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What do you think the next expansion will be about?

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#1 - 2013-08-18 23:46:26 UTC
What do you think the next expansion will be about?

Personally I'm hoping for something to rekindle my interest in this game.

Unfortunately all of the things I have been looking forward to seem to be firmly in the "soon" box with no hope of ever making it into the game (modular POS with interiors, comet mining, WiS).

I predict some minor tweaks and a "re-skinning" of an existing feature (production/ invention maybe)
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2013-08-19 00:54:07 UTC
At fanfest they hinted something about being able to fly your own colours and build stargates to new places.

Though Im not sure if they meant that to be for the next expansion or just the general future.

BoBwins Law: As a discussion/war between two large nullsec entities grows longer, the probability of one comparing the other to BoB aproaches near certainty.

The Greenmachine Greenmachine
Green's Bicycle Shop
#3 - 2013-08-19 00:57:32 UTC  |  Edited by: The Greenmachine Greenmachine
I heard we will be able to grow wings on our pod and soar about inside the stations that we always see while ship spinning...
Felicity Love
#4 - 2013-08-19 01:05:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Felicity Love
First "wave" of T2 rebalancing... frigs, and maybe exhumers. Tricky to do T2 cruisers, the issue being how not to overlap or duplicate overall T3 cruiser capabilities.

And it's time to change POS mechanics so that abandoned, anchored towers, and all their structures, revert to "unanchored" status so they can be removed. Yes, I realize that the CSM's latest round of crowdsourcing has determined that issue to be of great interest to pilots in general.

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

Sara Leone
Blue Canary
Watch This
#5 - 2013-08-19 01:07:55 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
What do you think the next expansion will be about?

Personally I'm hoping for something to rekindle my interest in this game.

Unfortunately all of the things I have been looking forward to seem to be firmly in the "soon" box with no hope of ever making it into the game (modular POS with interiors, comet mining, WiS).

I predict some minor tweaks and a "re-skinning" of an existing feature (production/ invention maybe)

Given how broken a lot of the old stuff is, there could well be three or four expansions just fixing bugs and balancing op mechanics.
Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#6 - 2013-08-19 01:15:39 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
What do you think the next expansion will be about?

+1% here, -1% there and some new texture.

Leigh Akiga
Kuhri Innovations
#7 - 2013-08-19 01:23:53 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
What do you think the next expansion will be about?

ship balancing
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#8 - 2013-08-19 01:33:27 UTC
My speculation on the matter is bigger, better guns.

Just thinkin' aloud.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Mercas Alderau
Wholesale Merchants
#9 - 2013-08-19 01:38:06 UTC
Sov-Mechanics, I suspect.
Sylveria Relden
#10 - 2013-08-19 01:47:13 UTC
As long as it's not pandas, we're good. Blink

TL;DR If you didn't read the entire post perhaps you're probably ADHD. (seek help)

Caviar Liberta
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2013-08-19 01:49:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Caviar Liberta
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode wrote:
My speculation on the matter is bigger, better guns.

Just thinkin' aloud.

Bigger Railguns, Blasters and Lasers.

Setup up the cap chain guys I'm firing another volley.

(Heard something about Tech 3 adjustments)
Krixtal Icefluxor
#12 - 2013-08-19 01:51:18 UTC
Our CQ's gain a 2nd Door.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-08-19 03:39:18 UTC
Well whatever it is it's not going to introduce new content.
I would say this is CCP's way of collectively punishing the payer base for what the crying masses after Incarna invoked, but I still believe that CCP actually wants to bring the ultimate space game... although that belief is fading fast Smile.

So what is the next expansion going to "be about" ? Well like the last five or so expansions it's probably not going to be about anything really, it's just going to be a fancy name for another batch of rehashed content - for what content exactly there are numerous examples in this thread already. Of course this is all stuff that in another game would just be released whenever it's done in a "Game_Client.version.number.more.numbers.584" -release, also known as a patch, but in EVE they want to release it in larger batches and call them "expansions".

I recall reading another thread somewhere earlier today by someone who seemed to think that CCP is only putting out rehashed existing content because the bulk of their workforce is focused on something else, and thus wondered what this something might be... I gather this must be a newer player who posted that thread because if you've seen how EVE has "developed" over the years you should know that, while it's possible the reason we're not seeing **** for content these days is that they are working on 'something' else which takes priority but is still under secrecy, this 'something' will surely turn out to be something completely out of nowhere, something no one saw coming, something that introduces shiny new stuff giving players a taste of what will not be expanded on for years, and ultimately, it will probably be something that seems rather pointless compared to all the things they could be doing.Big smile

For future reference here are a few things that I want expect in a science fiction space 'simulator' game, just off the top of my head as I think about EVE.

  • "Manual" warp. Ability to warp a distance of my choosing in a direction of my choosing.
  • "True" exploration. Players can find previously undiscovered/unexplored systems, go there, and develop them into "full" systems with stations and stargates etc.
  • More realistic "ore distribution". Three ore sources; keep the exploration ore sites as they are, trash the 'things' called "asteroid belts" currently in game and replace them with Planet Rings and Asteroid Belts (an actual asteroid belt that obits around the star).
  • Capital Mining Ship. Ties in with the above. Imagine the lovechild of a dreadnought and a Venture (Don't ask me how they 'do it', life... finds a way.). Imagine going Industrial Extraction Optimization Reconfiguration mode and unleashing a rack of Capital Strip Miners (or something like that) on the stony riches around you. (obligatory [HomerSimpson] MMmmhh.. Oooreeee...aaghhhhh...[/HomerSimpson])
  • "Avatar gameplay". Well, duh... (no not bloody avatar like the blue aliens, avatar like the human-form ingame avatar)

If against all odds the next expansion does introduce new content I can refer to this post and say I CALLED IT when the new content is something no one could guess they could be working on.
Luis Graca
#14 - 2013-08-19 03:44:05 UTC
I think the next expansion is going to be like the last 4 ............ more of the same
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2013-08-19 03:44:17 UTC
Space ships and kickboxing nuns
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#16 - 2013-08-19 04:30:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Dinsdale Pirannha
The theme of the December release (for goodness sake's people, an expansion was Apochrypha, re-arranging deck chairs is not an expansion) will be announced in 3 or 5 days at GamesCom.

It will be focused on the continuing transfer of wealth generation from high sec to null sec, like the appropriation of a huge chunk of ice revenue and ore mining was. I fully expect to see the announcement of the beginning of the end of T2 mfg in high sec, and that null sec will eventually be the only place it can occur, which will dovetail nicely with the soon to be announced decimation of mfg and R&D station slots in high sec, and another order of magnitude in null sec station slots.

Before then, we will see the end of the Marauder as a mission boat as it is "re-balanced" into a PvP boat.
The command ship and command link nerfs hurts everyone, but no one more than incursion runners.
That is no co-incidence. And when CCP figures out the spaghetti code surrounding OGB's, that will also disappear with the winter release.

The cartels are issuing more propaganda about how they need renters to maintain their income streams. Frankly, the demand for rental space is unlikely to fill the space being offered, so CCP, in its ongoing efforts to turn Eve into NullSec Online, is going to have to incentivize players to want to go to null. That can only be done by wiping out high sec profitability and increasing null sec profitability.

So that is what the winter release will be about. CCP has been bleeding high sec by inches for a long time. But the bleeding will accelerate with the December release.
Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2013-08-19 04:49:42 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
The theme of the December release (for goodness sake's people, an expansion was Apochrypha, re-arranging deck chairs is not an expansion) will be announced in 3 or 5 days at GamesCom.

It will be focused on the continuing transfer of wealth generation from high sec to null sec, like the appropriation of a huge chunk of ice revenue and ore mining was. I fully expect to see the announcement of the beginning of the end of T2 mfg in high sec, and that null sec will eventually be the only place it can occur, which will dovetail nicely with the soon to be announced decimation of mfg and R&D station slots in high sec, and another order of magnitude in null sec station slots.

Before then, we will see the end of the Marauder as a mission boat as it is "re-balanced" into a PvP boat.
The command ship and command link nerfs hurts everyone, but no one more than incursion runners.
That is no co-incidence. And when CCP figures out the spaghetti code surrounding OGB's, that will also disappear with the winter release.

The cartels are issuing more propaganda about how they need renters to maintain their income streams. Frankly, the demand for rental space is unlikely to fill the space being offered, so CCP, in its ongoing efforts to turn Eve into NullSec Online, is going to have to incentivize players to want to go to null. That can only be done by wiping out high sec profitability and increasing null sec profitability.

So that is what the winter release will be about. CCP has been bleeding high sec by inches for a long time. But the bleeding will accelerate with the December release.

tl;dr : Eve is dying.
Inokuma Yawara
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2013-08-19 05:13:01 UTC
Sylveria Relden wrote:
As long as it's not pandas, we're good. Blink

Then we're not good. Because, I have it on good authority, the next expansion is going to be called "The Gas Cloud Mines of Pandoria."

Watch this space.  New exciting signature in development.

Hiyora Akachi
Blood Alcohol Content
Top Shelf
#19 - 2013-08-19 06:48:27 UTC
My thoughts:

Our CQ gains a window thats covered by a big metal shutter and a post-it note.
Some more rebalancing.
Something everyone will hate.
New shiny textures for something.
And a million things will break
Rotten Legion
#20 - 2013-08-19 07:26:26 UTC
We're not getting a Winter Expansion.

We haven't had an "expansion" since Crucible.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

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