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veterans declaring war on rookie corps

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#61 - 2013-07-01 18:41:30 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Bad Killboard

Use a proper Killboard... BC... sies man

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#62 - 2013-07-01 19:12:30 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Bad Killboard

Use a proper Killboard... BC... sies man

I haven't used zkillboard much...

I primarily use my private killboard, and when looking up public information use eve-kill and BC.

I like how BC easily allows me to check on a player's associates, and check out a player's "Known ships" information. It's just not used as much as it used to be (::sadface::).

Zkillboard is nice, but doesn't quite generate this content in such a quickly accessible format (which is what I need when I have 45 seconds to decide if I'll engage or not, and their fitting choice is the difference between a lossmail and a killmail).

Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#63 - 2013-07-01 22:17:57 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
. It is the booster system that really destroys game balance

Eh? that part really isn't implant set and/or drugs have similar effects. Being able to identify them is good but thinking you can't win using some crafty tactics because the game balance is ruined is wrong.

(I don't use or am I defending OGBs but you and I both know "on grid" doesn't have to mean "on grid" if that grid is manipulated. Unless they intend to change links to a proximity effect rather than a fleet boost they'll always be used just in a different way.)
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#64 - 2013-07-01 23:56:05 UTC
Minmatar Citizen160812 wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
. It is the booster system that really destroys game balance

Eh? that part really isn't implant set and/or drugs have similar effects. Being able to identify them is good but thinking you can't win using some crafty tactics because the game balance is ruined is wrong.

(I don't use or am I defending OGBs but you and I both know "on grid" doesn't have to mean "on grid" if that grid is manipulated. Unless they intend to change links to a proximity effect rather than a fleet boost they'll always be used just in a different way.)

Frankly, I disagree:

Compare Tengu Siege boosts, to Drugs, to Crystal Implants

Here is the TL; DR of the details:

The Blue pill is not terribly expensive (400k for Synth to 30m for Strong), is single use (you consume it for a 1hr boost), is hard to transport (contraband in highsec), and effects ONE pilot. It also has a decent likelihood (20-40%) of reducing your Capacitor, your Shields, your Optimal range, and your missile explosion velocity by 20-30%, depending on which strenght you use. Regardless, the max shield boost is 40%.

Now, the Crystal Set runs about 2.1+ billion isk, is in danger of being destroyed (if you lose your pod), and only effects ONE Pilot: Max Boost: 50%.

A Fleet Boosting 3-link mindlinked Tengu: Which may be sitting in 100% safety inside POS shields, gives EVERY pilot in fleet a 125% boost to shield repping ability.

I originally posted numbers, and can again if you really need proof, but that tengu booster is more effective than giving every pilot in fleet a set of crystal implants and strong boosters combined... .and then some!!!

An implant set AND drugs combine to a 90% boost in shield repping.... to ONE character.
A boosting tengu gives a 125% boost in shield repping, to EVERY character in fleet.

And the boosting tengu can have additional links too.... or even more ridiculous, they can use a boosting tengu, a boosting, loki, and a boosting proteus at the same time!

Forcing them to be on grid won't reduce the ridiculous level of boosts they give, but they will be very vulnerable then, and much easier to take down!!!!

In short, boosters (especially off grid boosters), severely unbalance ships. This is something you need to watch out for when looking at PvP, as it dramatically alters the capabilities of any ship receiving their boosts.
Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#65 - 2013-07-02 00:38:25 UTC
Yeah, only similar effects. I can't really dissagree with ya that they will give people a bad day and I'm certain you know the numbers better than I do but it's a slippery slope. The pos shields thing is over the line...yeah don't fight in systems with those unless you bring your own WTF boosts and tower.
Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#66 - 2013-07-02 03:14:02 UTC
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
I'm not sure what a 2 month old pilot can do in faction war in a venture.

+2 warp stability? Seems rather obvious: Plug in the MWD and orbit at untouchable speed just under the max plex range and still be able to warp out safely when the gankers show up. Kind of like the "gunless Rifter" thing only better.

Also keep in mind that a Venture could, if someone really wanted to, be fit with guns & stuff and be (poorly) used as a frigate.

Surprised everyone isn't doing it.

Galaxy Chicken
Galaxy Farm Carebear Repurposing
#67 - 2013-07-02 03:21:57 UTC
Wardecs are good for you, it was a good thing that happened you you.
Verran 'Firefox' Severasse
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#68 - 2013-07-13 10:17:30 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Lets put a stop to this thread.

That corp was on my list when I saw a 2004 player in an extremely expensively fitted ship 1 or 2 months ago.

I make a list of corps I plan on deccing. It can range from...

Rude in local
Posting Corp recruitment in local
Jumping a gate and seeing 5 or 6 of the same corp on a gate.
Corp spam cans in belts and gates
White Knight Corps
People posted idiotic thing on the forums
If your a Nightmare Pilot (Because that is the only faction BS is have not popped yet)
Or a ship type I have the urge to pop. TECH II BS is next on my list of "got to get them all"

And Last but not least somebody paying me to do so even though I don't really do the merc thing anymore. If the isk is good why not.

I don't berate my targets and never smacktalk them. People see an older player and immediately think he is unbeatable which is never the case. Otherwise I would have been killed a lot when I was younger ingame. I am always outnumbered and any corp able to function as a group will be able to keep me docked or pop me. it is really that simple.

As for why spend 50mil to dec a corp. 50mil is nothing and well worth the reasons above.

I am not a monster and many of my ex war targets convo me for advice... hell their members even join my training corp in hopes to help their corp learn. Of the record I prefer to help those corp improve and function better as a group. Even though I myself hate playing with a group.

Was the OP a bit aggressive in post? Yes.. unfortunately I see this thread is going to cause them more issues in the future when he creates another corp then I ever would of with my war.

You're so not a monster...If you could be a terrorist and a good guy mixed into one; it'd be you. The main thing I have always liked about your conduct is that you're not a trash talker. You're honestly one of the few gentlemen around when it comes to wardecs.

From what I've gathered about you over the past couple of years is that you're a total Fa Zheng when it comes to tactics.

There is a fine line between pillaging/murdering/destroying to pillage/murder/destroy and pillaging/murdering/destroying to teach.

I commend you for your services. o7
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#69 - 2013-07-13 15:36:45 UTC
Duke Amarro wrote:
Before any of you start BS on how we should have tried to take him out, here is his name "Cannibal Kane", go do a background check and then enlighten me on how can a 2 month old pilot defeat him with a venture.

He has the advantages because you want to stay in hi-sec, he probably has a lot more skill points then you which gives him freedom of choice when picking the best suited ship. If you move to low-sec, he is a lot more limited in what ships he can safely fly, and then the 2 vs. 1 element starts to matter a lot more. Even if he has perfect skills, it's not easy wining a fight against two cruisers with basic skills. If you are smart/lucky you might even be able to trap him under gate guns, and then you have a really good chance of killing him.

One advantages you can't remove is that he probably filthy rich, at least compared to yourself, and living in low-sec is not always safe and losing even cheap ships is probably going to hurt you more then him. That said once you understand the basics of low-sec survival, it's not that dangerous, if you fly relatively cheap and mobile ships.

I'm a relatively respectable citizen. Multiple felon perhaps, but certainly not dangerous.

Verran 'Firefox' Severasse
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#70 - 2013-07-13 15:42:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Verran 'Firefox' Severasse
dexington wrote:
Duke Amarro wrote:
Before any of you start BS on how we should have tried to take him out, here is his name "Cannibal Kane", go do a background check and then enlighten me on how can a 2 month old pilot defeat him with a venture.

He has the advantages because you want to stay in hi-sec, he probably has a lot more skill points then you which gives him freedom of choice when picking the best suited ship. If you move to low-sec, he is a lot more limited in what ships he can safely fly, and then the 2 vs. 1 element starts to matter a lot more. Even if he has perfect skills, it's not easy wining a fight against two cruisers with basic skills. If you are smart/lucky you might even be able to trap him under gate guns, and then you have a really good chance of killing him.

One advantages you can't remove is that he probably filthy rich, at least compared to yourself, and living in low-sec is not always safe and losing even cheap ships is probably going to hurt you more then him. That said once you understand the basics of low-sec survival, it's not that dangerous, if you fly relatively cheap and mobile ships.

I'd suggest they don't even bother fighting him. They probably can't afford to recoup losses repeatedly.

Edit: If they can afford to recoup their loses then I'm all for it being a learning experience. I'd wager that they haven't learned the lesson of not flying what you can't afford to lose.
Wrecking Shots
#71 - 2013-07-13 23:38:53 UTC
Duke Amarro wrote:
So me and my friend have been playing DUST 514 for a little over a year, a couple of months ago we decided to explore the heavens after we got bored with planetary conquest and FW DUST 514 side. Out of the blue one veteran with a very interesting employment history and a 1.5 billion bounty declares war on our 2 man corp. Seeing that we stand no chance against him, we decided to leave the corp until this storm passes, we can still manage the corp on dust side, though in a very limited way. My question is, why would a vet spend 50 million to declare war on total noob nobodies? am I missing something? is there a tricky new eden ploy at play here ? please explain to me.

p.s. We're not avoiding PvP, we actually were preparing to start FW this week, and get to experience PvP with someone our size.

Eve is a bit different than other games you may have played. Folks in this game tend to be focused on improving the statistics on their kill board more than they are in finding fun fights or having even battles. Folks want to win. They often look for easy targets to dominate. Someone chose you. That doesnt mean you have to feed them kills.

Avoiding dying in high sec wars is not difficult. If you see a guy with a red star by his name in local you warp to station and dock. If he doesnt leave system then you go watch tv and leave your toon logged in. Then your war target buddy can spend his time watching your system while you go enjoy life. It wont take long before he decides to spend his time war decking someone else. He wants kills. If you do not feed him kills he will move on. If you waste his time he will move on even faster.
Paul Otichoda
Caldari State
#72 - 2013-08-07 15:34:47 UTC
you know Kane considering you say your against veterns going up against new players but seem to have done it for me
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#73 - 2013-08-07 15:54:59 UTC
Paul Otichoda wrote:
you know Kane considering you say your against veterns going up against new players but seem to have done it for me

People posted idiotic thing on the forums

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Ned Taggart
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#74 - 2013-08-07 16:09:53 UTC
Duke Amarro wrote:
Read my OP again and point out where did I ask "why was he allowed to attack me?"
I asked why would a vet attack noobs, there must be something he is getting out of it, and i was interested to know what it is

Well, there are 2 posts on the front page of the New Citizens board complaining about his wardecs against their corps. I say he is using delicious tears as sweetener for his warm beverage of choice.

Just learn how to play while wardecced.

If you can't move around in highsec while wardecced and only a ferw people gunning for you then you are going to be the one bent over when you decide to go to Lowsec or Nullsec. Earlier you mentioned:

Duke Amarro wrote:
I don't want to rush to null sec life just yet, I want to romance EVE before I bend her over and take her.

You have that completely backwards...Seriously.
Ortalus Darkheart
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#75 - 2013-08-08 12:04:20 UTC
Hi, as a fellow new player I thought i'd have my 2 ISK worth.

1, Don't fly what you can't afford to lose......... I keep reading this all the time.
2, Your attitude stinks. Your a small fish in a BIG ocean. Be polite. I'm not saying brown nose everyone just show some respect to others.
3, I read on the forums that if someone PvP's you ask them why. Don't get whiny about it, just a simple "Hi dude was there any reason why you killed me?" They might say, nothing personal or they might say you r a ****** but at least you know for next time.
4, Asking a question on the forums and then insulting people when they respond is just another reason why your gonna suffer in EVE.

Manners maketh the pod pilot!
Wrecking Shots
#76 - 2013-08-08 23:45:38 UTC
Duke Amarro wrote:
So me and my friend have been playing DUST 514 for a little over a year, a couple of months ago we decided to explore the heavens after we got bored with planetary conquest and FW DUST 514 side. Out of the blue one veteran with a very interesting employment history and a 1.5 billion bounty declares war on our 2 man corp. Seeing that we stand no chance against him, we decided to leave the corp until this storm passes, we can still manage the corp on dust side, though in a very limited way. My question is, why would a vet spend 50 million to declare war on total noob nobodies? am I missing something? is there a tricky new eden ploy at play here ? please explain to me.

p.s. We're not avoiding PvP, we actually were preparing to start FW this week, and get to experience PvP with someone our size.

Everything in Eve is relative. What may seem like an unbeatable veteran player to you may seem like a complete and utter noob to many reading these forums. This game is in the over ten year old category. A few points about this:

1. Age alone doesnt mean experience
2. Age alone doesnt necessarily mean good skill point choices
3. Age alone doesnt mean you cant gang up on him, bait him, or call in some friends to help you win outside of corp (remote reppers or people you invite to your war dec as allies)
4. Players in eve tend to evolve a bit over time. A guy war decking rookie players in high sec is probably not the most skilled pvper. He is probably just looking for easy targets. Which makes him ripe for you to kill if you choose to set him up properly
5. Nothing in eve is fair. Older players preying on younger ones is normal. Scamming or tricking young players is normal. Things that are not allowed in other mmorpgs are normal in eve. This game doesnt play favorites. Only things specifically listed in the eula are not allowed.
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#77 - 2013-08-09 03:45:16 UTC
Disastro wrote:

4. Players in eve tend to evolve a bit over time. A guy war decking rookie players in high sec is probably not the most skilled pvper. He is probably just looking for easy targets. Which makes him ripe for you to kill if you choose to set him up properly.

Danny Kane
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#78 - 2013-08-09 06:14:41 UTC
lollerwaffle wrote:
Disastro wrote:

4. Players in eve tend to evolve a bit over time. A guy war decking rookie players in high sec is probably not the most skilled pvper. He is probably just looking for easy targets. Which makes him ripe for you to kill if you choose to set him up properly.



I guess you dont know who Cannibal Kane is, Disastro?
But if they had the balls to team up against him they might just get a kill or two.
Pecunia Infinita
#79 - 2013-08-09 07:54:03 UTC  |  Edited by: AstarothPrime
Gaellia Bonaventure wrote:
Duke Amarro wrote:
someone our size.

There is so such thing in EVE as a fair fight....most of the time.

Welcome to EVE. Have fun! :)


Also !

1) Wardec is a nuisance, some ppl wardec for no obvious reason, only time i got killed in war is when i afk mined in my 2 week alt and didnt mind losing 2M ISK ship, and that was when we were decced by very serious griefing corporation
1a) 99% of times I did not even see a WT whole time of wardec, sometimes even searched for one on occasions...
2) 50M ISK is peanuts for veterans
3) Most important!!!! Seeing this thread - guy got 10 times his moneys worth in tears and pleas.
