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[Odyssey 1.1] Command Ships

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Capt Canada
What Corp is it
#1841 - 2013-08-26 14:23:49 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:

Honestly, I love the new Vulture. It has a grand total of 200 less shield HP than the Nighthawk which is a tiny different, and the Nighthawk needs the extra shields more anyway since it's more likely to engage at shorter ranges.

The Vulture on the other hand is flat out gaining a massive DPS bump from TQ, keeps its damage projection, can still run two links, and gets a bonus to lock range. I think the first thing I'm going to do with it on TQ is run around with Blasters fitted enjoying my ability to project absurd DPS to 14+km with Null.
Hmmm, I don't know, with my skills, fitting a Vulture and Ferox the same except no point and the need for a +3PG implant on ferox. Ferox has more dps and ehp but, 2000m less range. Isk for dps/ehp, I think I'd go with the ferox for a solo encounter.
I don't have perfect skills but am pretty sure the numbers would be the same for someone with them. Just higher for both overall of course. Yes the vulture picked up a damage bonus but still deals considerably less damage than its T1 counterpart.

NB; before I get jumped on for comparing CS to T1 BC's, I was specifically addressing Cade's comment about the vulture as a solo ship..
Cade Windstalker
#1842 - 2013-08-26 19:03:15 UTC
Capt Canada wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:

Honestly, I love the new Vulture. It has a grand total of 200 less shield HP than the Nighthawk which is a tiny different, and the Nighthawk needs the extra shields more anyway since it's more likely to engage at shorter ranges.

The Vulture on the other hand is flat out gaining a massive DPS bump from TQ, keeps its damage projection, can still run two links, and gets a bonus to lock range. I think the first thing I'm going to do with it on TQ is run around with Blasters fitted enjoying my ability to project absurd DPS to 14+km with Null.
Hmmm, I don't know, with my skills, fitting a Vulture and Ferox the same except no point and the need for a +3PG implant on ferox. Ferox has more dps and ehp but, 2000m less range. Isk for dps/ehp, I think I'd go with the ferox for a solo encounter.
I don't have perfect skills but am pretty sure the numbers would be the same for someone with them. Just higher for both overall of course. Yes the vulture picked up a damage bonus but still deals considerably less damage than its T1 counterpart.

NB; before I get jumped on for comparing CS to T1 BC's, I was specifically addressing Cade's comment about the vulture as a solo ship..

For a start you're wrong about the DPS, at least at the high end of the skill curve. With all 5s, Neutron 2s, and Antimatter (no other fittings or drones) the Ferox gets 310 and the Vulture gets 331. Not a huge DPS change but the Vulture is also picking up an extra 50% range (~14km vs 9.4km at all 5s) and T2 resist bonuses which shouldn't be under estimated. It also has better capacitor, betting fittings, needs fewer guns, and has more base shield HP.

I've never claimed it was a particularly fantastic solo boat compared to the other command ships and you'd probably need to be a very skilled PvPer to make use of it that way effectively, but in a small gang with Logi it can tank and project DPS far better than the Ferox and either boost the fleet with links or fit utility highs.
LowKey Ops
Shadow Cartel
#1843 - 2013-08-26 20:25:40 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:
Please switch a low to a mid on the Nighthawk.


Why does a shield tanking CS need 5 low slots? They don't need speed and 4 damage mods is, well, repetitive and CPU heavy.
LowKey Ops
Shadow Cartel
#1844 - 2013-08-26 20:42:55 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Naomi Anthar wrote:
What is this madness. Why damn Minmatar Sleipnir Command ship got 2 x 10% damage bonus and Absolution 5% RoF and 10% damage ... Not saying it's unfair ... ok it's unfair.

What you are literally doing here is justifying 10% cap usage bonus on Absolution. You could remove RoF bonus give 10% bonus as you did with Sleipnir ... and then since you removed one turret point ... then ... then ... then...

YES then you could remove super ****** cap usage bonus and give something real like optimal range (sleipnir got falloff) or tracking or anything useful.

The main down-side of Lasers is their cap usage, which is why most Amarr ships get bonuses to cap use for lasers. It offsets some of the trade-off for those weapon systems. In exchange you get a great mix of tracking, range, and damage along with instant ammo switching.

Functionally it's very similar to the Falloff or Range bonuses on most Hybrid weapon ships or the falloff and ROF bonuses on most projectile ships (projectiles actually have kinda crap DPS by default).

Basically if you don't like cap usage bonuses don't fly Amarr.

Wrong. Cap use bonuses are terrible, and if they are going to be true bonuses, they need to be something like 15%.

I'd take another damage / range / tank / speed bonus over that garbage any day. Especially when they give you a ROF bonus attached to laser cap usage, so, so, so stupid.

On top of that, Amarr ships don't even have better base capacitors anymore (in a lot of ship classes).

Lasers aren't significantly better than other weapon systems anymore. Their damage projection is great, but that's only because of Pulse lasers and Scorch; their tracking is horrendous (incredibly easy to get under even small pulse lasers).
Naomi Anthar
#1845 - 2013-08-26 20:46:58 UTC
Jerick Ludhowe wrote:
Come on fozzie, we need another pass on cap/s... There is no reason a deimos should have 6.2/s where an abso gets 4.5/s.

Are you insane ? Only gallente folks deserve "ANOTHER BALANCE PASS" - whenever they ask for it - they get it. Check previous balance topics - battleships for example.

Yeah let's be honest the times when gallente pilot can come to forum and just order his minions (CCP) to buff his ships are NOW.

This is outrageous ...

Dominix - overbuffed , Megathron - overbuffed(lol mid + low layout of NAVY APOC AND NAY GEDDON) , Vexor - overbuffed, Tristan - overbuffed , Algos overpowered from the very start , comet - overbuffed ... and so on ...

Now Deimos comes in with MUCH BETTER cap than Zealot (heavy laser cap use ?) , Absolution and many other ships. Not only cap usage. This is ridiculous.

I think if some gallente boy would come here and tell CCP to do another balance pass because they are not happy with EOS or Astarte - then we would see overbuffed gallente CS in few days.

CCP stop it !

And let's not forget incoming huge buffs to rails and reps - and let's think who will benefit from it most ?

CCP stop this madness - it's not true that gallente ships must outdamage , outtank, outlast and outrun other ships ... really.
Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#1846 - 2013-08-26 23:25:58 UTC
Naomi Anthar wrote:

This is outrageous ...

Dominix - overbuffed , Megathron - overbuffed(lol mid + low layout of NAVY APOC AND NAY GEDDON) , Vexor - overbuffed, Tristan - overbuffed , Algos overpowered from the very start , comet - overbuffed ... and so on ...

I won't doubt the comment on the dominix, it currently is strong all the way - as long as you don't need to move. Which is basically always for the way you deploy it.

The Vexor surely is a pwnmobile once you've worked your way through to t2 blasters and ogres. Ye it's moderately rewarding given that you need every skill there is that hasn't missile written on it. Compared though to the thorax (active-armor AB-Blasterboat / shield AB blasterboat), or to caracal (rapid lights frig killer) or rupture (still the most costefficient serious artyplatform), it certainly is just one direction of excellent.

Now this is ridiculous, Tristan is a freekill whenever you meet one, pop it's drones, apply damage from 6-8k and even a rifter kills it easy pezy. The Tristan is pretty comedylevel given that fielding drones against another frig (that normally pops a warrior/hobgoblin/ec-300 in 2 volleys) is flawed, and you will have terrible cards against any other pilot with a dronetab.

Algos is so slow, getting kited by a tempest. Only useful the same way a proteus is useful, in a blob against immobile targets.

Comet - It's a gallente frig. It's fragile as ****, does okayish damage (great on paper / nice in space), got jamdrones and goes quite fast. Though it neither touches the daredevil on the offensive nor the dramiel on the defensive side.

Simply put, Gallente ships are in good shape. Tristan/Algos are rather weak on their own.

Naomi Anthar wrote:

Now Deimos comes in with MUCH BETTER cap than Zealot (heavy laser cap use ?) , Absolution and many other ships. Not only cap usage. This is ridiculous.

To add that the deimos used to have a capacitor bonus, as did the sacriledge. Cap did not fall from the sky, it's an old bonus (like on the sac) being built into the hull.Now also to mention that old AB Zealots never had issues with cap to boot, now they also don't have cap issues fitting some weirdo shieldbeamfits (55% stable, 2m00 mwd on). If you instead go for an active zealot, might question yourself why not a NOmen. Or fit a cap booster. Absolution shouldn't be mentioned, as it is a command ship (they didn't get their cap readjusted afaik). Also, even a muninn got more capacitor recharge then an absolution.
Cade Windstalker
#1847 - 2013-08-27 00:28:19 UTC
Phaade wrote:

Wrong. Cap use bonuses are terrible, and if they are going to be true bonuses, they need to be something like 15%.

I'd take another damage / range / tank / speed bonus over that garbage any day. Especially when they give you a ROF bonus attached to laser cap usage, so, so, so stupid.

On top of that, Amarr ships don't even have better base capacitors anymore (in a lot of ship classes).

Lasers aren't significantly better than other weapon systems anymore. Their damage projection is great, but that's only because of Pulse lasers and Scorch; their tracking is horrendous (incredibly easy to get under even small pulse lasers).

That's like saying the DPS bonuses on Projectile ships aren't a real bonus because those guns tend to have lower overall DPS, or the Falloff bonuses on hybrid boats because Blasters have low range. Many ship bonuses offset an otherwise painful downside of a weapon type.

For their range lasers have great tracking and even after the nerf Beam Lasers are going to have the best tracking of any long range weapon system and absolutely fantastic DPS. At Pulse Laser ranges Medium Blasters lose much of their DPS to falloff and flat out stop doing more than tickling past 20km even on a double range bonused ship like the Vulture or Eagle. If you end up fighting any sort of long-range weapons ship you try to get under his guns, if you end up fighting a shorter range ship you try and out-range him. The niche for Pulse Lasers is being able to out-range Blaster and Auto-cannon boats while dealing better DPS but also get in under the tracking of long-range ships without getting into web range.

In exchange they have somewhat crap capacitor use.

As I've said earlier though, the Mediums specifically could probably use a second look from CCP but looking at the numbers I doubt they would give them more than a 5-10% reduction if anything which wouldn't remove the usefulness of the cap bonus on medium ships.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#1848 - 2013-08-27 06:34:16 UTC
Is there any way that Cap bonus on Absolution could be rolled into special bonus. Laser ships almost always have one bonus less due to cap one it's kinda odd.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#1849 - 2013-08-27 10:27:16 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:

Command Ship model changes

Is this still coming?


Lephia DeGrande
Luxembourg Space Union
#1850 - 2013-08-27 11:25:23 UTC
I dont think the Cap Bonus is a bad one, its just to low, imagine an all V Ship could reduce Laser near cap Free state it would be terrific!!
El Geo
#1851 - 2013-08-27 11:58:15 UTC
I still can not understand the mentality of totally removing off grid boosts, unless you have some sort of convoluted plan which enables gangs of 2 or 3 players to provide assistance while taking on gangs of 10+ because at the moment its difficult enough trying to pull and separate players off their bigger gangs, let alone when they have gang links and you don't, which is exactly what slaying off grid boosts will do.

NB Yes, I occasionally use an off grid booster, sometimes I am that booster for a friend, more often than not I do not use them as they can be a pain in the ass to look after and get into position if dual boxing, if I have to bring them on grid its likely I will never use them at all UNLESS IN A LARGE GANG.
Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#1852 - 2013-08-27 12:06:14 UTC
El Geo wrote:
I still can not understand the mentality of totally removing off grid boosts, unless you have some sort of convoluted plan which enables gangs of 2 or 3 players to provide assistance while taking on gangs of 10+ because [...]

I'd state this is a difficult task no matter how you look at it. If your opponents know what they are doing, you'll lose such a situation 10 out of 10 times.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1853 - 2013-08-27 12:07:51 UTC
El Geo wrote:
I still can not understand the mentality of totally removing off grid boosts, unless you have some sort of convoluted plan which enables gangs of 2 or 3 players to provide assistance while taking on gangs of 10+ because at the moment its difficult enough trying to pull and separate players off their bigger gangs, let alone when they have gang links and you don't, which is exactly what slaying off grid boosts will do.

NB Yes, I occasionally use an off grid booster, sometimes I am that booster for a friend, more often than not I do not use them as they can be a pain in the ass to look after and get into position if dual boxing, if I have to bring them on grid its likely I will never use them at all UNLESS IN A LARGE GANG.

They are not removing Off grid boosting, just nerfing it compared to on grid boosting. its the simple thing of risk = reward. its still viable to run some Off grid boosting and infact some will benfit from the t3 changes, for example if your currently running a Shield BC solo and have your links setup, currently you can fit a tengu with 5 links but 2 are unbonused, but now those 2 links will also be bonused, meaning you can set up a tengu to be hard to scan cloaky with boosts to Sheild boosting amount shield resists, web+point range bonus, speed bonus, and sig radius reduction.

off grid boosting is very important, and while mining ships have gang links aswell, they will not remove it otherwise Rouqal wrecks will stain the skies of new eden.
Lephia DeGrande
Luxembourg Space Union
#1854 - 2013-08-27 12:13:07 UTC
I thought the Goal would be to remove offgrid Boosting completly atleast for Combat related links?!
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1855 - 2013-08-27 13:25:02 UTC
Reading all posts here - i've strong opinion that the absolution is nearly perfect ship. Like most others amarrians ships. Mb we should nerf it a little bit? Tnk you CCP
Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#1856 - 2013-08-27 14:04:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerick Ludhowe
Anattha wrote:
Reading all posts here - i've strong opinion that the absolution is nearly perfect ship. Like most others amarrians ships. Mb we should nerf it a little bit? Tnk you CCP

It needs better cap recharge, just like all the commands.

I know I sound like a broken record here, but a standardized 4.5/s cap recharge is simply foolish... They all need to be around the 5.5/s mark with higher cap using ships (absolution) getting even more and lower cap using ships (claymore, sleipnir) getting slightly less.

Again, why does the deimos get 6.2/s cap, when the absolution gets 4.5/s.
The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#1857 - 2013-08-27 17:23:06 UTC
Oh good, for a second there I thought the Eos might be useful, I'm glad to see CCP sticking with tradtion of horrible split weapon system bonuses on this ship. Can't have the Eos being a viable ship now can we.
Florian Kuehne
Tech3 Company
#1858 - 2013-08-27 17:23:11 UTC
ccp, before you show us the upcoming features/changes regarding Od 1.1 you may should read these tons of feadback of your players. For me personally, i didnt get answered simple questions or points which i dont like and want to discuss.

You guys have ideas and want to bring these changes, who cares about the bad.

my fast summary of cs changes:
++every cs can fit links with bonus
++smaller adj. to all ships like armor based ships got less shield now etc.
++boosting little bit of damage things, sensor strength etc. to have a good difference between bc, navy bc and cs
--every ship has same modul-bonuses
--thery are no more 2 cs of each race, only one ship basicly
--less fitting-possibilites like nerf pg on damnation etc., but also good points

I still want to have 2 type of cs, one with good bonus to fleet-modules, better possibility to tank and control a fleet.
Second one with more damage and/or fitting-points to fit neuts etc.
Bullet Therapist
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1859 - 2013-08-27 18:53:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Bullet Therapist
Wow, theyre really going live with the nighthawk having 5 lows and 5 mids... sheesh

The loss of that one low amounts to the loss of 40 dps, or about 12-13%, but the gain in mid would account for on the order of 20% or so ehp, which is the primarily what CSs need. In the case of the NH, its the difference not being sure weather or not you want to use a drake, or actually spending the isk and taking the NH out for a spin.
Grutpig Cloudwalker
The Skulls
#1860 - 2013-08-27 20:07:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Grutpig Cloudwalker
It would be so much easier if they just put the NH in a trash can and started over:
- Use Drake as a template
- Add T2 resistances
- Remove some launchers and the corresponding CPU/PG, give some bonus to the remaining ones
- Add cap/CPU/PG worth 3 active links
- Add ability to run 3 links with some bonuses
- Hit save button. End result: T2 command ship version of a Drake.

And I guess the same should be done for most command ships, its just that the NH is in most desperate need.

There are plenty of issues with tiericide and T2 ships that's either been left behind or left too powerful. Easiest way to fix it is to start from scratch.

Edit: Assume the Drake is fitted with 6 launchers + 1 link. Switch 2 launchers to 2 links, adjust CPU/PG/cap accordingly.