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What is wrong with wormhole space?

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The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#201 - 2013-08-17 17:24:36 UTC
well Zankii the majority of them being done these days are hardly a single digit fleet, they are often entire blobs, or 8+ dreads. 8+ dreads suddenly landing on you is more than enought o whelp a fleet, even in their home system.

Event Organizer of EVE North East

Half Empty
#202 - 2013-08-17 17:35:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Zankii
ExookiZ wrote:
well Zankii the majority of them being done these days are hardly a single digit fleet, they are often entire blobs, or 8+ dreads. 8+ dreads suddenly landing on you is more than enought o whelp a fleet, even in their home system.

Except that 8+ dreads requires at least 3 wormholes.

If you don't notice somebody moving caps into your wormhole over the course of a day, you're bad.

Edit: Also this sounds like it's not a problem of log-off traps, but rather a issue of lol-blobs. Not to mention that if you're regularly getting trapped by people large enough to field 8 dreads + a support fleet in your home system, maybe you should try meta-gaming like 0.0 alliances, and getting some spys in their alliance so you know when this **** is happening.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#203 - 2013-08-17 19:01:46 UTC  |  Edited by: unimatrix0030
Svodola Darkfury wrote:

Another player-generated problem we face is "player entitlement" issues. Larger groups often think they have the "right" to gank PVE only groups, and are frustrated when they escape the moment a signature appears. Many feel that 4-day escalations are a "Right" of those with the prowess to do C5s/C6s and shouldn't be taken away. Still more complain that they go through vasts swaths of empty systems; failing to meet their "quota" of kills per day.

The problem isn't the blank canvas. It's what this kind of thinking paints on it. I've been the CEO of Heaven's End for a little over a year, and our biggest problem has never been finding fights or having enough PVE. Our problems have always been our mistakes and inflexibility in our strategy/thought process. We lived in a C2 C4/HS for about 9 months, and only left it when I dropped a tower into a C5/C2 and told people to start packing because this is what we were doing now. Everyday in both holes we've had times where we get empty systems (C4/C4s and C2/C2/LS's come to mind) but we roll and we start scouting again. Not once in my EVE career have I spent more than 2 hours scouting and not seen another player out in space.

C5's are very empty wich is a problem.
Reading this makes me think that you haven't scanned out a C5-C5 chain .
Many of those have empty C5's or C5's with no one awake and or active.

Svodola Darkfury wrote:

things to fix:
- POS structures (Including dropping items).
- Black Holes


On this i can only agree.

Though i do think more targets or ways to lure targets out of their posses would be good like this idea :
Trinkets friend wrote:

In w-space, POCOs and POSs are even harder to RF efficiently, and often result in similar problems. The defender must defend, and often figures they have to phone the bats, because they will lose everything; the attacker may be fishing for PVP but has to invest hours or days, only to be blobbed to hell and not get a goodfight.

Degradable, interdictable, infrastructure may be a way of people provoking combat in wormholes, and nullsec.

For example, if a POCO has 10M shield EHP, it could have ten one million EHP blocks. Each block which is shot off causes 10% of any transferred goods to be lost in transit.

Your raider or guerilla troll squad could then go about interdicting and degrading POCO efficiency to damage and siege out a foe. In w-space, you may find that this would result in tactics whereby you begin shooting off the Barren and Temperate POCOs and await a response; when PVP goodfite happens, you leave.

About getting more people in wormholes, would it help is say the sites from lower class wormhole also spawn in higher ones?
Let say c5 has c1-5 sites, c4 has c1-c4 sites, ... .
Maybe it gets smaller corps/alliances in c5/c6 space?

Changing w-space pvp is very hard to balance.
If they nerf t3's into oblivion, you won't be able to jump capitals in c5/c6 sites anymore and live.
Wich would make home advantage hughe and make C5/c6 hughe farming fortresses.
Fights usually only occur close around holes, in sites and sometimes pos'es, poco offices and the ocasional duel at the sun.
Kite-ing is less used because around w-holes people can escape relatively fast or when jumping in have the wrong ranges for kite-ing.
The nature of the holes also dictated the size of the ships in the fleet.
I don't know if this idea is anything good but if micro jump drive would have a script , wich would instead of making the battleship jump , just lower its mass to that of the class below it (BC). A bit like the bubles on a hic.
That way battleships could still be useable in w-space.
There is even a benefit for k-space, lets say the effect on the micro jump also makes the agility of the BS the same as a BC.
Then with a 100MN you would heve the same effect like the 100MN tengu's .
For balancing they can even keep the timer on the microjump drive. Lets say the effect stays the time of the spoolup of the MJD. and can only be used again after the same amount of time like the MJD can be used again.

Log of traps aren't a problem, they are indeed risk free kill. A lot of work in them though.
But if you burn someone out of a hole you still need to log of for RL. Even the locals need to log of
How can you distinguis between the 2? You can't and no one will be happy if he can't join a fight because of a timer wether they are defender or attacker.

No local in null sec would fix everything!

Pure Victory
#204 - 2013-08-18 00:31:36 UTC
Let us unanchor offline, abandoned pos's.
The unknown needs to be re-introduced. Everything is stable, known, and eminently repeatable. We need more randomness in wormhole mass, life time, numbers of sleepers per spawn. (but not total random as I post about below!) Maybe some sort of logic of the more ships you bring in, the more sleepers spawn. Have it code into the amount of RR on field so the more logi/tinker ships you bring, the more they spawn.
Some dual-static c5's would be more than welcome!
black holes. give us something worth living in there for.

One serious thing though are c5 relic/data sites (I haven't done any c6 ones since odyssey came out). The isk/ hour/work is total bull****. In general, the hacking minigame is just garbage. Now let me clarify: It is completely random, completely illogical. It's press buttons until you either die and restart, or press buttons until you find the core. There's no logic. It's a game of minefield with pretty graphics. Computers are built on logic: the closer to the core you are, the more defenses. the farther away, the fewer. My corp had 6 buddies clear a whole data site and get 105 mil in stuff for an hour of working the minigames. We didn't hate it because of the isk/hour ratio (which was pathetic), but because of the isk per hour per work load. We were all cursing and bashing our heads against walls by the time we were done because that "feature" is the most frustrating thing I've done in all of my time in eve. If we got like a billion isk out of it, then i'd put up with it, but I can get that from the sleepers in that site in 20 minutes. I should post this complaint in a different part of the forum...

tl;dr: hacking interface is the most painful thing in all of eve.
Krops Vont
#205 - 2013-08-18 02:36:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Krops Vont
Whats wrong with wormhole space is it has lost its original meaning. Players mapped out roads and put caution signs and guides. The undiscovered has become completely mapped out and un-randomized.
As if you played the board game life and knew what every player would do.
Edit: Eve players do this to maximize best reward/no risk info on any activity but it takes time as they experience it.

Secrecy is key on CCP's part. When the wormhole mass info was leaked, it was much easier than people testing it out.

To some degree, people in wormhole space have nothing to do if lack of members are on or sites are stripped until the next spawn, and then it goes by waaaay too fast when many are on (20+ dreads on a c5 home op with hard knocks inc.), stripping wormhole to wormhole, only looking for gas/radar sites you can solo in a gila or drake.

What most have said is true to most extent. Just try to make wormhole space the deep dark unknown and uncharted.
P.s Wormhole people are to say the least, aliens to k-space people.
Side problem: Over the years i have noticed wormholes can stay open for double their life span or even move 80km or some distance on grid... Is this an intended feature or a really weird bug? I've petitioned it and tested it by anchoring a bubble on a hole, and the next day the bubble is quite some distance from it AND the wormhole still connects to the same system as before



Wormhole Finding & Selling

o/ Play for fun

Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#206 - 2013-08-18 03:39:17 UTC
Back when i were a lad, it was uphill both ways in w-space!

Also, does anyone remember - or did you even know - you used to be able to bump wormholes? We in BUGRY worked this out very early in the piece and it was super-super sekrit skwerls classification. We got it down so we could bump a wormhole at 200 metres per second. Yes, you read that right - we could bump a wormhole so far and so fast Drakes couldn't keep up.

Total exploit as far as several whiny Orca pilots were concerned, so it got "support ticketed" and "fixed". But, damn, that was a truckload of fun while it lasted. It wasn't like it was risk free when we were pod-bumping.

I am sure they found J141218 a lot more scary and unpredictable than other wormholes after they got rickrolled.

I like the idea of scripts for MJD's. It could make things interesting trying to drop on a collapse operation - you'd never know if the BS came through superlight, light or heavy.
Proclivity Enterprises
#207 - 2013-08-18 19:21:31 UTC

Wormhole space needs to be more of a threat to null sec. There should be an increase in time wormholes are active. A good rule of thumb i suggest would be 3 days. This will allow structures to be reinforced and generate a second day battle or the need for null sec to collapse the wormhole. This will create much more strife and content for null sec and wormholes.

Pulling The Plug
#208 - 2013-08-18 19:29:15 UTC  |  Edited by: TurboX3
Its becoming boring Chitsa... spice it up with primary everything!
I am moving to npc 0.0... *waves*
Kingsparrow Wormhole Division
Birds of Prey.
#209 - 2013-08-19 01:36:35 UTC
I've tried to outline all my major problems and present possible solutions to be taken into consideration. A lot of my grievances are related to the industry I try to perform in wormholes, something I think needs a buff badly. Not a lot of people perform T1 industry in w-space simply because it's such a pain, but it could be incredibly lucrative for small groups who can't get nullsec sov. My concerns are thematically concentrated on security of assets, access to resources, and the industrial process itself at a POS.

Security (most of this isn't limited to w-space but the POS itself):
1) Access roles need changing, instead of Based At, Headquarters, Other make it possible to set permissions at the specific array. Kind of like the chat channel settings, you can add individuals and set their access, you can add entire corps (have individual override this of course) etc. This needs not be done from the corp management screen (loading all possible arrays for permissions would crash most clients), rather be a context menu option for people with a role to do so. POSes need a lot of work, probably a whole expansion on their own, but this is the one change I'd really like to see happen to them. Coding that would probably be a pain and so would configuring it for the first time, but it would make POS security much better.
2) Adding a personal ship maintenance array would be handy, there's too much risk with the communal ones now
3) Auditing powers over both personal ship and personal hangar arrays just like member hangars in a station would greatly reduce the threat from thieves (again would not eliminate but would at least give us corps a chance)
4) Kicking in-space is needed for wormhole corps simply because members can't dock so they can't be kicked. Last thing any corp wants is a griefer in their system indefinitely. Don't ask me how to do this fairly (I was there at the townhall, I remember the issues with this idea) but it would help deal with griefers.

1) Because ore sites are now anomalies I can't keep them "in stock", every noob scanner who opens a hole into the system I live in seems to warp to every single ore site I can accumulate. Their respawn rate is ridiculously low, at best I get 2 a week and let me tell you, that's not overly challenging to mine out. To compensate I chose a wormhole with a nullsec static which makes my logistics a real pain (but if the past year in this hole has proven anything it's that a nullsec static is not unbearable). More frequent spawn rates would be appreciated greatly, so would increasing the total volume of ore per site.
2) Instead of relying on periodic ore anomalies to spawn, what about implementing moving asteroid belts kind of like K-Space but without beacons so you do have to scan them. Systems will have a fixed number of them and they will deplete and regenerate just like K-Space. They don't have to be as large as K-Space belts or as numerous, but a static number of belts means reliable resource access. There can of course be the ore anomalies, you just have to play with the balance of ores to make the anomalies (which are riskier to mine in) more lucrative than the belts. C1-3 can be like 1.0-0.5 space in terms of asteroid composition in belts, C4-5 can be lowsec and C6 null (no real need to mine anomalies unless you make Mercoxit only available in them). Ore anomalies are already unbalanced way in favour of nullsec minerals so adding availability of tritanium would be a huge buff. The nullsec ore rebalance certainly helped but due to the rarity of veldspar (I know right, veld being rare?) I still struggle balancing my mineral stockpile.
3) Enabling jumpclone access would help get miners in when I do have ore anomalies.
4) Procurer +2 warp strength bonus again?

1) POS refineries suck. Period. We're the only area of space who regularly use them and anyone who does so knows my pain. Peak refining rate is 66 666.66m3/hour at a capped return of 75%. Null dwellers get to compress and ship to an outpost, while we do have that option with intermittent K-Space access I don't believe we should be forced to do so in order to get a better than 75% return. I have come up with two fixes:
a) The best possible fix I see for this is to make compressed ore refine at 100% just like ice. Coding that shouldn't take too much effort. This does a number of things: i) allows 100% refine ii) encourages rorq construction in w-space (juicy targets mmm) iii) improve the refining rate (m3/hr) by a factor of 20. This would also enable mining to occur by smaller groups in null without outpost/station access, encouraging mining operations to occur outside the traffic-controlled, outpost-settled core of each alliance's space (granted I have limited null experience but I believe this to be the case).
b) Increase the refine cap to something closer to stations/outposts. A 25% hit makes it nearly impossible to be profitable vs just selling the ore raw. This maintains the advantage of the intensive refinery array vs standard thereby encouraging corporations to field less-defended POSes (another great opportunity for pew). I'd settle for a 10% hit instead of 25%, I'd even suffer through the terrible refining rate. My corp really struggles turning a profit right now on manufacturing.
My vision for this idea is a number of corps just like mine could produce T1 ships, ammo, modules etc in large enough quantities to have mini-markets in W-Space. Why force C4+ corps to chain to K-Space when for a small markup they could buy from another w-space dweller. No need to change market mechanics, the onus is on the corps to develop their own methods of advertising products, taking orders, and delivering. Just another logistics challenge to make w-space that much more involved.
2) Fix alliance usage of all arrays. It would be nice if alliance members could do more than simply install jobs from a station in-system since there are no stations out here.
Kingsparrow Wormhole Division
Birds of Prey.
#210 - 2013-08-19 01:53:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Adarnof
The majority of the ideas I proposed have the impact of helping to cut off w-space from k-space. While I do believe total separation is a bad idea, the amount of dependence right now removes a lot of the fun from it. The feeling of being cut off is diminished when I have to run to HS every few days to resupply. I'm perfectly happy keeping ice out of w-space so that dependence remains, however T1 production should be as viable in w-space as in k-space. Specific impacts to my ideas are as follows:

Kicking in-space: It would help keep legitimate corps safe but would endanger members as they could arrive in a new corp, leave all their stuff in the POS and then suddenly be kicked, losing it all. In removing a threat to personal safety it introduces a new one, so the best counter-measure I can think of is a timer and a notice to the member being kicked so they can both retrieve their assets and discuss the issue with management.

Access Improvements: This won't have an immediately large effect on mineral markets as they're already saturated to an almost unrecoverable point. However in every instance minerals become more abundant the market will dip again, lowering the already lowered isk/hr rates of mining the ore types. This would be a good mechanism of returning nullsec minerals to highsec markets as the buff to nullsec industry has (probably, I haven't actually confirmed this) led to a decrease in both supply and demand of the minerals as all major industrial projects can now occur in near isolation in null, bypassing the need to pass goods through market hubs. This is the observation I've made watching mineral value charts post-odyssey, I don't have first-hand experience in null industry since the ore rebalance. Making the null minerals more available in highsec markets will probably lead to an increase in higher-tier industrial activity (beyond that of basically ammo which needs only trit/pyer). Yes there are tons of corps already buying the low/null minerals to produce T1 goods but a lot of budding industrialists I've spoken to say it's still hard to get these minerals at reasonable prices for them to turn a profit. This will also have a minor negative impact to the trit/pyer markets as w-space corps building caps won't need to import hundreds of millions of tritanium units to build something.

Jumpclones: This will allow more people the freedom to explore w-space and safely get out when needed, increasing the population in less-desirable holes (like my null static). If people can visit and jump immediately to highsec when needed, they're more likely to commit to living in a wormhole for a while. This will have the negative effect of allowing up to an additional 5 members to be called in should a major battle be occurring per rorqual, but if both sides have the opportunity to call in reinforcements it will lead to larger, longer battles. Plus this will once again increase the demand for rorquals, which between the boost to BPC suppliers and mineral demand as well as the increased opportunity to kill caps, it seems like a fair trade off. If the number of rorquals is concerning (caps sitting in a POS aren't a lot of fun for roamers) it would be fair to make it a requirement for them to leave the forcefield to use the clone vat bay and/or the industrial core. Many people won't be thrilled as this makes them more vulnerable but would increase the number of them killed, helping to keep the demand for them relatively steady in w-space.

Procurer: Since the change of ore sites from signatures to anomalies most people have simply resigned to the fact that unless they're exercising complete hole control (rolling K162s and keeping statics closed) mining is a massive risk. The venture is nimble enough to survive on its own even without the +2, mining barges and exhumers are not. Giving the procurer/skiff a +2 warp strength bonus will both encourage wormhole mining while decreasing mining rate (marginally) as well as encourage roaming gangs to gank miners. If it takes more than one person to catch a barge, groups will form more often to assault mining operations. That's a great way to encourage group play on both the ganker's side and the miner's side, as the miner will want a boost to compensate for the lower yield and more frequent trips to empty the ore hold.

POS Refinery a) Again will make rorquals more common in w-space. Same benefits as listed above. The point about frontier mining in nullsec is something I'd like to discuss further. Before w-space my corp had a month-long NPC null adventure. We wanted to mine, being an industrial corp and all. Having no outpost access was a real pain, slashing our profits and contributing to our eventual eviction (refinery takes a lot of CPU/PG, hard to defend against caps with limited guns). Enabling 100% compressed ore refining would mean more corps would put up POSes in NPC null or even loosly-controlled sov null to mine untapped resources. They would be quite vulnerable with a refinery array online, again increasing the amount of PvP / POS bashing that could occur. Again this would destabilize the mineral market further than it has been now with the ore rebalance, as this would also increase the supply of rare minerals (why mine veld?)
POS Refinery b) Makes POS refineries much more viable while still penalizing their use over a station. This is probably the better idea as its impact in nullsec is much more limited, most corps will still compress and ship to an outpost. It would make w-space industry at least potentially viable, competing with HS markets would not be as impossible as with a 25% loss.

Alliance Array Usage: This would both encourage proportion of industrial POSes out there and simultaneously decrease the total number, as being able to share 1 array with an alliance means corps don't need to anchor their own POS for access to one such array.

I can elaborate on my ideas further in the forum section if people are interested.
Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#211 - 2013-08-19 22:19:44 UTC
Adarnof wrote:

POS Refinery a) Again will make rorquals more common in w-space. Same benefits as listed above. The point about frontier mining in nullsec is something I'd like to discuss further. Before w-space my corp had a month-long NPC null adventure. We wanted to mine, being an industrial corp and all. Having no outpost access was a real pain, slashing our profits and contributing to our eventual eviction (refinery takes a lot of CPU/PG, hard to defend against caps with limited guns). Enabling 100% compressed ore refining would mean more corps would put up POSes in NPC null or even loosly-controlled sov null to mine untapped resources. They would be quite vulnerable with a refinery array online, again increasing the amount of PvP / POS bashing that could occur. Again this would destabilize the mineral market further than it has been now with the ore rebalance, as this would also increase the supply of rare minerals (why mine veld?)
POS Refinery b) Makes POS refineries much more viable while still penalizing their use over a station. This is probably the better idea as its impact in nullsec is much more limited, most corps will still compress and ship to an outpost. It would make w-space industry at least potentially viable, competing with HS markets would not be as impossible as with a 25% loss.

Alliance Array Usage: This would both encourage proportion of industrial POSes out there and simultaneously decrease the total number, as being able to share 1 array with an alliance means corps don't need to anchor their own POS for access to one such array.

I can elaborate on my ideas further in the forum section if people are interested.

Elaborate, that is why this thread is here.

And yes Alliance Array Usage would help a ton. Setting up Roles for that though, yeesh that'd be tough.


Infinite Force
#212 - 2013-08-19 22:48:20 UTC
Phoenix Jones wrote:
Adarnof wrote:

POS Refinery a) Again will make rorquals more common in w-space. Same benefits as listed above. The point about frontier mining in nullsec is something I'd like to discuss further. Before w-space my corp had a month-long NPC null adventure. We wanted to mine, being an industrial corp and all. Having no outpost access was a real pain, slashing our profits and contributing to our eventual eviction (refinery takes a lot of CPU/PG, hard to defend against caps with limited guns). Enabling 100% compressed ore refining would mean more corps would put up POSes in NPC null or even loosly-controlled sov null to mine untapped resources. They would be quite vulnerable with a refinery array online, again increasing the amount of PvP / POS bashing that could occur. Again this would destabilize the mineral market further than it has been now with the ore rebalance, as this would also increase the supply of rare minerals (why mine veld?)
POS Refinery b) Makes POS refineries much more viable while still penalizing their use over a station. This is probably the better idea as its impact in nullsec is much more limited, most corps will still compress and ship to an outpost. It would make w-space industry at least potentially viable, competing with HS markets would not be as impossible as with a 25% loss.

Alliance Array Usage: This would both encourage proportion of industrial POSes out there and simultaneously decrease the total number, as being able to share 1 array with an alliance means corps don't need to anchor their own POS for access to one such array.

I can elaborate on my ideas further in the forum section if people are interested.

Elaborate, that is why this thread is here.

And yes Alliance Array Usage would help a ton. Setting up Roles for that though, yeesh that'd be tough.

Here is everything you want to discuss about POS refinining arrays -- all convienently in a single thread.

To the top!

HROLT CEO Live Free; Die Proud - The only way to go!

Thomas Hurt
Future Ventures
#213 - 2013-08-19 23:51:16 UTC
Supers need to be able to move to and from W-Space, and should be buildable within wormholes.
Hidden Fremen
#214 - 2013-08-20 00:02:33 UTC
Binary star systems. That's really all we're missing. Can you imagine? "Align sun, guys, align sun." BUT WHICH ONE?!!8=D?!?!
United Electro-Magnetic Federation
Business Alliance of Manufacturers and Miners
#215 - 2013-08-20 00:35:18 UTC
Since Penny Ibramovic reminded me of it this morning, the Discovery Scanner needs changes for W-Space.

One of the best parts of W-Space is no local channel intel. That's thrown away with new WH's immediately being shown inside the Scanner window the second they're warped to. This can and does allow people who are watching closely to actually scan down the incoming K162 and warp to it before the incoming CovOps even jumps through.

One of the major themes of this thread is conflict drivers and this is a change that's actively stopping conflict. It gives plenty of time for everyone to POS up and log off. It's making Solo hunting all but dead, I'm pretty sure I've killed more HS daytrippers than W-Spacers since it was introduced. These are not the people I want to be hunting.

I get that people used to just have a DSP out all the time and this is just automating the issue, but it's not the solve that should exist. Maybe only spawn the K162 once the WH is activated instead of when it's warped to? Maybe keep it off the Scan Window for 60 seconds after it's activated? Don't know what the solve is here, but it should be better.

Doing something specific for W-Space and W-Space alone for this would be awesome, FYI.
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#216 - 2013-08-20 01:11:50 UTC
Thomas Hurt wrote:
Supers need to be able to move to and from W-Space, and should be buildable within wormholes.

get. the fk. out.

there are a LOT of really bad ideas being posted in this thread but this is by FAR the worst.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Job Valador
Professional Amateurs
#217 - 2013-08-20 02:11:32 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
Thomas Hurt wrote:
Supers need to be able to move to and from W-Space, and should be buildable within wormholes.

get. the fk. out.

there are a LOT of really bad ideas being posted in this thread but this is by FAR the worst.

he should really keep his trolls in GD

"The stone exhibited a profound lack of movement."

#218 - 2013-08-20 04:57:28 UTC
Thomas Hurt wrote:
Supers need to be able to move to and from W-Space, and should be buildable within wormholes.

I sure hope you are trollin us.
Bernie Nator
Seal Club Six
Plug N Play
#219 - 2013-08-20 08:43:04 UTC
Job Valador wrote:
Jack Miton wrote:
Thomas Hurt wrote:
Supers need to be able to move to and from W-Space, and should be buildable within wormholes.

get. the fk. out.

there are a LOT of really bad ideas being posted in this thread but this is by FAR the worst.

he should really keep his trolls in GD

The guy lives in a wormhole, right? We could fix his terrible ideas...
Triplex Tritane
Neon Gods
#220 - 2013-08-20 10:31:10 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:

there are a LOT of really bad ideas being posted in this thread but this is by FAR the worst.

Some ideas are really good, for instance:

- I like the idea to make the the class of the statics wormhole more random. 75% the usual static, 20% higher or lower class than usual and 5% k-space could be interesting.

- I agree that a POS revamp is needed badly. This will have a bigger impact on WHs than anything else they can come up with. Adding tabs to SMAs (like hangars) would be a start.

However, I do not like ideas that make living in a wormhole more a painful, such as more randomness on the mass/time of a wormhole.