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What is wrong with wormhole space?

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Bloody Wench
#21 - 2013-08-09 00:15:56 UTC
Stop crying for C4 changes...WTF

Leave the statics as they are.

Stop the calls for homogenization already.

[u]**Shepard Wong Ogeko wrote: **[/u]  CCP should not only make local delayed in highsec, but they should also require one be undocked to use it. Then, even the local spammers have some skin in the game. Support a High Resolution Texture Pack

#22 - 2013-08-09 00:25:11 UTC
- Keep scanned signatures at 100% even after entering and exiting other wormholes, resets if you log off.
- Remove the preset probe formation. Leave it to the player and experience level to decide.
- Effects an all wormholes, be it ship fittings, time dilation, scanning, mining, POS fitting, fuel usage, Links, etc. In other words there should be more variation from k-space mechanics in all wormholes.
- Individual anomalies deswpans the following day if any sleepers are killed.
- All anomilies have a 7 day lifetime after spawning.
- Make player have to scan mining sites once again.
- SMA individual tabs based on corp roles just like a CHA
- Allow t3s to refit subsystem at pos :\
- Allow use of clone vat bay only from within the wormhole allowing the ability to jump to a different clone.
- Make wormhole total mass actually unknown.
Robert Morningstar
Morningstar Excavations LTD
Business Alliance of Manufacturers and Miners
#23 - 2013-08-09 01:05:17 UTC
turn wh ore sites back into sigs not anomalies

add the full within the force field range to include starting jobs in the mobile lab and seeing the bp on the industry and manufacturing tab

add the full within force field range to include accessing the sma

fix the sort function in the industry and manufacturing tab so that it does not take over a minute to load ~20 bpo's

Ps thank the devs for the ability to be able to access and use all the other storage from anywhere in the force field sphere
#24 - 2013-08-09 01:10:58 UTC
Bloody Wench wrote:
Stop crying for C4 changes...WTF

Leave the statics as they are.

Stop the calls for homogenization already.

Well they are not fine at all, your carebear paradise will not last forever.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2013-08-09 02:19:04 UTC
M1k3y Koontz wrote:
HerrBert wrote:

- dreadnaughts clearing core sides in a quarter of a siege cycle...(maybe add Sleeper Battleship escalations)

Anyone using a dread to clear a Ladar ought to lose their dread, in 5 minutes you can use 4 Tengus to clear it, or you can sit there in siege hoping nobody rolls into your hole and blaps you while you wait.

We always use Tengus, so I don't know who in their right mind is using Dreads for LADARS...


I never new Core Garrison and Core strongholds were ladar sites.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2013-08-09 02:22:59 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
Tell you what.
Get CCP to let us save custom probe formations and I'll never complain the stupid new probing system again.

Refitting subs at POS also.

In all seriousness though, I'd take no changes to WHs every over most of the suggestions being posted here...

I'd have to pretty much go with this.

Subsystem swap at POS is already being worked on AFAIK.

POS/ Corp roles.

But otherwise I love everything about Wormhole space. I think its a good thing that systems are different. That not all are equal. That some classes are viable for different sized entities. That some systems are less popular and allow for sites to pool up in them. These are all of the great things that make WH space so unique and special.

Dringy Tsero
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#27 - 2013-08-09 02:24:08 UTC
FIX THE EWAR BONUSES IN MAGNETARS/all wormholes. Haven't they been broken for years?!! Shocked

Dringy Tsero
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#28 - 2013-08-09 02:38:41 UTC

Have the radar / data sites been hit with a nerf bat?
I remember getting 100 mil out of a c2 site back in the day, (it was a while ago it may be an exaggeration of memory :P)
We don't even bother doing them in a c3 anymore.... Get just less than 20 mil on a good day!

Not to mention we have to fight of a horde of sleepers to get at the cans,
Robert Morningstar
Morningstar Excavations LTD
Business Alliance of Manufacturers and Miners
#29 - 2013-08-09 03:36:46 UTC
Dringy Tsero wrote:

Have the radar / data sites been hit with a nerf bat?
I remember getting 100 mil out of a c2 site back in the day, (it was a while ago it may be an exaggeration of memory :P)
We don't even bother doing them in a c3 anymore.... Get just less than 20 mil on a good day!

Not to mention we have to fight of a horde of sleepers to get at the cans,

there was a dev post that they actually doubled the drop rate but a lot if incidence of the cargo hold not being big enough for the can item was causing them to disappear be sure to have plenty of cargo space for those 100m3 items
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#30 - 2013-08-09 03:44:22 UTC
Dringy Tsero wrote:
FIX THE EWAR BONUSES IN MAGNETARS/all wormholes. Haven't they been broken for years?!! Shocked

I loled :P
go look up why theyre actually not there anymore.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Rastin Crysknife
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#31 - 2013-08-09 03:53:42 UTC
Just to throw my support behind the good ideas out there already:

Swapping sub-systems at POSes, especially in anticipated T3 nerfs. T3's are supposed to be 'versitile', but if you can't take advantage of swapping out subsystems, there really isn't any versitility.

Black Holes: The real problem is that their only benefit for ships (velocity) is dirrectly counteracted by one of its selveral penalties (inertia), which just makes them generally very unappealing because the knife-fighting ships that can take advantage of the speed, will have too much inertia to keep a tight enough orbit.

Despawning unused anomalies would be a great addition, IMO.

Now for some ideas I haven't seen yet:

Get rid of the ******* clouds in the noms. My computer runs them fine, but not everyone's does, and they're still just painful to look at and do nothing but **** everyone off. If you don't want to get rid of them, at least change them so they're easier on the eyes/gpu.

Anti-stealth chaff: While it is possible to deploy/abandon huge numbers of drones and jetcan around a wormhole, it would still be nice if we hade some sort of device that would deploy a cloud of chaff about 5-10k radius that would deactivate a cloaking device within 2k. Have it linger for 10-20 seconds with a 30 second cycle time or something so there is still a gap or a skilled/smart pilot to take advantage of, but operating in proximity is still hazardous.

Bob is always present, watching you traverse space accessable only though wormholes. He is the constant reminder that there is always someone watching you, waiting for your moment of weakness to appear and claim his toll for collecting the bounty of his realm.

Robert Morningstar
Morningstar Excavations LTD
Business Alliance of Manufacturers and Miners
#32 - 2013-08-09 04:07:33 UTC
not specific to wh but as it is the best area for pi perhaps change the links dots in pi based on the background in most situations not bad but the light blue on a ice planet can be very hard to see make it so that on a light background they change from light blue to a dark red
Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#33 - 2013-08-09 04:18:58 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
Tell you what.
Get CCP to let us save custom probe formations and I'll never complain the stupid new probing system again.

Refitting subs at POS also

In all seriousness though, I'd take no changes to WHs every over most of the suggestions being posted here...

Pretty much this.

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Cosmic Scanner
Overload This
#34 - 2013-08-09 05:21:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Cosmic Scanner
Chris Winter wrote:
Cosmic Scanner*Big One
Static Wormholes do not connect to the k162 side until warped to, keeping farmers fairly isolated and "safe" during site running. Make wormholes always automatically connect without anyone needing to scan and initiate warp to the static [:) wrote:

Congratulations, you just single-handedly killed solo and small group PvE in wormholes.

Terrible idea.

Got nothing against solo or small groups, but if you want good isk, then you should be prepared to take the risk.

BTW, you can still crit statics or collapse K162 wh's in your system. But no one should be able to completely isolate their system from the rest of eve, if you want to run sites for some of the best isk in eve (especially refering to C5 / C6 space) then there should be that risk there.

Seen too many alt farming corps in C5 / C6 space, who log in to farm sites, log out and plex their main accounts with the isk they make. They offer no content to others in w-space if they can isolate themselfs like that.

If you want some of the best isk in eve you should be willing to fight for it!

Cosmic Scanner / muu lufragga

Zara Arran
Overload This
#35 - 2013-08-09 07:31:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Zara Arran
Jack Miton wrote:
Tell you what.
Get CCP to let us save custom probe formations and I'll never complain the stupid new probing system again.

Only to get Jack to stop complaining, it would be worth it ;) But seriously, the man is right. I wish they would remove the formations all together, and have people set it up themselves and able to save formations. You would fix the tediousness of the old scanning system, but people would at least have to know a little about scanning to set up the formation so it's not dumbing it down completely.

Things that could use some love:
- the ability to change range of the probes in the scanning window (or show the range as you drag them out)
- getting on grid with a fleet and not see the tags until they "Retag"
- swapping subsystems for T3s at POS
- saving broadcast settings (!!!) I would love to save a "logi" setting vs a "dps" setting etc.
- BMing WHs from scan results being off
- alliance BMs and the ability to copy more than 5 BMs at a time
- overview settings are quite complex to set up
- search function in emails
- ability to choose not receive corp/alliance mails (for alts)
- fix the popping noise when doing combat sites (doing sites is a pain enough).. not sure what it is but a lot of people have issues with this
- fix the intel deviation (colour of the WH) between low graphical settings and high
- please fix chat window tabs.. I got like 15-20 normal chat channels open, adding private convo's, I either can't read what channel (tab title) it is or it takes up half of my screen...

What I personally hope CCP will work towards is... making WHs unknown again. More variables in the masses, variable statics (and moar :)), no J-sig number for easy navigation and looking up their statics. And although I love fixes, we also need some new content. A patch with only fixes IMHO will not get people excited to log on and play. It will not compete against new games being launched.
Zara Arran
Overload This
#36 - 2013-08-09 07:51:13 UTC
Rengerel en Distel wrote:

Feature Request:
  • Change the size of the signatures in space if a site has been opened. If a K162 is 6.2AU, it could be 12.4AU when opened, or something, to show it's been used. The same could be done for ore and gas sites.

  • Dislike this one... I love the fact you don't know who is in the system. And BTW, if a K162 is present, 99% of the time they have jumped through the WH at some point.
    Xavbian Deepleaf
    Garoun Investment Bank
    Gallente Federation
    #37 - 2013-08-09 08:47:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Xavbian Deepleaf
    This is my two cents:

    - Alliance bookmarks are really needed.
    - Sleeper sites rework (graphics, spawn locations should be random..) they are old.
    - Make Datas and Relics cans looting valuable items. Mostly relics! (do someone hack them thoses days?)

    My dream:

    - Winter expansion for wormholes, we need some huge love in unknown space to make things harder.
    Jay Joringer
    #38 - 2013-08-09 09:16:42 UTC
    What is broken is that CCP think it's great and because of that, they don't want to mess around with it. Now, I'm not saying they're wrong, just they are half right. It's great, but mess around with it because of that. The last few expansions haven't affected the WH pilot much. Sure, there's things like the personal hangar arrays and the new scanning interface, but generally speaking, the WH enviroment is much the same.

    Give new content. Anything. More randomisation of sites and WH's would be good, but it's small. All this shiny stuff they're planning on putting in null with potentially being able to build stargates to someplace, give us an equivalent, but make it random, make it rolling. Something that people can access within one system in a constellation for a days only. And make sure people can get something of value out of it, whether it's some kind of sleeper incursion equivalent that needs to be disabled before requiring a lengthy data extraction process by a specialist ship or structure and that can be interrupted by hostile fire. There. New content and new excuses for pew. Make it give sleeperspace drops or new T3 gear or whatever. Just make it new.

    Also, new content. New reasons for new people to be in WH space.
    Mea Culpa.
    Shadow Cartel
    #39 - 2013-08-09 09:29:04 UTC
    Nerf T3s so other ships become comparably more viable, and I'll consider moving back to w-space. Two years of Cloaky Proteus Online was boring as hell.


    Chitsa Jason
    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #40 - 2013-08-09 09:30:14 UTC
    Thank you everyone for your suggestions. Please do not forget to post how your suggested change will impact the game as well.

    Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me