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What is wrong with wormhole space?

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Chitsa Jason
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-08-08 18:15:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Chitsa Jason
Hello everyone.

I will be doing comprehensive post on CCP/CSM forums about wspace. It will include current issues and possible fixes. I hope that at least some of those suggestions/explanations will mature into actual content.

I would like the community to list all possible issues/bugs/annoyances/small and large things.

If you list your personal annoyance or bug or issue please also post the suggested fix and its possible impact (good or bad).

If you decide to post feature request please elaborate it as much as you can. Include the ideas on how it will impact the community in general.

Thank you for your ideas!

Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me

Chitsa Jason
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2013-08-08 18:17:56 UTC
SMA drop issue is well known and we are working on it. Same goes with XLSMA issue.

Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2013-08-08 18:40:58 UTC
- not enough fights at the sun....
- dreadnaughts clearing core sides in a quarter of a siege cycle...(maybe add Sleeper Battleship escalations)
- wormhole mass is too predictable...more deviation (Lifetime and Mass to make Bob squeel for joy)

- Scanning issue with the doubling of a dot that doesnt show
- "no extra nodes" for big wormhole pvp battles (Traffic control at a wormhole is way more serious then in nullsec)

Small changes:
- random number of sleeper battleships in escalations taking the predictability and not a constant stream of isk
(easy fix dont make them spawn in the same spot ... bookmarking is too easy)
- no more escalation "farming" (24 hour despawn timer after the last escalation is on the field)
- sleepers should damp and jamm back :(

Needs fixing now:
- CHIMERA in Pulsars

feature: Random sleepers camping wormholes.... (depending on the class)

so i think i just pissed off a lot of people but i m also crazy .. :)

Community-Challenge: Make Jack Miton sing a Duett with me. Jibbychiggawooooow - CSM 9 Corbexx

Rengerel en Distel
#4 - 2013-08-08 18:45:21 UTC
  • Ship change bug is still there from Odyssey testing. Scan down a system, change ships, and you will have 100% signal strength that you can't warp to using the scanner window, or the space icons.
  • Dropping freight cans, abandoning them doesn't do anything, and they are yellow containers to other people. You have to change your safety setting (if it's not already yellow/red) to loot from them. Some times it will bug where you also aren't allowed to put things into the cans.

  • Feature Request:
  • Change the size of the signatures in space if a site has been opened. If a K162 is 6.2AU, it could be 12.4AU when opened, or something, to show it's been used. The same could be done for ore and gas sites.
  • Allow more corp roles options in the CHA/SMA. There are plenty of roles that might not get much use that could be used to increase security. If they changed it to allow titles as well, then you can really control things.
  • Instead of Corporate Hangar (other), give POS towers their own ID so you can give access to things at individual towers.
  • With the increase in shiptoasting, the Report timer needs to be shortened.

    Godfrey Silvarna
    Arctic Light Inc.
    Arctic Light
    #5 - 2013-08-08 18:47:33 UTC
    Chitsa Jason wrote:
    SMA drop issue is well known and we are working on it. Same goes with XLSMA issue.

    Well, those are the only really serious issues. Besides that, W-space itself is awesome and most problems are the same as with the POS and corp management systems in general, but for w-space dwellers those issues take a higher priority than for other areas of space.

    Tell them not to change too much of the nature of w-space itself.
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #6 - 2013-08-08 18:49:15 UTC  |  Edited by: realdognose

    • No Alliance Bookmarks (Or even Better: Alliance-Beacons with predefined Live-Time!)
    • Maybe T3 Subsystem Exchange. But already get familar with it.


    Instead of Corporate Hangar (other), give POS towers their own ID so you can give access to things at individual towers.

    Already possible. (little Work Around required, but possible)
    Interbus Universal
    #7 - 2013-08-08 19:27:29 UTC
    Bugs / issues:
    1. After every login, the scanner window is reset so that the upper section is too small to show all eight probes. I have to resize it on every single login on every single character, annoying. This was introduced with Odyssey.
    2. The radial menu does not work with many things, including SMAs and hangars. It should.
    3. When a scan result is covered by only three probes, we now get only one dot where there used to be two. And we only get the WRONG dot. This is ********. Fix it. Either show two dots again or only show the right one.

    Gameplay / general ideas:
    1. I can say from extensive recent experience in both areas that high-class w-space is a barren wasteland at the moment compared to low-class. The reason for this is the concentration of the 'elite' into ever bigger alliances.
    2. As the concentration process is a direct consequence of basic human nature, only a direct and drastic intervention via changed game mechanics can reverse it. Somehow CCP have to introduce mechanics of diminishing returns in corp sizes. The concept of diminishing returns has a big role in many other areas of EVE.
    3. I have however no great plan to achieve that goal Cool
    4. That said, some possibly stupid ideas:

    -limit number of POSes (usable moons) in all w-space systems so that a c1 has only 1-2, a c6 maybe 10 and the others something in between
    -limit number of SMAs that can be anchored to 1-2 per POS
    -remove ability to store ships in offlined SMAs
    -make it so that unpiloted floating ships are vulnerable (maybe allow tractor beaming of ships from outside a forcefield Big smile )
    -> hard cap on number of ships, especially capitals, safely stored in a wormhole

    -introduce some new, fancy and totally unrealistic attribute for ships that supplants mass as the factor for damaging wormholes. That way you could make it so that battleships are only maybe twice as damaging to a hole as T3s, and single-handedly make them viable in w-space without breaking anything anywhere else

    -remove farming of capital escalations. Once a wave is spawned and killed, it does not come back the next day. This reduces safe income from a fortress system, encourages spreading out for pve into several systems in the chain where people are more vulnerable or even splitting up and forming several new, smaller entities.

    -remove the Venture. Ok that's not going to happen, so make it unusable in all high-value gas sites. Make all the sites have electric clouds that alphastrike Ventures but can be tanked by battlecruisers or exhumers (clouds instead of sleepers because clouds cannot be cleared). Force people to risk something valuable again if they want to farm the best sites


    Fillet O'Soul
    Team Hemi
    #8 - 2013-08-08 20:27:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Fillet O'Soul
    C1 mass limits. Either lower the total mass by half, or increase the maximum size ship to 40k m3. The increase to size would allow for a covetor or a hulk to pass through but still not a battleship. You can get a covetor or hulk in now, just put in and itty and bring the itty in. However once in you can't get it out. Having a C2 with a static C1, easier to just wait a day to see what the next static brings you.

    Really would love to see more wormholes. Finding even unoccupied C4's these days are rare let alone the lower class ones. C5 and C6, meh, they created their own problems. Not everyone has armies of cap ships, but get bullied out within a month or two of trying to set up.

    Repackaging ships, modules along those line. Weren't we supposed to get this?

    Still don't have changing subsystems on t3.

    Just would love a way to refresh things, maybe a command or something you can type into chat that causes you to refresh everything like a system change or where you have to log off and back in. This like your asset windows aren't refreshing and so on.

    Oh and one feature might be nice and a helpful one.

    Roaming sleepers, not frequent, rare and random about like once a month. Let them POS bash. Not severe enough a decent POS setup can't fend them off with ease. I mean supposed your on a holiday and everyone is drunk and hungover and your POS gets bashed by sleepers when drunk, that would be bad. However this provides Good practice for POS gunners if they want, you can just let the POS defend itself if you want. However if they are attacking a dead stick let them blow it up. Helps get rid of dead sticks. Provides a little extra content, little fun. A undefended small POS in a C4 for a farmer with no defenses is subject to being toasted .
    Cosmic Scanner
    Overload This
    #9 - 2013-08-08 20:29:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Cosmic Scanner
    * Its too quiet out here! - Give each wh dual statics, more opportunities.
    * Fix C4 Space - Allow roaming K-Space wh's to spawn.
    * Same old static wh's - Have many many more roaming / wondering wormholes appear.
    * Deep Space Probes removed - Give us the option of 128au on combats Smile
    * Dont Nerf T3's too much

    *Big One
    Static Wormholes do not connect to the k162 side until warped to, keeping farmers fairly isolated and "safe" during site running. Make wormholes always automatically connect without anyone needing to scan and initiate warp to the static Smile

    Cosmic Scanner / muu lufragga

    Axloth Okiah
    Sebiestor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #10 - 2013-08-08 21:03:59 UTC
    C4s need love. They are too barren and isolated - give them extra static.
    Black Holes need love. They arent good for anything - give them extra static.
    Chris Winter
    Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
    The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
    #11 - 2013-08-08 21:15:55 UTC
    Cosmic Scanner*Big One
    Static Wormholes do not connect to the k162 side until warped to, keeping farmers fairly isolated and "safe" during site running. Make wormholes always automatically connect without anyone needing to scan and initiate warp to the static [:) wrote:

    Congratulations, you just single-handedly killed solo and small group PvE in wormholes.

    Terrible idea.
    M1k3y Koontz
    Speaker for the Dead
    Stay Feral
    #12 - 2013-08-08 21:54:20 UTC  |  Edited by: M1k3y Koontz
    Black holes need love, I'll comment on the thread for that.

    C4s need something to make them more viable, not many people live there, and the people that do usually live there for the sole purpose of carebearing.

    Let us swap subsystems at POSs! Its not modular POSs, but it would be a major improvement.

    Trying to think of other grievances, but my main thing is REFITTING SUBS!!!

    Oh, the C5 superhighway. I don't have a C5 static, but the C5 superhighway is annoying as hell when looking for a K-space or pew, since finding an occupied C5 with occupants willing and able to fight in any of the ~600 C5s is like trying to find a needle in a pile of needles.

    And let us repackage ships in SMAs. There's random ships in my corp's SMA that I can't get rid of because I can't fly them, and they don't fit in my hauler. [/EVE-causes-OCD]

    Alliance bookmarks would be handy, no more "do we have a highsec?" followed by a search for bookmarks.

    How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

    Jack Miton
    School of Applied Knowledge
    Caldari State
    #13 - 2013-08-08 22:34:10 UTC
    Tell you what.
    Get CCP to let us save custom probe formations and I'll never complain the stupid new probing system again.

    Refitting subs at POS also.

    In all seriousness though, I'd take no changes to WHs every over most of the suggestions being posted here...

    There is no Bob.

    Stuck In Here With Me:

    Down the Pipe:

    Bloody Wench
    #14 - 2013-08-08 22:39:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Bloody Wench
    Have all sites despawn 7 days after spawning, regardless if they have been warped to or not.
    Will reduce the 'jackpot' systems but provide more, steady spawns across the board, especially in less frequented classes (C4)

    Some form of escalations for lower class WH (1-4)
    EG kill X anoms in a hole in Y (time) and have a site spawn from a class 1 higher than usual.
    Like kill 5 C3 noms in an hour and have 1 from a C4 spawn. Kill 5 C4 noms and a have a C5 spawn etc etc

    Could also do a global variant of this for C5-6.

    Remove the farm-ability from Cap escalations.

    Don't **** with C4 statics. I'm too good for C1-3 and don't have enough friends/accounts for C5-6

    [u]**Shepard Wong Ogeko wrote: **[/u]  CCP should not only make local delayed in highsec, but they should also require one be undocked to use it. Then, even the local spammers have some skin in the game. Support a High Resolution Texture Pack

    M1k3y Koontz
    Speaker for the Dead
    Stay Feral
    #15 - 2013-08-08 22:40:53 UTC
    HerrBert wrote:

    - dreadnaughts clearing core sides in a quarter of a siege cycle...(maybe add Sleeper Battleship escalations)

    Anyone using a dread to clear a Ladar ought to lose their dread, in 5 minutes you can use 4 Tengus to clear it, or you can sit there in siege hoping nobody rolls into your hole and blaps you while you wait.

    We always use Tengus, so I don't know who in their right mind is using Dreads for LADARS...

    How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

    Vassal Zeren
    University of Caille
    Gallente Federation
    #16 - 2013-08-08 22:45:02 UTC
    1) Graphics overhaul! The Sleeper npcs artifacts and most importantly the nebula! They all looked damn good for 2009 but for 2013 they seem to be sub par to the rest of eve.

    2) Sleepers should pod kill. Sleepers should have better AI. Sleepers should even do some form of ewar besides neuting. Sleepers should attack POS's sleepers should camp wormholes, sleepers should span on you when you stay too long in a safe. Sleepers should see through your cloak. In short, sleepers should be way scarier than they are now.

    3) More loot options. Some of the bore of wh space after a while comes from the steady income: you always know the blue books and the ribbons are the only other good things but they are just random. We need some sort of jackpot spawn like a faction officer or deadpace spawn. Maybe they could be the kinds of ships attacking poses and such. Or maybe still you would find them in new kinds of wormhole space. Which leads me to my next point.

    4) More wormholes. We need stuff that really isn't so predictable as you got to static mapper and your good. Whs that have effects that change from time to time, wormholes that dont allow you to anchor bubbles or pos's (brawl fest) wormholes that don't allow for dscan. Something else is that the Class wh system makes everything a little too clean. There's no ultra rare site that can spawn you get the same four sites each time. What about wh missions that you find in rare sites. they are expeditions to DIFFERENT whs. takes a while to finish but hey its interesting. Whs with no statics.

    I want the unknown back. Really scary, really deapspace.

    Oh and overhaul the Dscan, please.

    A bad analogy is like a leaky screwdriver.

    Mr Kidd
    Center for Advanced Studies
    Gallente Federation
    #17 - 2013-08-08 23:30:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Kidd
    W-space needs more tech from sleeper drops. There's a whole lot of worthless stuff I've been saving for years and it's still not worth my effort to put on the about we get to produce things from know....thing people want. How about more ships built from sleeper loot, more mods, implants, more stuff?

    And how about we get WiS in w-space. It would work like this: You go back to POS and you enter WiS. Immediately you're ejected out of your pod and into the vacuum of space.....oh the tears!

    And ice cream.......with whipped cream and a cherry on top.....with little bits of peanuts and those multi-colored topping things and hot fudge.

    Don't ban me, bro!

    M1k3y Koontz
    Speaker for the Dead
    Stay Feral
    #18 - 2013-08-08 23:36:45 UTC  |  Edited by: M1k3y Koontz
    Vassal Zeren wrote:

    2) Sleepers should pod kill. Sleepers should have better AI. Sleepers should even do some form of ewar besides neuting. Sleepers should attack POS's sleepers should camp wormholes, sleepers should span on you when you stay too long in a safe. Sleepers should see through your cloak. In short, sleepers should be way scarier than they are now.

    Oh and overhaul the Dscan, please.

    Just don't give sleepers damps/ECM. They're annoying enough in PVP, don't make me deal with them in PVE! Sad

    Dscan overhaul is something I fullly support Big smile

    *Minor edit, F**k ECM*

    Bringing back the unknown would be cool.

    How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

    Soon Shin
    Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
    #19 - 2013-08-08 23:39:08 UTC
    1. Better Wormhole space nebula environment.

    I'm personally getting tired of seeing the same pitch black space with some small color variations from mass effect 3's ending selections.

    2. More roaming statics that open up wormholes to each other with unrelated statics.

    3. Make Black Holes suck less.
    Trinkets friend
    Sudden Buggery
    Sending Thots And Players
    #20 - 2013-08-08 23:40:35 UTC
    Problem: C4s
    Solutions: C4's should have dual statics.
    One up, one down; C2/C5 pairs or C1/C6 or C4/C3. This would put that class of wormhole firmly in the middle of the pack as the crossroad systems of w-space, and provide better logistical opportunities for C4 residents without really impairing their security (assuming they don't spawn both statics). It would promote them as the go-to PVP systems for people who want to roll two statics looking for le peu.

    Solution: C4's to get K-space connections.
    Restrict these to nullsec statics. Remove direct hisec statics to C5's as a compensation. I mean, how come the more isolated wormhole systems get direct frighter runs to Jita on a regular basis but C4's don't even get to nullsec? Really?

    Problem: Blackholes
    Blackholes are only a problem, in my opinion, for C5 and especially C6 space, where the bonuses and penalties come together to turn everything into a giant pile of donkey poo. There's a lot of people who claim they are useless but this isn't true; you do have to adjust your tactics and fits somewhat.

    The latest nerf to tracking enhancers hasn't helped this. You really are starting to look at TC's in the mids, so BH combat is armour tank, AB, TC, webs and damps.

    Problem: Red giants
    I think the Red Giant is a system class with more issues than the black hole. Obviously by C6 you get to crazy times with sleeper farming, but at the lower class levels RG systems don't provide enough of a bonus to smartbombs to really make them a weapon of choice. Even carriers sporting officer smarties don't get a big enough bonus to make them useful.

    The heat and overload effects are so rarely used it doesn't really qualify as an effect. 99.9% of your life in red giants you will be not using smartbombs and overheating, so it's hardly worthwhile maintaining the heating bonus and damage penalty.

    This should be replaced with active rep duration bonus and a cap use penalty, which would produce a very....interesting....environment for burst tanking, capacitor warfare. Triage reps without capacitor warfare would be...somewhat ridiculous at higher levels, or even Pantheon Archon gangs. Would need some testing. The payoff would be C1/C2 space where you'd have ridicutank Incursus fits becoming viable, and pimped booster T3's. An idea, at least.

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