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Trade hub trading with three trial alts

arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#21 - 2013-08-19 16:56:04 UTC
Caprice Insidious wrote:
arabella blood wrote:
Its useless...go ask Gevlon Goblin how to do missions then...Evil

The missioning forums is somewhere there ------>>>

It was him that gave me the idea.

Allow me to laugh at you both then? I think its only fair TwistedTwisted

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.

Caprice Insidious
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2013-08-19 17:05:30 UTC
arabella blood wrote:
Caprice Insidious wrote:
arabella blood wrote:
Its useless...go ask Gevlon Goblin how to do missions then...Evil

The missioning forums is somewhere there ------>>>

It was him that gave me the idea.

Allow me to laugh at you both then? I think its only fair TwistedTwisted

To be honest, I don't think you should be laughing at anyone..
arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#23 - 2013-08-19 17:14:45 UTC
Caprice Insidious wrote:
arabella blood wrote:
Caprice Insidious wrote:
arabella blood wrote:
Its useless...go ask Gevlon Goblin how to do missions then...Evil

The missioning forums is somewhere there ------>>>

It was him that gave me the idea.

Allow me to laugh at you both then? I think its only fair TwistedTwisted

To be honest, I don't think you should be laughing at anyone..

Ill go mourn human intelligence then...good luck with your plan. Bear

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.

Invisible Exchequer
#24 - 2013-08-19 17:34:53 UTC
Caprice Insidious wrote:

And if you do missions and get 70 mill ISK head start, it's even more probable.

Newbs should try this out instead of mining theirself to death.

Time to get 70m from missions?

cos I am currently getting 57k + 69k bonus from L2s, with the advantage of having a T2 fitted cruiser to burn through them.

I make 70,000,000 / (57,000 + 69,000) = 555.555 missions.

Of course, you can step up to L3s, but then you have to factor in the cost of buying a ship and fittings, which a trader does not have to worry about.

Yes, you can do distribution missions, but, you need a combat ship for L1s while getting standing.

My L1 fresh out the box combat mission runner is getting 40k + 55k.

Maybe a brand new alt with no assistance can get 70m isk for trading via missioning faster than via trading, still leaving enough time to get a plex within the first 21 days. I would maybe split it between your 3 chars, get one to mine for 21 days, get one to mission, and get one to trade.

I am doing a similar thing (not related to trading, but to testing various things for comparison), and its quite fun to see how it goes.

Caprice Insidious
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2013-08-19 17:49:28 UTC
Rhivre wrote:
Caprice Insidious wrote:

And if you do missions and get 70 mill ISK head start, it's even more probable.

Newbs should try this out instead of mining theirself to death.

Time to get 70m from missions?

cos I am currently getting 57k + 69k bonus from L2s, with the advantage of having a T2 fitted cruiser to burn through them.

I make 70,000,000 / (57,000 + 69,000) = 555.555 missions.

Of course, you can step up to L3s, but then you have to factor in the cost of buying a ship and fittings, which a trader does not have to worry about.

Yes, you can do distribution missions, but, you need a combat ship for L1s while getting standing.

My L1 fresh out the box combat mission runner is getting 40k + 55k.

Maybe a brand new alt with no assistance can get 70m isk for trading via missioning faster than via trading, still leaving enough time to get a plex within the first 21 days. I would maybe split it between your 3 chars, get one to mine for 21 days, get one to mission, and get one to trade.

I am doing a similar thing (not related to trading, but to testing various things for comparison), and its quite fun to see how it goes.

Doing the career missions (Business, Industrial, Military, Advanced Military, Exploration) net you about 10 mill. You can do the career missions at all the starter systems. For a Caldari, doing the three career path for Caldari and the three career paths for Amarr will net you a total of 60 mill. You get about 10 mill for Sisters of Eve Arc. For the grand total of 70 mill. All these give you standing as well.

And you can do the missions real quickly with good fits like long ranged railguns with iron charges.

Trials can't do L3 missions.
The Greenmachine Greenmachine
Green's Bicycle Shop
#26 - 2013-08-19 17:51:24 UTC  |  Edited by: The Greenmachine Greenmachine
If a new player to the game wanted to play the game for free and never spend a cent, all he has to do is the following... Get an account (14 day works). Figure out what station trading is. Do not feel rushed and trade when you have a chance during the day. Lets say you get 100mil in those 14 days. Well, now make a new trial account and you will have to move the isk to that account using an unique method because you cant isk transfer. I don't think contracts work but trade might. BUT if trade doesn't work all they you have to do is find somebody in your corp who you can just give your stuff to them on the 1st account and just get the stuff back from them on your 2nd account. It's quite easy.
The Greenmachine Greenmachine
Green's Bicycle Shop
#27 - 2013-08-19 17:54:16 UTC
Daniel Plain wrote:
the answer to your question depends on whether or not you have a life.

and btw this statement is horribly wrong. you can use trial alts to make enough with all the time you need. 10 minutes a day? You humor me. Blink
Caprice Insidious
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2013-08-19 18:04:58 UTC
The Greenmachine Greenmachine wrote:
If a new player to the game wanted to play the game for free and never spend a cent, all he has to do is the following... Get an account (14 day works). Figure out what station trading is. Do not feel rushed and trade when you have a chance during the day. Lets say you get 100mil in those 14 days. Well, now make a new trial account and you will have to move the isk to that account using an unique method because you cant isk transfer. I don't think contracts work but trade might. BUT if trade doesn't work all they you have to do is find somebody in your corp who you can just give your stuff to them on the 1st account and just get the stuff back from them on your 2nd account. It's quite easy.

You can trade with trial accounts, but not give money. So you only have to give away trade goods instead.

Yeah, I guess this is possible. I even don't have to do it through corps because I have multiple machines.

I think I'm just going to make money with my main and make some buddy alt trading accounts when/if I gain enough ISK, since that appears to be easier. But I kind of wanted to see if it would be possible.
Invictra Atreides
Toward the Terra
#29 - 2013-08-19 18:50:07 UTC
Caprice Insidious wrote:
The Greenmachine Greenmachine wrote:
If a new player to the game wanted to play the game for free and never spend a cent, all he has to do is the following... Get an account (14 day works). Figure out what station trading is. Do not feel rushed and trade when you have a chance during the day. Lets say you get 100mil in those 14 days. Well, now make a new trial account and you will have to move the isk to that account using an unique method because you cant isk transfer. I don't think contracts work but trade might. BUT if trade doesn't work all they you have to do is find somebody in your corp who you can just give your stuff to them on the 1st account and just get the stuff back from them on your 2nd account. It's quite easy.

You can trade with trial accounts, but not give money. So you only have to give away trade goods instead.

Yeah, I guess this is possible. I even don't have to do it through corps because I have multiple machines.

I think I'm just going to make money with my main and make some buddy alt trading accounts when/if I gain enough ISK, since that appears to be easier. But I kind of wanted to see if it would be possible.

Use the old Windows trick to run multiple Trial Accounts on one PC. Works like a charm.

BlogTutorials | Youtube "I don’t know everything, I just know what I know."

Thur Barbek
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2013-08-19 19:32:51 UTC
Without at least 5m or 10m isk to start it will be really hard to grow your funds imo.

While possible to earn a plex in 21 days from nothing... a much more obtainable goal would be to just pay the 1st month. After 51 day (month + 21 day trial) your skills and cash should be enough to make a monthly plex if your decent at the market.

Stygian Systems
#31 - 2013-08-19 23:00:05 UTC
arabella blood wrote:
Caprice Insidious wrote:
arabella blood wrote:
Caprice Insidious wrote:
arabella blood wrote:
Its useless...go ask Gevlon Goblin how to do missions then...Evil

The missioning forums is somewhere there ------>>>

It was him that gave me the idea.

Allow me to laugh at you both then? I think its only fair TwistedTwisted

To be honest, I don't think you should be laughing at anyone..

Ill go mourn human intelligence then...good luck with your plan. Bear

hahaha... Roll
Daniel Plain
#32 - 2013-08-19 23:36:02 UTC
Caprice Insidious wrote:
arabella blood wrote:
Its useless...go ask Gevlon Goblin how to do missions then...Evil

The missioning forums is somewhere there ------>>>

It was him that gave me the idea.

it is widely accepted as best practice to read whatever gevlon writes and do the exact opposite. this guy is like the EVE version of rush limbaugh.

I should buy an Ishtar.

Jack Chapman
I'm in Space
#33 - 2013-08-20 00:54:10 UTC
That is pretty similar to what i did, although with just one character. I am a returning player so i still had a bit of knowledge of what could be good tradable items (but i didnt really do trading before my break) and i wanted a fresh start.

So i did the tutorial missions for a bit of starting cash and went to Dodixie (not enough time to update orders 23/7 in jita). I got to around 850m in my 21 day trial so it is definitely possible. And with multiple characters you have the advantage of using a shared corp wallet and margin trading to get more out of your starting money. That was just station trading so i guess if you want to haul crap all over the place you could do a bit better.

I personnally cant be bother to look after alt accounts, it just turns into work if you have to plex for too many accounts imo. But if you enjoy playing with multiple accounts, sure go for it.
Invisible Exchequer
#34 - 2013-08-20 01:05:28 UTC
Caprice Insidious wrote:
Rhivre wrote:
Caprice Insidious wrote:

And if you do missions and get 70 mill ISK head start, it's even more probable.

Newbs should try this out instead of mining theirself to death.

Time to get 70m from missions?

cos I am currently getting 57k + 69k bonus from L2s, with the advantage of having a T2 fitted cruiser to burn through them.

I make 70,000,000 / (57,000 + 69,000) = 555.555 missions.

Of course, you can step up to L3s, but then you have to factor in the cost of buying a ship and fittings, which a trader does not have to worry about.

Yes, you can do distribution missions, but, you need a combat ship for L1s while getting standing.

My L1 fresh out the box combat mission runner is getting 40k + 55k.

Maybe a brand new alt with no assistance can get 70m isk for trading via missioning faster than via trading, still leaving enough time to get a plex within the first 21 days. I would maybe split it between your 3 chars, get one to mine for 21 days, get one to mission, and get one to trade.

I am doing a similar thing (not related to trading, but to testing various things for comparison), and its quite fun to see how it goes.

Doing the career missions (Business, Industrial, Military, Advanced Military, Exploration) net you about 10 mill. You can do the career missions at all the starter systems. For a Caldari, doing the three career path for Caldari and the three career paths for Amarr will net you a total of 60 mill. You get about 10 mill for Sisters of Eve Arc. For the grand total of 70 mill. All these give you standing as well.

And you can do the missions real quickly with good fits like long ranged railguns with iron charges.

Trials can't do L3 missions.

I just did the career missions (5 days or so ago), I came out with around 2-3m, so *3 = 6-9m * 2 = 12 - 18m + 10m = 22-28m
Ellon JTC
#35 - 2013-08-20 09:18:21 UTC
Trading is much more complicated than you think, i'd say the best way to plex an account during trial would be salvaging level 4 mission loot. There is a corp called "pro synergy", you can salvage for them and get 45% of the loot.
Invisible Exchequer
#36 - 2013-08-20 10:29:31 UTC
Ellon JTC wrote:
Trading is much more complicated than you think, i'd say the best way to plex an account during trial would be salvaging level 4 mission loot. There is a corp called "pro synergy", you can salvage for them and get 45% of the loot.

I would recommend pro-synergy for new chars looking to make some isk, salvaging requires minimal training, and their payouts seem to be worthwhile for the newer player
Caprice Insidious
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2013-08-20 10:56:36 UTC
Daniel Plain wrote:

it is widely accepted as best practice to read whatever gevlon writes and do the exact opposite. this guy is like the EVE version of rush limbaugh.

I don't know anything about him, but the guide looks sound, only it's not for trial alts which probably means a bit.

Jack Chapman wrote:
That is pretty similar to what i did, although with just one character. I am a returning player so i still had a bit of knowledge of what could be good tradable items (but i didnt really do trading before my break) and i wanted a fresh start.

So i did the tutorial missions for a bit of starting cash and went to Dodixie (not enough time to update orders 23/7 in jita). I got to around 850m in my 21 day trial so it is definitely possible. And with multiple characters you have the advantage of using a shared corp wallet and margin trading to get more out of your starting money. That was just station trading so i guess if you want to haul crap all over the place you could do a bit better.

I personnally cant be bother to look after alt accounts, it just turns into work if you have to plex for too many accounts imo. But if you enjoy playing with multiple accounts, sure go for it.

I haven't played for too long but I'm starting to see a bit of the trade marketmyself. I just have to keep my eyes open so I know what trades and what doesn't. Hauling around with multiple accounts seems more lucrative to me than station trading, even if it's more job. But I think I'll try it with full accounts instead of trials, then I can play four accounts on one machine in windowed mode and just travel around and trade between characters with contracts.

Rhivre wrote:
I just did the career missions (5 days or so ago), I came out with around 2-3m, so *3 = 6-9m * 2 = 12 - 18m + 10m = 22-28m

I've gotten around six mill and ships to sell, so I extrapolated to 10 mill. But it's not far off. I don't see why you get so much less. I always finish with time reward though.

Ellon JTC wrote:
Trading is much more complicated than you think, i'd say the best way to plex an account during trial would be salvaging level 4 mission loot. There is a corp called "pro synergy", you can salvage for them and get 45% of the loot.

Trading is much more complicated than you think, i'd say the best way to plex an account during trial would be salvaging level 4 mission loot. There is a corp called "pro synergy", you can salvage for them and get 45% of the loot.[/quote]

I would recommend pro-synergy for new chars looking to make some isk, salvaging requires minimal training, and their payouts seem to be worthwhile for the newer player[/quote]

Yeah but then I wouldn't be trading. Learning the trade market is also part of the plan.
Ellon JTC
#38 - 2013-08-20 11:07:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Ellon JTC
I just remembered you can't accept contracts on trial accounts, so youre gonna have a tough time working with them (if they accept trial accounts that is)

if you decide to go down the salvaging path your best bet would be to find your own clients that are willing to fleet up with you or trade you the bms directly.

There is nothing much to learn about station trading. You place buy orders 0.01 isk above others sell them .01 isk below others, you modify orders every 5 mins because you get undercut or overbid constantly. Its regional trading that requires knowledge, which again would not be possible on trial accounts.
Caprice Insidious
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2013-08-20 11:19:31 UTC
Ellon JTC wrote:
I just remembered you can't accept contracts on trial accounts, so youre gonna have a tough time working with them (if they accept trial accounts that is)

if you decide to go down the salvaging path your best bet would be to find your own clients that are willing to fleet up with you or trade you the bms directly.

There is nothing much to learn about station trading. You place buy orders 0.01 isk above others sell them .01 isk below others, you modify orders every 5 mins because you get undercut or overbid constantly. Its regional trading that requires knowledge, which again would not be possible on trial accounts.

Limits of trial accounts would not allow contracts or hauling with industrials.

My plan was to do inter hub hauling, which is the most profitable of the different trades afask, but with highest risk.

Because of the limit of not being able to use industrials, I'd have to trade valuables that didn't take up much space.

Again, my plan was never to do station trading. I wouldn't need three alts for that.
Ellon JTC
#40 - 2013-08-20 12:31:40 UTC
Caprice Insidious wrote:
Ellon JTC wrote:
I just remembered you can't accept contracts on trial accounts, so youre gonna have a tough time working with them (if they accept trial accounts that is)

if you decide to go down the salvaging path your best bet would be to find your own clients that are willing to fleet up with you or trade you the bms directly.

There is nothing much to learn about station trading. You place buy orders 0.01 isk above others sell them .01 isk below others, you modify orders every 5 mins because you get undercut or overbid constantly. Its regional trading that requires knowledge, which again would not be possible on trial accounts.

Limits of trial accounts would not allow contracts or hauling with industrials.

My plan was to do inter hub hauling, which is the most profitable of the different trades afask, but with highest risk.

Because of the limit of not being able to use industrials, I'd have to trade valuables that didn't take up much space.

Again, my plan was never to do station trading. I wouldn't need three alts for that.

That could work but you do realize there are several limitations?

1- You can't log in different trial accounts at the same time, so you would have to write down prices and compare.

2- Getting things from your hauler to your trader would be a pain in the ass, you'd have to jetison it, log out, log in the other account, pick it up. (because you can't use contracts and you can't log both in at the same time to direct trade).

If you are interested in inter hub trading, trial accounts isn't the way to go imo.

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