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implant prices... increasing demand, looking for sponsors

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Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#141 - 2013-07-16 03:57:02 UTC
One of EVE's finest returns! Welcome back.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Vrix Nation
#142 - 2013-07-16 19:13:41 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
One of EVE's finest returns! Welcome back.

thx :) having funn with my 2e char atm


♫ When your pod gets blown to bits ♪♫ And you lose your implant fits ♪\☻/ Don't worry ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Be Happy \☻/

Vrix Nation
#143 - 2013-07-18 21:37:47 UTC


♫ When your pod gets blown to bits ♪♫ And you lose your implant fits ♪\☻/ Don't worry ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Be Happy \☻/

Vrix Nation
#144 - 2013-07-26 14:19:28 UTC
loggedon yesterday and info about a ofl pos 2 jumps away was given by another podder who also shoot towers

this1 had 30 min before a diff war got active so only change was to gank the labs orso

i used to do this sometimes with my mains with torpravens but decided now to try it with a few trashers

trashers failed as needed more then 3, so i sended my main to get a tornado at amarr, wich was alrdy fitted to gank ships ;o

the dude in a tengu who wardcced the ofline tower diddnt like us there and left.. he diddnt shoot the loads of expirementl labs and buildarrays + shiphanger array o.0

even after we left the tower as we did want him to pew the labs etc as we wanted to test somethingh ;o and no we where not there to yust steal the loot.

so to mr wardeccer.. use a cheapass stealthbomber and kill the few bil of stuff there dude, rly

so after awhile i popped 1 of the exp labs with a tornado and voila 400 mil of loot...but made a mistake there, no hauler ;o only a frig on a char with exsp implants

this gave some other dude called "" stan H "" the change to steal some of the loot while i thought i had a corpm8 at the can while i get a hauler, but miscomunication made it so my corpm8 was looking at station instat of the can at the tower ;o, after i saw that i did manage to bbq the cloaky fitted kestrel of Stan H ;) with 53 mil of loot in cargo, mayby alt of the dude who wardecced the corp ?? dunno

al in all a onfield test wich i made some mistakes ;o but had funn and earned some isk even, wich 50% went to the podking in oure podchannel who found it :) minus cost of gankships

had some chitchat in local with ceo of pos, he thanked me for saving his expsensve tower until he saw i ganked his lab ;o but that stil leave him with alot more stuff then if i would have left it alone, then all would been popped

so ya see sometimes i can be a good guy Bear

and for next time i will have some preloaded tornado's fitted to gank posstuff, or ships ;)


♫ When your pod gets blown to bits ♪♫ And you lose your implant fits ♪\☻/ Don't worry ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Be Happy \☻/

Vrix Nation
#145 - 2013-07-28 06:20:14 UTC
no kills yesterday, yo busy with work and rl stuff

sofar this month 259 pods destroyed mixed over multiple chars
Vrix Nation
#146 - 2013-07-29 16:15:38 UTC
thx to that bigass fleetbattle the lagg in highsec was insane, max tdi sometimes wich also effects the criminal timers

so abit less kils yesterday then i was aiming for, but all by al 22 kils together
Vrix Nation
#147 - 2013-07-30 18:22:36 UTC  |  Edited by: ST0NER SMURFETTE
somone yust linked me this blog ;o funny stuff


also ppl support this multiship fit idea ( [proposal] add a option to fit more then 1 ship at once using the fitting management )
:) at assembly hall

(linking fails, url error)

also want to say Gratz to D400 of the code by making a podkill a 8.9 bil, amazing

and gratz to Amanda Rijn for his 1e podkill and tears Bear and bounty collected

a good start
Vrix Nation
#148 - 2013-07-31 18:02:14 UTC
last day of the month. lets see if i can find somethingh interesting Cool

♫ When your pod gets blown to bits ♪♫ And you lose your implant fits ♪\☻/ Don't worry ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Be Happy \☻/

Vrix Nation
#149 - 2013-07-31 20:05:06 UTC
wel killed lozz with 4 impr and some other junk for a loss of 578

he gona be my new stalker buddy :)

[18:41:24] ST0NER SMURF > o/
[18:41:37] ST0NER SMURF > welcome to kaaptunen
[18:42:40] Lozzz > thanks
[18:42:59] Lozzz > come here I want to pay
[18:43:02] Lozzz > Lol
[18:43:10] ST0NER SMURF > hehe
[18:43:13] Lozzz > Ihave gifts for you
[18:43:36] Lozzz > seriously you folks manke money with that?
[18:43:44] Lozzz > people actually give you isk?
[18:43:50] Lozzz > I have to try that ****
[18:43:58] ST0NER SMURF > not many, do got some sponsors though
[18:44:29] Lozzz > **** seriously I had nice implants. you pissed me off
[18:44:36] Lozzz > I want to gank something as well
[18:44:45] ST0NER SMURF > could be worse
[18:44:56] ST0NER SMURF Kill: Graadul (Capsule)
[18:45:08] Lozzz > oh ****
[18:45:26] Lozzz > you ruined his day
[18:45:44] ST0NER SMURF > was not me
[18:45:49] ST0NER SMURF > some other podder
[18:45:57] ST0NER SMURF > i would love to get 1 like that though ;o
[18:46:35] Lozzz > I need to get a much faster locking ship to get you
[18:46:50] Lozzz > and I will
[18:46:53] Lozzz > Lol
[18:47:01] ST0NER SMURF > :)
[18:48:12] ST0NER SMURF > ya could be my sponsor and **** other ppl of ;) ruin other ppl days to feel better ;o
[18:48:22] Lozzz > so is this what you folks do for fun? get capsules?
[18:48:58] ST0NER SMURF > yep its oure duty to protect the spacelanes from tomuch uncontrolled trafic
[18:49:05] Lozzz > Lol
[18:49:20] Lozzz > well come and fight dude
[18:49:29] Lozzz > it is more fun I promisse
[18:49:45] ST0NER SMURF > ;o
[18:51:01] Lozzz > so how about you pay me some isk and I will not bother you folks here in Niarja
[18:51:12] Lozzz > you can kill all the noobs you want
[18:51:35] ST0NER SMURF > ;o sry thats not how it works
[18:51:43] Lozzz > more fun tha tway
[18:51:53] Lozzz > you all have killrights
[18:51:58] ST0NER SMURF > but see this as a opurtunity to buy a awesome implantset
[18:52:02] Lozzz > I can just kill most on site
[18:52:12] ST0NER SMURF > im -10
[18:52:18] ST0NER SMURF > killrights dont matter ;)
[18:52:24] Lozzz > exactly
[18:52:31] Lozzz > even easier
[18:53:00] Lozzz > so give some isk and I will let you kill more noobs
[18:57:47] Lozzz > I bet you have a POS here
[18:57:52] Lozzz > going to scan for it
[18:58:01] Lozzz > with an alt of course
[19:02:00] Lozzz > so how does this sponsor thing work?
[19:02:09] Lozzz > explain please
[19:02:43] ST0NER SMURF > wel they send me ships or isk and every month i send then a sponsor mail with some monthly stats and tears
[19:02:53] ST0NER SMURF > usely big implantguru's
[19:02:59] ST0NER SMURF > or yust ppl who love tears
[19:03:48] ST0NER SMURF >
[19:05:25] Lozzz > LOl
[19:07:33] Lozzz > I wonder if I can rep a pod fast enought to prevent oyu from killing it?
[19:07:37] Lozzz > not much meat on them
[19:07:45] ST0NER SMURF > nope
[19:07:52] ST0NER SMURF > instapop or no kil latall ;o
[19:08:00] ST0NER SMURF > 1 shot and concords pop me
[19:08:02] Lozzz > best bet is toracking disrupt yhr **** out of you
[19:08:34] Lozzz > key is lock speed
[19:08:58] Lozzz > this is going to be fun
[19:09:25] Lozzz > I'll be back with something more appropriate
[19:09:33] ST0NER SMURF > see al that funn for yust a few isk
[19:09:58] Lozzz > Lol
[19:10:13] Lozzz > well it's not the isk that I care about
[19:12:08] Lozzz > so obviously you don't mind dying; I will be a sponsor for you if you let me kill you
[19:12:23] Lozzz > no big deal
[19:12:42] ST0NER SMURF > i die everytime yeah ';o
[19:13:01] Lozzz > ok
[19:13:08] Lozzz > Iwill be back there again
[19:14:41] Lozzz > so you want thrashers?
[19:14:46] Lozzz > or just isk
[19:15:01] ST0NER SMURF > both works
[19:15:21] Lozzz > ok 5M is about 6 tharshers
[19:15:33] Lozzz > is that enough?
[19:15:49] ST0NER SMURF > everybit helps ;)
[19:16:41] Lozzz > 5M for you and 5M for the alts you have
[19:17:50] Lozzz > come out now
[19:18:34] ST0NER SMURF > ooh stil a hurricane
[19:18:44] Lozzz > what does it nmatter
[19:18:50] Lozzz > you going to dye
[19:19:04] ST0NER SMURF > thought ya where gona get somethingh diff
[19:19:26] Lozzz > I was but since you going to get killed this way it does not matter
[19:19:35] Lozzz > so come on I will be a sponsor
[19:22:06] Lozzz > so no deal?
[19:22:19] ST0NER SMURF > nah
[19:22:56] Lozzz > ok fine. I will get somthing more appropriate then
[19:23:41] Lozzz > maybe this could be fun. spend time getting criminals
[19:24:00] ST0NER SMURF > there a few around dooing it nonstop
[19:25:12] ST0NER SMURF >
[19:25:46] ST0NER SMURF > this1 is nice..
[19:26:04] Lozzz > Lol
[19:26:27] ST0NER SMURF >
[19:31:36] Lozzz > I see yo ugot a few more pods
[19:32:31] ST0NER SMURF > yeah
[19:33:08] ST0NER SMURF > its a though job keeping the spacelanes clear, so many ppl forget to pay there licenses
[19:33:22] Lozzz > Lol
[19:33:32] Lozzz > do you actually check to see if people paied you?
[19:33:53] ST0NER SMURF > uhm good question,, usely they convo me
[19:34:05] Lozzz > Lol
[19:35:15] ST0NER SMURF > nope no new transactions found ;)
[19:37:30] ST0NER SMURF > ooh wait
[19:37:32] ST0NER SMURF > there is lol
[19:37:54] Lozzz > really?
[19:38:40] ST0NER SMURF > yeah some1 sended it to me wich is not hats sayed in the mail
[19:39:13] Lozzz > well thay deserve to die just for being stupid enough to fall for that
[19:41:21] ST0NER SMURF > wel hes save from me now ;)

♫ When your pod gets blown to bits ♪♫ And you lose your implant fits ♪\☻/ Don't worry ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Be Happy \☻/

Vrix Nation
#150 - 2013-07-31 20:06:13 UTC
[19:43:00] Lozzz > so my guess is you have a clean alt looking for pods comming at slow boat. gives you time to undock and warp there to kill
[19:43:08] ST0NER SMURF > yep
[19:43:21] Lozzz > you doe and come back to that staton so all kills must be near there to efficiency
[19:43:26] ST0NER SMURF > that also gives me the change to look at char speed, age sec etc
[19:43:37] Lozzz > yeah
[19:45:14] ST0NER SMURF > sometimes have alt at perimeter
[19:45:22] ST0NER SMURF > for when jita gate s closed
[19:48:49] Lozzz > well I have to go now but we will see each other again
[19:48:55] ST0NER SMURF > cu o/

to sponsors, will see if i can send the sponsormails tomorrow ;)

♫ When your pod gets blown to bits ♪♫ And you lose your implant fits ♪\☻/ Don't worry ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Be Happy \☻/

#151 - 2013-07-31 20:32:44 UTC

[19:43:21] Lozzz > you doe and come back to that staton so all kills must be near there to efficiency

Think he's dutch like us st0ner? Blink

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Dimaloun Makbema
Amarr Empire
#152 - 2013-08-01 13:25:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Dimaloun Makbema
funn stuff, will make sure i dont fly in pods hehe
Vrix Nation
#153 - 2013-08-01 16:38:46 UTC
flakeys wrote:

[19:43:21] Lozzz > you doe and come back to that staton so all kills must be near there to efficiency

Think he's dutch like us st0ner? Blink

that would be sweet :) but most dutch know me by now unless there no in dutchchat ;o


♫ When your pod gets blown to bits ♪♫ And you lose your implant fits ♪\☻/ Don't worry ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Be Happy \☻/

Mr Vrix
Vrix Nation
#154 - 2013-08-01 17:10:03 UTC
some stats of last month

5 smurfs got 334 kils together, while beeing banned for 7 days

37 bil dmg done

54 improved
4 x mining mindlink
2 armor mindlinks
a slaveset + 1 imcompleet
Vrix Nation
#155 - 2013-08-02 18:13:18 UTC
thought cool a pod gooing 214, unf i was at the wrong spot chasing a pod, so i send my nooby alt after it and it failed ;( 460 dmg but pod survived :(

ooh wel **** hapends ;o


♫ When your pod gets blown to bits ♪♫ And you lose your implant fits ♪\☻/ Don't worry ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Be Happy \☻/

#156 - 2013-08-02 18:50:21 UTC
flakeys wrote:

[19:43:21] Lozzz > you doe and come back to that staton so all kills must be near there to efficiency

Think he's dutch like us st0ner? Blink

that would be sweet :) but most dutch know me by now unless there no in dutchchat ;o

As far as i know most are not , i only hang out there when i am really REALLY bored , like last month.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Vrix Nation
#157 - 2013-08-04 13:56:21 UTC
sponsor mails send

think im gooing for a 200 podkill this month, and then a 400 next month. but will have to see ;)


♫ When your pod gets blown to bits ♪♫ And you lose your implant fits ♪\☻/ Don't worry ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Be Happy \☻/

Vrix Nation
#158 - 2013-08-06 15:22:52 UTC
96 pods down, pretty crap atm alot empty or cheapo

some campers at station again, docked my pod with hull dmg ;o not that my pod is worth anythingh though

alts gettting better with skills


♫ When your pod gets blown to bits ♪♫ And you lose your implant fits ♪\☻/ Don't worry ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Be Happy \☻/

Vrix Nation
#159 - 2013-08-08 16:39:29 UTC
thought cool a pod gooing 214, unf i was at the wrong spot chasing a pod, so i send my nooby alt after it and it failed ;( 460 dmg but pod survived :(

ooh wel **** hapends ;o

this is so funny

so that dude survived after my new podalt engaged him, i chased him with other new podalt all towards jita as he wakedup and went manual,, he laughed at local

so today, 6 days later,, i see a bountypod on overview... then i see the name and am omg rly... 215 spped pod, so i undocked my main podder + alt, and went after him, and i got him at inaro ;) lg snake set :( was hoping for the normal1, 864 mil kill + bounty ;)

this rly are the thinghs why i love eve Twisted


♫ When your pod gets blown to bits ♪♫ And you lose your implant fits ♪\☻/ Don't worry ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Be Happy \☻/

Vordek Rei
Masters of Mass
#160 - 2013-08-09 09:55:49 UTC
I will sponsor you, please drop me a super short mail in game if you need more sponsors.