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Does playing EVE make you happy? Do you enjoy it?

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Kijo Rikki
Killboard Padding Services
#61 - 2013-08-24 17:37:28 UTC
Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Right now I seem to be in a waning phase. The folks I chose to ally with are in an unfortunate situation of fighting enemies that do not play at the same times as we do US vs RUS, and furthermore the region I am in is experiencing a shake-up of sorts, a musical chairs, if you will. So I'm a little disoriented, and trying to pack light, which makes my pvp options limited since I only seem to enjoy a very specific subset of pvp, that being smaller alliance block timer fights and fleet fights. The sweet spot would be 50-100 vs 50-100. So I only have a few doctrine ships on hand and its a crapshoot if I'll have the right one ready if the perfect situation presents itself.

To top that off, just got my grandma's old 93 ford f150, and I suddenly have a very real interest in fixing it up, which will likely draw me away from my best chance at getting fights on the weekends.

While I am contemplating be leaving, I am at odds because I am so close to being able to fly and properly fit t2 doctrine ships, and have an opportunity to be a real contributor to our coalition. The draw of this game for me is to be a real, contributing member to an alliance that grows, to be a small part of that.

Trouble is, being small means every member has to be very committed, especially in time given, and the rewards for such commitment are seemingly few and far between.

You make a valid point, good Sir or Madam. 

Dave stark
#62 - 2013-08-24 17:40:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Dave Stark
Malcanis wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
i must do, i keep coming back.

I thought you kept subscribed to provide me with mineral value analyses of belts and anomalies?

considering i haven't mined a damn thing since odyssey release, i hope you're not expecting an update any time soon :P
besides, generally speaking mynnna's numbers were agreeing with mine pre odyssey when i was working out the value of various bits and pieces so you're in good hands.
Cipher Deninard
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#63 - 2013-08-24 18:04:58 UTC
Yes. It's pretty much a whole other world/community. It's nice to be able to log in and forget about the stress of real life...
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#64 - 2013-08-24 18:29:40 UTC
The wife leaves me alone

You only realise you life has been a waste of time, when you wake up dead.

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#65 - 2013-08-24 19:03:21 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
basically you can not let go of it, because it sucks out more energy then it gives back

gamplay is timeconsuming and frustrating, PvP mechanics are just bad, hours of waiting, then eeh eeh blob, thats why most of the players just do PvE

because the game is so frustrating, most people tend to be assholes in the game and on the forums

the game mechanics, does not favour fun, it favours frustration and how to avoide it is the key

* enemie comes, just dock
* enemie comes, just trashtalk
* enemie comes. blob 30 vs. 1
* goto null, eeh eeh blob, never go there again and run missions

the game too much favours anoying playstyles, and even worse, people think its cool, like scamming, ganking all of that, the winner seems to be the one who frustrates the others, however you loose the good and just keep the bad...

its a downward spiral

Hey Harry, just saw your post, and wanted to drop and and wish you as much encouragement as I can in your quest to destroy goons. You are truly an inspiration to us all, and every time we see your name in local or intel channels we in Theta cheer you on(even while we start moving to try and kill you).

You are exactly the type of player EVE needs more of, so don't get discouraged.

Keep up the good fight!

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Harry Forever
#66 - 2013-08-24 23:20:22 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
basically you can not let go of it, because it sucks out more energy then it gives back

gamplay is timeconsuming and frustrating, PvP mechanics are just bad, hours of waiting, then eeh eeh blob, thats why most of the players just do PvE

because the game is so frustrating, most people tend to be assholes in the game and on the forums

the game mechanics, does not favour fun, it favours frustration and how to avoide it is the key

* enemie comes, just dock
* enemie comes, just trashtalk
* enemie comes. blob 30 vs. 1
* goto null, eeh eeh blob, never go there again and run missions

the game too much favours anoying playstyles, and even worse, people think its cool, like scamming, ganking all of that, the winner seems to be the one who frustrates the others, however you loose the good and just keep the bad...

its a downward spiral

This begs the question: what, despite all that, keeps you coming back?

you don't realize it so much at the beginning because of the stiff learning curve, but after that it just feels empty...
#67 - 2013-08-24 23:26:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Velarra
Well. Getting sick, dizzy and throwing up now and then as a result of playing Eve due to star gate jump animations isn't exactly a "happy" experience. Living in the map while traveling anywhere, that after constant use, - can break and pixelate the information it gives isn't precisely cool either.

This particularly becomes a pain during the loading of grid after quickly leaving the map, (after you jump a gate). As when grid rendering goes awry you can't click anywhere ongrid, there are only partially existent graphics, which lead to the only solution being to log out to resolve it. Which is fine if you're doing highsec logistics or a splash of PVE, - but anything else? It's a bit of a game breaker.

So in answer, currently? No. For reason above.

If not for the above glaring issue, yes Eve's mixture of risk/reward is pleasant and rather engaging. At worst having played Eve, ... It's ruined all other MMO's making them little more than tourism experiences that eventually grow boring.
Large Collidable Object
#68 - 2013-08-25 00:12:04 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
If so, why?

If not, why?

Sometimes I do - I went from just giving it a try as a huge human fishbowl and playing the fly on the wall in the beginning to actively participating in low/null corps and getting involved as director and diplomat for medium sized pvp corps and back.

It just became a habit and I still like following it, but I'm not really actively participating for quite some time now.

I never enjoyed the blobs, structure grinding and drama associated with large nullsec entities, killmails have kept me going for a while but have lost all fascination for me and smallscale is too pointless and ridden with too many OG boosting 'elite' morons.

So rather than using my own leadership character to become a total ******** myself, I decided to stick around and hibernate to see if CCP eventually fixes these issues.

I enjoy following the game, I think it deserves financial support as it's the only true MMO around (I just wished CCP wouldn't spend the money on pointless crap like WiS and Dust), so I gladly stick around and pay my sub.

To sum it up: Eve makes me happy to some extent, but I don't enjoy playing it for the time being.
You know... [morons.](
Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#69 - 2013-08-25 03:07:08 UTC
If I didn't enjoy it I wouldn't be paying for a domain name and write a blog about various criminal adventures. Eve is one of those odd things. Sometimes you are so hooked you gotta have more and sometimes you just want to go do something else.

Eve is a social game to me. I enjoy the company of those I fly with, and even plan on going to fanfest just to share a drink and some laughes. There are people though who look at this game like a second job or snub others if their elitism is threatened. God forbid someone has fun in serious spaceshipsland.

I also am obsessed with the power Piracy has given me over others. What scamming has wrought upon the ignorant and foolish. The tears and the self posturing of a few only to see their ships and pods explode at my hands is a sick satisfaction one only gets in a universe as free and broad as Eve.

Yeah I'm happy. I get to log on with friends and **** in someone's cereal.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#70 - 2013-08-25 05:08:02 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
basically you can not let go of it, because it sucks out more energy then it gives back

gamplay is timeconsuming and frustrating, PvP mechanics are just bad, hours of waiting, then eeh eeh blob, thats why most of the players just do PvE

because the game is so frustrating, most people tend to be assholes in the game and on the forums

the game mechanics, does not favour fun, it favours frustration and how to avoide it is the key

* enemie comes, just dock
* enemie comes, just trashtalk
* enemie comes. blob 30 vs. 1
* goto null, eeh eeh blob, never go there again and run missions

the game too much favours anoying playstyles, and even worse, people think its cool, like scamming, ganking all of that, the winner seems to be the one who frustrates the others, however you loose the good and just keep the bad...

its a downward spiral

This begs the question: what, despite all that, keeps you coming back?

you don't realize it so much at the beginning because of the stiff learning curve, but after that it just feels empty...

I feel like you have not answered the question.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Harry Forever
#71 - 2013-08-25 08:46:24 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
basically you can not let go of it, because it sucks out more energy then it gives back

gamplay is timeconsuming and frustrating, PvP mechanics are just bad, hours of waiting, then eeh eeh blob, thats why most of the players just do PvE

because the game is so frustrating, most people tend to be assholes in the game and on the forums

the game mechanics, does not favour fun, it favours frustration and how to avoide it is the key

* enemie comes, just dock
* enemie comes, just trashtalk
* enemie comes. blob 30 vs. 1
* goto null, eeh eeh blob, never go there again and run missions

the game too much favours anoying playstyles, and even worse, people think its cool, like scamming, ganking all of that, the winner seems to be the one who frustrates the others, however you loose the good and just keep the bad...

its a downward spiral

This begs the question: what, despite all that, keeps you coming back?

you don't realize it so much at the beginning because of the stiff learning curve, but after that it just feels empty...

I feel like you have not answered the question.

I did come back the 3-4 month because of the stiff learning curve and there was something new each day to find out, after this time there is a severe dropoff and you find out that the actual gameplay consists too much just of waiting, especially PvP, nothing is going on out there in nullsec, there are not enough fights, not spread out enough over the map, all just sit there and wait...

thats the reason I won't come back after some time, I'm sure about that, at the moment I just login to see if something is happening, but within 3-4 hours not much each day, now i can decide to become a afk zombie like many others, just do PvE which I'm not interested at all, or just grind money in highsec.... at the end I need a game where I can be fully committed, day to day PvP provided in here is thin, its more searching for it (95% of the time), than actually doing it (5% of the time)

some said try FW, but thats not what I'm looking for, fights need to have meaning, so it can only be the fight in SOV space, the problem are the big alliances in my opinion, 50% of the map are friends, it would help alot if there are just smaller factions who fight each day against eachother, vs. one big fight every 3-4 month

what the game needs most is bring life to SoV warfare, to assure the map is in warmode completely each day, not just one big fight in one system, but many fights all over it, all the time
Invisible Exchequer
#72 - 2013-08-25 09:17:07 UTC
I am happy playing Eve. It took me a few years to find my "thing", but now I enjoy doing what I do.

I am happy with the way that it has so many options, so pretty much, whatever you want to do is available.

Some people enjoy getting lots of isk, or making large explosions, or whatever, but for me, Eve is about the people, the connections made, and the unexpected outcomes of those connections

Yes, I am one of those people who sits about in a station all day chatting, but, I have fun doing it, so why not :) Also, Eve has some of the most awesome people I have ever met, which is an added bonus
Rotten Legion
#73 - 2013-08-25 09:31:09 UTC
A thread on the forum doesn't usually make me think as much as this one has. I've had a long old think about it and I've come to a conclusion I didn't really expect.

I've got to a point now where after having had a contineous sub for five years (and rarely taking more than a week break), I am actually really bored of Eve. I log on from time to time and the music and atmosphere is comfortable and nostalgic but I have no reason to do anything, and nothing to drive me. Nothing new or interesting to try. When I try and do something, I don't enjoy it. Even the rush of blowing up someone else's spaceship doesn't hold the attraction it used to. I've actually let my skill queue lapse a few times recently.

I spend probably three or four times as much time on the forums as I do in-game. I don't even really have a reason to be here expect perhaps to try and steer the future vision of Eve towards something that might actually excite me enough to log in again. I am pretty much just waiting for news of the winter expansion in the hopes it will re-kindle my interests. But the the likely truth, is that it wont excite me that much going by the course CCP are taking with Eve at the moment. And I am probably going to let my sub lapse for the first time, with all three accounts.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#74 - 2013-08-25 09:32:28 UTC
I love Eve online, it's my favourite game. It's not my perfect game, but it is the only game I feel an emotional attachment to.
Dave stark
#75 - 2013-08-25 09:34:15 UTC
Rhivre wrote:
Yes, I am one of those people who sits about in a station all day chatting, but, I have fun doing it, so why not :) Also, Eve has some of the most awesome people I have ever met, which is an added bonus

confirming that Rhiv is one of the most fun people to chat to while ice mining.
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#76 - 2013-08-25 11:45:11 UTC
Velarra wrote:
Well. Getting sick, dizzy and throwing up now and then as a result of playing Eve due to star gate jump animations isn't exactly a "happy" experience.
If this *really* made you sick,
you would close your eyes every jump to make it stop.

Because ... obvious workaround. (please note i didn't say "fix")
#77 - 2013-08-25 12:50:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Velarra
Solstice Project wrote:
Velarra wrote:
Well. Getting sick, dizzy and throwing up now and then as a result of playing Eve due to star gate jump animations isn't exactly a "happy" experience.
If this *really* made you sick,
you would close your eyes every jump to make it stop.

Because ... obvious workaround. (please note i didn't say "fix")

Non autonomic blinking / repeated eye closures trigger some annoying muscle issues in the eyes/eye lids. Primarily as its an uncommon physical activity. While rationally, the idea seems plausible, doing that sort of thing for a few hours is a great way to trigger a vicious headache and excessive eyelid strain.
Demica Diaz
#78 - 2013-08-25 12:53:53 UTC
Yes, of course. I wouldnt be playing EVE if I would not enjoy it. As for "why"? It has probably to do with how I can play this game. When I come back from long travels (which are part of my RL work), being away for months make EVE "fresh" for me and I always find something new to try out at my own pace. I do not take this game quite seriouslly as some more dedicated fans do, for me EVE is like good book or movie on rainy day.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#79 - 2013-08-25 12:54:57 UTC
Velarra wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
Velarra wrote:
Well. Getting sick, dizzy and throwing up now and then as a result of playing Eve due to star gate jump animations isn't exactly a "happy" experience.
If this *really* made you sick,
you would close your eyes every jump to make it stop.

Because ... obvious workaround. (please note i didn't say "fix")

Non autonomic blinking / repeated eye closures triggers some annoying muscle issues in the eyes, primarily as its an uncommon physical activity.

How about just looking away for a moment?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

#80 - 2013-08-25 13:24:30 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Velarra wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
Velarra wrote:
Well. Getting sick, dizzy and throwing up now and then as a result of playing Eve due to star gate jump animations isn't exactly a "happy" experience.
If this *really* made you sick,
you would close your eyes every jump to make it stop.

Because ... obvious workaround. (please note i didn't say "fix")

Non autonomic blinking / repeated eye closures triggers some annoying muscle issues in the eyes, primarily as its an uncommon physical activity.

How about just looking away for a moment?

The notion of looking away in the eve context of a roam or long trip, is a repeated, uncommon physical movement. A constant, physical adjustment of stimuli, the eyes constantly shifting from one location to the next. It becomes an eye strain given that eyes aren't really developed to behave like that. For 1 jump? Sure. For a long trip, it doesn't really work out that well.