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A crusade for low sec between all empires

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#41 - 2011-11-13 00:17:09 UTC
Morganta wrote:
Apollo Gabriel wrote:
yeah this is the wrong forum, but no one else seems to respect the spoon system so there ...

Make FW connected to the HS pathways from empire to empire region. You want pvp, make it so there is no HS route from Amarr to Jita unless FW pilots can secure one or some other madness.

Let's get REAL PVP here, none of this "oh look they let us kick these guys in the nutz unlike other games, so we call it pvp!"

its not such a bad idea on the surface

but no, thank you. I'm not really interested in being a poster child

not in militia. you dont talk

Amarr Militia Representative - A jar of nitro

Arugas Koken
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#42 - 2011-11-13 02:17:44 UTC
Apollo Gabriel wrote:
yeah this is the wrong forum, but no one else seems to respect the spoon system so there ...

Make FW connected to the HS pathways from empire to empire region. You want pvp, make it so there is no HS route from Amarr to Jita unless FW pilots can secure one or some other madness.

Let's get REAL PVP here, none of this "oh look they let us kick these guys in the nutz unlike other games, so we call it pvp!"

Like the idea. Have some additional ideas off the top of my head.

1. Make multiple low sec crossings between empires of 2-3 jumps (all cyno jammed).
2. FW pilots can claim systems which spawns faction navy on gates/stations (No concord).
3. Navy don’t leave spawn points to follow hostiles and if killed don’t respawn for a given period of time.
4. Hostile actions on pilots draw navy aggro.
5. Fleetmates can respond without drawing Navy aggro allowing escort services to arise.
6. Non FW pilots (pirates) can also claim systems in which case they act like normal low sec systems but still cyno jammed.

- Semi-isolated markets create more profitable/risky trading opportunities.
- Pirates see more action and can disrupt trade routes (collect tears).

- Auto-pilot + route planning between empires would be more difficult. Would have to determine safest crossing point before travelling between empires.
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