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Do Level 4 missions pay too much compared to 1 through 3?

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Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#201 - 2013-08-27 06:34:35 UTC
Cipher Jones wrote:
L1 ship + fitting < 1 mil.
L2 ship + fitting < 2 mil.
L3 ship + fitting < 50 mil.
L4 ship + fitting that actually nets 60 mil an hour? Post your best. Then calculate the SP involved. You thought about this for sure.

T2 fitted cruise raven.
E-2C Hawkeye
#202 - 2013-08-27 13:46:25 UTC
Asuri Kinnes wrote:
E-2C Hawkeye wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Khemax wrote:
I Believe that the level 4 mission payouts are at a good level compared to other money making activities, but the level 2/3 ones could do with an increase....especially level 3s

That would inject too much isk into the system and do great harm to the game.

Too much isk?? As compared to the moon goo isk faucet? Seriously? seriously?

Moon goo injects -0- *new* isk (which is the definition of an isk faucet).

Moon goo is an item (which other players pay for with their money) not a bounty or mission reward that injects isk into the game.

Before you start commenting on isk faucets and sinks, it would help a lot if you understood wtf you were talking about.

Yes you are right. The trillions and trillions of isk the moons generated all went where? RMT? Moon goo is an income just like any other. Yes it requires resources and management but I would argue it has done more damage to the game more than any lvl 4 mission ever could. Not only that but incursions runners make several times over the isk per hour than any lvl 4 mission.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#203 - 2013-08-27 13:49:29 UTC
Cipher Jones wrote:

L4 ship + fitting that actually nets 60 mil an hour? Post your best. Then calculate the SP involved. You thought about this for sure.

No they are counting LP.

Which is crap because there is a hell of a lot more time involved in moving stuff around and getting it sold. I could pull a half bill a week in hi sec pretty easily, but it was time intensive and required three accounts.
1) Primary bling boat to get the missions done
2) noctics/hauler alt to move loot/mods/sale items
3) market toon to sit there and sell it all in whatever hub I was near.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#204 - 2013-08-27 14:07:20 UTC
E-2C Hawkeye wrote:
Yes you are right. The trillions and trillions of isk the moons generated all went where? RMT? Moon goo is an income just like any other.
Where the ISK went doesn't matter — what matters is where it's coming from. Where it's coming from is one of the four ISK faucets: bounties, agent rewards, insurance, and NPC buy orders. Moon goo may be an income source, but it is not an ISK faucet. It's a materials faucet, and a pretty moderate one at that.

Yes it requires resources and management but I would argue it has done more damage to the game more than any lvl 4 mission ever could.
Ok. And your argument for that is… what, exactly?
Remember, even at their best, high-end moons provide about the same ISK/h (ore more accurately, the same ISK-worth of materials injection) as highsec ice mining. So if you want to argue that moon goo has done the game any damage, I can't begin to imagine how horrible you think ice mining is.

Not only that but incursions runners make several times over the isk per hour than any lvl 4 mission.
Yes. There's a reason why incursions have been a constant target for calls to nerf their the ISK influx they cause.

Onictus wrote:
No they are counting LP.

Which is crap because there is a hell of a lot more time involved in moving stuff around and getting it sold. I could pull a half bill a week in hi sec pretty easily, but it was time intensive and required three accounts.
1) Primary bling boat to get the missions done
2) noctics/hauler alt to move loot/mods/sale items
3) market toon to sit there and sell it all in whatever hub I was near.

That just meant you were being inefficient. Tip #1: drop the noctis. Looting and salvaging is a waste of time compared to just running more missions. Tip #2: drop the market toon. You don't need one to sell in bulk unless you absolutely want to .01 every order you put out — even if you use sell orders, it gets soled eventually. Again, a waste of time compared to just running more missions.

So no, the added time and effort for going the LP route is absolutely minimal. If it takes more than maybe an hour or so once or twice a month, you're doing something wrong, and you certainly don't need any additional accounts to maximise your mission income, other than if you want to run several missions in parallel.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#205 - 2013-08-27 14:14:13 UTC
Tippia wrote:

Onictus wrote:
No they are counting LP.

Which is crap because there is a hell of a lot more time involved in moving stuff around and getting it sold. I could pull a half bill a week in hi sec pretty easily, but it was time intensive and required three accounts.
1) Primary bling boat to get the missions done
2) noctics/hauler alt to move loot/mods/sale items
3) market toon to sit there and sell it all in whatever hub I was near.

That just meant you were being inefficient. Tip #1: drop the noctis. Looting and salvaging is a waste of time compared to just running more missions. Tip #2: drop the market toon. You don't need one to sell in bulk unless you absolutely want to .01 every order you put out — even if you use sell orders, it gets soled eventually. Again, a waste of time compared to just running more missions.

So no, the added time and effort for going the LP route is absolutely minimal. If it takes more than maybe an hour or so once or twice a month, you're doing something wrong, and you certainly don't need any additional accounts to maximise your mission income, other than if you want to run several missions in parallel.

Not exactly the easiest way to cash in the LP is on impants, however, its not hard to saturate the market that way, so faction ammo was a good way to go around which required the noctics to get enough ore to make the ammo to convert.

Otherwise you are trying to sell the LP so to speak which is also annoying and the time on the market is spent negotiation rates.

60mil an hour is possible simply grinding the missions but that also required having a good spread of agents and getting lucky on mission draws. I'd probably pull around 45 usually, and that was dropping all of the annoying/faction missions and hopeing.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#206 - 2013-08-27 14:20:37 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:

Also I've heard of people losing their light drones and have their battleship being killed by scram frigs.

That means they didn't use the tools at their disposal. A Micro-Jump drive (and fitting a proper 5 minute active tank or appropriate strength in case of a Disconnect, some people still don't know that activated modules stay on when you D/C now) makes high sec missions 100% safe. NPCs disrupt (not scam) so you can always MJD away as long as you have enough cap to activate it.

I don't undock to do a mission without specific hardeners, 10 minutes of cap under an active tank (since no part of a lvl 4 mission takes more than 10 minutes to clear the major DPS away), a damage control and a MJD.

Trudeaux Margaret
University of Caille
#207 - 2013-08-27 14:51:53 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Captain Tardbar wrote:

Also I've heard of people losing their light drones and have their battleship being killed by scram frigs.

That means they didn't use the tools at their disposal. A Micro-Jump drive (and fitting a proper 5 minute active tank or appropriate strength in case of a Disconnect, some people still don't know that activated modules stay on when you D/C now) makes high sec missions 100% safe. NPCs disrupt (not scam) so you can always MJD away as long as you have enough cap to activate it.

I don't undock to do a mission without specific hardeners, 10 minutes of cap under an active tank (since no part of a lvl 4 mission takes more than 10 minutes to clear the major DPS away), a damage control and a MJD.

Have to agree with this, even if I don't necessarily agree with the overall premise that level 4 mission income should be nerfed. (Incursion income is another story.) A player that finds himself losing all his drones and then his ship in a level 4 should not have been in a level 4 to begin with, because that player was lacking in the knowledge of game mechanics to see him through.

Died in a mission? Doesn't mean the mission is all that hard, or that level 4s are hard, for players who are ready for them. It likely means you should drop back down to 3s while you research what went wrong.

> anyone willing to give me like a 5 min politics crash course?

> grr goons, lowsec is full of elitist sh*s, all roads lead to the bittervet pl

BamBam Inc.
#208 - 2013-08-27 16:09:31 UTC
E-2C Hawkeye wrote:
Asuri Kinnes wrote:
E-2C Hawkeye wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Khemax wrote:
I Believe that the level 4 mission payouts are at a good level compared to other money making activities, but the level 2/3 ones could do with an increase....especially level 3s

That would inject too much isk into the system and do great harm to the game.

Too much isk?? As compared to the moon goo isk faucet? Seriously? seriously?

Moon goo injects -0- *new* isk (which is the definition of an isk faucet).

Moon goo is an item (which other players pay for with their money) not a bounty or mission reward that injects isk into the game.

Before you start commenting on isk faucets and sinks, it would help a lot if you understood wtf you were talking about.

Yes you are right. The trillions and trillions of isk the moons generated all went where? RMT? Moon goo is an income just like any other. Yes it requires resources and management but I would argue it has done more damage to the game more than any lvl 4 mission ever could. Not only that but incursions runners make several times over the isk per hour than any lvl 4 mission.

It will be terribly shameful for you when you realize what a BS you write here.

Unless you mine for a mission, all the isk you earn is from other players when you sell ore. They have those ISK from bounties or mission rewards.

Same with moon goo.

Mining does not create ISK, but ore.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#209 - 2013-08-27 16:34:37 UTC
Tippia wrote:
E-2C Hawkeye wrote:
Yes you are right. The trillions and trillions of isk the moons generated all went where? RMT? Moon goo is an income just like any other.
Where the ISK went doesn't matter — what matters is where it's coming from. Where it's coming from is one of the four ISK faucets: bounties, agent rewards, insurance, and NPC buy orders. Moon goo may be an income source, but it is not an ISK faucet. It's a materials faucet, and a pretty moderate one at that.

If you wanted to be really persnickety about it, you could make the case that a fraction of T2 materials are used to make T1 ships into T2 ships, thus increasing their insurance value, thus indirectly leading to a small increase of ISK in the economy when those ships are destroyed.

Of course the T2 manufacturing process and sale probably sinks very nearly as much ISK as this.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Krixtal Icefluxor
#210 - 2013-08-27 16:41:35 UTC
Orlacc wrote:
Captain Tardbar wrote:
Onictus wrote:
Kitty Bear wrote:

tbh anyone who claims that hi-sec is perfect safety for mission runners is both a deluded fool and a liar

Well its not bloody dangerous if you aren't a tard and/or don't run around with a 13 billion isk officer fit.

Its as dangerous as losing your connection or aggroing the entire room.

Also I've heard of people losing their light drones and have their battleship being killed by scram frigs.

You're kidding right?

Folks who don't have their missiles and guns up to all lvl 4 at least can indeed get scrammed by frigates if they forgot drones, or if the drones were eaten during the mission. I've watched it happen on full room agro (not to myself - by the time I bothered to get a Battleship, all my weapons stuffs were on 5.).

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Krixtal Icefluxor
#211 - 2013-08-27 16:43:06 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Cipher Jones wrote:
L1 ship + fitting < 1 mil.
L2 ship + fitting < 2 mil.
L3 ship + fitting < 50 mil.
L4 ship + fitting that actually nets 60 mil an hour? Post your best. Then calculate the SP involved. You thought about this for sure.

T2 fitted cruise raven.


Golems and Rattlesnakes work, but are much slower to kill off a room than a CNR.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Krixtal Icefluxor
#212 - 2013-08-27 16:45:57 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Captain Tardbar wrote:

Also I've heard of people losing their light drones and have their battleship being killed by scram frigs.

That means they didn't use the tools at their disposal. A Micro-Jump drive (and fitting a proper 5 minute active tank or appropriate strength in case of a Disconnect, some people still don't know that activated modules stay on when you D/C now) makes high sec missions 100% safe. NPCs disrupt (not scam) so you can always MJD away as long as you have enough cap to activate it.

I don't undock to do a mission without specific hardeners, 10 minutes of cap under an active tank (since no part of a lvl 4 mission takes more than 10 minutes to clear the major DPS away), a damage control and a MJD.

This is packed full of lies !

MJD on a mission BS is doing it wrong in the first place. NPC frigs do indeed still scram.

I don't know what mission you are running, but I run the ones in EVE Online.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Sunshine and Lollipops
#213 - 2013-08-27 17:00:48 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
MJD on a mission BS is doing it wrong in the first place. NPC frigs do indeed still scram.
They have very odd “scrams” then, since they only apply one point and do it at a range of 20:ish km…
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#214 - 2013-08-27 17:12:29 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Captain Tardbar wrote:

Also I've heard of people losing their light drones and have their battleship being killed by scram frigs.

That means they didn't use the tools at their disposal. A Micro-Jump drive (and fitting a proper 5 minute active tank or appropriate strength in case of a Disconnect, some people still don't know that activated modules stay on when you D/C now) makes high sec missions 100% safe. NPCs disrupt (not scam) so you can always MJD away as long as you have enough cap to activate it.

I don't undock to do a mission without specific hardeners, 10 minutes of cap under an active tank (since no part of a lvl 4 mission takes more than 10 minutes to clear the major DPS away), a damage control and a MJD.

This is packed full of lies !

MJD on a mission BS is doing it wrong in the first place. NPC frigs do indeed still scram.

I don't know what mission you are running, but I run the ones in EVE Online.

No npc scrams, npcs warp "disrupt". You know you can test this for yourself right? Hell and hour ago I MJD'd out of Mordus Headhunters while "scrammed" by 4 merc frigs. In multiple missions (like worlds's collide, Extravaganza of different flavors, Gone Berzerk, the Anomaly , Damsel in distress ect ect) I tested it, over and over and over again.

When you get the message about an npc scramming you, hit your mjd. EVE NPCs don't scram, CCP just never got around to chainging the message you get.

100 million isk is the bet. Make a video of you with an MJD "scrammed" by an npc where it doesn't work.

Not surprising to find mission runnners who don't know hot the game works lol.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#215 - 2013-08-27 17:16:07 UTC
Trudeaux Margaret wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Captain Tardbar wrote:

Also I've heard of people losing their light drones and have their battleship being killed by scram frigs.

That means they didn't use the tools at their disposal. A Micro-Jump drive (and fitting a proper 5 minute active tank or appropriate strength in case of a Disconnect, some people still don't know that activated modules stay on when you D/C now) makes high sec missions 100% safe. NPCs disrupt (not scam) so you can always MJD away as long as you have enough cap to activate it.

I don't undock to do a mission without specific hardeners, 10 minutes of cap under an active tank (since no part of a lvl 4 mission takes more than 10 minutes to clear the major DPS away), a damage control and a MJD.

Have to agree with this, even if I don't necessarily agree with the overall premise that level 4 mission income should be nerfed. (Incursion income is another story.) A player that finds himself losing all his drones and then his ship in a level 4 should not have been in a level 4 to begin with, because that player was lacking in the knowledge of game mechanics to see him through.

Died in a mission? Doesn't mean the mission is all that hard, or that level 4s are hard, for players who are ready for them. It likely means you should drop back down to 3s while you research what went wrong.

I'm not advocating mission income nerfs by the way, just setting the record straight. one of the problems with "lvl 4" missions is that they are so forgiving that even experienced mission runners don't have to learn game mechanics to survive them.

There are still mission runners who will swear up and down that you can't use MWDs in missions lol. I'd bet many of them haven't even trained the skill that allows for the use of MJDs (or target lock breakers or armor honeycombing for the armor guys).
Sunshine and Lollipops
#216 - 2013-08-27 17:29:21 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
I'm not advocating mission income nerfs by the way, just setting the record straight. one of the problems with "lvl 4" missions is that they are so forgiving that even experienced mission runners don't have to learn game mechanics to survive them.

There are still mission runners who will swear up and down that you can't use MWDs in missions lol. I'd bet many of them haven't even trained the skill that allows for the use of MJDs (or target lock breakers or armor honeycombing for the armor guys).

…or just look at the fact that people are still befuddled by the (not actually) new AI even though the AI parameters are available pretty much in clear text in the database, so all you need to figure out how they'll behave is a good DB browser like
Trudeaux Margaret
University of Caille
#217 - 2013-08-27 17:32:24 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

I'm not advocating mission income nerfs by the way, just setting the record straight. one of the problems with "lvl 4" missions is that they are so forgiving that even experienced mission runners don't have to learn game mechanics to survive them.

There are still mission runners who will swear up and down that you can't use MWDs in missions lol. I'd bet many of them haven't even trained the skill that allows for the use of MJDs (or target lock breakers or armor honeycombing for the armor guys).

I suppose us newer players are at a slight advantage then, maybe -- we're not set in our ways? ;)

But for the record, to anyone who thinks you can't use a microjumpdrive to get away from the annoying frigs in level 4s, you can, even if the "scram" icon is on you. Really. You can use it every few minutes, if you need to. You just need to take care that you're facing in the direction that you want to go before you hit the key to spool it up, if you don't you might get yourself into worse trouble.
Best module ever for a battleship, IMO.

> anyone willing to give me like a 5 min politics crash course?

> grr goons, lowsec is full of elitist sh*s, all roads lead to the bittervet pl

Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#218 - 2013-08-27 18:43:24 UTC
Not only that but incursions runners make several times over the isk per hour than any lvl 4 mission.


internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#219 - 2013-08-28 04:03:54 UTC
I've tried it both ways multiple times. LP rushing is only worth it if you get the tags by doing missions that lock you out of some part of space. If you buy them you just don't get a great return on your LP compared to the simple stuff I sell that nets up to 1500 ISK/LP. I've seen the claims of what peole make in the LP store and its fine, but rushing LP isnt sustainable, period. You cant cherry pick every mission and win every time.

I have made well over 250 mil an hour salvaging many times. If I said I could do it every hour I'd be full of ****. I see people claiming that they can cash in 3000 ISK/LP and 60,000 LP every hour rushing. Bull to the ******* ****.

LP rushing might be great ISK, but so is completing the missions and using industry to maximize the profit.

And how it relates to this thread is that EITHER path is hard work with a big investment of in game money and real world time.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Jori McKie
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#220 - 2013-08-28 05:31:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Jori McKie
Cipher Jones wrote:
I've tried it both ways multiple times. LP rushing is only worth it if you get the tags by doing missions that lock you out of some part of space. If you buy them you just don't get a great return on your LP compared to the simple stuff I sell that nets up to 1500 ISK/LP. I've seen the claims of what peole make in the LP store and its fine, but rushing LP isnt sustainable, period. You cant cherry pick every mission and win every time.

I have made well over 250 mil an hour salvaging many times. If I said I could do it every hour I'd be full of ****. I see people claiming that they can cash in 3000 ISK/LP and 60,000 LP every hour rushing. Bull to the ******* ****.

LP rushing might be great ISK, but so is completing the missions and using industry to maximize the profit.

And how it relates to this thread is that EITHER path is hard work with a big investment of in game money and real world time.

Tags are freaking easy to get, you have to think longterm. Set a buy order at the average price and forget about it. At worst a month later it is filled, rinse and repeat. It is very sustainable even if you need a lot of tags, just check the Jita volume. Standings can be a problem if you are flying only for one faction but doing it right you always fly for 2 opposing once like Caldari/Gallente etc. after enough storyline missions your faction standing averages out at about ~6 for both faction (with connections at 5 and declining all ****** missions). You have to know where and how to find a pair of L4 agents (of course for "good" NPC corps) within 2jumps of each other in systems with the lowest security possible.

3k ISK/LP is possible on several items but if you generate shitloads of LP you may run into the problem that you aren't selling them fast enough, so on average you can calc with 2k up to 2.5k ISK/LP.
60k LP/h on average is impossible in highsec, 40k LP/h on the other hand very much is.

Invest some time, think about how to min/max, know the standing and system security (it defines you LP payout) mechanics, know how to calc the ISK/LP for your 5run faction BPCs and 120m ISK/h with L4 is easy as hell but you have to stop following the herd and doing missions for Caldari, Amarr Navy etc. in the most common mission hubs.
When you have done all your prep work which costs time and after you set up everything the time you need to run your LP convert into ISK system needs only 10mins maintenance per day.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." - Abrazzar