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What is wrong with wormhole space?

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M1k3y Koontz
Speaker for the Dead
Stay Feral
#141 - 2013-08-11 22:26:25 UTC  |  Edited by: M1k3y Koontz
Winthorp wrote:
Nix Anteris wrote:
Yo, take your squabbles elsewhere. This is supposed to be Issue / Fix / Impact thread so the CSM can compile a list to take back to CCP, not so they can sift through your tears, get bored, and give up halfway through because you filled the thread with spam.

Actually this has been 6 pages of spam long before i got here, i have only read 3 proposals of any merit at all and you know what these same 3 proposals have been asked for from the Wh community for many years before Chitsa thought to make a thread and ask for them.

The rest of this thread is full of unreasonable stupid ideas that will never get implemented when CCP can't even fix the bugs they force on WH space when they change other parts of the game as they see WH's as such a tiny part of their game.

People should stop with the bizarre ideas and instead focus on more reasonable subtle changes that actually have a hope of making a substantial positive difference to WH space. Note: cutting WH space off from all of eve is not one of the reasonable ideas.

If you're talking about the new content, yes I have to agree there weren't piles of few good ideas, but that's the nature of brainstorming new ideas, if it were easy sov wouldn't go to whoever had the biggest blob and there would be better effects in Black Holes.

If you're talking about minor changes that would improve W-Space people have been suggesting, and you think that there are only 3 of those are in this thread, get out and go back to general discussion with the other nullbears because you've been drowning in stupid for so long that its starting to wear off.

Nix Anteris wrote:
M1k3y Koontz wrote:
No scrolling on bookmarks, when we scan a system with 50+ sigs we can't access all of them on our dropdown menu.

Another solution would be nested folders, although this could end up backfiring and making it hard to find bookmarks when trying to find one quickly.

That'd work too, but there was one system in K-Space we had an entrance in that had like 40+ belts, I couldn't warp to the last belts in system because they didn't all fit on my screen >.>

Nested folders is something I'd support too, but it would be nice to have a way to get to all bookmarks too. (I might have a relatively short screen, but having all the belts fit on my screen would be helpful to say the least.)

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

#142 - 2013-08-11 22:54:04 UTC
M1k3y Koontz wrote:
Winthorp wrote:
Nix Anteris wrote:
Yo, take your squabbles elsewhere. This is supposed to be Issue / Fix / Impact thread so the CSM can compile a list to take back to CCP, not so they can sift through your tears, get bored, and give up halfway through because you filled the thread with spam.

Actually this has been 6 pages of spam long before i got here, i have only read 3 proposals of any merit at all and you know what these same 3 proposals have been asked for from the Wh community for many years before Chitsa thought to make a thread and ask for them.

The rest of this thread is full of unreasonable stupid ideas that will never get implemented when CCP can't even fix the bugs they force on WH space when they change other parts of the game as they see WH's as such a tiny part of their game.

People should stop with the bizarre ideas and instead focus on more reasonable subtle changes that actually have a hope of making a substantial positive difference to WH space. Note: cutting WH space off from all of eve is not one of the reasonable ideas.

If you're talking about the new content, yes I have to agree there weren't piles of few good ideas, but that's the nature of brainstorming new ideas, if it were easy sov wouldn't go to whoever had the biggest blob and there would be better effects in Black Holes.

If you're talking about minor changes that would improve W-Space people have been suggesting, and you think that there are only 3 of those are in this thread, get out and go back to general discussion with the other nullbears because you've been drowning in stupid for so long that its starting to wear off.

I specifically said there are only about 3 proposals that have been reasonable, not 3 ideas.

You seem to be angry that my "main" now lives in null yet seems to have a better grasp on WH space then you do, there is no need to be angry about that and retort to me with insults.
M1k3y Koontz
Speaker for the Dead
Stay Feral
#143 - 2013-08-11 22:59:24 UTC
Winthorp wrote:

You seem to be angry that my "main" now lives in null yet seems to have a better grasp on WH space then you do, there is no need to be angry about that and retort to me with insults.

You claim to have a greater knowledge, but you fail to demonstrate it.

This thread went downhill quick... any word about whats on the short/long list Chitsa?

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

Vassal Zeren
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#144 - 2013-08-11 23:28:39 UTC
M1k3y Koontz wrote:
Winthorp wrote:

You seem to be angry that my "main" now lives in null yet seems to have a better grasp on WH space then you do, there is no need to be angry about that and retort to me with insults.

You claim to have a greater knowledge, but you fail to demonstrate it.

This thread went downhill quick... any word about whats on the short/long list Chitsa?

Lol, yeah. I would have thought we wormholers could have put up a better front.

A bad analogy is like a leaky screwdriver.

Dorn Val
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#145 - 2013-08-12 07:04:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Dorn Val
Rastin Crysknife wrote:

Anti-stealth chaff: While it is possible to deploy/abandon huge numbers of drones and jetcan around a wormhole, it would still be nice if we hade some sort of device that would deploy a cloud of chaff about 5-10k radius that would deactivate a cloaking device within 2k. Have it linger for 10-20 seconds with a 30 second cycle time or something so there is still a gap or a skilled/smart pilot to take advantage of, but operating in proximity is still hazardous.

Make a chaff launcher and chaff charges (use something from w-space to make the launchers and/or chaff). Onve the chaff hits a cloaked ship the ship will decloak for 5 seconds, but automatically cloak back up as long as no one has locked it in that time. I agree with the cycle time above, although with multiple ships using chaff launchers that gap can be mitigated. Could also restrict the chaff launcher to one modual per ship. I'd like to see the launcher and chaff usable in all areas of space...

Also alliance bookmarks -can't stress enough how useful that would be!

I still have a Prophecy named "Chitsa for CSM" :)

Edit: Forgot to add that WH graphics are looking very dated.

Sandbox: An enclosed area filled with sand for children engaged in open-ended, unstructured, imaginative play. Also a place for cats to urinate and defecate...

Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#146 - 2013-08-12 11:10:55 UTC
Lets just get to the point. People have to want to live in wormholes. Right now, there is little keeping people inside.

We are thinking too small. We are looking at minor (itty bitty) changes, when the focus should be solely on this:

1) What will bring people into wormholes.
2) What will make them fight.

Right now if a person gets evicted from there home, no biggie. There home (the wormhole itself not the POS) has to be more valuable that they will fight till the last.

Right now, there is no "flashly" loot to cause people to hunt around, search and scan out wormholes in hopes of riches.. or in hopes of killing someone trying to obtain riches.

Wormhole needs a loot system to drive people back into it.

Wormholes needs a value to cause people to fight for them.

People need to have more incentives to say "Lets live here".

There is none at the moment.


Ronix Aideron
Zymurgy Corp.
#147 - 2013-08-12 12:20:33 UTC
I have to agree with the big picture issue.

Blue loot aside everything in WH space is tied to T3 production and that alone is not enough to compel people to live there. When the T3 changes come if they are seen as a nerf then this will nerf the income of WH. If you are evicted from a hole there are hundreds more to choose from.

The POS permissions need to be fixed.

Then a conflict driver needs to be established for WH space. Right now the only conflict driver is that it is lawless space. I have been in WH space for just a few months and while it can be lucrative, rage rolling for PvP in my short time has been less and less fruitful.

Start the day off slow and taper off from there.

Shield Bhaalghorn associates
#148 - 2013-08-12 13:06:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Rakadichu
Wow a lot of just trash on this thread and no real input, anyways I guess I will throw my 2 cents in.

1. Corp thief, always the first question asked by new players (new to WH) and also kills some of the smaller corps getting started in WH life.
Fix: Rework the POS
Easier Fix: Give the SMA tabs just like the CHA would be a great improvement
Impact: Might get some newer players into WH space, also increase corp security

2. PHA, great idea.. but horrid to work with. Once that one random item gets lost in there you have to blow it up just to unanchor your POS.
Fix: When the PHA is unanchored have the items inside get trashed.
Impact: might **** some people off but would make POS's just that less painful

3. Static WH's. I have always hated how you always get the same class hole every time.
Fix: Change SOME holes with a variable static to other WH space.
Example: instead of a c2/LS/c2 have c2/LS/VS (+ or - 1) so when you static reopens it could be a c1, c2 or c3. Or a c4/VS (+ or - 2) your static would be a c2, c4, or c6.
Impact: Would change up life as usual Roll

4. Bring more industry to WH's using WH loot.
Fix: Start off with something easy like t3 ammo. Have it so that it is about the same DPS if not lower than t2, instead give it 2 dmg types and maybe a different effect. The BPC's could be seeded in radar and data sites. Have them built off the t1 ammo types (need both types of missiles and also some sleeper loot to put them together)
T3 Awakened Heavy Missile
75 Kinetic dmg 75 EM dmg
max flight time 10 sec Max velocity 4000m/s
base shield dmg 90
base armor dmg 112.5
Impact: Would see a increase of industrial players inside WH space.

I have a few other ideas that I need to finish working out on paper before I post them
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#149 - 2013-08-12 17:04:47 UTC
Probably should have checked here before posting, but I made a thread about reorganizing all sites (Combat/Data/Relic/Gas/Ore) in WHs to be more varied and worthwhile:
WInter Borne
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#150 - 2013-08-12 17:27:07 UTC
Nix Anteris wrote:

So now some things I have been suggesting (mainly in private) for the last 3 years or so that aren't really addressing issues, but could enhance gameplay and/or the environment. Other people seem to be suggesting these too, but are definitely on the cool-to-have list.

* More progressive escalations. No more 6/8 + 6/8 - Make it 6, 8, 12, 20, 36... - Rewards for risk. This will probably result in only 3/x escalation waves being run for the majority of people causing a slight drop in th e ISK made from escalation sites. For those who are prepared to take the risk of 20+ Sleepless Guardians focusing them, they will gain an extra reward for a greatly increased risk (from both sleepers and players)

* Sleepers on wormholes. Same as Pirates on gates. This adds a bit of danger for small gangs and solo haulers without scouts; we like it when people travel with friends. It also adds wrecks on d-scan as an indicator of recent activity, and adds something to do while camping.

* Sleepers get ANGRY when they build up in a system. That POS looks like easymode when there's 50 sites of sleeper drones with nothing better to do. I bet they could take that. - On the will-probably-never-happen-but-worth-mentioning-AGAIN list. Lets have angry sleepers forming up and attacking the people who really don't belong in their system.

* All we got from sleepers was T3 ships? Really? - We've been studying them for nearly 4 years now, it would be nice if we could get some officer-quality (rare spawn) sleeper NPCs with appropriate quality modules dropping. Maybe some Sleeper POS mod BPCs?

Edit: Whatever happened to planetary ring + comet trail mining? Having to dodge roids to generate the cashflow could make mining a bit less dull... Since comet trails could potentially contain a buttload of ice, could also be a way to introduce ice to w-space. (But lets make sure that it's a special kind of ice, maybe for fuelling sleeper technology based POS, right?)

I support this product and/or service
El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#151 - 2013-08-12 17:50:19 UTC  |  Edited by: PopeUrban
M1k3y Koontz wrote:
[quote=Jason Shaishi]
I think what C6 WHs need is a conflict driver, something that would be attractive enough to draw in large alliances again, and maybe get some of the ex-C6-current-C5 holders to move back up..

What about... and this is just a crazy idea...

What if you could anomaly-mine moon goo there?

Don't add minable moons to Wspace, but in stead add moon goo ASTEROIDS in Wspace sites, and add them to the table of things you need deep core lasers for (as deep core lasers are so niche ATM)

This would be a functioning conflict driver, encouraging smaller corps to daytrip and explore wspace without impacting the nullsec passive income farms as the efficiency of gaining goo with spaceships would be much riskier and less yield than a solid moon pos.

You could even grade the sites across multiple clevs of wspace, creating a situation where r64 stuff can be scanned down and mined in C6s, with progressively lower tier moon goo as you step down in clevs.

The side effect would, possibly be a hit to passive income from null, but I don't see it as a massive shift in the economics of null, as owning several moons worth of lasers is always going to be a preferable option for those that can defend them. However, for the sneaky daytrippers, raiders, and residents, short-op mining in wspace might drive a lot of people in to holes again.

As a side note, something of low volume but high value as such may actually create a decent desire for something in the vein of a T2 Venture. A sleek, quick, get-in-and-then-out mining ship with maybe some extra lows, covops cloak utility, bonus deep core mining yield, or some other advantage that would make it ideal for short trip mining in hostile space.
El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#152 - 2013-08-12 17:50:46 UTC  |  Edited by: PopeUrban
Double, sorry XD
M1k3y Koontz
Speaker for the Dead
Stay Feral
#153 - 2013-08-12 18:25:02 UTC
PopeUrban wrote:

What about... and this is just a crazy idea...

What if you could anomaly-mine moon goo there?

Don't add minable moons to Wspace, but in stead add moon goo ASTEROIDS in Wspace sites, and add them to the table of things you need deep core lasers for (as deep core lasers are so niche ATM)

I think this would encourage people to daytrip, but it wouldn't encourage occupation as much as finxing a C6 static.

That is definitely how it should work in nullsec or something.

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#154 - 2013-08-12 18:53:03 UTC  |  Edited by: PopeUrban
M1k3y Koontz wrote:
PopeUrban wrote:

What about... and this is just a crazy idea...

What if you could anomaly-mine moon goo there?

Don't add minable moons to Wspace, but in stead add moon goo ASTEROIDS in Wspace sites, and add them to the table of things you need deep core lasers for (as deep core lasers are so niche ATM)

I think this would encourage people to daytrip, but it wouldn't encourage occupation as much as finxing a C6 static.

That is definitely how it should work in nullsec or something.

I was never attempting to encourage occupation, or making occupation easier. If you search my previous post in this thread you'll note that I'm of the opinion that statics existing at all is part of what's wrong with wormholes.

Wormholes weren't ever designed for occupation. Yes, we occupied them because we're stubborn arrogant twats that don't care what CCP's intent is. We shouldn't be encouraging and enabling easier ways to occupy large swaths of wspace. Daytripping is the original design intent of wspace and while it shouldn't be impossible (as it is now) to live out of a hole without outside assistance, it shouldn't be a design goal either. Adding ice to wormholes is the only pro-occupancy change wormholes need. This allows people to fuel their POS.

Wormholes aren't supposed to be space where you hold "sov" and have "territory"

The fact that the idea of "encouraging occupancy" even exists belies the core problems of wormhole space. Occupancy killed wormhole exploration, and turned it in to nullsec 2.0

It's my personal opinion that for wormholes to work they need to be naturally hostile to occupancy, naturally hostile to large fleets, naturally hostile to alliance and batphoning warfare, and naturally unpredictable and practically unmappable.

So yes, I want to encourage daytripping, or more specifically week-tripping, and I want to make it effectively impossible to permanently occupy w-space. Decay timers, escalating sleeper raids on POSes, anything that halts once and for all the idea of permanently occupying a fixed point in wspace. I believe that the ability to live, long term, in wspace is the core problem with wspace. It turns what's supposed to function as a great and lucrative unknown with a high degree of operational risk in to a predictable, boring, and increasingly inaccessible sequel to nullsec. We already have a buttload of nullsec systems, and we don't need more.

If you want to occupy space, you should be doing it in Null, where the mechanics are built to encourage occupancy. The concept of occupancy in wspace is born of extreme risk aversion coupled with high ISK return and gaming of wormhole mechanics that should have obfuscated and counteracted it. people wanted to "own" valuable systems without needing to deal with nullblob warfare. They moved in to wormholes, and quickly proceeded to turn them in to blob warfare.

Id like to keep blob warfare in null where it belongs.

I think the fixes to wspace, and wormhole mechanics in general should focus around increasing and rewarding use of space while penalizing and decreasing occupancy of space, if that makes any sense.
#155 - 2013-08-12 19:17:03 UTC
PopeUrban wrote:
M1k3y Koontz wrote:
PopeUrban wrote:

What about... and this is just a crazy idea...

What if you could anomaly-mine moon goo there?

Don't add minable moons to Wspace, but in stead add moon goo ASTEROIDS in Wspace sites, and add them to the table of things you need deep core lasers for (as deep core lasers are so niche ATM)

I think this would encourage people to daytrip, but it wouldn't encourage occupation as much as finxing a C6 static.

That is definitely how it should work in nullsec or something.

I was never attempting to encourage occupation, or making occupation easier. If you search my previous post in this thread you'll note that I'm of the opinion that statics existing at all is part of what's wrong with wormholes.

Wormholes weren't ever designed for occupation. Yes, we occupied them because we're stubborn arrogant twats that don't care what CCP's intent is. We shouldn't be encouraging and enabling easier ways to occupy large swaths of wspace. Daytripping is the original design intent of wspace and while it shouldn't be impossible (as it is now) to live out of a hole without outside assistance, it shouldn't be a design goal either. Adding ice to wormholes is the only pro-occupancy change wormholes need. This allows people to fuel their POS.

Wormholes aren't supposed to be space where you hold "sov" and have "territory"

The fact that the idea of "encouraging occupancy" even exists belies the core problems of wormhole space. Occupancy killed wormhole exploration, and turned it in to nullsec 2.0

It's my personal opinion that for wormholes to work they need to be naturally hostile to occupancy, naturally hostile to large fleets, naturally hostile to alliance and batphoning warfare, and naturally unpredictable and practically unmappable.

So yes, I want to encourage daytripping, or more specifically week-tripping, and I want to make it effectively impossible to permanently occupy w-space. Decay timers, escalating sleeper raids on POSes, anything that halts once and for all the idea of permanently occupying a fixed point in wspace. I believe that the ability to live, long term, in wspace is the core problem with wspace. It turns what's supposed to function as a great and lucrative unknown with a high degree of operational risk in to a predictable, boring, and increasingly inaccessible sequel to nullsec. We already have a buttload of nullsec systems, and we don't need more.

If you want to occupy space, you should be doing it in Null, where the mechanics are built to encourage occupancy. The concept of occupancy in wspace is born of extreme risk aversion coupled with high ISK return and gaming of wormhole mechanics that should have obfuscated and counteracted it. people wanted to "own" valuable systems without needing to deal with nullblob warfare. They moved in to wormholes, and quickly proceeded to turn them in to blob warfare.

Id like to keep blob warfare in null where it belongs.

I think the fixes to wspace, and wormhole mechanics in general should focus around increasing and rewarding use of space while penalizing and decreasing occupancy of space, if that makes any sense.

And i thought the worst suggestion i would read here would be the cutting WH space off from all of eve idea. If WH's where not allowed to be inhabited and only ever day tripped then get used to ganking a few drakes every 6 weeks because that is all that would be left in w-space after a while.

I won't even go into full length detail to explain how stupid your idea is but if you request it i can explain it to you.

Sov null encourages occupancy? So not only do you not understand WH's, you don't understand null either... Roll But please think up more ideas like this that CCP should consider.
Rolled Out
#156 - 2013-08-12 19:38:26 UTC
@Winthorp - you seem to be missing the point of the thread. Ideas. Suggestions (et cetera et cetera). Some might be rough around the edges or overshadowed by more fleshed out ideas. But you opinion is exactly that. Yours. Not any more or less valid than anyone else's idea(s) and barring actual discussion of pro/con your opinion is easily ignored.

I'm right behind you

Rolled Out
#157 - 2013-08-12 19:38:55 UTC
Veldaran wrote:
Probably should have checked here before posting, but I made a thread about reorganizing all sites (Combat/Data/Relic/Gas/Ore) in WHs to be more varied and worthwhile:

Posted on your thread - but you've got some good ideas there.

I'm right behind you

El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#158 - 2013-08-12 19:40:36 UTC  |  Edited by: PopeUrban
Winthorp wrote:
Sov null encourages occupancy? So not only do you not understand WH's, you don't understand null either... Roll But please think up more ideas like this that CCP should consider.

Because nobody owns or occupies any space in null right? Oh wait. People own so much of it they actually RENT it out to other players... because those players want the ability to occupy it SO badly that they'll pay someone to do so without the risk of getting smashed. Why? Because that space is valuable as **** in terms of resources, ratting, etc. and difficult to defend.

Just because you, personally, don't have a force large enough to carve out a piece of it does not mean that it doesn't encourage occupancy. In fact... people have really big fights over who owns what there all the time!

I don't need you to explain your position. I understand it fully. You feel you can't get enough "gudfites" in wormholes because nobody lives there, and thus when you roll your holes you find nothing but empty space. You'd like to pop a hole after the DT and find hole after hole of occupied systems full of people to gun down, POSes to potshot at, and otherwise get a bunch of PvP content, right?

You'd like to do all of the above with minimal risk to your actual holdings and the ability to pretty effectively pull your **** in, without risk of getting it torched by a giant blob of hotdropping capitals. You'd like to keep a small organization that can engage with other small organizations in a limited fashion, andn ot have to commit to anything long term.

This is why people claim to occupy wormholes. They get a payoff that's disproportionate to actual risk for a very minor inconvenience. They get PvP with interesting rulesets and spotty intel, but it isn't WHY people occupy wormholes.

People occupy wormholes because it's worth more than null for small groups and less risky. That's really all there is too it. The fact that people move in to what's supposed to be the LEAST safe space in the game because it's actually MORE safe than everywhere but empire is a problem.

I stand by the opinion that it should be MORE risky, LESS safe, and MORE rewarding for short term operations than permanent single-point occupation.
M1k3y Koontz
Speaker for the Dead
Stay Feral
#159 - 2013-08-12 19:54:50 UTC
PopeUrban wrote:

I think the fixes to wspace, and wormhole mechanics in general should focus around increasing and rewarding use of space while penalizing and decreasing occupancy of space, if that makes any sense.

No long term occupancy would kill C5/C6 wormholes, and would make anything without direct K-space holes rather difficult.

Given the nature of C5/C6 escelations, you need 3 capitals at a minimum to run sites, this means 1 wormhole, plus you need to get in a tower and subcap support, that means you need at least 2 wormholes in, one of which needs to be a direct lowsec/nullsec.

Putting the effort into getting capitals, plus a temporary POS, plus the other ships necessary to run sites just for ~1 week of carebearing simply isn't worth it, long term occupation is the only solution.

CCP has said in the past that they never intended for players to live long term in Wormholes, but with Capital escalations in high class wormholes I have to wonder what they expected us to do in C5s and C6s when they introduced them.

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#160 - 2013-08-12 20:13:50 UTC
M1k3y Koontz wrote:
PopeUrban wrote:

I think the fixes to wspace, and wormhole mechanics in general should focus around increasing and rewarding use of space while penalizing and decreasing occupancy of space, if that makes any sense.

No long term occupancy would kill C5/C6 wormholes, and would make anything without direct K-space holes rather difficult.

Given the nature of C5/C6 escelations, you need 3 capitals at a minimum to run sites, this means 1 wormhole, plus you need to get in a tower and subcap support, that means you need at least 2 wormholes in, one of which needs to be a direct lowsec/nullsec.

Putting the effort into getting capitals, plus a temporary POS, plus the other ships necessary to run sites just for ~1 week of carebearing simply isn't worth it, long term occupation is the only solution.

CCP has said in the past that they never intended for players to live long term in Wormholes, but with Capital escalations in high class wormholes I have to wonder what they expected us to do in C5s and C6s when they introduced them.

I'd wager that the whole cap escalation thing was intended to effectively stop overpowering those sites, and that they expected people to somehow do the sites in uber-shiny groups of subcaps or something. Basically, I get the impression escalations were intended to discourage and prevent easily farming and overpowering the sites, rather than how we actually use them to farm the sites even more efficiently. I'd put ISK on them being tested in a bubble with officer mods on T3s with perfect skills or something, being barely doable and then had an "endgame" label slapped on them. Then someone said "what about capitals?" and the escalations were added to prevent too much ezmode.

I think they naively figured that people doing stuff in high level wspace would be a sporadic and occasional thing when someone "got lucky" and found a fast connection.

Then, because we love ISK and gaming CCPs mechanics, we broke the whole dang thing and turned it in to the WH meta we have now, which we can't just turn off because of what's already invested there. I'm pretty sure nobody designing apocrypha actually stopped to ask "what if they build caps and just live there?" which was a failure on the part of the design team. because it's obvious that's EXACTLY the first thing any EVE player is going to think when presented with something that lucrative.

I think it's really a question of the soul of WH space. Do we want it to be livable, or do we want it to be random and mysterious. I don't think you can really have it both ways or one or the other type of play is going to suffer. Currently we've shoehorned occupation in to the cracks in a system that wasn't designed for it. It's not possible to just make a few small changes to fix that whole system. CCP has to decide if they want to increase WH livability at the expense of difficulty and mystery, or increase difficulty and mystery at the expense of livability.

Currently WH space doesn't do either particularly well, but hey, the ISK is good so we put up with it.