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What is wrong with wormhole space?

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Dringy Tsero
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#161 - 2013-08-13 01:01:24 UTC
PopeUrban wrote:
M1k3y Koontz wrote:
[quote=Jason Shaishi]
I think what C6 WHs need is a conflict driver, something that would be attractive enough to draw in large alliances again, and maybe get some of the ex-C6-current-C5 holders to move back up..

What about... and this is just a crazy idea...

What if you could anomaly-mine moon goo there?

Don't add minable moons to Wspace, but in stead add moon goo ASTEROIDS in Wspace sites, and add them to the table of things you need deep core lasers for (as deep core lasers are so niche ATM)

This would be a functioning conflict driver, encouraging smaller corps to daytrip and explore wspace without impacting the nullsec passive income farms as the efficiency of gaining goo with spaceships would be much riskier and less yield than a solid moon pos.

You could even grade the sites across multiple clevs of wspace, creating a situation where r64 stuff can be scanned down and mined in C6s, with progressively lower tier moon goo as you step down in clevs.

The side effect would, possibly be a hit to passive income from null, but I don't see it as a massive shift in the economics of null, as owning several moons worth of lasers is always going to be a preferable option for those that can defend them. However, for the sneaky daytrippers, raiders, and residents, short-op mining in wspace might drive a lot of people in to holes again.

As a side note, something of low volume but high value as such may actually create a decent desire for something in the vein of a T2 Venture. A sleek, quick, get-in-and-then-out mining ship with maybe some extra lows, covops cloak utility, bonus deep core mining yield, or some other advantage that would make it ideal for short trip mining in hostile space.

Best suggestion that's come out of this forum. Spawns could be rare, and should be scannable sites (NOT ANOMS). Will lower price of t2 stuff also :D
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#162 - 2013-08-13 01:44:56 UTC
Pope Urban....when you say no one intended or planned for people to live within and build caps inside wormholes what you're saying is that CCP put sand in the sandbox. They set up the rules of w-space, threw the gates open and said "have at it".

Well, when you let people loose in a sandbox, you get emergent gameplay.

W-space emergent gameplay it has gone in all manner of directions, some of them since classed as exploits (c.f. the magnetar exploit) which exposed weaknesses in the play testing, others resulting in amazing feats of game engineering. Some are profound (like Winthrop says, giant C1 lab and factory systems with 40 large Caldari towers polishing BPO's for nullsec overlords) others profane (like the 200 small warp bubble space **** we left some guys), but all equally as valid a territorial creation and investment as dullsec empire building.

Some of the feats of effort (like 250-a-side blob fights) still make me amazed at what w-space people have achieved despite the barriers to movement, logistics, congregation and intelligence (in-game or out-of-game).

Your suggestion of making w-space uninhabitable flies in the face of years of w-space engineering, theorycrafting, gaming of the rules, and most importantly community building.

If the w-space community cannot live in w-space, it will dissipate and, no idle threat, quite a few people will un-sub because what holds them together are true bonds of friendship and camaraderie. This is the most valuable part of w-space, to me; disparate geeks getting along on cooperative goals, putting up with each other's personalities and idiocies for months and years at a time, and building a functioning culture separate and separated from the other cliques in EVE.

Framing the debate about w-space as ISK/hr or inhabitability is just fruitless idiocy. People in my corp run incursions for ISK and come to w-space to pew. Others scam and extort and station trade. I trade and lug crap from Jita to far-flung places and make plenty of ISK so I can go live in a wormhole and blow other people's ships up and not have to bother with anything more challenging PVE wise than killing a sleeper if aggros me mid-gank.

So, what's wrong with w-space, if the community and the clique and the culture is the objective? Nullsec ethics, nullsec power creep, nullsec politics and highsec Q.Q is what's wrong with w-space.

I agree that people can become too entrenched in farmville C5's and C6's, generally with the effect systems (Pulsars, etc) and these can be gamed, exploited and twisted into ridiculousness. That's why I don't agree with Black Holes being made into another nett-benefit system where some configuration of bonuses creates, eg, easy-blap farms or the like.

But is it a problem that corps and alliances are living in C5/6 space in Pulsars, doing ridiculous things? No. Their invulnerability is ONLY because of the w-bro code and the emergent gameplay which allows people to assemble the blues-list blobs to defend these people when they call. Frustrating for those coveting the lucrative farms, but not a mechanical issue - a social inability to isolate the entrenched rent-takers and mobilise people to your ideological need to be the guys in the C5 Magnetar doing the farming instead of the incumbents.

- - -

As far as lack of goodfites? people need to just get over podkilling their enemies. Add that to the w-bro code and people will bring daredevil-navitas gangs to WR fights instead of more and more bloody Prot+Guard la-la yawnfest, etc.

After all, if you are just after a good fight, and you believe you are better than dullsec farmers, this shouldn't be too hard.

Of course, I'd still be down for podding PI alts and daytrippers and fools you catch in sites.
#163 - 2013-08-13 05:33:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Winthorp
Alundil wrote:
@Winthorp - you seem to be missing the point of the thread. Ideas. Suggestions (et cetera et cetera). Some might be rough around the edges or overshadowed by more fleshed out ideas. But you opinion is exactly that. Yours. Not any more or less valid than anyone else's idea(s) and barring actual discussion of pro/con your opinion is easily ignored.

And i do agree with you but stupid ideas that will never get picked up just waste everyone's time. If any of you actually think CCP are about to spend a massive amount of dev time on these crazy ideas you are more nuts then me.

We can't even get them to spend enough meaningful dev time on POS overhaul (How are those personalized SMA's going that we asked for at a minimum Roll ohh you got a CH... right) And people think better then getting a whole new pos system are to ask for Wh's to be cut of from all of eve, ask for moon mining and removing all Pos's from Wh space. Yeah i should just shutup and let the stupids ask for all these things without a word.... yeah that won't happen.

If they are going to ask for completely unworkable ideas that they should be rebuffed with common sense.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#164 - 2013-08-13 09:01:31 UTC
Winthorp wrote:
If they are going to ask for completely unworkable ideas that they should be rebuffed with common sense.

Have you considered that perhaps it is you that should be rebuffed? You don't get to the really good ideas without working through a lot of really abstract concepts. Even if they aren't worth pursuing, they could spark better ideas for iterations that ARE worthwhile. People like you impede the creative process by foolishly believing they are helping anyone by attempting to be some kind of "creative filter" that no one asked for or needs. The OP will do that with or without your derisive comments by taking the more polished suggestions from this thread up the ladder.

You are doing more harm than the people you're belittling. Stop it.
CCP Eterne
C C P Alliance
#165 - 2013-08-13 14:09:54 UTC
I have deleted some spammy comments from this thread. I am also issuing an ultimatum to be constructive and not resort to insults when debating an issue. If you disagree with someone, you do not need to call them idiots or stupid.

EVE Online/DUST 514 Community Representative ※ EVE Illuminati ※ Fiction Adept

@CCP_Eterne ※ @EVE_LiveEvents

Marox Calendale
The Initiative.
#166 - 2013-08-13 14:35:46 UTC
I think WH Industry could need a little love also. The only thing which can be produced inside WH-Space without leaving it, are T3 Cruisers. All other things need to be imported from K-Space.

Hauling things into WH´s is a great mess, as industrial do not have much cargo and the orca needs too much mass. A small sized Freighter with about 120.000 m3 Cargo and about 40Mill. kg Mass would be nice to make logistics a little bit easier. This Freighter wouldnt affect K-Space as Orca and Freighters still would have more Cargo and Mass doesn´t matter there.

Changing Ore Sites back to Gravimetrics is not needed, but either CCP should do this or maybe bring back huge rocks to WH Ore Anomalies. The Risk/Reward relation by mining ore in WH-Space is much worse than in K-Space (except Low Sec). This should be adjusted, as much of the Ore isn´t mined in WH´s at the moment.

At least I would like to produce new Stuff which shouldn´t have much impact on new Edens economy. I would like to produce some Stuff for Dust Soldiers as they are originally born in the Wormholes. Maybe implement some special WH Moongoo, like we already have other Gas Types than K-Space. With that and the other WH Materials we should be able to produce Implants, Hardwirings, Weapons, Combat Suits or Vehicles for Dust Soldiers. Add a special WH Component Array which can only be anchored in Wh´s. We would still need our T2 Stuff imported from K-Space but we would also have a different income than only from T3 Cruisers.
Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#167 - 2013-08-13 16:37:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Phoenix Jones
Marox Calendale wrote:
I think WH Industry could need a little love also. The only thing which can be produced inside WH-Space without leaving it, are T3 Cruisers. All other things need to be imported from K-Space.

Hauling things into WH´s is a great mess, as industrial do not have much cargo and the orca needs too much mass. A small sized Freighter with about 120.000 m3 Cargo and about 40Mill. kg Mass would be nice to make logistics a little bit easier. This Freighter wouldnt affect K-Space as Orca and Freighters still would have more Cargo and Mass doesn´t matter there.

Changing Ore Sites back to Gravimetrics is not needed, but either CCP should do this or maybe bring back huge rocks to WH Ore Anomalies. The Risk/Reward relation by mining ore in WH-Space is much worse than in K-Space (except Low Sec). This should be adjusted, as much of the Ore isn´t mined in WH´s at the moment.

At least I would like to produce new Stuff which shouldn´t have much impact on new Edens economy. I would like to produce some Stuff for Dust Soldiers as they are originally born in the Wormholes. Maybe implement some special WH Moongoo, like we already have other Gas Types than K-Space. With that and the other WH Materials we should be able to produce Implants, Hardwirings, Weapons, Combat Suits or Vehicles for Dust Soldiers. Add a special WH Component Array which can only be anchored in Wh´s. We would still need our T2 Stuff imported from K-Space but we would also have a different income than only from T3 Cruisers.

There was a forum poster in Features and Ideas who put up a very good concept of.. what I can only see as a wormhole hauler (or a fix to the deep space transport).

I thought it was fantastic, though can probably use some minor adjustments to balance them out with the new T1 industrials coming out.

On the ore in wormhole space... well there needs to be a reason to mine ore in wormholes. Most people won't do it because 1: refining it loses 25% of the minerals, 2: there is really nothing wormholish to build except capital ships, and most people will either haul in the pure minerals from highsec, or jump in a capital through a c5/c6.

Those who do mine in wormholes compress it and ship the stuff to highsec for profit (or for refining in highsec then building stuff, also generally all in highsec (or k space for you low/null roamers)).


Jon Lucien
Gooseflock Featheration
#168 - 2013-08-13 21:15:18 UTC
It would be helpful if the access levels for CHA really could be accessed by alliance. This would basically mean fixing the bug that currently allows one to set view/take access to Alliance on a CHA, but doesn't actually allow alliance access. Hangar tab access should be able to be set on a per-CHA basis, or default to the regular corporation setup (the one used in stations).

This would improve the ability of alliances to live out of a POS without needing redundant CHAs for multiple corporations.
El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#169 - 2013-08-13 21:36:12 UTC  |  Edited by: PopeUrban
Trinkets friend wrote:
a large and well written post about "the community" being the point of wspace.

I can see things from that perspective, and I won't dispute anyone's contributions or empire building in wspace as invalid, or wrong.

I'm in no way saying that the people IN wspace are what's wrong with it.

However, the entire concept of "The wormhole community" or "The null community" or "the losec community" or "the FW community" or "the carebear community" are fabrications of the player base. The "wspace community" exists only because it continually accepts, embraces, and games a whole host of broken systems. I abuse those same broken systems. I map and lookup J# tags, I know triggers, I can do hole-rolling math, etc. Yet I'm still willing to admit that these systems are broken, obviously not working as intended, and have been exploited and gamed so extensively that people just accept it as the status quo.

I'm also not part of the greater w-bro alliance, don't keep almost anything in a hole long-term, and don't generally go there with the intent of looking for fights. So yeah, despite spending around 80% of my time in wspace I suppose I'm not part of "the community" and thus my opinion is somehow invalid?

If the judgement is that the meta should make WH habitation a thing, then let's adjust the mechanics to make it not suck at that. If the judgement is that wspace is supposed to be dangerous and unpredictable, then let's adjust the mechanics to reflect that.

The existing wspace mechanics don't do a good job of either, and whichever side of the fence you're on it's pretty impossible to deny that. What's wrong with wspace is that CCP can't decide whether to **** or get off the pot. They can either bow to the player created meta, or enforce the original design goals of the system. There isn't a middle ground that isn't just plain annoying to play one way or another.
Chitsa Jason
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#170 - 2013-08-13 22:15:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Chitsa Jason
I would like to say huge thank you for everyone who posted feedback so far. I made me over think a huge deal about how wspace is structured at the moment. I have also received a lot of good ideas i have never ever seen before.

I would like to encourage everyone to keep posting in this thread. Originally I have thought to forward feedback to CCP quite fast but I will wait for one more week to get even more ideas.

Please keep the thread structured and I will be happy to forward you ideas.

Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me

Trigger Happy Capsuleers
#171 - 2013-08-13 22:23:57 UTC
- WH space is ment to be isolated and more like EVE online used to be. You could go entire regions back years ago without seeing anyone. So more space was added (WH space) with limited connections to and from systems (as well as removing local) to give people the feeling that they were really exploring the universe. Its frankly awesome. If you want "constant" PVP, WH space isn't really the place for you compared to 0.0 or low sec.

- If the powers that be decide that WH space SHOULD have more PVP, then give people a reason to invade systems other then for good fights. Yes, fixing the SMA issue would help but also make the systems more valuable as they climb up in level. Supply and demand economics hear. If C6's were worth it on a cost base analysis to invade with a good chance of recouping your losses fight for the system in x days / weeks / months perhaps more people would try to invade them.

- Generate more PVP by giving people reasons to invade systems. However the "resource" they are fighting over should diminish over time and force people to move after x time (few months?)

- Stop being "active" (PVE) in a C5 system for a few days and watch how many WH's start appearing. There already is a very good mechanic in place to add more "connections" to systems that are not being used regularly.

- We need MORE WH systems, and harder ones would be nice. C5/C6 escalations can be run with only a half dozen people. That's fine, I don't find the mechanic really needs changing. But if C7-C10 WH's were introduced (and the number of C6's / C5's perhaps increased as well) they should be harder and require more pilots. Similar to how incursions scale would be nice, not saying you should need 40 people to run a site, but I think 15-20 should be reasonable?

- Tech 3 sub-systems need to be allowed to be changed in a POS (CSM is on this)

- Rorq's should be allowed to store jump clones, but not allow people to JC to/from a WH system. Just change the clone. (CSM is also on this)

- POS refineries (perhaps for WH's only) should be a good as a station. I can see alliances flipping out in 0.0 if someone would avoid a station to refine at their POS (they would lose out on income from the refinery tax) but in WH space moving ore around sucks.
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#172 - 2013-08-13 22:33:54 UTC
ShadowandLight wrote:
- Stop being "active" (PVE) in a C5 system for a few days and watch how many WH's start appearing. There already is a very good mechanic in place to add more "connections" to systems that are not being used regularly.

^this is nonsense. random connections are random, regardless of activity level.
the reason you come across more empty systems with a lot of connections is that there is no one using (ie: activating and/or closing) them.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Jon Lucien
Gooseflock Featheration
#173 - 2013-08-13 23:26:46 UTC
It would also be nice if we had an immediate indication/timer of wormhole polarization, something similar to the session change timer.

It would remove the guesswork and the need for external timers from the use of wormholes.
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#174 - 2013-08-14 00:38:32 UTC
PopeUrban wrote:
So yeah, despite spending around 80% of my time in wspace I suppose I'm not part of "the community" and thus my opinion is somehow invalid?

There are possibly some who say this, but not me.

There needs to be something to encourage daytrippers (who provide PVP) and itinerant small POS farmer-campers (who also encourage PVP; see for instance what Ashimat is doing right now).

The reasons you don't live permanently in w-space are the reasons which need to be discussed, not pooh-poohed. Is it the time sink required to do anything? is it the annoying scanner interface? Is it, perhaps, even the current culture of w-space?

I for one know how astoundingly boring it is to invest days sieging and camping some idiots or noobs, and then find out there's some giant e-honour EVE-Uni creche wormhole you've stumbled upon and getting QQ'd at on the forums because you and your boys went and prodded around.

Then the same people complain they can't get goodfites.

PopeUrban wrote:
If the judgement is that the meta should make WH habitation a thing, then let's adjust the mechanics to make it not suck at that. If the judgement is that wspace is supposed to be dangerous and unpredictable, then let's adjust the mechanics to reflect that.

As you say, if the whole idea is to make w-space more easy, then so be it. Standardise wormhole mass limits, simplify the collapsing, make more ships mass/cargo efficient for logistics in wormholes, etc.

However, my point stands; whatever CCP thought they created in Apocrypha has been metastasised into what it is now. There's no going back. As you say, the decision has to be to let wormholes stay as they are; often frustrating time sinks with quirky and kludgy half-baked mechanics, or to work on making them easier, so that more people will live and visit and set up a small POS for a week to make some money.

The thing is, if you mouseover the wormhole forum is says that wormholes are places where teamwork is required. You may not like or enjoy the wormhole culture or be part of a w-bro alliance or corp, but it seems that CCP has at least been advertising w-space as a team-based arena.

You can live here solo (c.f. Ashimat, others) but it is not easy, and requires a shed load of alts.
Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#175 - 2013-08-14 01:24:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalel Nimrott
I really believe that wspace shouldnt be changed, though tweaked a bit, it should be expanded tp include all of those mechanics that arent available right now, like impossible to chart system. Planets with no moons for a truly nomadic life style, etc.
We should be living in the fringe of civilization. Now intrudece us to the truly unknown.

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


#176 - 2013-08-14 05:25:59 UTC
Jon Lucien wrote:
It would also be nice if we had an immediate indication/timer of wormhole polarization, something similar to the session change timer.

It would remove the guesswork and the need for external timers from the use of wormholes.

I like that it isn't a timer shown to people right in front of them, many people have died simply from panicking and jumping back and i hope it would stay that way. WH's should not be safe.
Ya Huei
Imperial Collective
#177 - 2013-08-14 10:15:26 UTC
Would it help if anomaly despawning would be more erratic ?

What happens alot now is that many people just leave their anomalies to build up, then farm them all in one go, then log off to repeat the same thing a week later. the current system of "wont trigger despawn till u initiate warp" encourages ppl to lazyfarm their local sigs.

If the net amount of spawned anomalies would be higher, but the time they linger gets decreased drastically, you would encourage people to be out in space doing their anoms, since there is no guarantee they will be there tomorrow.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#178 - 2013-08-14 15:27:43 UTC
Ya Huei wrote:
Would it help if anomaly despawning would be more erratic ?

What happens alot now is that many people just leave their anomalies to build up, then farm them all in one go, then log off to repeat the same thing a week later. the current system of "wont trigger despawn till u initiate warp" encourages ppl to lazyfarm their local sigs.

If the net amount of spawned anomalies would be higher, but the time they linger gets decreased drastically, you would encourage people to be out in space doing their anoms, since there is no guarantee they will be there tomorrow.

I agree that the current mechanics for spawning sites are awkward, but this would have to be done carefully. Ore sites (if ever made worthwhile) would need a separate set of timers given how ridiculously massive the belts are. Ranging from 2-13mil m3 total ore volume, it takes a dedicated group of miners spending many hours each day the site is up to have any hopes of clearing a belt. Every other site can be completed in <30mins with a decent group.
El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#179 - 2013-08-14 15:55:42 UTC  |  Edited by: PopeUrban
Trinkets friend wrote:
The reasons you don't live permanently in w-space are the reasons which need to be discussed, not pooh-poohed. Is it the time sink required to do anything? is it the annoying scanner interface? Is it, perhaps, even the current culture of w-space?

Personally, I just can't see the benefit of moving in to a hole for what it is that my corp does. There's no remarkable benefit to producing anything but PI materials, and even in the case of PI you've got to find a single system that can support your entire production chain. Mining is overall less productive within a hole than it is just daytripping a mining fleet because you're taking your ore out of the hole to refine anyway. The lack of predictable lanes makes PvP-For-Profit less doable than just jumping people in null or suicide ganking in empire.

Since the vast majority of my corp's income is dependent on long trips hitting sites, we just find it more efficient to run cloaky industrials and carry everything along for the ride until we're ready to throw it all on the hisec production lines or trade hub. The one benefit provided to what we do by a POS would be a shielded box, and that shielded box would be less secure than our empire office or the cloaky/logoffski industrials we use to store all of our operational goods already, and, jump for jump, just as close to wherever we are in wspace.

It's much more practical (and fun) to scan down a losec hole, map out a chain for the day, do whatever, and run an industrial/can for the day's op. This is exactly how things ran when we DID have a POS in a hole, but with less fuel costs, more security, and more overall time running sites and less figuring out how we're going to move all of our stuff.

I think that core "scan for a hole and poke your head in" along with delayed local is what, to me, defines the wormhole experience for a lot of people, and I feel like living in a hole doesn't do a whole lot for you other than being able to predict your local connections. That ability doesn't seem worth the massive, colossal headache that living in a hole requires to my corp, which is why we moved our stuff back to empire and losec and just send out expeditions with some hauling ships now.
Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#180 - 2013-08-14 21:26:14 UTC
PopeUrban wrote:
Trinkets friend wrote:
The reasons you don't live permanently in w-space are the reasons which need to be discussed, not pooh-poohed. Is it the time sink required to do anything? is it the annoying scanner interface? Is it, perhaps, even the current culture of w-space?

Personally, I just can't see the benefit of moving in to a hole for what it is that my corp does. There's no remarkable benefit to producing anything but PI materials, and even in the case of PI you've got to find a single system that can support your entire production chain. Mining is overall less productive within a hole than it is just daytripping a mining fleet because you're taking your ore out of the hole to refine anyway. The lack of predictable lanes makes PvP-For-Profit less doable than just jumping people in null or suicide ganking in empire.

Since the vast majority of my corp's income is dependent on long trips hitting sites, we just find it more efficient to run cloaky industrials and carry everything along for the ride until we're ready to throw it all on the hisec production lines or trade hub. The one benefit provided to what we do by a POS would be a shielded box, and that shielded box would be less secure than our empire office or the cloaky/logoffski industrials we use to store all of our operational goods already, and, jump for jump, just as close to wherever we are in wspace.

It's much more practical (and fun) to scan down a losec hole, map out a chain for the day, do whatever, and run an industrial/can for the day's op. This is exactly how things ran when we DID have a POS in a hole, but with less fuel costs, more security, and more overall time running sites and less figuring out how we're going to move all of our stuff.

I think that core "scan for a hole and poke your head in" along with delayed local is what, to me, defines the wormhole experience for a lot of people, and I feel like living in a hole doesn't do a whole lot for you other than being able to predict your local connections. That ability doesn't seem worth the massive, colossal headache that living in a hole requires to my corp, which is why we moved our stuff back to empire and losec and just send out expeditions with some hauling ships now.

hehe and the bizarre thing is that even with all the PI material possible in wormholes, none of it can be used to build stuff in wormholes (except for fuel blocks or repair paste), all of it has to get hauled to highsec to build structures, etc.
