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More immunity for Incursion Runners Required.

First post
Zowie Powers
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-11-13 18:17:25 UTC
Corp/alliance bans 11/14/2011
From: carmelos53
Sent: 2011.11.13 18:14
To: Public incursion blacklist,

Kill It With Fire - now added due to blackbird suicide jamming

Snap to it CCP. Like GM Hormone said, there is no warning for Incursion runners of this threat, so there is no way to protect against, therefore it's an exploit against Incursion runners.


ATX: The best of the rest.

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#2 - 2011-11-13 18:20:03 UTC
You have the same ammount of immunity as everyone.

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Blood Fart
Rock Hard Productions
#3 - 2011-11-13 18:25:13 UTC
Yes we need immediate action to close this exploit.

Only guns should work on other players in high sec unless that also starts to plug up the isk geyser. High sec should be safe from these types of things.
Vardaugas Family
#4 - 2011-11-13 18:31:17 UTC
I demand 1 ISK per SP per hour I remain docked safely in the station in highsec. I should not be required to risk anything in highsec when I make ISK for my PLEXes. Especially not my precious PvE officer fit faction ships.
Captain Nathaniel Butler
The White Company
#5 - 2011-11-13 18:39:50 UTC
I demand that all highsec pvp should be nerfed , further to my demands I want all nebulas to be pink and fluffy, stations to be covered in glitter and have pictures of ponies on the outside and incursion runners to be wrappped up in soft flufffy cotton wool.

These demands must be met or I will ragequit and sign up for a Hello Kitty Online account.

Lady Spank for C&P moderator.

Sakurako Kimino
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#6 - 2011-11-13 18:46:00 UTC
Zowie Powers wrote:
Corp/alliance bans 11/14/2011
From: carmelos53
Sent: 2011.11.13 18:14
To: Public incursion blacklist,

Kill It With Fire - now added due to blackbird suicide jamming

Snap to it CCP. Like GM Hormone said, there is no warning for Incursion runners of this threat, so there is no way to protect against, therefore it's an exploit against Incursion runners.


can you link to where GM Hormone said no warning for incursions runners?

eve is about sin

Desert Ice78
Gryphons of the Western Wind
#7 - 2011-11-13 18:47:08 UTC
I demand that all "wana-be" hi-sec pvper bears be forced to actually pvp, as in shoot those who are only too happy and able to shoot back, rather then the current "shoot everyone as long as they can't shoot back" that passes for pvp in hi-sec.

Well done CCP for making Eve Online harder; only real pvper's will be left once all these bears have been forced out because the game is too hard for them.

Bravo o7

I am a pod pilot:

CCP Zulu: Came expecting a discussion about computer monitors, left confused.

Ariane VoxDei
#8 - 2011-11-13 18:56:23 UTC
Sakurako Kimino wrote:
can you link to where GM Hormone said no warning for incursions runners?

Does matter where or if?

The scenario is pretty selfexplaining. All they have time for is to notice a neutral on grid and pray they are out of range, before logistics locks are broken and blocked for 20s. 20s without remote reps, and usually no local tank, is a long time with a incursion hammering the fleet.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2011-11-13 19:02:34 UTC
Ariane VoxDei wrote:
Sakurako Kimino wrote:
can you link to where GM Hormone said no warning for incursions runners?

Does matter where or if?

The scenario is pretty selfexplaining. All they have time for is to notice a neutral on grid and pray they are out of range, before logistics locks are broken and blocked for 20s. 20s without remote reps, and usually no local tank, is a long time with a incursion hammering the fleet.

heh... having ran a few incursions myself - i gotta say, my first reaction to reading this was "hah! that's awesome!" ah, good ol' eve, always a way to **** someone over. i love it.
Vardaugas Family
#10 - 2011-11-13 19:03:31 UTC
Ariane VoxDei wrote:
Sakurako Kimino wrote:
can you link to where GM Hormone said no warning for incursions runners?

Does matter where or if?

The scenario is pretty selfexplaining. All they have time for is to notice a neutral on grid and pray they are out of range, before logistics locks are broken and blocked for 20s. 20s without remote reps, and usually no local tank, is a long time with a incursion hammering the fleet.

I wonder how PvP fleets can manage with their logistics getting permajammed by a lone blackbird.
The Greater Goon
#11 - 2011-11-13 19:07:22 UTC
Abrazzar wrote:
Ariane VoxDei wrote:
Sakurako Kimino wrote:
can you link to where GM Hormone said no warning for incursions runners?

Does matter where or if?

The scenario is pretty selfexplaining. All they have time for is to notice a neutral on grid and pray they are out of range, before logistics locks are broken and blocked for 20s. 20s without remote reps, and usually no local tank, is a long time with a incursion hammering the fleet.

I wonder how PvP fleets can manage with their logistics getting permajammed by a lone blackbird.

a dozen ec-300s?
#12 - 2011-11-13 19:08:45 UTC
Abrazzar wrote:
Ariane VoxDei wrote:
Sakurako Kimino wrote:
can you link to where GM Hormone said no warning for incursions runners?

Does matter where or if?

The scenario is pretty selfexplaining. All they have time for is to notice a neutral on grid and pray they are out of range, before logistics locks are broken and blocked for 20s. 20s without remote reps, and usually no local tank, is a long time with a incursion hammering the fleet.

I wonder how PvP fleets can manage with their logistics getting permajammed by a lone blackbird.

An incursion griefing blackbird doesn't need to fit tank or weapons, or even a mix of ECM types. Just needs a 2:1 ratio of amarr:gallente/caldari:minmatar, or scout out the target fleet in advance (which is trivial to do) and just fit for what they've got, plus the lowslot and rig modules.

Everyone at CCP keeps deciding ECM sucks as a game mechanic, but they never bother to make it not suck. Why is that? WTB ECM that reduces your targeting slots by 1.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Caldari State
#13 - 2011-11-13 19:41:49 UTC
ohhhh god now THAT is a sweet way to kill incursion runners just jam there logi's :D
Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#14 - 2011-11-13 19:46:28 UTC
Zowie Powers wrote:
Corp/alliance bans 11/14/2011
From: carmelos53
Sent: 2011.11.13 18:14
To: Public incursion blacklist,

Kill It With Fire - now added due to blackbird suicide jamming

Snap to it CCP. Like GM Hormone said, there is no warning for Incursion runners of this threat, so there is no way to protect against, therefore it's an exploit against Incursion runners.


Congratulations, you just convinced me to fly to highsec and hunt you down. I can't believe there are people this risk-adverse. How do you even function in real life?
Sakurako Kimino
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#15 - 2011-11-13 19:48:40 UTC
Ariane VoxDei wrote:
Sakurako Kimino wrote:
can you link to where GM Hormone said no warning for incursions runners?

Does matter where or if?

The scenario is pretty selfexplaining. All they have time for is to notice a neutral on grid and pray they are out of range, before logistics locks are broken and blocked for 20s. 20s without remote reps, and usually no local tank, is a long time with a incursion hammering the fleet.

yes in this case it does matter the op is stating that a ccp employee has stated there is immunity for incursions runners.

I know its a play on the rr change but the op is mad that the free kill pass has been removed.

ganking as in this scenario is fine there is risk of fail and of loss ganking with out risk is not fine.

heck even goons admit that their ganking has a chance of failing slim but it is there, the rr ganking had no risk of fail.

eve is about sin

Mrs Sooperdudespaceman
#16 - 2011-11-13 19:51:39 UTC
Desert Ice78 wrote:
I demand that all "wana-be" hi-sec pvper bears be forced to actually pvp, as in shoot those who are only too happy and able to shoot back, rather then the current "shoot everyone as long as they can't shoot back" that passes for pvp in hi-sec.

Well done CCP for making Eve Online harder; only real pvper's will be left once all these bears have been forced out because the game is too hard for them.

Bravo o7

Are you saying that Incursion runners, who shoot NPCs, should shoot something else and that making it more difficult to run Incursions will make them quit and therefore make Eve a bettter place for everyone?

If this is the case then maybe you should stop hiding behind your friends in 0.0 and try running Incursions for yourself!

Or are you saying that suicide jamming Incursion runners is wrong and want CCP to nerf ECM so that it can't be activated on a neutral target in Hisec?

If this is the case and you feel so strongly about people using this mechanic why don't you stop carebearing it up in 0.0, leave the safety of the blob and come to hisec and do something about it?

Or did you just skim the thread and decide to sperg anyway?
Oyonata Gate Defence Force.
#17 - 2011-11-13 20:14:58 UTC
Zowie Powers wrote:
Corp/alliance bans 11/14/2011
From: carmelos53
Sent: 2011.11.13 18:14
To: Public incursion blacklist,

Kill It With Fire - now added due to blackbird suicide jamming

Snap to it CCP. Like GM Hormone said, there is no warning for Incursion runners of this threat, so there is no way to protect against, therefore it's an exploit against Incursion runners.


The 1st warning is the ecm ship on dscan, 2nd is the ECM ship warping into the site, 3rd is it targeting the logi's, how many warnings you want ?

Seriously go fit the fleet properly and that BB is not going to jam out anything before conkorden does its thing, or if it does its going to be one hell of a lucky jam and then not going to be that lucky to jam out enough logi's to cause anyones death.

Why should incursion runners suddenly get to be immune and get mechanics changed to suit them.
Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#18 - 2011-11-13 20:35:24 UTC
Now even though I think this a rather inventive way of doing things its fail anyway. Even if you manage to hit all 3 logis in one shot with a bbird your still only going to be jammed for about 6-10 secs before concord blows the bbird to smithereens. And if you are having a hard time staying alive for that long without reps theres definitely something wrong, seeing as drones will still rep if placed on you.

The only places this would really suck would be in Assaults or HQs where you can get alphad due to the high dps. VGs and below you might bleed into armor if they do it at the right time and you happen to have global aggro, lets say during the final deltole in an OTA. Anything else and the ships is blown up and your back repping like nothing happened.

But the same thing would happen if you had the niarjas jam the logis now anyway.

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

Captain Nathaniel Butler
The White Company
#19 - 2011-11-13 20:35:55 UTC
Mrs Sooperdudespaceman wrote:

Or did you just skim the thread and decide to sperg anyway?

Yep , that's what my money is on Blink

Lady Spank for C&P moderator.

Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2011-11-13 20:41:47 UTC
Seems like a perfectly reasonable tactic to me. Its been a standard approach to interfering in PvE fights in other MMOs for years.
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