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[Aaaaand... IT'S GONE!] 5B bond (1B collateral) 10-13% interest monthly

arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#101 - 2013-08-20 05:35:17 UTC
flakeys wrote:
The Greenmachine Greenmachine wrote:
Who doesn't love revenge? Even if you can find where he character is (that probably never undocks) you can convo spam him forever!!

I have allways found my revenge in making my isk grow.

It's a stupid thing but every time i had stopped doing trade because of a burnout etc. the only reason i picked it up again was because someone somewhere in eve ****** me over iskwise.

Payback is hard in eve with the alts, but if anything a loss is the best motivation to **** your wallet with iskflowBlink .Hell , at a certain point it is the only motivation.

If you need some help with anything okoolos gimme a shout and i'll see what i can do ... and no i don't mean loaning out isk Lol.

Thats the most lame revenge i ever heard of!
Its not revenge untill you have taken everything he got and he cries Twisted

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.

#102 - 2013-08-20 10:24:43 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
arabella blood wrote:
flakeys wrote:
The Greenmachine Greenmachine wrote:
Who doesn't love revenge? Even if you can find where he character is (that probably never undocks) you can convo spam him forever!!

I have allways found my revenge in making my isk grow.

It's a stupid thing but every time i had stopped doing trade because of a burnout etc. the only reason i picked it up again was because someone somewhere in eve ****** me over iskwise.

Payback is hard in eve with the alts, but if anything a loss is the best motivation to **** your wallet with iskflowBlink .Hell , at a certain point it is the only motivation.

If you need some help with anything okoolos gimme a shout and i'll see what i can do ... and no i don't mean loaning out isk Lol.

Thats the most lame revenge i ever heard of!
Its not revenge untill you have taken everything he got and he cries Twisted

This is not reall life ... actions do not have consequences a lot of times unlike most claim . Ask BB how much hurt he got from his scam and that was a big one.Revenge in eve is somthing that will hurt yourself more then the other person because no one will come in here doing a scam unless they are certain they are free from 'tears' .Unless they are utter morons .

The revenge part is that you come out stronger instead of weaker.

Oh and to clarify : Yes i have also taken revenge on those who scammed me in the past but that is after years of waiting and lurking.Eventually unless people do it purely on their alt at a certain point a scammer will put himself vulnerable again.But the times i had this option it was after years and years of waiting.

Not hanging on to it and looking for a fast revenge does not mean you should forget it Blink .

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#103 - 2013-08-20 13:39:19 UTC
flakeys wrote:
Ask BB how much hurt he got from his scam
Someone put a bounty on my corp. So far this has resulted in the loss of one autopiloting shuttle in Jita.
Daniel Plain
#104 - 2013-08-20 13:50:10 UTC
Bad Bobby wrote:
flakeys wrote:
Ask BB how much hurt he got from his scam
Someone put a bounty on my corp. So far this has resulted in the loss of one autopiloting shuttle in Jita.

i feel i should know about this scam. can someone enlighten me?

I should buy an Ishtar.

Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#105 - 2013-08-20 14:06:11 UTC
Daniel Plain wrote:
Bad Bobby wrote:
flakeys wrote:
Ask BB how much hurt he got from his scam
Someone put a bounty on my corp. So far this has resulted in the loss of one autopiloting shuttle in Jita.

i feel i should know about this scam. can someone enlighten me?

It was back in 2010, so not exactly current events.
arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#106 - 2013-08-20 14:17:18 UTC  |  Edited by: arabella blood
flakeys wrote:

The revenge part is that you come out stronger instead of weaker.

Only one way to respond to that:

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.

#107 - 2013-08-20 14:57:22 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
arabella blood wrote:
flakeys wrote:

The revenge part is that you come out stronger instead of weaker.

Only one way to respond to that:

BB gave you the example what happends if you think VENDETTA ONLINE is a part of eve.

When i killed that ''old friend'' 1vs1 a while back , who didn't refund my 2 B loan 5 years previously , at our encounter in syndicate and he started whining in local how that ship costed so much while i knew i could actually buy over a Thousand of those ships then sure i have no problem being gay as your linky says Blink .Specially as he was one of the motivations at the time for starting regional trade.

Or as the old saying goes : ''Revenge is a dish best serverd cold'' .

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Daniel Plain
#108 - 2013-08-20 15:08:09 UTC
Bad Bobby wrote:
Daniel Plain wrote:
Bad Bobby wrote:
flakeys wrote:
Ask BB how much hurt he got from his scam
Someone put a bounty on my corp. So far this has resulted in the loss of one autopiloting shuttle in Jita.

i feel i should know about this scam. can someone enlighten me?

It was back in 2010, so not exactly current events.


I should buy an Ishtar.

arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#109 - 2013-08-20 15:39:19 UTC
flakeys wrote:
arabella blood wrote:
flakeys wrote:

The revenge part is that you come out stronger instead of weaker.

Only one way to respond to that:

BB gave you the example what happends if you think VENDETTA ONLINE is a part of eve.

When i killed that ''old friend'' 1vs1 a while back , who didn't refund my 2 B loan 5 years previously , at our encounter in syndicate and he started whining in local how that ship costed so much while i knew i could actually buy over a Thousand of those ships then sure i have no problem being gay as your linky says Blink .Specially as he was one of the motivations at the time for starting regional trade.

Or as the old saying goes : ''Revenge is a dish best serverd cold'' .

Exactly what did BB showed?

And i agree with you exactly, thats revenge, but it wouldn't have been so tasty if you have'nt seen his tears about the isk.
Its not satisfying having all that isk if you don't know how much the victim got+he knows you got so much...

And still, its fun to watch them burn Big smile

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.

Admiral PizzaRoll
Krull Serenity
#110 - 2013-08-20 18:12:07 UTC
In the years I've been playing this game, I have had dozens of players swear to me they will get revenge. What I like to tell them is that there is nothing in Eve they can do which will hurt me in the way I hurt them. Eve is a game and I just don't take it seriously enough for you to get the kind of revenge you are looking for.

Also, either 99% of those people swearing their revenge were just bluffing because they had absolutely no other way of actually hurting me, or they are all still waiting to hit me when I least expect it.

I'm not saying this to dissuade you from taking revenge. That will amuse the hell out of me, so definitely at least try. I'm just saying don't get your hopes up that it will cause the kind of emotional scarring you are looking for, or even be remembered a week later. Also, when you do get revenge, be sure to remind me who you are and what I did to you. I will almost definitely not remember you.
okoolos rimmer
Napkin Nation
#111 - 2013-08-20 19:46:07 UTC  |  Edited by: okoolos rimmer
Swearing revenge and all that is just childlish. Getting mad at the particular scammer/******* serves no purpose whatsover.
It's like getting mad at the weather.
Yeah I took a risk and got screwed. Yes it hurt. **** happens. That's life.

That doesn't of course mean that if I ever see this ******* I won't happily blow him up or try to make his life just a little bit more difficult lol.

in the immortal words of Al Suerengen:
arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#112 - 2013-08-21 05:48:39 UTC
By the look of that vid i'd say youre not quitting. Good. My mission is done here.

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.

okoolos rimmer
Napkin Nation
#113 - 2013-08-21 14:07:08 UTC
Well I'm quitting from the money lending business not EVE.

Collateralized loan returns are too low for me and uncollateralized loans are too risky.
Admiral PizzaRoll
Krull Serenity
#114 - 2013-08-23 08:20:50 UTC
okoolos rimmer wrote:
Well I'm quitting from the money lending business not EVE.

Collateralized loan returns are too low for me and uncollateralized loans are too risky.

Don't feel too bad about this. In my first bond scam (years ago) I ripped off TornSoul, the CEO of BIG. Everyone eventually takes a few risks that don't pan out. **** happens.
arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#115 - 2013-08-23 08:25:56 UTC
Admiral PizzaRoll wrote:
okoolos rimmer wrote:
Well I'm quitting from the money lending business not EVE.

Collateralized loan returns are too low for me and uncollateralized loans are too risky.

Don't feel too bad about this. In my first bond scam (years ago) I ripped off TornSoul, the CEO of BIG. Everyone eventually takes a few risks that don't pan out. **** happens.

Now your comments past the its just sad to see you go...

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.