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Yulai, can we have it back please?

#41 - 2013-08-04 19:34:09 UTC
Droidster wrote:
At the risk of responding to the nullsec PVP players who are just trolling in a matter that has little importance to them...

The reason why this is needed is two-fold:

- having the hub in Caldari space gives an unfair advantage to Caldari

- Jita is so busy that CCP is locking its gates during primetimes now, cutting off player's access to their goods in Jita

1) They're not locked. I've never had to wait more than a minute or two to enter.
2) You haven't lost access, there's plenty of stuff you can do to manipulate your stuff remotely.

3) Did Yulai ever have a population above 160 when it was a Hub? If so, it was proportionally larger than Jita. How would replacing Jita with a proportionally larger hub help anything?

4) What advantage does it give Caldari pilots? You're free to live in any region you please no matter what race you are.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2013-08-04 19:47:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Droidster
LOL, so says the criminal, who can't even enter high security space, and has only been playing the game for 2 years.

How is it you are flying around Jita so much with a -9.9 security status?

I love how the newbie PVP players are like "everything is fine".

Here, let me try to rephrase my post in a way a PVP player can understand: ships, modules and ammo will be cheaper if they put back Yulai the way it was before.
#43 - 2013-08-04 20:01:00 UTC  |  Edited by: RubyPorto
Droidster wrote:
LOL, so says the criminal, who can't even enter high security space, and has only been playing the game for 2 years.

How is you are flying around Jita so much with a -9.9 security status?

I love how the newbie PVP players are like "everything is fine".

Here, let me try to rephrase my post in a way a PVP player can understand: ships, modules and ammo will be cheaper if they put back Yulai the way it was before.

2010 is clearly only 2 years ago, and the amount of time I've been playing clearly makes me unable to do simple arithmetic.

...because Ruby is my only character and there's no way that trade hubs play an important role in my day-to-day operations. YepYepYep

Let me try to rephrase my question so that you can stop trying to dodge it:

Did Yulai have more than One Hundred, Seventy Five people* in it at any time? If so, why do you think Yulai would be proportionally less populous than it was in 2004?

*the current Jita population shrunk down to be the same proportion of the 2004 EVE population

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Maximus Aerelius
#44 - 2013-08-06 09:49:00 UTC
Commander Ted wrote:
The reason Jita is still a super hub is because consolidating trade in one place is so damn convenient for traders that no matter where you live in hisec Jita is the best place to sell your stuff, it will just be transported by others to the other hubs and have the prices marked up.

I think you'll find that some items on the market, and more are becoming, cheaper in places like Rens and Hek than the Jita price. Someone is trying to decentralise Jita and it's working. I do most of my "shopping" local to Minmatar space because the 24 jumps to Jita ia just too much of a PITA.

Whoever is seeding the Rens and Hek markets and balancing out the prices with or below Jita has some clout but is this a good thing? It can certainly kill trading very quickly if all the markets are balanced that's for sure.

I remember the days of the Super Highway's and I'd love to see them return if only through the spine of Highsec.
Maximus Aerelius
#45 - 2013-08-06 09:52:22 UTC
Droidster wrote:
I disagree with this. If you read my post, note that in 2004 Yulai was proportionately SMALLER than Jita is now, even though it was a more interconnected nexus. CCP never had to shut the gates to Yulai the way they are doing to Jita now on busy weekends. The regional centers (Lustrevik/Rens, Jita, Oursulaert and Amarr) were much bigger than they are now.

Restoring Yulai would lead to better regional balance and less congestion.

By smaller if you mean people in system then yes of course it was. Back then you were lucky to see 10K people online at a single time :). Now it's >45K so you can't really do a numbers comparison on Yulai circa 2003/2004 and Jita 2013.
Minny Matari
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#46 - 2013-08-06 10:33:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Minny Matari
If Yulai would become the major trade hub again it would be cool imo to have the art department create a special huge trade station with multiple exits where people get ejected from randomly when they undock so congestion is not so bad.

Maybe also make it impossible to warp to 0 AND warp from at 0 on this station and always make people warp to it for at least 50km both ways so they will always have to slowboat a bit to get there.

Possible lore could be because as a neutral concord station special traffic rules are in place.

And they will also need to beef up the replacement for the jita server a bit more as I expect it to be even busier.

Also now that I am on a roll, make an addition to incarna and create a yulai station lounge with huge windows overlooking the various dock and undock points where one can sit, relax , drink a few cocktails and watch the mayhem outside.
Maximus Aerelius
#47 - 2013-08-06 10:45:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Maximus Aerelius
Minny Matari wrote:
If Yulai would become the major trade hub again it would be cool imo to have the art department create a special huge trade station with multiple exits where people get ejected from randomly when they undock so congestion is not so bad.

Please check out my Idea on this: Undocking - More Routes Out of Station and add some support\flame.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#48 - 2013-08-06 23:05:09 UTC
Aliventi wrote:
Droidster wrote:
Aliventi wrote:

Yulai will be a larger trade hub than Jita. Which really won't be a problem once "Brain in the Box" is done.

I disagree with this. If you read my post, note that in 2004 Yulai was proportionately SMALLER than Jita is now, even though it was a more interconnected nexus. CCP never had to shut the gates to Yulai the way they are doing to Jita now on busy weekends. The regional centers (Lustrevik/Rens, Jita, Oursulaert and Amarr) were much bigger than they are now.

Restoring Yulai would lead to better regional balance and less congestion.

Spare me if I don't put a lot of faith in how thing were in 2004 predicting how things will be in 2013.

I think he might have a point. If the travel routes are shorter and there are more of them, then moving goods out to the regional hubs would not be as burdensome. The price differentials might drop sufficiently so that people wont necessarily want to go to Yulai for small batch purchases. Bulk buyers would go, but not necessarily somebody fitting a ship.

So in relative terms he might be correct, although in absolute terms you might also be correct--i.e. lots and lots of people where improvements to the game itself might make this a non-issue.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

LowKey Ops
Shadow Cartel
#49 - 2013-08-06 23:40:50 UTC
Shereza wrote:
A "neutral hub" does not necessarily need to have any usable stations. Would Yulai be such a problem without any stations usable by players in it? For that matter what if CCP could just block market access in the entire system so that you can't buy or sell from within it?

Edit: Please note that trading and establishing or accepting contracts would also have to be blocked in the system as well to eliminate all trade-based server load that isn't explicitly related to transportation.

Exactly right. Doesn't have to have a station that you can trade in, maybe CONCORD's command center or somethin' crazy.
Cael Autumn
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#50 - 2013-08-07 03:31:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Cael Autumn
Commander Ted wrote:
we should do the exact opposite of what you suggest and make it even harder to get around hisec, because making things easier cheapens the experience.

I think we should do exactly what he says. Make Yulai what it once was.

But don't make it low sec. That would indicate some presence.

Can't be faction null either.

Have a solitary null sec system in the direct center of empire with claimable sovereignty.

EVE King of the Hill, PVP capital of the universe. He who controls Yulai, well, gets shot at a lot.

And don't just give it 4 gates, make it 6 or 7 separate connections to make it more interesting to camp.
Andrea Griffin
#51 - 2013-08-07 04:16:05 UTC
Caitlyn Tufy wrote:
Nope, multiple more local hubs are good for business. I haven't been in Jita on my main in... I don't know, two years or so? Still, I manage just fine financially.
Yup. Jita not exactly great for traders or customers either. The prices are usually on the high side, and that is separate from the ridiculous market manipulations. That, and it's crowded. Really don't have much use for Jita. The other major hubs, and the minor ones, serve me plenty well.

Besides; making it more difficult to move around offers opportunities for smaller markets in Eve. Creating the One True Central System and making it easy to access will only serve to kill off the other hubs over time.
Azn Empire
#52 - 2013-08-07 12:59:09 UTC
RubyPorto wrote:
Did Yulai have more than One Hundred, Seventy Five people* in it at any time? If so, why do you think Yulai would be proportionally less populous than it was in 2004?
I don't know for sure, as it's been quite some time since I was there. But there used to be lots of battles there, including some of the major Alliances. I'm sure it went over that figure a few times, but not on a normal day to day trade basis.

Jita, Rens, Amarr and (is it Dodixie?) were all still quite viable trade hubs back then, it's simply that Yulai was the main central hub. I can't recall anyone liking the change, but we all could see Jita was going to fill that role when it happened.

I still have a fair few BM's in Yulai. Ahh the good old days. Lol

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

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