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What is wrong with wormhole space?

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United Electro-Magnetic Federation
Business Alliance of Manufacturers and Miners
#181 - 2013-08-15 06:28:58 UTC  |  Edited by: BayneNothos
I don't think there's too much wrong with W-Space at the moment. There's a few little things that have been mentioned already that'd be nice though. Having said that, there are things that could be done to make W-Space more interesting. The one I've had in my mind for a while is changing up the anomaly spawning style. I'll call this Sleeper Awakening.

The sleepers are awakening and without proper attention given by Capsuleers, threaten to overrun whole W-Space systems.

All Combat Anomalies (CA) only last 72h.
All CA spawn initially as C1 CA's.
Every DT, the system checks over what CA's exist in the system, if two of the same level of CA's exist and they are both older than 24h, they despawn and are replaced with a CA of a level higher.

System has 3 C2 level CA.
Two are older than 24h.
At DT, the two +24h CA's are removed.
A C3 level CA is spawned.
The system now has a C2 CA and a C3 CA.

CA's only grow up to the level of the WH, so C4's only grow up to C4 level CA's.
When a max level CA despawns after 72h, it adds to a Sleeper Awakening Bar. This'd be the same bar as used for FW and incursions.
When the bar becomes 3/4 filled, the system becomes "Awakened"
An Awakened system no longer spawns new anomalies but current anomalies do still add to it.
Awakened systems spawn roving packs of Awakened Sleepers anywhere there's Capsuleer interference with the system.

Mobile Bubbles lost on a long forgotten grid.
POS's and POS Modules
Customs Offices
As random extra rats in CA's
Opened Ore/Gas Sites
That reaper you left out in the middle of nowhere

Awakened Sleepers are as the normal ones, except they do not drop/salvage the good sleeper loot.
Potential new Sleeper types could be added here, including maybe Capital Sleepers?
Every Awakened Sleeper killed reduces the Awakening Bar's level down slightly, to a 10-1 ratio of Awakened Sleepers to Max CA's despawned.
When the Awakening Bar is reduced to Zero, the system is no longer Awakened and goes into a 72h stasis where no CA's are spawned. All remaining CA's around at this point also disappear.

Clears out old junk in systems.
Requires people to actually live and exist in their system, no more massive production systems that only have a single guy once a week in them.
Choose your own farming level. Just want to live in W-Space but don't want to deal with PVE, cut the sites down at C1 level and forget about it. Want the best the system has to offer, let the Sleepers build up.
Ability to harm other entities via PVE. Don't like those guys making all that Isk. PVE their farms down.
Not gonna come out of your POS to PVP, fine I'm PVE'ing your Isk supply down!
More a constant PVE effort than a stockpile of sites and do 30 in an evening. Means more ships out in space more often and increases the chances of PVP.
PVE to help PVP. Camp out in a system and prevent the locals doing sites then join in with the sleepers in burning the place to the ground.
Something for people to do when the rest of the corp isn't online. The higher class you go the less you can do solo. Gives smaller/solo people the chance to exist in higher class WH's.

I went on holiday and now all my stuff is gone. Thanks Sleepers! Though this can happen now anyway....
PVE in general isn't the most interesting thing in Eve, not that this is W-Space specific.
Other things I'm sure I'll get told about in comments later...
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#182 - 2013-08-15 08:25:32 UTC
Zara Arran wrote:
Jack Miton wrote:
Tell you what.
Get CCP to let us save custom probe formations and I'll never complain the stupid new probing system again.

What I personally hope CCP will work towards is... making WHs unknown again. More variables in the masses, variable statics (and moar :)), no J-sig number for easy navigation and looking up their statics. And although I love fixes, we also need some new content. A patch with only fixes IMHO will not get people excited to log on and play. It will not compete against new games being launched.

^ this and another thing... stop making WHs easy by adding more convenience. Make it, I dunno..


El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#183 - 2013-08-15 15:39:01 UTC
BayneNothos wrote:
A post about invasive sleeper incursions

That's a really interesting way to clean up junk, but I'm not sure that removing junk is a good thing. On more than one occasion everyone in WH space has happenned across bonus stuff as a direct result of some else's poor planning or bad luck, and that random space junk does, I think, a lot more for the charm and exploratory quality of Wspace than harsh PvE stacking would.

Also, a system like this one actively discourages exploration, and encourages people to build sites to critical mass an then clear them, which is the exact opposite of what you're trying to achieve. Nobody is going to do the low anoms, they'll just monitor the low anoms and whine about how long it takes the anoms to "upgrade to something that isn't trash" rather than stay active in the system. You're then forcing people to monitor anoms in their home system, Forcing them to do them in a scheduled manner to prevent being overrun by sleeper incursions, and discouraging them from rolling holes and getting away from their camps because there's never anything of value in those new holes except for the same sites they can just "upgrade" to in their home.
Svodola Darkfury
Cloak and Daggers
The Initiative.
#184 - 2013-08-15 17:55:29 UTC
There is nothing wrong with wormholes specifically. There are things from the rest of EVE (the POS system) that are inherent in wormholes that have issues. Black holes (your other thread) is a pretty glaring issue for wormholes because of the lack of people that live in them.

Wormholes are the blank canvas of EVE; everything out here is completely player generated. So the majority of complaints by people are failures on their behalf to generate content. For example, a lot of larger groups complain that nobody fights them, and a lot of the smaller groups complain that they are unable to fight any of the larger groups safely. This is a player-generated issue, caused by 30 man fleets and 5 man fleets trying to generate content and failing.

Another player-generated problem we face is "player entitlement" issues. Larger groups often think they have the "right" to gank PVE only groups, and are frustrated when they escape the moment a signature appears. Many feel that 4-day escalations are a "Right" of those with the prowess to do C5s/C6s and shouldn't be taken away. Still more complain that they go through vasts swaths of empty systems; failing to meet their "quota" of kills per day.

The problem isn't the blank canvas. It's what this kind of thinking paints on it. I've been the CEO of Heaven's End for a little over a year, and our biggest problem has never been finding fights or having enough PVE. Our problems have always been our mistakes and inflexibility in our strategy/thought process. We lived in a C2 C4/HS for about 9 months, and only left it when I dropped a tower into a C5/C2 and told people to start packing because this is what we were doing now. Everyday in both holes we've had times where we get empty systems (C4/C4s and C2/C2/LS's come to mind) but we roll and we start scouting again. Not once in my EVE career have I spent more than 2 hours scouting and not seen another player out in space.

TLDR section; Wormhole space is what you make of it (under its current iteration). This is wonderful because we don't have stupid things like SBUs or TCUs to fight over. We fight because we want kills and fights, or because we don't like the way somebody looked at us. If CCP changes that, I'll adapt, like I have many times over the last 5 years.

things to fix:
- POS structures (Including dropping items).
- Black Holes


Director of Frozen Corpse Industries.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#185 - 2013-08-15 19:36:40 UTC
Svodola Darkfury wrote:

Wormholes are the blank canvas of EVE; everything out here is completely player generated. So the majority of complaints by people are failures on their behalf to generate content. For example, a lot of larger groups complain that nobody fights them, and a lot of the smaller groups complain that they are unable to fight any of the larger groups safely. This is a player-generated issue, caused by 30 man fleets and 5 man fleets trying to generate content and failing.

While I can safely assume you are meaning 'blank canvas' in terms of player versus player content, it remains to be said (other than my previous post) anything about the actual canon and lore behind the Sleepers, Talocan, Wormholes and what have you.

Many of the PvP considerations of stagnation in wormholes mirror my own thoughts about the w-space lore, which i'm afraid most people don't care much about as long as they get their isk from heaven. However, it still should be reiterated that any decision to revamp wormhole space presents an enormous opportunity to expand upon the nowhere that is the Wormhole Storyline. From my experience, most of the lore seekers like myself tended to be expecting something at the end of the search or even a context to place facts we have learned about W-Space.

I will not argue that creating content in lieu of hard facts and player grievances is superior or even a working alternative, instead I hope that it will be taken as a request that future content have lore closely intertwined and will not deviate or spiral into nothing as w-space has done. So to expand upon my earlier post, I hope that the W-Space and Sleeper lore will be re-examined and developed more with any addition to Wormholes and not be pushed to the wayside.
Sky Fighters
Rote Kapelle
#186 - 2013-08-15 19:50:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Kynric
I see a lot of talk about a lack of conflict drivers. I think that idea is not correct as we have no lack of people causing conflict. What we lack are means to pursue conflict. The control towers which serve as our homes as well as the planetary facilities are both too robust and too vulnerable. By that I mean that if someone sees an opposing force and chooses to sit in their tower there are no actions available to the attacker short of reinforcing the tower. Which is a multi/day commitment for one side which is probably too harsh, yet it can erase years of work by the other side which is also too easy.

Perhaps we need alternative ways to cause damage. Perhaps if we shoot pocos the planets production should stop or networks destroyed. Perhaps we could attack a tower and shutoff the manufacturing, fitting or comfort services which would remain off until some repair was purchase/performed/selected. In short there should be a way short of actually rfing a tower to cause some intermediate pain/inconvienance now and thus produce dynamic situations with ships moving in space rather than hiding within the bubble. We have more than enough urges toward conflict, we just need ways to exercise them. More ships moving in space is what we need.

This said, if given a choice between pursuing this and making more doctrines viable, I would rather have more doctrines.
Trigger Happy Capsuleers
#187 - 2013-08-15 23:27:28 UTC
Kynric wrote:
I see a lot of talk about a lack of conflict drivers. I think that idea is not correct as we have no lack of people causing conflict. What we lack are means to pursue conflict.

Respectfully, I totally disagree.

I love to PVP, I have PVP'ed my entire EVE career. I also love to just play EVE, shoot sleepers or shoot incursions etc.

Right now unless I have a huge axe to grind, am incredibly bored or just looking for SOMETHING to do invading another persons WH is just frankly boring.

There is little to no economic incentive to do so, which is one reason I enjoy EVE. I like stacking up fake dolla bills up in my imaginary hanger.

If, however.... I could take WH A's "stuff" , combine it with WH B + C's "stuff" and make some really shiny and valuable items...

Well now your talking! It gives me a reason to get off my butt and attack someone

PLUS if I lose billions of isk in the ensuing battle I have a good chance to make that ISK back before someone else comes knocking on my door.

EVE *NEEDS* conflict drivers.

We need things like Tech

(but god no NOT Tech, that mechanic was horribly broken but it had the right idea)

Sky Fighters
Rote Kapelle
#188 - 2013-08-16 00:07:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Kynric
ShadowandLight wrote:
Kynric wrote:
I see a lot of talk about a lack of conflict drivers. I think that idea is not correct as we have no lack of people causing conflict. What we lack are means to pursue conflict.

Respectfully, I totally disagree.

I love to PVP, I have PVP'ed my entire EVE career. I also love to just play EVE, shoot sleepers or shoot incursions etc.

Right now unless I have a huge axe to grind, am incredibly bored or just looking for SOMETHING to do invading another persons WH is just frankly boring.

There is little to no economic incentive to do so, which is one reason I enjoy EVE. I like stacking up fake dolla bills up in my imaginary hanger.

If, however.... I could take WH A's "stuff" , combine it with WH B + C's "stuff" and make some really shiny and valuable items...

Well now your talking! It gives me a reason to get off my butt and attack someone

PLUS if I lose billions of isk in the ensuing battle I have a good chance to make that ISK back before someone else comes knocking on my door.

EVE *NEEDS* conflict drivers.

We need things like Tech

(but god no NOT Tech, that mechanic was horribly broken but it had the right idea)

It sounds like you have the drive for conflict, you just lack a way to exercise it short of comitting two full days to the effort. Imagine if instead of evicting we could damage a pos, a poco, shut down a moon mining op in null, help ourselves to someoneelses pi or moongoo and that this could be done by a small gang in five minutes. That would be much more interesting than spending two days on an eviction. Besides evictions depopulate our dpace which is not in our interest.
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#189 - 2013-08-16 02:07:47 UTC
Kynric has the right of it.

There's got to be some way of damaging something without having to invest too much time in the effort of reinforcing it. After all, the HP of POSs, POCOs, iHubs etc are there to prevent arbitrary destruction without a means of redressing or responding. These assets are so tough not because they need to be, but because it is a binary state of EVE conflict; either it's totally functioning or it is destroyed.

The idea of degradable infrastructure has been floated before, mostly in conjunction with nullsec where Sov warfare has turned into "who has the most dreads and can destroy things in a reasonable timeframe". This has caused and supports the whole concentration of power.

It is possible to RF POCOs in nullsec with solo dreads (even getting them RFed before your first siege cycle ends) which sounds like an opportunity for conflict. it is not, because the POCO comes out in the defender's prime time, and they assemble a giant fleet to defend, or just faff about, dock, grab carrier/supers and drop on the cyno bomber. Result? No progress, just wasted time.

In w-space, POCOs and POSs are even harder to RF efficiently, and often result in similar problems. The defender must defend, and often figures they have to phone the bats, because they will lose everything; the attacker may be fishing for PVP but has to invest hours or days, only to be blobbed to hell and not get a goodfight.

Degradable, interdictable, infrastructure may be a way of people provoking combat in wormholes, and nullsec.

For example, if a POCO has 10M shield EHP, it could have ten one million EHP blocks. Each block which is shot off causes 10% of any transferred goods to be lost in transit.

Your raider or guerilla troll squad could then go about interdicting and degrading POCO efficiency to damage and siege out a foe. In w-space, you may find that this would result in tactics whereby you begin shooting off the Barren and Temperate POCOs and await a response; when PVP goodfite happens, you leave.

In lowsec, you'd probably get trolled constantly. But who does PI in Lowsec anyway?

In nullsec, you could extend this to all infrastructure; pirate detection arrays, etc, you be raided and degraded as a softening-up tactic. You wouldn't have AFK cloakers so much as you'd have raiding parties coming in, shooting the place up, and leaving or fighting.

If you really did want to destroy the assets, you could invest the whole 100% of the RFing, reinforce and get the timers, and come back to finish the job.

That way the defender, in w-space at least, would have more nuanced understanding about what kind of trolling, teabagging or douchery was being committed, and whether or not to pick up the batphone.
M1k3y Koontz
Speaker for the Dead
Stay Feral
#190 - 2013-08-16 02:56:41 UTC
ShadowandLight wrote:

We need things like Tech

(but god no NOT Tech, that mechanic was horribly broken but it had the right idea)

Something to incentivize people to defend their space would be good, but something that requires people to occupy multiple systems isn't a good idea, since that is what often causes the collapse of alliances.

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

Trigger Happy Capsuleers
#191 - 2013-08-16 18:47:14 UTC
Log-in traps I think need to go, or at the least there needs to be a way for people to detect how many ships are logged out in a system.

I have a thread running in the features and discussion forum
Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#192 - 2013-08-16 19:26:36 UTC
ShadowandLight wrote:
Log-in traps I think need to go, or at the least there needs to be a way for people to detect how many ships are logged out in a system.

I have a thread running in the features and discussion forum

Thats somewhat of a different topic, as its directly a issue with how the game functions and runs as a whole. We all agree that the area needs to be looked at, but that effects all of eve, not just wormhole space. I believe Chitsa is really trying to address wormhole space directly.

Barring that, I do hope CCP takes a closer look on how to address the logon camps.

Chitsa, thank you for taking charge of compiling these concerns of the wormhole spacers.


#193 - 2013-08-16 22:06:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Winthorp
ShadowandLight wrote:
Log-in traps I think need to go, or at the least there needs to be a way for people to detect how many ships are logged out in a system.

I have a thread running in the features and discussion forum

Log on traps should not be fixed, you should never be 100% safe while you bear it up. If you are active in your WH and not one of those log in log out farmers you should be around enough to detect the movements of people coming in to set up a log on trap anyway.

I have been in on a log on trap on the attacking side and its a lot of investment of time for you on the PVE side to just say it should be stopped. There is countless hours finding the perfect target that bears up at exactly the same time then more hours scouting them constantly, then there is literally days inserting caps and subcaps at odd hours to avoid detection and those toons logged out in that system are not playable for days until the event happens. After that there is literally hours sitting at your log in screen waiting for it to go down so you cant just say they need to be fixed when the aggressing side has done a significant amount of time investment to do.

The log on trap i was in netted 18B in kills and then a ransom of 25B but that is nothing compared to what farmers make in those systems so i really don't see your issue if you get hit by a log on trap once in a blue moon, you should consider it a price of doing business in a WH.

Also your whole suggestion is about you wanting to log off safely, i am glad those days are gone. If you want perfect safety stay in HS if you want to make tens of billions of isk per week in a WH then you have to risk your space pixels as well.

TL;DR WH's are not meant to be safe.
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#194 - 2013-08-17 09:34:47 UTC
except that log on traps are not generating conflict or real content, its a risk free way to gain killmails. Anyone that says "they could have fought back and killed us" is lying to justify themselves or bad at picking targets. When you have the godlike power of deciding exactly when and where the fight will take place with absolutely no necessary risk to yourself your not logging on to gank a fleet for a fight where you might lose, your blobbing someone who cant reasonably fight back, and then your also usually running for the hills.

This behaviour doesnt generate conflict, just killmails, it doesnt incentivize any change. Im not going to stretch to say its an exploit, but claiming its generating good content for WH space is just silly.

Event Organizer of EVE North East

#195 - 2013-08-17 09:49:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Winthorp
ExookiZ wrote:
except that log on traps are not generating conflict or real content, its a risk free way to gain killmails. Anyone that says "they could have fought back and killed us" is lying to justify themselves or bad at picking targets. When you have the godlike power of deciding exactly when and where the fight will take place with absolutely no necessary risk to yourself your not logging on to gank a fleet for a fight where you might lose, your blobbing someone who cant reasonably fight back, and then your also usually running for the hills.

This behaviour doesnt generate conflict, just killmails, it doesnt incentivize any change. Im not going to stretch to say its an exploit, but claiming its generating good content for WH space is just silly.

Who said it is generating good content to the benefit of all WH space? And why should everything incentivise change? Sometimes the world just needs to burn.

I'm only claiming you shouldn't fix it for someone that is now mad he can't just log off in a site when he gets caught. And yes if a group of people go to that amount of effort to get those kills they are generating content for their group, i don't see what is wrong with that.
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#196 - 2013-08-17 10:33:37 UTC
I would hardly call jumping ship through WH , logging off and playing a different game/alt account while you wait for your scout to tell you to log back in effort. Effort would be sitting in a fleet at a safe spot carefully fit up with cloaks waiting patiently for the prey to fly into your web.

Log on traps are as bad as logging off to avoid conflict. Youve brought your fleet to the fight and than logged off until there isnt a fight. only a gank. Your standing next to me, invulnerable with a knife waiting for me to turn around so you can stab me and run away.

I agree that everything doesnt need to generate good content, but this playstyle is not benefitting WH space. I see this as something "wrong" with wormhole space. It is risk free content, and thats just bad.

Event Organizer of EVE North East

#197 - 2013-08-17 10:42:05 UTC
ExookiZ wrote:
I would hardly call jumping ship through WH , logging off and playing a different game/alt account while you wait for your scout to tell you to log back in effort. Effort would be sitting in a fleet at a safe spot carefully fit up with cloaks waiting patiently for the prey to fly into your web.

Log on traps are as bad as logging off to avoid conflict. Youve brought your fleet to the fight and than logged off until there isnt a fight. only a gank. Your standing next to me, invulnerable with a knife waiting for me to turn around so you can stab me and run away.

I agree that everything doesnt need to generate good content, but this playstyle is not benefitting WH space. I see this as something "wrong" with wormhole space. It is risk free content, and thats just bad.

I would hardly call it risk free, that fleet is moving through WH space usually in dribs and drabs with caps and subcaps coming in all at different stages all of them AT RISK. And yes i still say it is a lot of effort for those "ganks".

I think your under the misconception i think its leet PVP, it isn't it is just one form of PVP just the same as you ganking a T3 running sites well down your chains with a couple of your corpies. Or do you never do that? Cause that is blobbing and ganking on the same level. Is that was is "wrong" with WH space too?
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#198 - 2013-08-17 13:10:51 UTC
Well whether or not you consider it elite or scumbagish tactics, I still think it is something wrong with WH space, and changing/fixing it would be a a good change. I admit upfront I do not have a perfect solution to how that would be done.

Comparing it to a gank down the chain isnt exactly fair. If we have to travel down the chain then the t3s running sites getting killed is preventable by good scrutiry measures, scouting, closing uwnanted WHs etc. Their own failures lead to them getting killed. There are no methods to prevent people from logging off a fleet in your wormhole.

At the root of the issue in my mind is that there is no suitable rock to the scissors, save a bigger pair of scissors.( having my own flet ready to log on in case of a log on trap).

If you dont think this is an issue that is fine, and in the interest of this thread I think we can leave it as something some of us dislike and wish to see changed, and some think it is fine.

Event Organizer of EVE North East

Ya Huei
Imperial Collective
#199 - 2013-08-17 13:13:39 UTC
Log off traps risky ? You only need 1 c5 -c5 sized hole to seed enough caps/subcaps in to your target system to take out any farming operation (which is what ppl target), which you will be doing when they are offline.

Even if there is an odd chance u have to transit extra systems, what are the chances of there being a fleet there big enough to take you on, that u didn't manage to spot in the first place ? right.. slim to none.

I'm not arguing that they should go, but risky .. c'mon try harder

Half Empty
#200 - 2013-08-17 17:22:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Zankii
Log off traps are hilarious and pretty much risk free unless you choose the wrong target willingly. Anybody who says otherwise clearly has never actually done a log off trap. They don't even take a huge investment to do. The skill in this sort of activity is apparent more in the scouting portion rather than the actual pvp portion. This is true for a number of activities in the game, and I really see nothing particularly wrong with i.

At one point I was just chain rolling c5's during my free time and logging off in potential wormholes with 2 dreads, one carrier, and two lokis and I killed a number of farmers.

(Until I decided to engage 5 dreads and 2 carriers and it went poorly Oops)

They hardly are a broken mechanic though, in reality anybody living in wormhole space should have enough of a presence to fight off a couple marauding enemies. If you can't, you clearly aren't living in that wormhole system and have no business claiming that you deserve protection from people logging off in "your system"

Edit: With regard to the thought that log off traps are just a way to avoid meaningful pvp, I really think this is the fault of people being terribly risk averse in this game. I would prefer to have a cool cap brawl on a wormhole, but I know this won't happen because nobody is willing to fight fairly or even in a situation where they moderately outnumber me (or anybody else). This is particularly the case for farmers since they have no intention of pvp'ing in the first place, so log off traps are simply a method to force them to actually pvp. Nothing wrong with it, people shouldn't be able to avoid all PVP in the first place.

Plus, with proper forethought, the chance of being caught by a log-off trap is relatively easy to minimize to a rate where it will happen extremely rarely, if at all.