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Do Level 4 missions pay too much compared to 1 through 3?

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Sunshine and Lollipops
#341 - 2013-09-02 07:17:44 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
I was vague enough that you didn't get what I was saying.
No, I just used its vagueness to turn it around, that's all.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
A great man may adapt his opinions as reality changes, L4 used to be atrociously op but now they are just a "middle of the pack" ISK income. Reality changed over the years, adapt to it.

The whole argument should be finally be put to rest, anyone who still wants to keep kicking the beaten man curled on the floor is being intellectually dishonest and downright unfair.
The problem there is that I think many have lost sight of what the actual argument is and have instead dived headlong into their bunkers to scream about how teh evilz nullsec is coming to eat their babies. Blink

s are fine now, if there's any kind of nerf that could still be applied to them is the blitzing. But blitzing involves risk since blitzing many missions involves getting full room aggro, including scramblers. So with risk has to come reward. Maybe not as much as now but still more than doing them the "straight way".
And I still feel that this segment would be better served by offering a different kind of content. L4s need to become the middle of the pack far more clearly, progression-wise as well as ISK-wise, and need to communicate this to the runners better than they do now. The breadth of the income band they offer causes all kinds of problems as far as balancing income streams — including introducing new streams — goes.

That's probably what the people in the bunkers keep missing: yes, L4 income should probably be capped for a number of macroeconomical and game design reasons; no, that does not mean that highsec is dead — it means highsec is given more room to breathe and to offer different activities and content.
#342 - 2013-09-02 07:33:35 UTC
Tippia wrote:
And I still feel that this segment would be better served by offering a different kind of content. L4s need to become the middle of the pack far more clearly, progression-wise as well as ISK-wise, and need to communicate this to the runners better than they do now. The breadth of the income band they offer causes all kinds of problems as far as balancing income streams — including introducing new streams — goes.

I'd say we stand on the cusp of that happening anyway Tippia. Goo nerfing is only just beginning to reshape the universe, and that reshape has increased null population.

Logical Chaos
Very Italian People
The Initiative.
#343 - 2013-09-02 07:42:10 UTC
I don't know but, I would consider doing 132.8m per hour in highsec with a reasonably fitted Marauder (Paladin) op.

I can remember doing Sanctums in an Aeon before the nerf for ticks of ~33m. That's a measly 100m/hour.

And my figure is not even cherrypicking missions more than once every 4 hours. So I did indeed do all the terrible ones as well (Guristas in a Paladin). And yes it is including travel time etc and only using a single ship (no Noctis salvaging alt or similar).
#344 - 2013-09-02 08:04:33 UTC
130m/hr needs a very favourable LP - isk conversion which can only exist because not many people know what it is.

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#345 - 2013-09-02 08:52:49 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Anyone able to use eve-search may check how in 2009-2011 me and another person called the real, back at the time "overpowered" (ISK wise) L4 missions for nerfs and more nerfs. Same stance was also put for incursions later.

I and expecially that other guy brought statistics and arguments solid enough that L4 missions got nerfed twice in that period.

So I may hardly be considered a "carebear defender".

But there's a time to fight and a time to reason.

A great man may adapt his opinions as reality changes, L4 used to be atrociously op but now they are just a "middle of the pack" ISK income. Reality changed over the years, adapt to it.

The whole argument should be finally be put to rest, anyone who still wants to keep kicking the beaten man curled on the floor is being intellectually dishonest and downright unfair.

L4s are fine now, if there's any kind of nerf that could still be applied to them is the blitzing. But blitzing involves risk since blitzing many missions involves getting full room aggro, including scramblers. So with risk has to come reward. Maybe not as much as now but still more than doing them the "straight way".

Thanks for affecting my game play in a negative way, why should it matter if l4 missions outperform other ways of making isk?
Why does it matter to you when you are not a dev? Are you one of the crowd that wants to force players into null so you can have more soft targets? Thing is though more people in null would unbalance the delicate eco system out there making it impossible for you to farm your iskies without your arse being vaporized on undock, hence more people in null would be bad for your income.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Sunshine and Lollipops
#346 - 2013-09-02 09:33:53 UTC
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Thanks for affecting my game play in a negative way, why should it matter if l4 missions outperform other ways of making isk?
Why does it matter to you when you are not a dev?
Again, because it's a single economy and because any given activity spewing out ISK at an unreasonable rate is problematic.
Any activity outperforming other ways of making is matters because it creates an unbalanced economy and an unbalanced gameplay ecology.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#347 - 2013-09-02 12:05:08 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Tippia wrote:
Do you have any examples of this misinformation or nonsense?

Sure I do, with you even. But they don't make an iota of difference to you. You simply pick up the goal posts and start moving them around convoluting your own responses. But I'll bite again.

As an example, you make the misinformed and non-sensical claim that, even on an individual level, L4 missions are "far better" in terms of isk-making than moon material production. Your original quote is:

"Yes, L4s are far better — especially for the individual — since a single person can trivially produce the same income as a single moon."

And your original quote can be found here.

I disproved your outlandish claim because I myself am a moon owner and have experienced much better isk returns with my moons than I ever did running missions. My response can be found here.

And your answer to this was that it "is a true and entirely honest response to his [E-2's] nonsensical claim that moon goo offer a better source of income than L4s." You simply go off on a tangent claiming that moon goo isn't what it is claimed to be and that I some how had proven your point.

Of course this is absolutely not true (see bold especially), never mind that there is no factual content in your response. You do what you do best; convolute responses, go on irrelevant spins, and ensure you always have the last word with no useful content to show for. On a few occasions (on this very thread) I asked you to show me data on what you perceive the problem to be so we could at least know what it is you are trying to "solve" (see here and here). And your response? That's right, silence. You simply skipped these questions and instead proceeded to quote me elsewhere with your typical "if by X you really mean Y, then yes". It's like arguing with children. And to be honest, I'm not really interested in spin rides. So feel free to have the last word on this and use your "if by X you really mean Y, then yes" one-liner.

None the less, you had just moved a goal post. This is what these threads usually consist of because it is the only way to keep them in "motion" and alive. Luckily, the vehement anti-hi-sec players, as loud and stubborn as they are, seem to be a small minority. And it really isn't that hard picking you out. If there's an anti-"carebear"/anti-hi sec rant post some where, I have come to expect to find you there.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#348 - 2013-09-02 12:14:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Sure I do, with you even.
…and those examples are…?

As an example, you make the misinformed and non-sensual claim that, even on an individual level, L4 missions are "far better" in terms of isk-making than moon material production. Your original quote is:

"Yes, L4s are far better — especially for the individual — since a single person can trivially produce the same income as a single moon."
Yeah, that's not misinformation or nonsense though, as even the most basic maths will show. So I would like to see some examples of this supposed misinformation or nonsense if you please.

I disproved your outlandish claim because I myself am a moon owner and have experienced much better isk returns with my moons than I ever did running missions.
No, you only proved that there are other things you can do with moons that pay even more than L4s. This does not in any way disprove that L4s provide better income than moon material production. If you want to show that moon goo production pays a lot more than L4s, then talking about how you “currently own non-RXX moons (have no moon mineral value)” is not really a good place to start…

You simply go off on a tangent claiming that moon goo isn't what it is claimed to be and that I some how had proven your point.
Going back to the original claim is not a tangent, and you did indeed prove my point: that moon goo isn't all that it's cracked up to be.

I asked you to show me data on what you perceive the problem to be so we could at least know what it is you are trying to "solve".
…and if you had read the thread rather than skip over large parts of this, you would have known the answer since it's written out on page 1. You then started to make claims about what I had said that showed that you had no idea what I was saying, and that you assumed it was something drastically different than you were hoping. Hence the answers ˆif by X you mean…”: because the supposed different stance you were addressing only existed in your mind.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#349 - 2013-09-02 12:17:05 UTC
Logical Chaos wrote:
I don't know but, I would consider doing 132.8m per hour in highsec with a reasonably fitted Marauder (Paladin) op.

I can remember doing Sanctums in an Aeon before the nerf for ticks of ~33m. That's a measly 100m/hour.

And my figure is not even cherrypicking missions more than once every 4 hours. So I did indeed do all the terrible ones as well (Guristas in a Paladin). And yes it is including travel time etc and only using a single ship (no Noctis salvaging alt or similar).

You are free to do what I and that other guy did and post continued revenue statistics spanning 2-4 months of L4 missioning.

Sure, if you get the 4k pu LP item the income is going to be great but then, it means you DID pour in time and effort to:

- select the correct market and items

- grind the correct faction standings

- pick the best ship

Doing sanctums less setup, you "only" got the low / null sec risk but then, if you could do it in an Aeon it means you were doing it in safe enough areas to risk such a ship.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#350 - 2013-09-02 12:24:23 UTC
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:

Thanks for affecting my game play in a negative way, why should it matter if l4 missions outperform other ways of making isk?
Why does it matter to you when you are not a dev? Are you one of the crowd that wants to force players into null so you can have more soft targets? Thing is though more people in null would unbalance the delicate eco system out there making it impossible for you to farm your iskies without your arse being vaporized on undock, hence more people in null would be bad for your income.

Besides we are talking of posts and rebalancing made before you joined the game, you seem to not have understood my post.

There was a time to call for nerfs and they were called.

Now I am saying exactly the opposite, that is it's not the time to call for nerfs any more. Not the general "nerf it all NAO" nerfs at least.

I am not even sure that it's fair to nerf outliers who really work enough to spot the few remaining high LP/ISK items and earn on them. They are outliers (else the items would not yield high LP/ISK) and they are certainly working more than any muppet farming FW content with infinitely less expensive ships.

L4 before:

- Top tier income
- Low risk
- Only trading and little else could compete.
- Copious loot, reprocessed minerals (bad for economy), any basic "grind Caldari Navy => buy CNR" dude would get high reward for totally basic effort.

L4 after:
- middle of the pack
- a bit higher risk (drones may pop, exposing to scramblers)
- less expensive, less effort and lower tier minigames compete with L4
- very reduced loot, very reduced reprocessable loot, high income comes from selectively picking out of the way corps modules and being ready to grind new standings as the market changes.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#351 - 2013-09-02 12:35:17 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Tippia wrote:
No, you only proved that there are other things you can do with moons that pay even more than L4s. This does not in any way disprove that L4s provide better income than moon material production. If you want to show that moon goo production pays a lot more than L4s, then talking about how you “currently own non-RXX moons (have no moon mineral value)” is not really a good place to start…

Again, muddling responses. My claim is that, as an owner of non-RXX moons I already make MORE than I ever made running missions. Therefore, RXX moons being more valuable than my own, are better than L4's, as in:

If B is greater than A
and C is greater than B
then C is greater than A

I have NEVER said that "moon goo" is better. That is just you twisting answers around to suit your agenda.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#352 - 2013-09-02 12:46:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Again, muddling responses. My claim is that, as an owner of non-RXX moons I already make MORE than I ever made running missions. Therefore, RXX moons being more valuable than my own, are better than L4's
Therefore nothing.
All you're doing is assuming that moon goo production is more valuable than what you're doing. You're not actually showing that it is and thus fail to disprove or even address what I'm saying. At best, all you're doing is showing that my claim that moon goo isn't all it's cracked up to be is more true than I claim.

If B is greater than A
and C is greater than B
then C is greater than A
Big “if”. The problem is that you have only shown the first line, not the rest.

If you want to show that moon goo production provides better income than L4s (or, indeed, better than whatever it is you're doing), please do the following:
• Show how much goo a harvester can pull from a goo-producing moon in, say, an hour.
• Show how much this goo is worth on the market eight now.
• Multiply these two numbers together.
• Show how much higher (or, mayby, just maybe) lower this ISK/h number is than what you get from L4s.
• For bonus points, list it alongside what you earn from your non-goo moons.

I have NEVER said that "moon goo" is better.
You mean other than “RXX moons [are] more valuable than my own” and other than disputing that L4s provide better income than moon goo production does?
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#353 - 2013-09-02 12:58:44 UTC
Sigh. And off chasing goal posts we go... I give up. You "win".

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#354 - 2013-09-02 13:01:09 UTC
Tippia wrote:
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Again, muddling responses. My claim is that, as an owner of non-RXX moons I already make MORE than I ever made running missions. Therefore, RXX moons being more valuable than my own, are better than L4's
Therefore nothing.
All you're doing is assuming that moon goo production is more valuable than what you're doing. You're not actually showing that it is and thus fail to disprove or even address what I'm saying. At best, all you're doing is showing that my claim that moon goo isn't all it's cracked up to be is more true than I claim.

If B is greater than A
and C is greater than B
then C is greater than A
Big “if”. The problem is that you have only shown the first line, not the rest.

If you want to show that moon goo production provides better income than L4s (or, indeed, better than whatever it is you're doing), please do the following:
• Show how much goo a harvester can pull from a goo-producing moon in, say, an hour.
• Show how much this goo is worth on the market eight now.
• Multiply these two numbers together.
• Show how much higher (or, mayby, just maybe) lower this ISK/h number is than what you get from L4s.
• For bonus points, list it alongside what you earn from your non-goo moons.

I have NEVER said that "moon goo" is better.
You mean other than “RXX moons [are] more valuable than my own” and other than disputing that L4s provide better income than moon goo production does?

Also, don't forget that POS do not run for free. It's quite expensive to fuel them relative to the income that they produce.

Nor does the fuel transport itself to the POS, neither does the produced goo move itself to Jita.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Sunshine and Lollipops
#355 - 2013-09-02 13:01:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Sigh. And off chasing goal posts we go..
Maybe you shout stop moving them about so much then.
Or maybe you should stop confusing a dawning understanding of what I'm saying on your part as a change of position or argument on my part.

I give up.
Seeing as how you're trying to argue that 100 units/hour @ 30k ISK/unit somehow translates into tens of millions of ISK/h, that's probably a wisest strategy to choose…
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#356 - 2013-09-02 13:03:36 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Sigh. And off chasing goal posts we go... I give up. You "win".

I told you Pirate
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#357 - 2013-09-02 13:06:25 UTC
Malcanis wrote:

Also, don't forget that POS do not run for free. It's quite expensive to fuel them relative to the income that they produce.

Nor does the fuel transport itself to the POS, neither does the produced goo move itself to Jita.

My alts have some POSes. I don't find "quite expensive to fuel them relative to the income that they produce". Unless you do something like extracting / reacting bad T2 mats or screwing something up.
POSes are an advanced-ish gameplay reserved for those who can make them perform.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#358 - 2013-09-02 13:17:24 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Also, don't forget that POS do not run for free. It's quite expensive to fuel them relative to the income that they produce.

Nor does the fuel transport itself to the POS, neither does the produced goo move itself to Jita.

I too must fuel my lower valued moons with the same amount of fuel. And I too must transport my goods the same. On a second-for-second basis, my profits still exceed what I made running L4's.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#359 - 2013-09-02 13:21:06 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
My alts have some POSes. I don't find "quite expensive to fuel them relative to the income that they produce". Unless you do something like extracting / reacting bad T2 mats or screwing something up.

The thing is that the trap of “extracting [bad] T2 mats” is actually much easier to fall into than many would think. R8s are not worth even a small tower; R16s only just pay for a medium tower. R32s and R64s generate 1–3M ISK/h in goo, and the 150–600k ISK per hour in fuel this costs means you can easily be out 15% in fuel costs alone.

Yes, you can introduce more income-generating processes as the towers grow bigger, thereby reducing the cost for any individual activity, but the income from the goo extraction itself is still fairly small (as MatrixSkye accidentally suggest, it could quite possibly be a waste of tower fitting space given the low income you get out of the 1k CPU and 60k grid needed… after all, compare that to what you can get out of the 500 CPU / 100k grid for a lab).
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#360 - 2013-09-02 13:26:55 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

L4 before:

- Top tier income
- Low risk
- Only trading and little else could compete.
- Copious loot, reprocessed minerals (bad for economy), any basic "grind Caldari Navy => buy CNR" dude would get high reward for totally basic effort.

L4 after:
- middle of the pack
- a bit higher risk (drones may pop, exposing to scramblers)
- less expensive, less effort and lower tier minigames compete with L4
- very reduced loot, very reduced reprocessable loot, high income comes from selectively picking out of the way corps modules and being ready to grind new standings as the market changes.

I'll share my 2c of anecdotal evidence:

2 years ago, I ran missions and managed to pull a bit in excess of 2x PLEX per month.

Now I am running missions again, and I earn quite in excess of 2x PLEX per month. I play the same total hours per month, but also I'm more proficent (I make a better use of LP store).

So my "PLEX index" is roughly the same. PLEXes are way more expensive though, which means I am earning more ISK now than in 2011, but anyway my acquisitive power is roughly the same, PLEX-wise. Ships and modules-wise, my acquiitive power is generally higher, as they cost roughly the same as then.

I don't know why PLEXes are more expensive if ships & modules aren't -what do people do with PLEX? I have no idea and there are no economy reports to get insight...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you