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[GGBII] Bonds now for sale! 100bln worth of bonds!

First post
Vera Algaert
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2013-09-01 06:13:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Vera Algaert


List of investors for GGBII: 951 of 4,000 bonds sold! (31/8)

Category A investors:

Zumbar Excubitor : 401 bonds : 10,025,000,000 ISK

Category B investors:

SteveX: 250 bonds : 6,250,000,000 ISK

NN2: 100 bonds : 2,500,000,000 ISK

NN10: 80 bonds: 2,000,000,000 ISK

NN3: 50 bonds : 1,250,000,000 ISK

Category C investors:

NN1: 20 bonds : 500,000,000 ISK

Zleapa: 15 bonds : 375,000,000 ISK

NN4 : 10 bonds : 250,000,000 ISK

NN5 : 10 bonds : 250,000,000 ISK

NN8 : 10 bonds : 250,000,000 ISK

NN9 : 5 bonds : 125,000,000 ISK

Investors that appear as “NN” are players who wish to remain anonymous

You mention three "investors" by name. The first one (Zumbar Excubitor) is a recently created (June 2013) alt.

The second one (SteveX) is a 2005 character that has never left the npc corp, never made a forum post, never killed or lost a ship and who hasn't created a new character portrait yet (can you even log in to send around ISK without doing that?). Pretty likely he hasn't touched EVE in years.

The third one (Zleapa) doesn't exist - however, there is a character called Zumbar Zleapa Excubitor which is ... curious.

Scammers these days... can't even be bothered to burn a couple of alts for the prospect of 100b. Roll


Vera Algaert
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2013-09-01 06:54:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Vera Algaert
Greedy Gurista wrote:

Hello all!

- I am selling bonds in my next investment project (yes I am an alternative character)

- Please check for more information, at least read "Q&A" and "Greedyguristas bond - Trading plan and more!" if you are interested.

- Questions, contact and buying bonds, contact or me in game.

- Hope to hear from you soon, Peter Hansen!

I was born in the great and green country of Denmark in the year of 1986. I attended school somewhat normally before going to ”HTX” (Higher Tecnical Gymnasium) focussing on Physics and Mathematics. In all modesty I can assure you I was a lot better at those things than I will ever be at languages. It has something to do with interest I guess. I was picked as part of the danish team of school physisists to the olympics in Physic. Yes, it sounds nerdy but those things do exist, and some few companies actually keep an eye of for young talented persons who participate. I graduated in 2009 with highest grade in math, chemistry and physic on highest attainable level. As you probably know by know I ended up with mediocre grades in English, German and Danish.

Did I mention that there is no evidence of any Peter Hansen having represented Denmark in the Physics Olympiad?

The Danish team 2008 was: Ellen Fogh, Lars Lynne Hansen, Søren Ahlers, Henrik Jacobsen, Marius Simonsen
The Danish team 2009 was: Frederik S. Nathan, Freja Elbro, Nick Bruun, Jeppe Trøst, Mikkel Bjørn

(I can look up other years for you if you are unsure about the year of your HTX graduation, just ask.)

However, Denmark hosted the Physics Olympiad in July 2013 which presumably gave this competition some media attention right around the time you decided to set up this scam.

Also graduation from HTX would be expected around the age of 19, not 23. And if you are bad at languages then why did you choose to do German in HTX (rather than just about any other subject).


Greedy Gurista
#23 - 2013-09-01 07:12:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Greedy Gurista
@ Vera Algaert. Good to see people being theral. When I took HTX, I had to pick German or another subject, don't recall if it was French or something else. So I had to do German for at least 1 year. I don't recall if it had anything to do with the max number of "A" subjects one could take.
About the olympics. I had the highest score turned in with 94% I think it was, the professional physisists had around 90%. So, naturally I was selected. I however chose not to participate due to personal reasons. You can talk to me ingame about it, but I prefer not having to - again - pull something personal up on this forum.

- Peter Hansen

Candy Oshea
Techfree Investment Group
#24 - 2013-09-01 09:13:57 UTC
lol. Hilarious. Good fathers day read. A++++ would read again.

iCandy  - I have accidently swallowed some Scrabble tiles, my next shit could spell disaster!

#25 - 2013-09-01 09:43:03 UTC
Candy Oshea wrote:
lol. Hilarious. Good fathers day read. A++++ would read again.

Fathers day?

Now i know why everyone left the house early this morning .....

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Greedy Gurista
#26 - 2013-09-01 10:01:43 UTC

I feel the topic derailing.. Blink

- Peter Hansen

Candy Oshea
Techfree Investment Group
#27 - 2013-09-01 10:15:54 UTC
What makes it funnier is anyone can quickly look up the local spelling bee winner and assume his identity for e-credibility.

Its 2013 eve online guys, no loans unless you show a timestamped photo yourself holding 100 points of ID +

rules are rules, in this game of "rl"

iCandy  - I have accidently swallowed some Scrabble tiles, my next shit could spell disaster!

Greedy Gurista
#28 - 2013-09-01 10:31:42 UTC

The most hilarious part is that those so called "scam-busters" quickly stop responding after I agree to stuff like letting Cribba hold my main account name, that high investors are added on facebook, etc.

- Peter Hansen

Vera Algaert
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#29 - 2013-09-01 10:36:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Vera Algaert
Candy Oshea wrote:
Its 2013 eve online guys, no loans unless you show a timestamped photo yourself holding 100 points of ID +

I believe that real-life identities should not be a factor in MD offerings. But if someone tries to leverage his (real or fictional) rl identity in order to "overcome" (in the widest sense possible) the trust issues his in-game identity is facing then he is in my opinion fair game.

The only recent cases in which I remember striking out at real-life personas are this thread, the EVE Stock Exchange thread and Vaughn Lampen's thread. The Vaughn Lampen thing was admittedly badly handled on my part as Pepridge went wild with speculation I had shared with him. In the other two cases the issue of real-life identity was brought up by the thread creators themselves, imho in an attempt to increase their perceived trustworthiness beyond what game mechanics and MD custom would allow them.

I'm not running around asking random thread creators for their ID, I rather wish real-life identities were simply left out of MD altogether.


Vera Algaert
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2013-09-01 10:41:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Vera Algaert
Greedy Gurista wrote:

The most hilarious part is that those so called "scam-busters" quickly stop responding after I agree to stuff like letting Cribba hold my main account name, that high investors are added on facebook, etc.

- Peter Hansen

What would be the point of me pursuing the matter further?

I raised my concerns, you answered about half of then in an unsatisfactory manner - the record is there for anyone to see.

The only possible outcome of me e.g. giving a lecture on compulsory and elective subjects in Danish secondary education would be the illusion that there is a serious debate going on - which isn't, the matter of your trustworthiness is settled as far as I am concerned.

And with that I'm out of this thread.


Greedy Gurista
#31 - 2013-09-01 10:50:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Greedy Gurista
@ Vera Algaert. You are taking personal information into this thread from my blog, not me. Admitted, I use the blog to link to, but you could have raised the matter in person, instead of dragging it into this public thread. Some issues are just too dumb to discuss with people like you. I bet noone has ever won an arguement over you, am I right? Because you wont accept people making valid points that make your points look weak. You have made your opinion, and I am 100% sure that even if I invited you over to my house, showed you the letter from the school, showed you screenshots of anything I have done, gave you the names of the investors, it would not make you change one bit.

Luckily for me, other people have different opinions. Sadly for me, only a very few wish to show their in-game names. Probably because people like you will start flaming them. I respect their wish to stay anonymous, even though I would really like being able to use them as references.

*Edit* did not see the last part you wrote, but thank you for not being 100% troll and staying in

- Please let the matter rest, or we can discuss it in mail, in-game conversation. This thread is already getting cluttered as it is. Peter Hansen

Candy Oshea
Techfree Investment Group
#32 - 2013-09-01 11:22:58 UTC
Vera Algaert wrote:
Candy Oshea wrote:
Its 2013 eve online guys, no loans unless you show a timestamped photo yourself holding 100 points of ID +

I believe that real-life identities should not be a factor in MD offerings. But if someone tries to leverage his (real or fictional) rl identity in order to "overcome" (in the widest sense possible) the trust issues his in-game identity is facing then he is in my opinion fair game.

The only recent cases in which I remember striking out at real-life personas are this thread, the EVE Stock Exchange thread and Vaughn Lampen's thread. The Vaughn Lampen thing was admittedly badly handled on my part as Pepridge went wild with speculation I had shared with him. In the other two cases the issue of real-life identity was brought up by the thread creators themselves, imho in an attempt to increase their perceived trustworthiness beyond what game mechanics and MD custom would allow them.

I'm not running around asking random thread creators for their ID, I rather wish real-life identities were simply left out of MD altogether.

you missed the joke

iCandy  - I have accidently swallowed some Scrabble tiles, my next shit could spell disaster!

arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#33 - 2013-09-01 12:06:46 UTC
Greedy Gurista wrote:
@ Vera Algaert. You are taking personal information into this thread from my blog, not me. Admitted, I use the blog to link to, but you could have raised the matter in person, instead of dragging it into this public thread. Some issues are just too dumb to discuss with people like you. I bet noone has ever won an arguement over you, am I right? Because you wont accept people making valid points that make your points look weak. You have made your opinion, and I am 100% sure that even if I invited you over to my house, showed you the letter from the school, showed you screenshots of anything I have done, gave you the names of the investors, it would not make you change one bit.

Luckily for me, other people have different opinions. Sadly for me, only a very few wish to show their in-game names. Probably because people like you will start flaming them. I respect their wish to stay anonymous, even though I would really like being able to use them as references.

*Edit* did not see the last part you wrote, but thank you for not being 100% troll and staying in

- Please let the matter rest, or we can discuss it in mail, in-game conversation. This thread is already getting cluttered as it is. Peter Hansen

If you need a 100% troll i can fill in.

Vera already pointed all the stuff that make you look stupid, im here only to ask: did you actually think it will work?

Someone needs to write an "advanced scamming guide" because its pathetic. This is not jita local, we want something sophisticated!

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.

#34 - 2013-09-01 13:55:09 UTC
Welcome to MD ... enjoy your stay , though honestly most don't .

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#35 - 2013-09-01 14:04:50 UTC
arabella blood wrote:
Someone needs to write an "advanced scamming guide" because its pathetic. This is not jita local, we want something sophisticated!

A sophisticated scam is rarely justified.

Attempting to convince a sober, cautious and intelligent player to do something stupid is a difficult way to scam.

Trawling through the many drunk, stoned, stupid, ignorant, naive, greedy and impatient players will give a much better return on the effort invested.
I Was There
#36 - 2013-09-01 14:44:11 UTC
This is awful. I graduated from HTX with a focus on math/physics. You're making it seem that it's :something:, but it's just a pre-uni graduation and isn't exactly hard.
If I were you, I'd register on Jeronica's site (see marketmogul thread). It'll allow you to generate graphs that show you the income you've made from trading. You'd then link the generated graphs here.
#37 - 2013-09-01 15:18:28 UTC
Bad Bobby wrote:

Attempting to convince a sober, cautious and intelligent player to do something stupid is a difficult way to scam.


Nonsenese a lot of us are married .... Blink

But then most where seduced while drunk .

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#38 - 2013-09-01 16:17:59 UTC
Bad Bobby wrote:
arabella blood wrote:
Someone needs to write an "advanced scamming guide" because its pathetic. This is not jita local, we want something sophisticated!

A sophisticated scam is rarely justified.

Attempting to convince a sober, cautious and intelligent player to do something stupid is a difficult way to scam.

Trawling through the many drunk, stoned, stupid, ignorant, naive, greedy and impatient players will give a much better return on the effort invested.

I agree, but so is scamming on MD when you can Jita isnt justified.

I say the best reason to do it on MD is tears+ challenge.
Nothing can justify doing it poorly.

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.

#39 - 2013-09-01 16:52:33 UTC
arabella blood wrote:

Nothing can justify doing it poorly.

Admiral Pizzaroll would like a word Blink

6bil for 10 minutes of extremely low quality scamming work seems like a pretty reasonable justification from the perspective of most scammers and we are currently being inundated by crap offerings seeking to emulate him (/tinfoil).

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#40 - 2013-09-01 17:04:29 UTC
RAW23 wrote:
arabella blood wrote:

Nothing can justify doing it poorly.

Admiral Pizzaroll would like a word Blink

6bil for 10 minutes of extremely low quality scamming work seems like a pretty reasonable justification from the perspective of most scammers and we are currently being inundated by crap offerings seeking to emulate him (/tinfoil).

Not my fault Okulus was drunk. you werent there in time to warn him!! Big smile

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.