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1 man corp - what Science/Industry carreer is profitable in HS

All Your Belt's Belong To Us
#1 - 2013-08-21 12:40:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Caleb7
1 man corp - what Science/Industry carreer is profitable in HS.

my alt has good science/indy skill and is currently moving out of a C1 where he has been living for 6 months now. Getting bored with PVP/PVE............... He needs a new career and looking for ideas.

Obviously he can run a POS in a C1 so was wondering about getting up a pos in HS and inventing or building T2

.......... any good ideas out there?

............... what should I stay away from?


Krixtal Icefluxor
#2 - 2013-08-21 13:33:09 UTC
Do Fuel Blocks ftw

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

All Your Belt's Belong To Us
#3 - 2013-08-21 15:52:33 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Do Fuel Blocks ftw


What skills need to be at 5?
Selaria Unbertable
Bellator in Capsulam
#4 - 2013-08-21 19:03:03 UTC
Caleb7 wrote:
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Do Fuel Blocks ftw


What skills need to be at 5?

Production Efficiency 5, Industry 5 (optional), that's about it. A freighter might come in handy, but you can also set up buy orders in ice systems or have Red Frog haul the stuff you need as well as the ice blocks you build to the closest trade hub.
If you intent to build the blocks in a pos, a freighter is, imho, mandatory.
Jin Jemai
Bees Nutz
Unlimited Epiphany
#5 - 2013-08-22 13:40:56 UTC
Selaria Unbertable wrote:
Caleb7 wrote:
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Do Fuel Blocks ftw


What skills need to be at 5?

Production Efficiency 5, Industry 5 (optional), that's about it. A freighter might come in handy, but you can also set up buy orders in ice systems or have Red Frog haul the stuff you need as well as the ice blocks you build to the closest trade hub.
If you intent to build the blocks in a pos, a freighter is, imho, mandatory.

thanks again!
All Your Belt's Belong To Us
#6 - 2013-08-22 14:37:04 UTC
Is there any advantage of renting office space and moving my corp HQ space in the station of a corporation that I have very high standing with?
Lord Battlestar
Atrox Urbanis Respublique Abundatia
#7 - 2013-08-22 18:09:56 UTC
high standings means you don't have to pay for refining in that particular station, and I am sure it gives other benefits too. I just can't remember any others.

I once podded myself by blowing a huge fart.

Endura Touscoday
Dark Tribunal Industries
#8 - 2013-08-22 21:05:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Endura Touscoday
IMHO as a 1 man corp there really isn't any added value in moving your HQ and next to none in renting office space unless you intend to build and collect everything under the sun and would need the added space. If not it waisted, you need to pay rent on a space you wouldn't really need.
If its your first time manufacturing I'd say keep it simple first, go for things like ammo and other items people usual need on mass. I have found though if you are willing to spend the time on the PI nano repair paste can give a quick cash infusion particularly if it can be sold near a buisy low sec system.
As for invention,for the "experimental period" try to avoid ships, unless you can get the stats near. Perfect with ad runs the BPC isn't really worth selling unless trying to break even on the materials you put into it. Apart from that bit of invention advise I'm still working it out myself so that's all I got.

Best of luck.

Edit: Damn iPhone!

I have nothing exciting or fun to use as a Forum sig... eh, S**t happens...

Styth spiting
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2013-08-23 01:19:20 UTC
If you do anything relating to PI (making T2 goods, fuel blocks, etc.) you're going to be in for a bad suprise coming from a WH at the low extraction rates. I would suggest if you have the option of keeping your alt in the wh that you do that as extraction rates in wormholes is 3x - 5x higher then highsec. And since fuel blocks and T2 goods use quite a bit of PI materials this will be a bottleneck unless you are buying mats or you have 5 - 10 alts extracting for you.

If you want to get into real T2 manufacturing you'll need a POS. You will need to research BPO's ME / PE for the T1 components. You'll also need copy slots to make the invention copies. Neither of these can be done in highsec using NPC stations at a reasonable time frame (20-25 days wait time to start ME jobs, 5 - 10 days for copy jobs). You can buy pre-researched BPO's at a premium but you'll still need copy and invention slots (and all POS labs have copy and ME slots so might as well do your own research).

This means you'll need to grind standings to place a POS in highsec.

T2 manufacturing also requires a large investment in training and skillbooks. Your inventor will need all the skills to IV to do invention and any characters doing the manufacturing will need these skills to 3 as well. So to manufacture any and all T2 imodules you'll be spending over 200M on skillbooks (same goes for the invention).

And finally what to watch out for totally depends on the market. download isk per hour and use it to figure out how much items will cost to make and how much you can sell them for. Don't manufacture items you cannot make a profit from.
All Your Belt's Belong To Us
#10 - 2013-08-23 14:40:25 UTC
Some very helpful tips and suggestions - thanks so much!

too bad about the extraction rates being lower in HS, didn't figure on that one.

and I don't really have the real world time to cash to have several alts doing the work anymore, so I am sticking with the 1 pilot corp.

Maybe I should be thinking of dissolving my corp and joining up with others doing the same thing...........

All Your Belt's Belong To Us
#11 - 2013-08-23 20:37:53 UTC
I'm really thinking about the POS idea in HS......... but I want to verify something before I pull the trigger.

I just read this on Eve-Guides:

The easiest way to get a corp up and running with the correct standings is to make a 1 player corp with a player who already has high faction standing personally. After 7 days the standings will jump to the average of all players in the corp not counting those with neutral standings.

I have targeted Caldari State as the target FACTION system to anchor my POS.

I already have 2 pilots in my 1 man corp.
One pilot has personal standing of 6.91 with Caldari State (7.28 with connections 3)
Other pilot has personal standing of 0.32 with Caldari State

Right now my Corp has corp standing of 3.61

So that means I can't anchor the POS in HS until Corp standing is at least 5.01

If I kick the player with personal standing of 0.32 out of the corp, will that raise the Corp standing to 6.91?

Thur Barbek
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2013-08-24 01:44:55 UTC
Caleb7 wrote:

If I kick the player with personal standing of 0.32 out of the corp, will that raise the Corp standing to 6.91?

Yes, it should do that. I dont remember if it takes 24 hours (downtime) or a week for that to update though.
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#13 - 2013-08-24 05:14:32 UTC
Thur Barbek wrote:
Caleb7 wrote:

If I kick the player with personal standing of 0.32 out of the corp, will that raise the Corp standing to 6.91?

Yes, it should do that. I dont remember if it takes 24 hours (downtime) or a week for that to update though.

It takes a week.
Barzai Mekhar
True Confusion
#14 - 2013-08-24 05:39:32 UTC
Zhilia Mann wrote:
Thur Barbek wrote:
Caleb7 wrote:

If I kick the player with personal standing of 0.32 out of the corp, will that raise the Corp standing to 6.91?

Yes, it should do that. I dont remember if it takes 24 hours (downtime) or a week for that to update though.

It takes a week.

No, that's not how it works. The corp standing is calculated by averaging over all members that have been with the corp for one week each downtime, not by calculating the average of all members the corp had one week ago. If you want to increase your standing by kicking members with low standing, the change will take place during the next downtime. If you want to increase the standing by adding someone with good standings, it will take a week until the changes take place.

I'm certain of this as I screwed up placing the POS of my alt corp two weeks ago by joining with a crappy-standing alt to early and ended up at 3ish standing the day I wanted to place the POS. I kicked him and the next day the standing updated to the 6ish value I needed.
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#15 - 2013-08-24 05:47:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Zhilia Mann
Barzai Mekhar wrote:
Zhilia Mann wrote:
Thur Barbek wrote:
Caleb7 wrote:

If I kick the player with personal standing of 0.32 out of the corp, will that raise the Corp standing to 6.91?

Yes, it should do that. I dont remember if it takes 24 hours (downtime) or a week for that to update though.

It takes a week.

No, that's not how it works. The corp standing is calculated by averaging over all members that have been with the corp for one week each downtime, not by calculating the average of all members the corp had one week ago. If you want to increase your standing by kicking members with low standing, the change will take place during the next downtime. If you want to increase the standing by adding someone with good standings, it will take a week until the changes take place.

I'm certain of this as I screwed up placing the POS of my alt corp two weeks ago by joining with a crappy-standing alt to early and ended up at 3ish standing the day I wanted to place the POS. I kicked him and the next day the standing updated to the 6ish value I needed.

Woops. You're absolutely right. Some day I'll actually get this standings stuff through my skull.