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Issues, Workarounds & Localization

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Trim It Out Logistics
#161 - 2013-08-11 16:57:11 UTC

Sorry for the other thread, I hadn't seen this when I asked my friend to start the linked one.
Kain Uitra
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#162 - 2013-08-11 22:41:30 UTC
This has been going on for months....and still nothing forthcoming from the powers that be. Shame on CCP for yet another incident of "f*ck the players and ignore their concerns....let's just take their money".

We've been dealing with this for long enough now CCP, pull your fingers out of your ass and do something about it!

I'm seriously getting to the point of giving up for good. Too many years of bullshit issues with these people.

Anyone want my stuff?
Trim It Out Logistics
#163 - 2013-08-11 23:30:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Artillio
Kain Uitra wrote:
...snip... Shame on CCP for yet another incident of "f*ck the players and ignore their concerns....let's just take their money".

I really don't think CCP had anything to do with it, at least in my case. Well, Eve is certainly extra sensitive to packet loss but it It was Level 3's hardware dropping packets. I was watching it with a friend today and while it took them forever to do it, the routes started changing around 4p my time today and since then I'm not having any dropped packets. MTR @ 300 requests right now and 0% loss. Once that happened, eve fired up and logged in fast as ever and appears to be solid.

If you're having this issue go download WinMTR and fire it at TQ's IP. If you're dropping packets, you'll see it and who's hardware is doing it. This might not be everyone's issue, but all of the symptoms described in this thread are identical to what I experienced and that appears to have been the cause.
Kain Uitra
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#164 - 2013-08-17 18:56:30 UTC
Firstly, my apologies to CCP...I took the advice from Artillio and ran appears that there are 2 different hosts that drop packets at random times. Yes, CCP can alter their tolerance for packet loss to make things easier for players that keep getting the socket closed but other than that I genuinely have no clue what else can be done...I'm not tech savvy in the slightest, don't know how much of this internet thing actually works to be honest....All I know is it's cost me ships and has gotten significantly worse over the last few months....I just don't enjoy playing now I keep losing my connection.

And, It is ONLY EvE that it happens other online games are unaffected.
Petri Novik
State War Academy
Caldari State
#165 - 2013-08-19 18:04:22 UTC
Suddenly started having this problem today. Everything worked fine at first, but suddenly I keep getting the socket closed error. Other games and the rest of my connection works fine tho. I tried changing the port to 3724, which seemed to fix the issue, for about 20 minutes. After that the problem persisted. Attempted to run the EVE Repair tool but received an error while running it.
The Kiwis
#166 - 2013-08-24 18:54:33 UTC
Suddenly started having this problem today. WTF.
Grimlo Praxis
Datum Point
#167 - 2013-08-26 00:06:05 UTC
Is there a solution to this?
Verum Peto
Incursion Omega
#168 - 2013-08-26 05:15:01 UTC
Grimlo Praxis wrote:
Is there a solution to this?

It only happens on my laptop thou for the majority. My desktop does hit the occasional one.
I would like CCP to actually try and look more into it or post something relevant.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#169 - 2013-08-26 14:06:29 UTC
Grimlo Praxis wrote:
Is there a solution to this?

i already posted my fix. the culprit was a p2p program.
Verum Peto
Incursion Omega
#170 - 2013-08-26 14:11:21 UTC
Guth'Alak wrote:
Grimlo Praxis wrote:
Is there a solution to this?

i already posted my fix. the culprit was a p2p program.

Mine only happens on my laptop. Ive set the port in the ini as the GM suggested to no avail and my network has no p2p programs on it when it happens.... soooo....
#171 - 2013-08-27 13:22:20 UTC
This issue has only been happening to me on ONE character since Odyssey was released - despite fact I can have multiple characters logged in.
Astroid Mistress
420 Enterprises.
#172 - 2013-09-10 12:10:55 UTC
Socket Closed, yes well if this happens to me how can I play EVE right?

As it is happening every time I log in and within a few minutes I have a problem.

Never happened to me before and does seem to happen if I use more than one account at a time.

Obviously if EVE is throwing an error then something triggered EVE to throw that error right?

So what little piece of information did EVE want that it did not get?

Anyhow would like to get to the bottom of this as my EVE days are over for now.Cry
Astroid Mistress
420 Enterprises.
#173 - 2013-09-10 12:41:45 UTC
With WinMTR number 8 was a problem with up to 8% packet loss?

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms
2 8 ms 7 ms 7 ms []
3 11 ms 9 ms 14 ms []
4 8 ms 7 ms 7 ms []
5 7 ms 10 ms 7 ms []
6 21 ms 13 ms 11 ms []
7 188 ms 190 ms 188 ms []
8 158 ms 159 ms 158 ms []
9 305 ms 303 ms 304 ms []
10 303 ms 305 ms 305 ms []
11 330 ms 327 ms 329 ms []
12 329 ms 328 ms 327 ms []
13 305 ms 310 ms 304 ms []
14 327 ms 329 ms 305 ms []
15 329 ms 328 ms 329 ms []
16 305 ms 312 ms 305 ms []
17 343 ms 345 ms 328 ms []
18 304 ms 312 ms 304 ms
19 329 ms 328 ms 329 ms []
20 328 ms 309 ms 305 ms []
Astroid Mistress
420 Enterprises.
#174 - 2013-09-10 12:57:30 UTC
Check out that Aussie lag above no wonder us Aussies have a hard time in US TZ lol.P
Funker Unker
#175 - 2013-09-19 01:06:19 UTC
after every patch the same effin socket closed problem.
the solution would be that CCP changes the tollerance for incoming traffic.
do it plz (again)

i wont pay if i cant play.
that simple.
#176 - 2013-09-19 19:15:22 UTC  |  Edited by: H3x0
+314321 How much + CCP needs to fix that problem? Back to eve after years and getting that error every 5 mins?Evil
Timandris Telestrion
Telestrion Holdings
Nulli Tertius
#177 - 2013-09-21 10:50:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Timandris Telestrion
Having the same problem for months, currently having more than 10 disconnects during 15 minutes of "playing"

Please, please do SOMETHING about this!

Edit: I have no problems with any other programm other than EVE whatsover. Downloads keep running, other programmes are completely fine, and only my pings to the TQ cluster time-out once when it happens.

Edit2: Also I forwarded my ports and changed the prefs.ini to the suggested port, didn't help.

May ECM ships forever be the answer to the question " Is solo pvp a good thing?".

Lucius Saturninus
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#178 - 2013-09-22 21:00:57 UTC
Every time I've had the Socket Closed error on my Client I’ve found it was either my ISP or my Router. EVE definitely seems more susceptible to it than other online games I’ve played. I’m to the point now that if I get a Socket Closed error the first thing I do is go to and make sure my internet has a nice steady speed, no valleys in the graph, if it doesn’t then I reset my router and modem and then recheck it. If I’m still getting wide swings in my Internet speed I call my ISP and place a service call. I tell them that the speeds erratic and bouncing around and that I need it to be steady for my needs. As soon as I get a nice steady graph on my speed test, no more Socket Closed errors. Hope this helps.

I’d fight a Bear for you. Not a Grizzly. Or a Black Bear. Or a Panda either. But maybe like a Carebear? I’d fight one of those sonsabitches for you.
Malcorian Vandsteidt
Alpha Trades
Solyaris Chtonium
#179 - 2013-09-23 21:23:18 UTC
Same issues, Multiple socket closures, can't play more then 5 minuets at a time, This is really ruining my game time I ahvnt been able to play much at all int he last week. CCP needs to offer us a free plex or something to make up for this as were currently paying for a game we can't play.
Republic Industrial
#180 - 2013-09-26 18:00:37 UTC
Just started getting this on my laptop today. Two weeks playing on my laptop without a hitch, now I cant do anything on it. Sometimes I even get the socket error while I'm warping in from my last socket error. Unplayable.