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What is wrong with wormhole space?

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Caldari State
#221 - 2013-08-20 11:18:50 UTC
Adarnof wrote:
Kicking in-space: It would help keep legitimate corps safe but would endanger members as they could arrive in a new corp, leave all their stuff in the POS and then suddenly be kicked, losing it all. In removing a threat to personal safety it introduces a new one, so the best counter-measure I can think of is a timer and a notice to the member being kicked so they can both retrieve their assets and discuss the issue with management.

PsychoticMonk's highsec safari stories are far too entertaining for me to support this change, but it wouldn't solve the situation you describe anyway. Member joins wormhole corp, puts ships in SMA, member with Config Starbase changes the permissions on the SMA/CHA - they've still lost their stuff without being kicked from corp. Living in wormholes requires a degree of trust between members, I don't think this should change.
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#222 - 2013-08-20 11:24:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Miton
Triplex Tritane wrote:
Jack Miton wrote:

there are a LOT of really bad ideas being posted in this thread but this is by FAR the worst.

Some ideas are really good, for instance:

- I like the idea to make the the class of the statics wormhole more random. 75% the usual static, 20% higher or lower class than usual and 5% k-space could be interesting.

- I agree that a POS revamp is needed badly. This will have a bigger impact on WHs than anything else they can come up with. Adding tabs to SMAs (like hangars) would be a start.

However, I do not like ideas that make living in a wormhole more a painful, such as more randomness on the mass/time of a wormhole.

obviously POSs need to be redone, but that isnt a WH specific thing.

i went back and read all the suggestions in this thread and here's the list of one i would consider a boon to WH life:

- refitting T3s at pos
- custom probe formations (already being done in 1.1)
- more roaming WHs between all classes
- dual statics on C4s
- POS changes (not WH specific)
- alliance bookmarks (not WH specific)

the rest of this 11 page thread of bickering breaks down about evenly between irrelevant comments that have NOTHING to do with WHs, ie: mostly pos related stuff, changes that are fine but totally arbitrary and would have no affect on anything in WHs and just idiotic suggestions (like god damn supers in fkn WHs) from people who have no idea how badly what they are suggesting would impact WH life.

the only things in this thread I want in any way at all are refitting subs at POSs (also, not really a WH specific issue), which should have been done YEARs ago, get it together CCP, and more connections. that said, i can honestly live with the current level of connections just fine.

to put it frankly, the biggest problem with WHs is people complaining about lack of content because they are too lazy to go and generate some.
this is WH space people. nut up, or shut up.

PS: as a general rule, if it's going to make WHs easier: I DONT WANT IT. im looking at you people who want fkn jump clones in WHs.... htfu.
(that being said, need to clarify that adding randomness for randomness' sake does NOT add a challenge, it only adds tedium, which no one wants.)

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#223 - 2013-08-20 11:58:02 UTC
The more I see this thread, the more I want to go out and forget about it.

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Keizer Kip
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#224 - 2013-08-20 17:37:50 UTC we all agree there is nothing wrong with wh space and please CCP dont try to fix what is not broken.
Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#225 - 2013-08-20 18:59:03 UTC
Keizer Kip wrote: we all agree there is nothing wrong with wh space and please CCP dont try to fix what is not broken.

Well, I wouldn't go that far. Most of the issues can't be solved by CCP though.
Cylin Rath
#226 - 2013-08-20 22:25:36 UTC

With a small percentage of the player base transversing wormhole space, it is extremely time intensive to find other active players to interact with. I think it would be great to have more tools available to detect and track the movement of ships within wormhole chains. Enabling more ways to track could bring players together more quickly. Any solution should also maintain the tactics of stealth particular to w-space.

Proposed Solution:

Make it possible for scouts to examine/scan a wormhole for evidence of ships that have passed through it. These “tracks” would fade over time becoming harder to detect, or the results detected have a greater chance of being inaccurate. The wormhole scanner could be a mid slot module that is affected by a skill. The higher the skill level the greater accuracy of scans. It would work something like:

Scout jumps through an unexplored wormhole and scans out the system. He finds a few wormholes. After warping to the hole he de-cloaks, locks the wormhole, and activates his hole scanner.

The results would not have to be text, cool multicolor visual effects showing up on the wormhole would be sweet, but the scan output would give the scout info such as:

“A single small ship has has transversed this wormhole very recently.”

The output would stack and vary based on approximate ship quantity, size, and time since passing through.

“A single small ship has has transversed this wormhole very recently.”
“A few mid-sized ships have transversed this wormhole within the past hour.”
“A large ship traversed this wormhole many hours ago.”

As time passes the scans could become more inaccurate based on the age of the ship tracks, pilot skill level, random environmental effects etc.

Possible Result:

The addition of a system like this could help provide players with more information while exploring, reward good decision making, and bring players together faster for potential interactions.
Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#227 - 2013-08-21 00:13:34 UTC
Remove odyssey scanner from wspace (at least the auto update option and overlay). Please.
I think most of us agree.

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


M1k3y Koontz
Speaker for the Dead
Stay Feral
#228 - 2013-08-21 01:38:33 UTC
Thomas Hurt wrote:
Supers need to be able to move to and from W-Space, and should be buildable within wormholes.


How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

Incindir Mauser
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#229 - 2013-08-21 05:03:53 UTC
Chitsa Jason wrote:
Hello everyone.

I will be doing comprehensive post on CCP/CSM forums about wspace. It will include current issues and possible fixes. I hope that at least some of those suggestions/explanations will mature into actual content.

I would like the community to list all possible issues/bugs/annoyances/small and large things.

If you list your personal annoyance or bug or issue please also post the suggested fix and its possible impact (good or bad).

If you decide to post feature request please elaborate it as much as you can. Include the ideas on how it will impact the community in general.

Thank you for your ideas!

!!! T3 Subsystem refitting at hangars. !!! <--- this is ******* important. CCP promised but failed to deliver.

XL Hangars are stupid big. Need to be scaled down slightly.

Wormhole PVE needs a good looking at. W-space needs another marketable product besides blue loot and T3 components. Implant production? W-space NPC factions or some kind of sleeper missioning? Something to break up the monotony of escalations, huffing, and site clearing.

Get capitals out of W-space entirely.

Put some mystery back into W-space. Sleeper dread spawns or sleeper supers. Sleeper incursions?

Try not to let CCP manhandle T3's too much in rebalancing. I'd hate to seem them turned into overpriced hangar trophies.

#230 - 2013-08-21 05:04:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Winthorp
Cylin Rath wrote:

With a small percentage of the player base transversing wormhole space, it is extremely time intensive to find other active players to interact with. I think it would be great to have more tools available to detect and track the movement of ships within wormhole chains. Enabling more ways to track could bring players together more quickly. Any solution should also maintain the tactics of stealth particular to w-space.

Proposed Solution:

Make it possible for scouts to examine/scan a wormhole for evidence of ships that have passed through it. These “tracks” would fade over time becoming harder to detect, or the results detected have a greater chance of being inaccurate. The wormhole scanner could be a mid slot module that is affected by a skill. The higher the skill level the greater accuracy of scans. It would work something like:

Scout jumps through an unexplored wormhole and scans out the system. He finds a few wormholes. After warping to the hole he de-cloaks, locks the wormhole, and activates his hole scanner.

The results would not have to be text, cool multicolor visual effects showing up on the wormhole would be sweet, but the scan output would give the scout info such as:

“A single small ship has has transversed this wormhole very recently.”

The output would stack and vary based on approximate ship quantity, size, and time since passing through.

“A single small ship has has transversed this wormhole very recently.”
“A few mid-sized ships have transversed this wormhole within the past hour.”
“A large ship traversed this wormhole many hours ago.”

As time passes the scans could become more inaccurate based on the age of the ship tracks, pilot skill level, random environmental effects etc.

Possible Result:

The addition of a system like this could help provide players with more information while exploring, reward good decision making, and bring players together faster for potential interactions.

Ahh back to the days of pullable jump data. I am not sure it's possible now i though that was yet another thing they broke as a consequence of introducing something else in the game and they couldn't be assed to fix it for the insignificant people of WH space.

I actually do like your idea it is well thought out, but well CCP will make it into some stupid minigame that you need LVL V skills to do sanely and not want to shoot yourself in the face after doing it twice....
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#231 - 2013-08-21 06:21:59 UTC
Incindir Mauser wrote:
Wormhole PVE needs a good looking at. W-space needs another marketable product besides blue loot and T3 components. Implant production? W-space NPC factions or some kind of sleeper missioning? Something to break up the monotony of escalations, huffing, and site clearing

this is something I don't get. people from large 'PVP' corps constantly complaining about WH PVE.
Maybe the correct solution here is to stop being a carebear.

WH PVE is just fine and a lot better than anywhere else.
It is challenging (for people who have not been doing it for years) and has the best rewards of any PVE anywhere when run at peak efficiency.

Who cares what the PVE produces? Isk is Isk and if it comes from implants or t3 subs or just blue loot makes no difference.

PS: if you want randomness, go run quarantine areas...

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

#232 - 2013-08-21 06:32:29 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
PS: if you want randomness, go run quarantine areas...

^ This, i don't get the urgency to makeover PVE. I would prefer to get it done as quick as i can to go do something fun.
Hidden Fremen
#233 - 2013-08-21 08:06:52 UTC
Another great idea would be playing more and posting less.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#234 - 2013-08-21 11:33:19 UTC
Less easy mode and more challenges!
Icarus Able
#235 - 2013-08-21 12:39:05 UTC
wh space needs virtually nothing doing to it. We just need better frakking Pos
Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#236 - 2013-08-21 15:45:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Onomerous
Jack Miton wrote:
Incindir Mauser wrote:
Wormhole PVE needs a good looking at. W-space needs another marketable product besides blue loot and T3 components. Implant production? W-space NPC factions or some kind of sleeper missioning? Something to break up the monotony of escalations, huffing, and site clearing

this is something I don't get. people from large 'PVP' corps constantly complaining about WH PVE.
Maybe the correct solution here is to stop being a carebear.

WH PVE is just fine and a lot better than anywhere else.
It is challenging (for people who have not been doing it for years) and has the best rewards of any PVE anywhere when run at peak efficiency.

Who cares what the PVE produces? Isk is Isk and if it comes from implants or t3 subs or just blue loot makes no difference.

PS: if you want randomness, go run quarantine areas...

Couple of problems...

Someone from one big 'PVP' corps complained. That is not most nor all of them. And... does that mean they can't have an opinion because the are in a large corporation? Is being in a PVP corp mean you can't have an opinion on PVE? What's the problem here (other than you have some sort of burr under your saddle about something else)?

Second: Economics is the reason why what it produces is important!! Supply, demand, etc.? Yeah, that stuff. The actual loot is not important but what it makes and how much it is worth is very important.

Most of what causes problems in WH can't be fixed by CCP. POS and fitting T3 at a POS are two which can be fixed though.
Incindir Mauser
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#237 - 2013-08-21 18:00:55 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
Incindir Mauser wrote:
Wormhole PVE needs a good looking at. W-space needs another marketable product besides blue loot and T3 components. Implant production? W-space NPC factions or some kind of sleeper missioning? Something to break up the monotony of escalations, huffing, and site clearing

this is something I don't get. people from large 'PVP' corps constantly complaining about WH PVE.
Maybe the correct solution here is to stop being a carebear.

WH PVE is just fine and a lot better than anywhere else.
It is challenging (for people who have not been doing it for years) and has the best rewards of any PVE anywhere when run at peak efficiency.

Who cares what the PVE produces? Isk is Isk and if it comes from implants or t3 subs or just blue loot makes no difference.

PS: if you want randomness, go run quarantine areas...

Well this is news.

"Big" is relative as opposed to being well-known. I would say that ADHC is medium-sized for a C5 PvP corp. I fail to see how that invalidates my feedback. And a far as PvE goes, I'd really like to see some pve combat related stuff for higher end WH's impimented that don't take caps and dreads or thirty guys in subcaps and logi to do.

Chitsa asked for what I thought and I laid it out.

W-space, in particular the higher end holes are somewhat barren. We've gotten the mechanics of W-space so locked down and figured out that it's not much of a challenge anymore. You may think things are "just fine" and I couldn't disagree more. There is little that is unknown about W-space anymore, and it has been starving for some attention from CCP in terms of content.

Combat metas have been locked down to T3 AHACs with Guardian support and there's not a whole lot of variation on that front.

PvE would be a good place to start for some simple to impliment changes. The hacking mini-games are great in my opinion and Eve in general could stand to see some more of that. W-space also has the laundry list of quality of life changes posted previously relating to living in POSes and scanning that we have to do on a daily basis. Alliance bookmarks, etc.

#238 - 2013-08-21 21:22:40 UTC
Incindir Mauser wrote:
And a far as PvE goes, I'd really like to see some pve combat related stuff for higher end WH's impimented that don't take caps and dreads or thirty guys in subcaps and logi to do.

You are doing it all wrong... Shocked
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#239 - 2013-08-21 22:57:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Miton
Incindir Mauser wrote:
And a far as PvE goes, I'd really like to see some pve combat related stuff for higher end WH's impimented that don't take caps and dreads or thirty guys in subcaps and logi to do.

there IS pve that you can solo in a drake in ALL classes of WH.
saying there isnt is either ignorant, or just wrong.

Onomerous wrote:
Second: Economics is the reason why what it produces is important!! Supply, demand, etc.? Yeah, that stuff. The actual loot is not important but what it makes and how much it is worth is very important.

are you seriously trying to suggest WH pve isnt profitable enough?
and did you pull it off with a straight face? because that would be quite an accomplishment.

Incindir Mauser wrote:
Combat metas have been locked down to T3 AHACs with Guardian support and there's not a whole lot of variation on that front.

this is such a bogus argument that i cant understand why people keep prattling on about is.
combat meta is not locked to T3s and guardians, it is locked down to the best CRUISERS supported by the best LOGISTICS.
this is dictated by WH mass allowances and needing to stay alive.

it makes absolutle zero difference what the best cruisers and logistics are, thats what people in WHs are going to fly, be it T3s, HACs, recons, faction cruisers, CSs, whatever.
People in WHs simply have the SP and ISK to fly 'the best', regardless of what the best is.

now, the fact that 'the best' currently means the most expensive cruisers you can find anywhere with the biggest drawback of any ship when you die make perfect sense to me.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Chris Winter
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#240 - 2013-08-21 23:18:06 UTC
Kalel Nimrott wrote:
Remove odyssey scanner from wspace (at least the auto update option and overlay). Please.
I think most of us agree.

It only auto-updates when a sig despawns. When a new sig spawns, you don't see it until you've refreshed the list somehow.

Also, if the odyssey scanner goes away, ore sites need to go back to being sigs instead of anoms.