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What is wrong with wormhole space?

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Zac Conts
#101 - 2013-08-10 21:31:09 UTC
I prefer a version of vision that CCP had for WH in the first place, WH that have no moons - no POSes

Either shake up some of the existing WHs to remove moons, this will give conflict drivers as people look for WH that have moons and give people the encouragement to roam outside of their home system

Or introduce new classes of WH with no moons, enabling roaming or a more nomad lifestyle
Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#102 - 2013-08-10 22:12:21 UTC
Chitsa Jason wrote:
SMA drop issue is well known and we are working on it. Same goes with XLSMA issue.

that is good to hear hope it will be fixed soon....

roles and POS`s are a huge pain in the (_*_) i would really like to know when that issue is going to be worked on as its dead quiet from DEV people. personal storage hanger is nice but 50k is just not enough space and a personal ship hanger why isn't that possible? that would help so much

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

M1k3y Koontz
Speaker for the Dead
Stay Feral
#103 - 2013-08-11 00:25:36 UTC
PopeUrban wrote:
J#### identifiers enable too-easy cataloging and mapping of w-space

Mass, Wormhole colors, static triggers on sites, static WH connections, etc. are all systems that are far too easily gamed, making wormholes far more predictable and safe to explore than they should be.

Remove all identifying marks from w-space outside of visuals for system effects.
Remove all statics.

No, just no.

There has to be system classes, and a way of telling.

I'm fine with randomized triggers in sites, more variation in PVE, etc.
Rare ice belts would be interesting too.

However. Removal of statics is a bad idea. There will be no reliable way to find PVP, and with current roaming hole spawn rates (especially in my C6) the possibility is there for someone to get trapped in a system for weeks at a time.

Just a bad idea.

I would encourage an increase in the spawn rate of wandering WHs.
Effect: More PVP, more randomness, less safety in WHs.

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

M1k3y Koontz
Speaker for the Dead
Stay Feral
#104 - 2013-08-11 00:53:03 UTC  |  Edited by: M1k3y Koontz
Gabba Ger wrote:

This all changes if you move to C5+ class WH. You never have to leave your WH for income again ever. The real problem is the huge gap of income that can be generated without exposing a PvE fleet between C4s (and lower class) and higher class wormholes: C4 sites yield ~100 mil/site and spawn at a rate of ~1 site/day for us, C5/C6 yield ~1 bil/site and can be farmed for 4 days. That’s 700mil/week compared to ~12000 mil/week from generated from “safe” home systems ratting and that is a very conservative estimation.
I run C6 sites about twice a week and I am happy with the income but is that what WHs should be like? Capital escalation carebearing generates almost zero content and puts the power level of C5+ guys so much above everyone else living in WHs that you will rarely ever get good fights between these groups. This is a tough nut to crack and the solutions I suggest here are from my limited point of view.

Possible solution:
a) Remove a huge number of C5s and some C6s so there is actually an other reason than “We do it because we can.” to evict people. Intention: Balance risk/reward

b) Remove/nerf capital escalation farming and buff the number of waves. Intention: Make farming in C5+ non home systems lot more appealing.

The primary reason for not carebearing outside of a home C5/C6 (this only counts for Anoms, I leave my home system regularly to gas anything in the static and the static's static, I'm not passing up free C320!) is the nature of C5/C6 sites. Running a C5/C6 site with Tengus (the favorite doctrine to use in high class WH PVE) results in an extremely low ISK/hour, especially when split among the 5-6+ pilots required to run them.

When looking at capital escalations, it is also important to remember that C5/C6 alliances are often large alliances, as compared to low class WHs. The average payout for me after a night of sites is anywhere from 100-300m, because it is split among more players.

Removing escalations wouldn't stop the use of caps, and adding waves would further nerf the use of subcap-only fleets.

Removing systems... I'm fine with removing some C5s, but there's only ~130 C6s, the rarest class in EVE.
This wouldn't increase need-based evictions, it would make evictions based on lack of fighting far easier.

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

Vassal Zeren
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#105 - 2013-08-11 02:12:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Vassal Zeren
So here's some food for thought: how soon can we organize a short list for this stuff and how hard would it be for CCP to implement even a tenth of it? I don't mean bug fixes and just general "oh this should have been implemented years ago" stuff, I mean new content. Chitsa, can you get the ball rolling? You already posted this thread which is amazing, but what can the wormhole community do to really push for new stuff?

A bad analogy is like a leaky screwdriver.

M1k3y Koontz
Speaker for the Dead
Stay Feral
#106 - 2013-08-11 03:13:25 UTC  |  Edited by: M1k3y Koontz
Vassal Zeren wrote:
So here's some food for thought: how soon can we organize a short list for this stuff and how hard would it be for CCP to implement even a tenth of it? I don't mean bug fixes and just general "oh this should have been implemented years ago" stuff, I mean new content. Chitsa, can you get the ball rolling? You already posted this thread which is amazing, but what can the wormhole community do to really push for new stuff?

^ This.

Not much in WH space is "broken".
- C4s need love (they suck, make them not suck, effect: occupation)
- Black holes need love (nobody lives in them, effect: they would be habitable)
- CCP might consider having K162 wormholes spawn at the same time as the named side (effect: increased PVP, less security for farmers)
- T3s need subsystem swapping in POSs (they can be switched in stations, why not POSs?; effect: T3s would be able to recognize their potential by allowing us to change our fits just like in K-Space)
and that's about it for fixes.

Most of what would improve WH is new content, something to spice up W-Space and to bring in new blood, especially into C6 space (I can roll all day and only hear my own echo, its disappointing, moar pew!)

A revamped d-scanner would be nice (effect: less button mashing, I just hammer the enter button since it selects "Scan" after clicking it once, extremely easy while mining, even carebearing, thank you F1-F4)

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

Chitsa Jason
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#107 - 2013-08-11 08:07:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Chitsa Jason
Vassal Zeren wrote:
So here's some food for thought: how soon can we organize a short list for this stuff and how hard would it be for CCP to implement even a tenth of it? I don't mean bug fixes and just general "oh this should have been implemented years ago" stuff, I mean new content. Chitsa, can you get the ball rolling? You already posted this thread which is amazing, but what can the wormhole community do to really push for new stuff?

I already have the short (long?) list ready. Was compiling it for few days. I will not post it here yet as I want to see more ideas.

What will happen is I will post my list here and I will post version on CSM/CCP forums and we will see what happens. Some ideas might mature into content while others will not.

Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me

#108 - 2013-08-11 08:15:45 UTC
M1k3y Koontz wrote:
Most of what would improve WH is new content, something to spice up W-Space and to bring in new blood, especially into C6 space (I can roll all day and only hear my own echo, its disappointing, moar pew!)

The lack of people in C6 space is the doing of C6 residents and the "former" residents that we do not speak the name of, the death of C6 space has nothing at all to do with CCP.
Jason Shaishi
Market Maniuplation Is For Scrubs
#109 - 2013-08-11 08:33:19 UTC
Winthorp wrote:
M1k3y Koontz wrote:
Most of what would improve WH is new content, something to spice up W-Space and to bring in new blood, especially into C6 space (I can roll all day and only hear my own echo, its disappointing, moar pew!)

The lack of people in C6 space is the doing of C6 residents and the "former" residents that we do not speak the name of, the death of C6 space has nothing at all to do with CCP.

Wormhole space itself is essentially dead. There are a few large alliances (by a few, I mean really 4 or 5) and the rest are either carebears, Russian farmers, or small corps in lower class holes. There isn't really a conflict driver for spicy pvp action in higher class wormholes.

We really need something that the nullbears don't have that would make more people interested in High-class wormhole life. Living in a C6 with a C6 static means that our Ragerolls will give us pvp every 50 or so rolls. And even then, it's usually Russians afking sites.

I think what might be a good idea is to have a few lower class anoms spawn in C5/C6s. This will get day trippers into holes as well as give more incentives for medium sized corps to join higher class wormhole space. The lower class anoms shouldn't spawn as frequently as the higher class sites (maybe for every 2-3 Core Bastions/Citadels, Mirrors etc there is one lower class anom)
#110 - 2013-08-11 09:18:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Winthorp
Jason Shaishi wrote:
We really need something that the nullbears don't have that would make more people interested in High-class wormhole life. Living in a C6 with a C6 static means that our Ragerolls will give us pvp every 50 or so rolls. And even then, it's usually Russians afking sites.

Well again it is the fault of your own lot for that, you will get no sympathy from the rest of w-space for that.

You already have the best isk/hour possibilities in the whole game in C5/6, you don't need more incentive for people to go there, the fact that they don't feel safe at all going to live in C6 space is the fact that history has shown that you in C6 space can predictably roll into anyone in C6 space and kick them out for being farmers and you lot have done that to your own detriment. The PVP in C5/6 is already the most fun in all of eve. If you are not experiencing the best part of WH space then you should consider where you live.
Chitsa Jason
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#111 - 2013-08-11 09:22:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Chitsa Jason
Winthorp wrote:
Jason Shaishi wrote:
We really need something that the nullbears don't have that would make more people interested in High-class wormhole life. Living in a C6 with a C6 static means that our Ragerolls will give us pvp every 50 or so rolls. And even then, it's usually Russians afking sites.

Well again it is the fault of your own lot for that, you will get no sympathy from the rest of w-space for that.

You already have the best isk/hour possibilities in the whole game in C5/6, you don't need more incentive for people to go there, the fact that they don't feel safe at all going to live in C6 space is the fact that history has shown that you in C6 space can predictably roll into anyone in C6 space and kick them out for being farmers and you lot have done that to your own detriment. The PVP in C5/6 is already the most fun in all of eve. If you are not experiencing the best part of WH space then you should consider where you live.

Lets not go off topic here.

Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me

#112 - 2013-08-11 09:32:13 UTC
Chitsa Jason wrote:
Winthorp wrote:
Jason Shaishi wrote:
We really need something that the nullbears don't have that would make more people interested in High-class wormhole life. Living in a C6 with a C6 static means that our Ragerolls will give us pvp every 50 or so rolls. And even then, it's usually Russians afking sites.

Well again it is the fault of your own lot for that, you will get no sympathy from the rest of w-space for that.

You already have the best isk/hour possibilities in the whole game in C5/6, you don't need more incentive for people to go there, the fact that they don't feel safe at all going to live in C6 space is the fact that history has shown that you in C6 space can predictably roll into anyone in C6 space and kick them out for being farmers and you lot have done that to your own detriment. The PVP in C5/6 is already the most fun in all of eve. If you are not experiencing the best part of WH space then you should consider where you live.

Lets not go off topic here.

Fair enough but if he is asking for more incentive for C6 space to encourage people to move into C6 space then its a fair argument that needs to be made against it.
Anuki Peime
LM Industry and more
#113 - 2013-08-11 09:43:27 UTC
I did not read all post here and possibly some are still proposed, here are my ideas:


- 2. static WH for every system like C2
- change T3 Subsystems at SMA
- make it possibly to use SMA from more than 3km like CHA
- make it posibly to save probe formations
- access pos structures like SMA CHA etc... by corp titels not by roles
- reduce lifetime of wh´s by 1/3 or 1/2
- change wh mechanic to make the another site of appear by spawning not by warp to

- Give small Groups or single players more content to do in wh space ??? atm i have no idea
- Give wh space something that empire space needs


- change sleeper salvage, at the moment meldet nanoribbons are the only thing worth anything
- give us more items to produce from wh products -> t3 production
- improve refining arrays
- reduce brightness of gas clouds


- remove trigger in combat sites, make it random
- relic and data sites should have less containers, because nobody wants to spend 1/2 or 1 hour hacking
- anomalys should dispawn after 3days, no matter if they are triggered or not


- create a item only for BS to reduce their mass, to make them useable in wh combats
- disable selfdistructing ships inside force fields

Sorry for my bad english, spelling errors are for general amusement, if you find a grammar error you can keep it !!!

Chitsa Jason
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#114 - 2013-08-11 10:04:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Chitsa Jason
Anuki Peime wrote:
I did not read all post here and possibly some are still proposed, here are my ideas:


- 2. static WH for every system like C2
- change T3 Subsystems at SMA
- make it possibly to use SMA from more than 3km like CHA
- make it posibly to save probe formations
- access pos structures like SMA CHA etc... by corp titels not by roles
- reduce lifetime of wh´s by 1/3 or 1/2
- change wh mechanic to make the another site of appear by spawning not by warp to

- Give small Groups or single players more content to do in wh space ??? atm i have no idea
- Give wh space something that empire space needs


- change sleeper salvage, at the moment meldet nanoribbons are the only thing worth anything
- give us more items to produce from wh products -> t3 production
- improve refining arrays
- reduce brightness of gas clouds


- remove trigger in combat sites, make it random
- relic and data sites should have less containers, because nobody wants to spend 1/2 or 1 hour hacking
- anomalys should dispawn after 3days, no matter if they are triggered or not


- create a item only for BS to reduce their mass, to make them useable in wh combats
- disable selfdistructing ships inside force fields

No only you did not read the whole post but you did not read the first post as well. Here is some help for you:

If you list your personal annoyance or bug or issue please also post the suggested fix and its possible impact (good or bad).

If you decide to post feature request please elaborate it as much as you can. Include the ideas on how it will impact the community in general.

It is nice that you have ideas on what to fix however not understanding why and how it will impact the game will just get your post ignored.

Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me

#115 - 2013-08-11 10:14:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Winthorp
I think to fix WH space is to boost the number of people moving in and exploring WH space that is the only thing i have ever thought that is wrong in WH space, the lack of online and active people roaming around them. I think the only way to get high class WH space full of people is to get a lot more people in lower class WH's ridiculously rich so that they become more risk adverse and in turn move up classes in WH space.

Some ideas i thought of.
Arrow Fix the safety of C1 factory systems to allow more lower SP players to take a foothold. (Yes i realise they are not perfectly safe, but they are a ***** to clean out)

Arrow Fix C2 isk/hour so that people want to farm their own sites (Although they should be living in a C2 for their static)

Arrow Raise the spawn rate of sites in C3 WH's, This gives the groups living in C2 with stat C3's more isk to earn and puts them out in space longer. It also allows more then a solo player to inhabit a C3 system, as it is a C3 is either farmed out while the resident sleeps or only enough sites for 1 player to live out of without dieing of boredom.

Arrow Give C4's a WH and a K-space static or a dual WH static. Your days of hiding away in your carebear paradise that is such a pain in the ass for anyone to bother to interact with you needs to end.

Arrow Give C5/6 space a ROLLABLE null static, i know they get a lot in the chain and are great for roaming but a direct rollable static null WH gives the option to target specific regions daily and would be great content creators. I don't believe they should ever get other k-space connections directly as they need to be out in chains to get to k-space to be vulnerable at times.

Arrow Fix SMA's (the loot dropping and the security) Dont allow SMA's and CH's to be unanchored after a RF stage has been completed.


Arrow Allow T3 subsystems to be changed in a pos, that goes to the above point though.

Arrow Fix POS/corp roles, as much as i dislike the groups that got screwed in the past by the very famous spy incidents i dislike that those groups are no longer in WH space because the role situation mean that idiots are vulnerable in a very complex system.

Arrow Allow clone swapping at a pos in WH space (NOT CLONE JUMPING AND NOT A MED CLONE)

Arrow Fix the gimped refining array so more desperate miners are floating around waiting to be killed.

Arrow Change sleeper site predictability

Arrow Allow custom probe formation settings to be saved, i'm sorry but i can do better.

Arrow Make sleepers fight back, make them attack infrastructure on a relevant basis to force the farmers of WH-space to be out in the open more and vulnerable then they are now just farming the sites and logging off.

Arrow Create more conflict drivers that don't include the only option to force a fight is a full scale eviction attempt. (Fights are awesome but not having neighbors next week is no fun at all..... Looking at you C6 folk)

Arrow Change combat mechanics so that fights can continue into HS for a very limited length of time.

Arrow Create modules/rigs that allow more fluid doctrines to become viable in the mass limited WH jump combat environment. (DO NOT MESS WITH WH MASS MECHANICS THEMSELVES)

Arrow Allow alliance level BM's and allow the copying of more then 5 at a time.

Arrow Create more roaming WH's that only activate in systems that have people active within either side.

All these above points go to making WH space a better place to live, putting people out in the open more then they currently are, creating more conflict and just making WH space a touch more comfortable place to live and fight out of so it doesn't become just easier to not be in Wh space. As it currently is for the most part low class WH's are just not worth the risk/investment required of them compared to the risk/investment required to earn the same if not more isk in perfect safety running lvl 4 missions in HS and that needs to be adjusted if we ever hope to have a situation where all low class holes are overflowing with people and WH systems are fought over.

I also think it needs to be even harder to fully evict people from higher class WH's (don't whine at me you know its true) i feel there needs to be more reason and more conflict drivers in high class holes but we still want those people you fight with to be there next week to fight again, love them or hate them this is the way it really needs to be. You also need this as this is 100% the major reason up and coming newer WH groups think twice about coming into C5/C6 space, the fear that after the first engagement with the major groups that they will be evicted.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#116 - 2013-08-11 10:25:46 UTC
*hi winthrop*

Community-Challenge: Make Jack Miton sing a Duett with me. Jibbychiggawooooow - CSM 9 Corbexx

#117 - 2013-08-11 10:27:50 UTC
HerrBert wrote:
*hi winthrop*

The Herrbert of my heart, <3.

Will see you at the sun one day.
Dringy Tsero
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#118 - 2013-08-11 11:22:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Dringy Tsero
Jack Miton wrote:
Dringy Tsero wrote:
FIX THE EWAR BONUSES IN MAGNETARS/all wormholes. Haven't they been broken for years?!! Shocked

I loled :P
go look up why theyre actually not there anymore.

I know why they are broken...... *infinite gun* ..... just seems like something CCP surely could have worked around... you know... given that its been like 2 years.

The best thing about wh space is the system effects.
#119 - 2013-08-11 12:08:21 UTC
M1k3y Koontz wrote:
- T3s need subsystem swapping in POSs (they can be switched in stations, why not POSs?; effect: T3s would be able to recognize their potential by allowing us to change our fits just like in K-Space)
and that's about it for fixes.

This is not possible without giving us stations as POS's due to not being able to replicate the art asset changes that occur when you change subsystems on a T3 and part of the reason that when they give us POS makeover in 2022 we will get stations instead of a POS.

I agree with you but that is the reason you wont be getting it any time soon.
Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#120 - 2013-08-11 12:27:01 UTC
Whats wrong with wormhole space, its reliance on kspace. This whole "need a connection to kspace" is a false misnomer, antiquated from the years of old.

Wormhole space relies on kspace for the following.

The Problems (as I see it):

1) Fuel
2) Pos Modules
3) assembling T3s (this one makes absolutely no sense)
4) Equipment (all equipment, specifically T2, officer, faction, navy, storyline) all come from kspace (to build T2, you need moongoop, which is from kspace as there is no wormhole moongoop).
5) T2 ships (again, moongoop)
6) Conflict (equipment drops)
7) Value (wormhole space has no actual value, we run the sites but they are really not specific to the system, just the type.

The impact is that wormhole space is disproportionately influenced by kspace itself, while kspace receives 0 influence from wormhole space (we have no wormhole cartels, nor is there any desire to start any).

The Fixes (as I see it):

1) Fuel, Create a new T3 Modular POS built using minerals and sleeper loot. Utilizing Gas and Ore as its main fuel source.
2) Allow all POS modules to be built in a POS (there just minerals mostly).
3) Allow T3's to be assembled at a POS (instead of having to haul the ship out to kspace just to assemble it.
4) Equipment, begin with the creation of T3 equipment, sleeper loot to be used to construct sleeper based equipment. This can be used as both a alternative to T2 equipment, and/or specific to T3 cruisers (aka it becomes cruiser specific equipment. It is silly that a T3, uses T2 equipment. You can detatch it all, make T3 guns (which would be comparable to T2 equipment), but buildable using wormhole based research and blueprints (having to retrofit wormhole space using kspace stuff is silly).
5) T2 ships (specifically the service ships) should able to be retrofitted into the T3 subsystems, the T3's need a bit more variety so that there is less of a need for the T2 ships themselves IN WORMHOLE space. T2's, kspace, T3's, wormhole space. There maybe some overlap, but generally its how it should be.
6) Conflict drivers, this has been well documented.
7) Value. These holes need something more than just Planetary Interaction to make them more attractive, more of a reason to take over. Sleepers should have rare loot.

Impact (as I see it)

1) Possible use of these POS modules outside wormhole space. Values of gas may increase. Ore in wormhole space will become actually useful.
2) People will start refining at POS's again instead of hauling in pos modules from highsec.
3) People will cheer.
4) This has the biggest impact, and may cause a massive wormhole war. Wormholes would be raided, kspace will want to take it over, and fights will be a many. People will scream on the forums saying "nerf it so our officer mods will be more expensive".
5) Wormhole space's reliance on kspace is a bit silly. Fixing those crappy mods on the T3 may cause people to risk T3's a little more often than they already do.
6) Obvious
7) Again, would bring in allot of kspace (both good influences and bad influences), possibly causing a hell of allot of assaults, evictions, camps, etc.
