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Does playing EVE make you happy? Do you enjoy it?

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Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#81 - 2013-08-25 13:41:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Solstice Project
Velarra wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
Velarra wrote:
Well. Getting sick, dizzy and throwing up now and then as a result of playing Eve due to star gate jump animations isn't exactly a "happy" experience.
If this *really* made you sick,
you would close your eyes every jump to make it stop.

Because ... obvious workaround. (please note i didn't say "fix")

Non autonomic blinking / repeated eye closures trigger some annoying muscle issues in the eyes/eye lids. Primarily as its an uncommon physical activity. While rationally, the idea seems plausible, doing that sort of thing for a few hours is a great way to trigger a vicious headache and excessive eyelid strain.
That's ridiculous.

"Closing the eyes for a few seconds" != "rapid blinking", "repeated eye closure"

You just talk crap.
#82 - 2013-08-25 14:02:37 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:
Velarra wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
Velarra wrote:
Well. Getting sick, dizzy and throwing up now and then as a result of playing Eve due to star gate jump animations isn't exactly a "happy" experience.
If this *really* made you sick,
you would close your eyes every jump to make it stop.

Because ... obvious workaround. (please note i didn't say "fix")

Non autonomic blinking / repeated eye closures trigger some annoying muscle issues in the eyes/eye lids. Primarily as its an uncommon physical activity. While rationally, the idea seems plausible, doing that sort of thing for a few hours is a great way to trigger a vicious headache and excessive eyelid strain.
That's ridiculous.

"Closing the eyes for a few seconds" != "rapid blinking", "repeated eye closure"

You just talk crap.

Thank you kindly for your perspective and feedback.
Eurydia Vespasian
Storm Hunters
#83 - 2013-08-25 18:33:10 UTC
i stare out of the window on long road trips a lot instead of looking straight ahead.
Brothers At Arms
#84 - 2013-08-25 19:22:11 UTC  |  Edited by: samualvimes
It's hard for me to quantify why I like EvE

Partial reasons:

I like community. Get in a good nul-sec or low-secPvP corp and you will never make better friends acquaintances. The feeling you get when going on a full on T2 "hunting party" to just the "I'm drunk I'm going to FC a suicide roam" (not sure which is more satisfying)

I like hard games. If a game is no longer challenging or causing you to have to learn new things what is the point? I'm a dayZ, Dwarf Fortress, any sort of pure pvp game kind of guy.

I like spaceships! More importantly I like universes. If a game/film feels like things are happening outside of what you're doing then it draws me in hugely. The fact that I'm in one part of the universe being affected by a war in fountain etc is mind blowing.

But none of these truly explain it.

I just love playing EVE.

If you've never tried PvP in EvE it's quite possible you've missed out on one of the greatest rushes available in modern gaming.

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#85 - 2013-08-25 20:29:10 UTC
Eurydia Vespasian wrote:
i stare out of the window on long road trips a lot instead of looking straight ahead.

But... you don't drive, do you? ¬¬

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Andrea Griffin
#86 - 2013-08-26 00:15:43 UTC
If I didn't some enjoyment out of the game I wouldn't be a subscriber; however, there are some things about Eve that make me unhappy and have at times driven me away for months at a time. What is that thing?

The players.

Over the years the players have gone from snots, to jerks, to assholes, to being downright nasty to each other.

I'm not talking about stuff like ganking, piracy (I spent years as a pirate myself), corp theft, scamming, etc.; that's part of Eve, we love the option of playing that way. Eve is, after all, a "cold, harsh world." We love our villains.

The nastiness is something completely different and it's getting worse.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#87 - 2013-08-26 00:28:53 UTC
Andrea Griffin wrote:
If I didn't some enjoyment out of the game I wouldn't be a subscriber; however, there are some things about Eve that make me unhappy and have at times driven me away for months at a time. What is that thing?

The players.

Over the years the players have gone from snots, to jerks, to assholes, to being downright nasty to each other.

I'm not talking about stuff like ganking, piracy (I spent years as a pirate myself), corp theft, scamming, etc.; that's part of Eve, we love the option of playing that way. Eve is, after all, a "cold, harsh world." We love our villains.

The nastiness is something completely different and it's getting worse.

This is a false perception, akin to the " back in my day people were nice to each other" and "kids now adays suck" BS human being tend to believe as they age (and which is provably untrue btw). If anything (in my way of thinking), people are nicer now than when I started in 2007. There were very few new player freindly resources back then, now there's all kinds of avenues for new players to come in and learn the game.

What's probably changed over the years is your tolerance of (and thus noticing of) "nastiness", not the basic level of it.
Finnigan McGillicutty
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#88 - 2013-08-26 00:34:31 UTC
I have a love-hate relationship with this game. I first started playing it in, uh, late 2004 I think? But I've never stuck around for more than a few months at a time before I get bored and unsub. Every time, the problem is the same: can't find good people to fly with, who play in/around my time zone, and who don't require 746182764182 hours a week commitment "for the good of the corp".

But then a few months later, it's "Oh man, I miss EVE. I should re-sub." (And for some reason I always biomass and start over, because I apparently lack any sense of reason or logic; hence the newbie character.) Maybe this time will be different?

I like the appeal of sandbox games, but I always have some trouble justifying the pursuit of any particular goal. It's like, I *could* try to make a billion isk, or fly a capital ship, or form a powerful FW corp, or (insert anything here), but... why?

Actually, I tend to think this way about most things IRL, too. Everything about life seems pretty pointless, when you get right down to it. The only thing I've found for which the inherent pointlessness doesn't bother me, is making video games. Creating stuff does seem as pointless as anything else, but it's at least *satisfying* in a way nothing else is.

(Gee, I sound depressed, don't I? Fortunately I don't actually feel *badly* about any of the above. It's just... well, it just is.)
Eurydia Vespasian
Storm Hunters
#89 - 2013-08-26 00:35:30 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Eurydia Vespasian wrote:
i stare out of the window on long road trips a lot instead of looking straight ahead.

But... you don't drive, do you? ¬¬


i should have added a disclaimer i guess. "the preceding statement is to be read with the understanding that the author applies the described behavior strictly to when she is a passenger during a road trip and not behind the wheel."
Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#90 - 2013-08-26 00:46:23 UTC
Posting in a Malcanis thread. I don't get to play much these days but even skill training is addictive.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#91 - 2013-08-26 00:53:47 UTC
Finnigan McGillicutty wrote:
I have a love-hate relationship with this game. I first started playing it in, uh, late 2004 I think? But I've never stuck around for more than a few months at a time before I get bored and unsub. Every time, the problem is the same: can't find good people to fly with, who play in/around my time zone, and who don't require 746182764182 hours a week commitment "for the good of the corp".

But then a few months later, it's "Oh man, I miss EVE. I should re-sub." (And for some reason I always biomass and start over, because I apparently lack any sense of reason or logic; hence the newbie character.) Maybe this time will be different?

I like the appeal of sandbox games, but I always have some trouble justifying the pursuit of any particular goal. It's like, I *could* try to make a billion isk, or fly a capital ship, or form a powerful FW corp, or (insert anything here), but... why?

Actually, I tend to think this way about most things IRL, too. Everything about life seems pretty pointless, when you get right down to it. The only thing I've found for which the inherent pointlessness doesn't bother me, is making video games. Creating stuff does seem as pointless as anything else, but it's at least *satisfying* in a way nothing else is.

(Gee, I sound depressed, don't I? Fortunately I don't actually feel *badly* about any of the above. It's just... well, it just is.)

I had dialed the 1st 6 numbers of the suicide hotline, then i read the last line so I didn't dial the 7th Twisted

But more seriously, that's a good post in that you understand that it's not an issue of the game but rather of what kind of gamer you are. 99% of everyone else will think that there is a problem with the game rather than looking at themselves and say "I'm like this with everything". Lots of EVe players hate the sandbox aspects and would probably be happier in a themepark styled game but stickwith EVE beause of the space ships and the time they've invested.....

....which still doesn't explain why they aren't making more rational mmo game choices like playing Star Trek Online, a space mmo that doesn't even all the kinds of things that people dislike about EVE.
Andrea Griffin
#92 - 2013-08-26 02:30:16 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
What's probably changed over the years is your tolerance of (and thus noticing of) "nastiness", not the basic level of it.
Pretty sure this isn't the case.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#93 - 2013-08-26 05:17:51 UTC
Andrea Griffin wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
What's probably changed over the years is your tolerance of (and thus noticing of) "nastiness", not the basic level of it.
Pretty sure this isn't the case.

Sure, go ahead and present some evidence then.

Of course there is none because we're talking about perceptions. I think those perceptions are wrong and they've been wrong IRL for centuries.
Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#94 - 2013-08-26 06:20:37 UTC
Keep playing when I manage to have some time to, so yes I think I do like it.

Why? -maybe because I don't have much time to play it or maybe some form of attachment despite many little things that should be easy and fun (PI-Exploration-invention/building-mining) are only time consuming and boring.
Pew pew is fun thou

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#95 - 2013-08-26 06:48:58 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Finnigan McGillicutty wrote:
I have a love-hate relationship with this game. I first started playing it in, uh, late 2004 I think? But I've never stuck around for more than a few months at a time before I get bored and unsub. Every time, the problem is the same: can't find good people to fly with, who play in/around my time zone, and who don't require 746182764182 hours a week commitment "for the good of the corp".

But then a few months later, it's "Oh man, I miss EVE. I should re-sub." (And for some reason I always biomass and start over, because I apparently lack any sense of reason or logic; hence the newbie character.) Maybe this time will be different?

I like the appeal of sandbox games, but I always have some trouble justifying the pursuit of any particular goal. It's like, I *could* try to make a billion isk, or fly a capital ship, or form a powerful FW corp, or (insert anything here), but... why?

Actually, I tend to think this way about most things IRL, too. Everything about life seems pretty pointless, when you get right down to it. The only thing I've found for which the inherent pointlessness doesn't bother me, is making video games. Creating stuff does seem as pointless as anything else, but it's at least *satisfying* in a way nothing else is.

(Gee, I sound depressed, don't I? Fortunately I don't actually feel *badly* about any of the above. It's just... well, it just is.)

I had dialed the 1st 6 numbers of the suicide hotline, then i read the last line so I didn't dial the 7th Twisted

But more seriously, that's a good post in that you understand that it's not an issue of the game but rather of what kind of gamer you are. 99% of everyone else will think that there is a problem with the game rather than looking at themselves and say "I'm like this with everything". Lots of EVe players hate the sandbox aspects and would probably be happier in a themepark styled game but stickwith EVE beause of the space ships and the time they've invested.....

....which still doesn't explain why they aren't making more rational mmo game choices like playing Star Trek Online, a space mmo that doesn't even all the kinds of things that people dislike about EVE.

...or maybe what that people dislikes are the tools provided by the only space freelancing/sandbox MMO, and yet love space freelancing games.

Played Elite, played Privateer, played Freelancer, played X series... they all had freelancing elements. A theme park doesn't cuts it for me. And then it turns that the only space themed sandbox/freelancing MMO is EVE.

So playing EVE is better than stop playing space freelancing games, at least until more space freelancing games hit the market. And here we are, X-Rebirth by November 15th (19th in the USA) and Star Citizen hitting alpha roughly by Q1 2014.

It's been 7 years without new competitors for EVE, now we should see what happens. Obivously theme parks are not competitors to EVE. But X-Rebirth and Star Citizen are members of the brethen.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

William Walker
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#96 - 2013-08-26 07:19:42 UTC
I enjoy it when I shoot something, preferably when it barely resists. Exploding can be fun, but only if I was mentally prepared for it. Usually I am not. Also amassing piles of ISK and bathing in it is also fun.

ヽ(⌒∇⌒)ノ へ(゜∇、°)へ (◕‿◕✿)

Nyla Skin
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#97 - 2013-08-26 07:37:03 UTC
I haven't really enjoyed Eve for the last two years or so.

Klandi wrote:
It is proved that happiness is created by sharing moments with people you enjoy being around (citation NOT provided) so I am happy cos I interact with some great people.

I can relate with this, which brings me to the problems. I would change this statement to: I am happy when I am doing something I like with people I like.

One, people are boring and behave predictably. Instead of trying to find new ways to do stuff, they repeat the same things over and over. This is a general issue and not just related to Eve. Part one of the happiness statement.

Two, there are no activities in Eve that are actually fun to do. Part two of the happiness statement.

Three, I have no goals anymore. I achieved long ago the things I could meaningfully achieve. I might be able to suffer the boring parts in order to achieve the goals if I had any.

Four, immersion is important to me, yet Eve is possibly the least immersive MMO I know. Reason: no character avatar, not enough visual representations of things. Manufacture is just spreadsheets, as an example.

In after the lock :P   - CCP Falcon

Caldari State
#98 - 2013-08-26 09:24:35 UTC
Somehow I have a lurking suspicion that this is an elaborate troll to all the people playing yet are unhappy Twisted

Jokes aside, apart from not having time to play in the last few years, in the 7 years I've been playing EVE, there have been ups and downs but overall the journey has been a fantastic one. My one gripe is that EVE has ruined most games for me, and I constantly compare similar features in games to corresponding features in EVE and find them lacking What?
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#99 - 2013-08-26 10:57:47 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

It's been 7 years without new competitors for EVE

You know TOR has really nifty avatars and no non consensual PvP. And it's free now.

Just saying.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#100 - 2013-08-26 11:23:22 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

It's been 7 years without new competitors for EVE

You know TOR has really nifty avatars and no non consensual PvP. And it's free now.

Just saying.

Free. And really bad... Ugh

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.