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Which Ship would you like to see remodelled?

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Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#141 - 2013-08-02 16:45:18 UTC
I like the Crucifier. Its lore makes it a bundle of electronics and sensors with engines strapped on, and it has the barely-finished look of a scientific craft. The redesign proposed at Fanfest is lovely, except that it looks too much like an Executioner.

I'd take a clean sheet of paper to the Maller, Thorax, Dominix (maybe more like a large Vexor and less like a grossly bloated Vexor?), and Blackbird. I'd also like to see the barges and exhumers redone along the lines of the Venture. Finally, I'd like someone to redo the Orca--it's a beautiful design, but there's no way that you can squeeze a battlecruiser in there.

As far as Caldari lore goes, I think pitching the conceit that they're all boiled down to the bare minimum would go a long way. If there are multiple, large, competing corporations then they would be trying to build their own brands. Then you could stop pretending that the Raven and Scorpion designs are anything other than aesthetic, and adopt that sort of aesthetic across the ship lines.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#142 - 2013-08-02 17:04:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Erloas
I personally like the Minmatar designs, though the color scheme could use a makeover. They are very drab. It is also not like the ships are any cheaper then the other empires. Also the cost of paint compared to the cost of a ship is nothing. "They don't have the resources to paint their ships" was never a realistic bit of lore for me. Just taking the ever illogical real world, I can paint several rooms in my house for the cost of 50 rounds of ammo for my 44mag, even the cheap AK-47 ammo can pay for a can of paint in 100 rounds.

Of course ideally they would allow us to customize the color schemes of our ships. Not sure how the EVE engine would handle it, but it has been common in some games for quite a while.

I also want to point out that I don't think metals would rust in space. After all rust is the process of oxidization and there isn't a whole lot of oxygen in space to react with, if anything they would be rusty on the inside, not the outside. Then you also have to take into consideration that tritanium and pyrite (which I assume would make up the majority of the shell) would not necessarily rust to brown. After all silver and copper both rust to green (as well as their common alloys) and some metals don't really rust at all (don't think titanium or aluminum can even rust). If you look at some of the most colorful natural features on earth, with vibrant reds and greens and blues, those are often oxidizations of other mineral types.
Manfred Hideous
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#143 - 2013-08-02 17:25:20 UTC
Erufen Rito wrote:
Dafuq? No Dominix, Typhoon, Celestis? Did we forget at how disgusting the Bellicose (and variants) is? Fenrir, Obelisk are iffy too. The Aeon being so asymmetrical has always bothered the **** out of me. The Moa and Blackbird are pretty fugly too. Inquisitor, Tormentor, Bantaam, Ibis, god, the Imicus and the Vigil, Burst and Probe. The Wreathe is eh, could be better.

Hra Neuvosto wrote:
Also scale up the Carriers and Stations.

This. So much.

Stay clear of my Bellicose. That's one fiiine looking minnie ship.
Tristan Everness
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#144 - 2013-08-02 17:31:55 UTC
More industrial designs like the Venture please, that ship is beautiful.
Bud Austrene
Secure Haven
#145 - 2013-08-02 17:36:33 UTC
You would think that by now we would be advanced enough to be able to make paint.
How hard can it be?
Just throw some ferric oxide into some biofuel and have red paint.
If I can get turrets attached, and subsystems installed I should be able to have my ships custom painted.

I would paint my Loki camo.

Yes I am an alt. I see no reason to make it easy for bullies and greifers

Ariah Thorland
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#146 - 2013-08-02 17:38:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Ariah Thorland
With the remade Apoc (which now looks like an armourtank Big smile) and the likes (Mega, Pest, "the not so new scorp", Stabber, Bombers and rookieships, the Maller) pretty much all other ships now look - bland.
Like the Mach
the Spacepotatoe...
the Geddon
the Baddon
and so on and so forth.
The level of detail just feels so vastly different. If we could get an overhaul of all of them at once that'd be awesome. Estimated date: when the core code is overhauled and replaced (very SOON(tm) ).

Daisai wrote:
Rattlesnake, its just strange that all pirate battleships have their own model but the rattlesnake has a tech 1 model.
Its not bad looking the way it is right now, but a remoddeling would be nice to see.

The vindicator i dont really care that much about because i dont fly that ^^

All Pirate ships but the Rattle
and the Bhaalgorn
and the Vindi
Pirate BS with unique hulls:
Nightmares and Machariels

On that note: I'd rather fly around in an Echo then a Reaper - ugh. Actually leave the Echo untouched. And the Minmatar shuttle.
Broxus Maximas
Caldari State
#147 - 2013-08-02 17:38:58 UTC
Easy the Domi one of the worst looking ships in the game.
Epic Ganking Time
#148 - 2013-08-02 17:44:50 UTC
Broxus Maximas wrote:
Easy the Domi one of the worst looking ships in the game.

I'll try explaining my objection to a domi change in another way. So you guys who want to change it are like guys that like Bugatti's, Ferrari's and Zonda's. When someone asks you what you would do to a '32 Ford Coupe you observe it's old and want to turn it into a supercar. However, my point is that the deuce coupe is a classic, and that "old" look IS cool. If the roads were filled with Bugatti's and nothing else, they'd be less cool. Big smile

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Scorpion Ventures
#149 - 2013-08-02 18:41:33 UTC
Kara Corvinus wrote:
all combat command to have the tier 2 models.

Absolution = harbinger
EOS = myrm
Nighthawk = drake
slephnir = hurricane

I was going to say unfuck the megathron model, but this is more important.
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#150 - 2013-08-02 18:45:10 UTC
Yazzinra wrote:
I was going to say unfuck the megathron model.....

Im not sure if you have one in your area, but please seek an appointment with an opthamologist ASAP.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#151 - 2013-08-02 19:22:43 UTC

Melt it down and the slag pile will look better.
Mercedes Chance
GDC Enterprises
#152 - 2013-08-02 19:27:36 UTC
Personally I hate the ships that aren't symmetrical. Having said that there is a difference between not symmetrical and just butt-ugly, cockeyed, or plain stupid in design. Imicus, Slasher, Vigil, Burst, Crucifier, Moa, Bellicose, Drake (that would be so much more appealing if its was symmetrical). I am not going to address ships I haven't flown or looked at flying.
Maximus Andendare
Rote Kapelle
#153 - 2013-08-02 20:46:14 UTC
Imicus, Atron, Tristan, Navitas, Celestis (!!!! FFS!), Griffin (!), Bantam, Moa, Crucifier, Burst, Bellicose, Dominix. In no particular order, but the Celestis is in DIRE NEED.

It'd be great to see an art post saying "In 1.1 we have these ships being remodelled."

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Maximus Andendare
Rote Kapelle
#154 - 2013-08-02 20:48:51 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Yazzinra wrote:
I was going to say unfuck the megathron model.....

Im not sure if you have one in your area, but please seek an appointment with an opthamologist ASAP.
Only thing about the Mega I don't like is the lights point down the slope of the front scoops. I wish they pointed forward, and the Mega would be damn-near perfect.

Also, CCP BunnyVirus, where are those drone forcefields for the drone ships we were promised? (Dragoon, Arbitrator, Thorax etc. don't have them, when they clearly have holes for the drone bays. Also, can we get some visible drone bays on the drone ships (Vexor, Ishtar, Tristan, Dominix)?)

Enter grid and you're already dead, destined to be reborn and fight another day.

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The Scope
Gallente Federation
#155 - 2013-08-02 21:07:54 UTC
PLEASE the caracal, it's the only ship that feels like a frigate while it looks like some type of fighter and is designated as a cruiser. If i were a real pilot i would be ashamed to fly and call it a cruiser, it just doesn't have that "awesome/grandeur" factor.Cruisers are quite big ships, and they should feel powerful not wimpy Big smile
Grog Barrel
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#156 - 2013-08-02 21:47:38 UTC
sXyphos wrote:
PLEASE the caracal, it's the only ship that feels like a frigate while it looks like some type of fighter and is designated as a cruiser. If i were a real pilot i would be ashamed to fly and call it a cruiser, it just doesn't have that "awesome/grandeur" factor.Cruisers are quite big ships, and they should feel powerful not wimpy Big smile

carcal looks shieeety indeed and needs a whole new design in my opinion.

I'd be also a fan of improving t1 battleships, not a complete overhaul but maybe few details here and there (priority on dominix and typhoon)
The bhaalgorn also needs a new model with some winmatar influence on its design. Same goes for gurista ships.
Harland White
Adventurer's Guild
#157 - 2013-08-02 22:14:30 UTC
I don't have a preference about remodeling, but many of the Gallente ships need sharper textures. The Hyperion, for example. The lights and windows on that ship are very blurry even from normal view distances. It's just an example...many of the Gallente ships are the same.

By their fruit you will recognize them.

Mike Whiite
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#158 - 2013-08-02 23:17:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Mike Whiite
Aurick Steel wrote:
Symmetry is over-rated in space ship design. There is no need for any specific shape, due to the fact that there is no need to generate lift, and nothing to create drag..

Not realy, although what you say concerning physics is correct, the most important reason to make something symetric, is cost/budget.

Symetric design is cheaper. Design, production and assembly will go faster, in larger batches ect ect, which will enlarge the return on investment.

That is, in the end, the reason why most real life designs are symetric, the only time you see asymetric designs is when they serve a specific purpose (stearing wheel in a car) or when it's art.
#159 - 2013-08-02 23:19:15 UTC
Leave the raven alone! It is one of the most iconic, recognized ships in EVE.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#160 - 2013-08-02 23:22:20 UTC
The blackbird is the obvious choice here - it's fine to have asymmetry as part of the hull design but the blackbird is one half spaceship and one half plumbing.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.