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POS trash removal - let's hack 'em!

Eloria Thuk
#1 - 2013-07-29 21:11:45 UTC
Hi all,

recently I took a little flight through Yarebap and wondered about sooooo many moons being blocked by anchored pos'es that were anchored and offline and seemed to be left behind years and years ago.. First I got a little angry about all the wasted space near those shiny moons but the other moment my swabian (ger.: "Schwaben", something like the scots, but the scottish are way more generous than us Roll ) heart felt sad about all the ISKies floating around in space being worth nothing..

So here's my idea:

With Hacking 5, a data analyzer II and a covert ops (or perhaps a special "uberl33t pos hacking ship".. ooooor we could finally get the Echelon a meaningful role.. err... whatever.. ) you could hack an anchored, but offline pos with a hacking game similar to the relic or data sites, but way more difficult (perhaps only beeing succesfull with additional hardwirings or whatever). If you are succesful you can unanchor the pos and it's yours, if you're not the pos blocks a new hacking attempt for let's say 14-30 days.. (otherwise I fear a "pos-hacking-lemming-train-with-freighters-as-hauler-support" will be grinding through the eve universe.. Twisted ). Sure, online pos'es are protected by their forcefield, they cannot be hacked.

Don't we all have to fight space trash floating around? Let's think green! Let me know what you think Question
Arthur Aihaken
#2 - 2013-07-30 00:49:07 UTC
Instead of waiting 14-30 days, how about it just blows up if the hacking attempt fails? ;)

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Eric Raeder
No Fee Too High
#3 - 2013-07-30 04:09:15 UTC
I'm all for removing space trash control towers. The hacking suggestion is interesting, but would probably result in offline control towers being stolen in a matter of hours, which may not be desirable. I'd just as soon see offline towers gradually deteriorate and die, taking say 5% hull damage every downtime until either the owner repairs them or they run out of hull and pop. I don't have a problem with offline towers lasting days or weeks, its the fact that they last FOREVER with no action necessary by the owner that is annoying. However, I do feel owners should have some hope of recovering if they run out of fuel accidentally, which in my experience at least 50% of newby POS owners manage to do before they really get organized.

The problem of undying control towers is clear, and solutions aren't particularly hard to figure out in terms of game mechanics, but don't expect CCP to actually do anything about it. The trouble with changing anything to do with POSes is the whole system is tied up in a mess of obsolete code that CCP hates to even think about, much less alter. CCP has stated that they want to scrap the whole system in favor of their concept of modular starbases, with a whole new code base. But they aren't saying when that is going to happen ... I'd be surprised at anything less than a couple of years. CCP clearly prefers to make as few changes to existing POS mechanics as they can get away with pending the rewrite.
Universalis Imperium
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2013-07-30 12:33:02 UTC
Personally, I'd rather see their Anchoring Routines deteriorate over a 30 day period of being that after 30 days, it is unanchored and left sitting there.
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#5 - 2013-07-30 14:56:20 UTC
Laendra wrote:
Personally, I'd rather see their Anchoring Routines deteriorate over a 30 day period of being that after 30 days, it is unanchored and left sitting there.

How about a compromise with the OP?

30 day deterioration after going offline in which the owner is mailed every hour (can't complain about not knowing then) and after that the tower enters a new state between offline and unanchored called something like "hackable" in which someone with a hacking module and good skills can potentially unanchor the structure.

When introduced, every anchored and offline POS in the game gets a random timer from 15 days to 45 days (so you don't get everyone waiting for 30 days and going mental as every offline pos in the game becomes fair game simultaneously).

The timers aren't visible. The POS is just in either an offline, hackable or unanchored state. That way, people can't just go round, list up which POS comes out when and then goes and picks them off. They have to keep looking.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#6 - 2013-07-30 15:35:36 UTC

This idea has been posted many times before... Please do a forum search and pull in the good thoughts from other threads!

Now, my 0.02 isk worth:

A.) Hacking a POS should be an illegal form of aggression. Simply put, if you hack a POS in empire, you lose sec status and get concorded. If you want to hack that POS without concord intervention, wardec the owning corp first!
  • This serves to give the "owners" a warning period prior to having their POS hacked. You may not like that, but it is reasonable fair!
  • In lowsec, this means you gain a suspect timer, and take a sec hit unless you wardec first.
  • In Nullsec & W-space, this means you can do it anytime...
  • The owners of the POS should receive notification that someone is "hacking" their POS... just as if it was being shot!

  • B.) "Hacking" the POS does not necessarily need to be limited to the hacking minigame. While they use the same "term", that doesn't mean they should use the same mechanics. I would suggest you need a new skill(s) with appropriate pre-reqs. Personally, I think Starbase Defense Management should absolutely be a prereq (i.e. a skill that isn't so ubiquitous and quickly trained up), and then maybe Hacking 4/5, Salvaging 4/5, and maybe even racial encryption Skills for race-specific POS hacker modules.

    C.) Hacking a POS should be slow, and leave you in some form of danger. This could simply mean it takes 10-20 minutes to "complete" the hacking process, where you are decloaked next to the POS the whole time. This could mean you take damage to your ship while hacking.... enough damage to generally mean make using a ship smaller than a battlecruiser awkward (alternatively, the hack module could simply have steep fitting requirements) .

    Essentially, hacking another person's POS means you put yourself at risk. None of the risks I suggested are "major" risks, but reasonable risks.
    Rune Scorpio
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #7 - 2013-07-30 16:18:16 UTC
    An offline tower should have no shield, or a shield that deteriorates at a rate comparable to standard regen. Would allow people to solo dead towers.
    Gizznitt Malikite
    Agony Unleashed
    Agony Empire
    #8 - 2013-07-30 16:44:32 UTC
    Rune Scorpio wrote:
    An offline tower should have no shield, or a shield that deteriorates at a rate comparable to standard regen. Would allow people to solo dead towers.

    No, it wouldn't...

    1.) Reducing shield HP helps, but a control tower has an enormous amount of Armor and Structure. For example, the Large, Medium, and Small Gallente control towers have 8m, 4m, and 2m armor, and 10m, 5m, and 2.5m structure EHP. A solo Dreadnaught (lol) puts out about 10k dps, and would take 30 minutes to kill the large, 15m to kill the medium, and 7.5 minutes to kill the small. Your gankfit BS/Tier 3 BC (1.5k dps) would take 6.5x as long!

    2.) Why would you bother? If you are bored in a Supercarrier, and local is friendly, perhaps. But otherwise you're looking at spending and hour and a half+ to kill a small tower, and 6+ hours to kill a large tower. Granted, you can bring 10 people and speed up the process, but why bother? It's a ton of time to spend to gain what: A tower killmail? People generally won't bother removing the tower, because it isn't worth their time!
    Rune Scorpio
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #9 - 2013-07-31 16:21:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Rune Scorpio
    Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
    Rune Scorpio wrote:
    An offline tower should have no shield, or a shield that deteriorates at a rate comparable to standard regen. Would allow people to solo dead towers.

    No, it wouldn't...

    1.) Reducing shield HP helps, but a control tower has an enormous amount of Armor and Structure. For example, the Large, Medium, and Small Gallente control towers have 8m, 4m, and 2m armor, and 10m, 5m, and 2.5m structure EHP. A solo Dreadnaught (lol) puts out about 10k dps, and would take 30 minutes to kill the large, 15m to kill the medium, and 7.5 minutes to kill the small. Your gankfit BS/Tier 3 BC (1.5k dps) would take 6.5x as long!

    2.) Why would you bother? If you are bored in a Supercarrier, and local is friendly, perhaps. But otherwise you're looking at spending and hour and a half+ to kill a small tower, and 6+ hours to kill a large tower. Granted, you can bring 10 people and speed up the process, but why bother? It's a ton of time to spend to gain what: A tower killmail? People generally won't bother removing the tower, because it isn't worth their time!

    Alot of the time yes it is worth the time. Sometimes its just plain boredom. Ive solo bashed a number of smalls over the years to poke the nest or to free a moon. Usually hate myself afterwards though.
    Armor and structure don't regenerate. Come back every now and again and plink away.
    Problem with hacking is that people will highjack towers that run out of fuel and steal the modules or try to force people anchoring towers away and steal them. Too many problems from a logistical prospective to find hacking better than an offline tower losing its magical shield. A freshly offlined tower being shot gives people a chance to respond in resonable time to fix it. Hacking would mean if it goes down its gone because someone will lift it instantly.
    Gizznitt Malikite
    Agony Unleashed
    Agony Empire
    #10 - 2013-07-31 16:49:59 UTC
    Rune Scorpio wrote:
    Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
    Rune Scorpio wrote:
    An offline tower should have no shield, or a shield that deteriorates at a rate comparable to standard regen. Would allow people to solo dead towers.

    No, it wouldn't...

    1.) Reducing shield HP helps, but a control tower has an enormous amount of Armor and Structure. For example, the Large, Medium, and Small Gallente control towers have 8m, 4m, and 2m armor, and 10m, 5m, and 2.5m structure EHP. A solo Dreadnaught (lol) puts out about 10k dps, and would take 30 minutes to kill the large, 15m to kill the medium, and 7.5 minutes to kill the small. Your gankfit BS/Tier 3 BC (1.5k dps) would take 6.5x as long!

    2.) Why would you bother? If you are bored in a Supercarrier, and local is friendly, perhaps. But otherwise you're looking at spending and hour and a half+ to kill a small tower, and 6+ hours to kill a large tower. Granted, you can bring 10 people and speed up the process, but why bother? It's a ton of time to spend to gain what: A tower killmail? People generally won't bother removing the tower, because it isn't worth their time!

    Alot of the time yes it is worth the time. Sometimes its just plain boredom. Ive solo bashed a number of smalls over the years to poke the nest or to free a moon. Usually hate myself afterwards though.
    Armor and structure don't regenerate. Come back every now and again and plink away.
    Problem with hacking is that people will highjack towers that run out of fuel and steal the modules or try to force people anchoring towers away and steal them. Too many problems from a logistical prospective to find hacking better than an offline tower losing its magical shield. A freshly offlined tower being shot gives people a chance to respond in reasonable time to fix it. Hacking would mean if it goes down its gone because someone will lift it instantly.

    "I usually hate myself afterwards though" is exactly the problem. Shooting a tower is a very low-reward, boring thing. I've shot plenty of structures in my time, and frankly very few people will actually bother. Furthermore, this will do absolutely NOTHING to remedy the enormous amount of POS trash floating around highsec! I used to be in the "just remove their shields" camp, but am now firmly in the "that's not enough camp" because it really doesn't improve anything. So, you now have 10m instead of 50m EHP to shoot to get that low to no reward! Nobody is going to start shooting POS towers because of this change!

    As for the "problem of people" hijacking towers... Why is that a problem? That's an amazing opportunity for more PvP!!! As long as the "hack attempt" was reasonably timed (say 10 minutes), and can only be done on an anchored POS, everything works out quite well.
    A small pos takes 7.5 minutes to Online, and you can online it while cloaked (as long as you put fuel in the bay when you deploy it!). If you are on the ball, it is not possible for this to be stolen from you.
    A medium POS takes 15 & and a large takes 30 minutes to Online.... meaning you need to protect it a bit while its going up. In general, this is just opens up the door for PvP.

    Furthermore, it gives people a reason to wardec corps that have tons of offline POSes floating around highsec. It gives people a reason to fuel their POS's (cause anchored is not completely secure).

    I operate a few POS myself for mining & S&I, and I understand your concern that RL takes us away, and a POS goes offline. The result is you potentially losing everything at the POS, and that would be a big hit. I also come at it from the other side, where I travel around nullsec in a frig and keep an eye out for offline poses, and when I find some with engage-able mods I like to destroying them (hardeners, labs, Assembly Arrays, CHA, SMA's, etc..).

    Perhaps there is a nice compromise: If there is stront in the stront bay when you hack the POS, the POS goes into RF mode. At the end of RF mode, all the stront is used up, and the POS can be hacked again. This would generate a "warning mail" to everyone with appropriate roles, and give you time to respond.
    Sergeant Acht Scultz
    School of Applied Knowledge
    Caldari State
    #11 - 2013-07-31 18:52:51 UTC
    Maybe it's just a contender trying to make your life harder and force you to move a couple systems away.

    Maybe it's just a POS left there and no one cares about

    Maybe you should just wardec the corp bring some friends and get the crap out of it.

    Problem solved.

    removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

    Gizznitt Malikite
    Agony Unleashed
    Agony Empire
    #12 - 2013-07-31 19:49:13 UTC
    Sergeant Acht Scultz wrote:
    a.) Maybe it's just a contender trying to make your life harder and force you to move a couple systems away.

    b.) Maybe it's just a POS left there and no one cares about

    c.) Maybe you should just wardec the corp bring some friends and get the crap out of it.

    Problem solved.

    Creating a mechanic to claim offline POS's would:

    a.) not prevent the contender from messing with the planets in a system... they would simply need to fuel or stront the POS if they think they are going to be attacked.

    b.) give people a reason to take down that abandoned pos.

    c.) still encourage wardeccing the POS corp so you could bring some friends and claim it.

    None of your "bullet points" is a reason to dis-allow a properly implemented POS hacking mechanic, and you do nothing to address the fact players have NO REASON to simply attack and remove an abandoned pos, which this helps provide!