactly? Remember, even at their best, high-end moons provide about the same ISK/h (ore more accurately, the same ISK-worth of materials injection) as highsec ice mining.”
E-2C Hawkeye: “I am sure you economic majors will all agree that lvl 4 missions are better income than moon goo....right Roll
Tippia: “On an individual level, it certainly is.”
E-2C Hawkeye: “Your quick to jump on a topic that effects hi-sec yet dont really want to talk about how damaging moo goo income is to the game in general.”
Tippia: “Maybe if you took the time to explain how it damages the game, because until you do, there's not really much to talk about…”
Malcanis: “IIRC a "good" moon these days makes on the order of 5M ISK/hr worth of moon goo. (You can work this out from the market price of the moon materials), which should be easily exceeded by a noob running level 2s. […] I feel pretty confident is saying that hi-sec missions in sum outproduce moon wealth generation by at least an order of magnitude. (If I had to guess, then I'd say by about 2000%).”
E-2C Hawkeye: “How many moons are in null? And you still think lvl 4 missions are better?”
Tippia: “Yes, L4s are far better — especially for the individual — since a single person can trivially produce the same income as a single moon. In fact, on an individual level, AFK mining is a better source of income than an R64 moon is.”

Notice how you said "moon", as in L4's are FAR BETTER than.
Notice how I, and everyone else involved, were discussing moon goo, as in L4s are far better than that? Notice how you cut all the context that described what we were discussing — i.e. moon goo? Notice how you are the one moving the goal posts by lying and deliberately misrepresenting what other people are saying?

We have been discussing the income from moon goo in relation to the income from L4s all this time.

See where the goal post moving is?
Yes. It's in your inability to actually read the topic and failing to take context into account. So stop doing that.
Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#374 - 2013-09-02 16:47:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Tardbar
Tippia wrote:
Yeah, ok. I mixed up the referents there. Quite right: you can't use reason against them, so I don't. They could use facts and reason against me, but they don't either (since they apparently don't know how to).

Hrm.... I'm amazed that you would even admit to that. Maybe there is hope after all. To admit that you don't use reason is the first step of self honesty.

Not explicitly, no, but they get all up in arms any time you suggest that nullsec should be given any kind of worth-while income sources. You can often spot some variant of “just go to highsec if it's so good” being used alongside their protests. I suspect that in many cases, they just don't understand what they're saying (which makes it doubly fun when they immediately turn around and barf up some kind of hypocritical “stop trying to force me to [do whatever]”).

I don't know. I've said plenty of times I'm fine with null sec getting buffs, but then people say "Oh no. You can't do that, you have to nerf high-sec instead." I really don't see that many people complaining about null sec, but rather they want high sec income left alone.

Not really. I have a bug up my butt about skewed effort:reward balancing that renders large portions of the game and vast swaths of gameplay useless. Highsec just happens to be a hideously common source of such imbalances.

What I don't get is that there are many players who do go to Null sec for the higher income. That is the driving force behind the renter phenomenon.

Also I know a guy who had to pay his plex and the first thing he did wasn't to go to high-sec to grind his isk, but jumped into a worm hole and started earning income that way because it was the only way to make that much money in a short amount of time. I know another player who used to run missions but he discovered the 4 warp core stab frigate trick on defensive FW sites and has been doing that since earning way more income than missioning.

Looking to talk on VOIP with other EVE players? Are you new and need help with EVE (welfare) or looking for advice? Looking for adversarial debate with angry people?

Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Sunshine and Lollipops
#375 - 2013-09-02 16:59:58 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
To admit that you don't use reason is the first step of self honesty.
It's more that I admit that the reasoning won't have an effect.

I don't know. I've said plenty of times I'm fine with null sec getting buffs, but then people say "Oh no. You can't do that, you have to nerf high-sec instead." I really don't see that many people complaining about null sec, but rather they want high sec income left alone.
What you're seeing is people saying “no, you can't just buff your way out of the problem because that causes even bigger problems — you have to create margins within which reasonable buffs can be made.” So it's not a matter of nerfing highsec instead, but of also nerfing highsec. The part people always miss is that many of those nerfs would actually be beneficial for highsec and for the overall game…

What I don't get is that there are many players who do go to Null sec for the higher income. That is the driving force behind the renter phenomenon.
Renting is a lot about throwing money at people to be able to avoid all the screwed-up areas of null living and only getting the good bits.
Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#376 - 2013-09-02 17:06:19 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Renting is a lot about throwing money at people to be able to avoid all the screwed-up areas of null living and only getting the good bits.

Why rent at all in null sec if the income isn't better than hi-sec? Certinaly they aren't paying the owners for the sake of their ePeen.

Are you seriously saying that people are getting a worse income by risking more? Are you saying the thousands of renters out there are mentally challenged with math?

On a side note, I just saw a CFC member in high sec with a rattlesnake. I doubt he is going to be using that to gank anyone.

Looking to talk on VOIP with other EVE players? Are you new and need help with EVE (welfare) or looking for advice? Looking for adversarial debate with angry people?

Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Sunshine and Lollipops
#377 - 2013-09-02 17:14:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Captain Tardbar wrote:
Why rent at all in null sec if the income isn't better than hi-sec?
Some of it is. A lot of it is not, and none of it can sustain as many players as highsec can.

Are you seriously saying that people are getting a worse income by risking more?
In many cases, yes, but the renters don't have to deal (as much) with those problems. They can inhabit a system that supports 20 or so players without worrying about the fact that 20 isn't nearly enough to actually own it. Or to look at it from the opposite point of view, they don't have to maintain the 200-man force required to actually keep the system so they get a full share each (= good income) rather than just the tenth of a share (= bad income) they'd get if they were owning rather than renting.

Are you saying the thousands of renters out there are mentally challenged with math?
No. Or actually yes, but that's a separate issue.
Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#378 - 2013-09-02 17:29:42 UTC
Well I just asked a renter if he thought he makes more money by renting in null than doing stuff in high sec and he said...

"I wouldn't be renting if it was less."

So I guess you are going to put on your cognitive dissonance bubble and say with a straight face that the whole renter phenomenon is fueled by ignorance and the lack of ability to do math. That this whole campaign for aquiring renters makes no sense because no one in their right mind should want to do it.

And that thousands of renters should be mad that they don't actually make more money than high sec, because their wallets are lying to them.

Looking to talk on VOIP with other EVE players? Are you new and need help with EVE (welfare) or looking for advice? Looking for adversarial debate with angry people?

Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Logical Chaos
Very Italian People
The Initiative.
#379 - 2013-09-02 17:29:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Logical Chaos
Tauranon wrote:
130m/hr needs a very favourable LP - isk conversion which can only exist because not many people know what it is.

The conversion is 1:2000 and not exactly a big secret imo.

And the rough spread of the 130m/hr is:
1/3rd Bounties and mission rewards
1/3rd loot + salvage (yes, even after the nerf - Marauder salvaging on the go)
1/3rd LP

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

You are free to do what I and that other guy did and post continued revenue statistics spanning 2-4 months of L4 missioning.

Sure, if you get the 4k pu LP item the income is going to be great but then, it means you DID pour in time and effort to:

- select the correct market and items

- grind the correct faction standings

- pick the best ship

Doing sanctums less setup, you "only" got the low / null sec risk but then, if you could do it in an Aeon it means you were doing it in safe enough areas to risk such a ship.

Regarding 4k LP pu: see above.
Also I didn't bother to do any market PvP -> I did indeed sell the items to buy orders
Same goes for loot (refine or plain sell chosen by a gut feeling not exact research)

And by the way: the item is still the same like 2 years ago (which is when I last could be bothered to do missions).

EDIT: The way - I still see a lot of room for improvement here. Once you get high Faction Standings you can easily abandon all the bad missions since your high faction standings insure access to the agent.

For example I had one session where I only had 36m/hour, another with 273m/hour. But I simply did all the missions not declining any (unless lowsec) and included storylines as well.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#380 - 2013-09-02 17:34:45 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
So I guess you are going to put on your cognitive dissonance bubble and say with a straight face that the whole renter phenomenon is fueled by ignorance and the lack of ability to do math.
…or I can just use the explanation above.