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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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2 People (100m & 11m sp USTZ) looking for Incursion/FW/Lowsec/WH Fun (Sov grind null need not ap

Rokh Stah
Pyke Syndicate
Solyaris Chtonium
#1 - 2013-07-29 01:34:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Rokh Stah
Good day space pilots,

Myself (100m SP) and my newly initiated partner in crime (11m SP) are looking for new options as we don't want to deal with Sovereignty, drama and political grinding. We are both USTZ, central time.

A list of what both have experienced so far:

  • Sov. Grinding. (POS shooting, SBU grinding, (timers, timers and more timers)
  • Small / Medium / Large Gang warfare
  • Hot drops (Mostly covert, I fly BOPs and she flies bombers)
  • Lowsec and nullsec roams / War decs
  • Wormhole douche-baggery
  • Suicidal tenancies (It's okay, we're both clinically sound people)
  • Sniper fleets (up to BS)
  • Close combat brawler fleets

Obviously I've experienced a lot more than her, played the game for quite some time (Stacking prop mods anyone?). I have carrier skills but prefer not to train for dreads. I also have small/medium gang FC experience as well.

A little bit about us

  • We are both 26 Years old
  • NA Central Time
  • Both working
  • Mostly night people

We are fairly confident that we are both competent people, we've flown with many great FCs and worked well with our previous leadership. The reason why we left our previous corporation is due to the fact that things were winding down on the corporate level and we are looking for new things that are not sovereignty related.

We are looking for:

  • Lowsec / WH space and 0.0 roams.
  • Not a SOV grinding / holding / renting alliance/corp
  • ACTIVE membership
  • Faction warfare is OK, as long as its Minmatar/Gallente
  • A 'flexible' ship doctrine mentality, where the best ship to use is the one you can fly the best with the best weapons you can use
  • COVERT HOT DROPS, for the love of god please do these
  • A means of refilling the wallet after a days work of popping/losing ships
  • Chill, relaxed people with senses of humor and 'RL comes first' mentality

If you're out there, please reply here or send me an eve mail! We're both flexible but we're looking for something along the lines of whats been outline up top.


Forgot to mention, I have two more friends that follow me around like lemmings, if they're interested they might join as well (45ish m SP and 8ish m SP).
Rokh Stah
Pyke Syndicate
Solyaris Chtonium
#2 - 2013-07-30 05:00:30 UTC
Bump and bubble
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#3 - 2013-07-30 05:55:04 UTC
Sorry About Your Face
Catastrophic Uprising Alliance
0.0 PVP Alliance Covering Most Time Zones

Public Channel: SAYF PUBLIC

- NPC 0.0
- VERY Active US TZ
- Multiple PVP Fleets Daily
- Fun Atmosphere w/ Competent Pilots
- Alliance TS3 (Comms)
- Alliance Forums
- Alliance Website

Sorry About Your Face is a very active PVP corp in the Catastrophic Uprising Alliance. We are a group of players that enjoy PVP and being more than just a number. PVP is our main focus and we do it daily several hours a day. We are proud to be the top corp in alliance for kills and efficiency.

Very simply put, we love EvE. What we love about EvE, is PVP. We understand EvE is a game and that life comes first. We don't PVP 24/7 and don't expect you to either. We do however play consistently and are proud to be good at what we do and have fun doing it. If this interests you and you would like more information, get in touch with one of our recruiters or join our public channel.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2013-07-30 06:10:24 UTC
Inevitability wrote:
Sorry About Your Face
Catastrophic Uprising Alliance
0.0 PVP Alliance Covering Most Time Zones

Public Channel: SAYF PUBLIC

- NPC 0.0
- VERY Active US TZ
- Multiple PVP Fleets Daily
- Fun Atmosphere w/ Competent Pilots
- Alliance TS3 (Comms)
- Alliance Forums
- Alliance Website

Sorry About Your Face is a very active PVP corp in the Catastrophic Uprising Alliance. We are a group of players that enjoy PVP and being more than just a number. PVP is our main focus and we do it daily several hours a day. We are proud to be the top corp in alliance for kills and efficiency.

Very simply put, we love EvE. What we love about EvE, is PVP. We understand EvE is a game and that life comes first. We don't PVP 24/7 and don't expect you to either. We do however play consistently and are proud to be good at what we do and have fun doing it. If this interests you and you would like more information, get in touch with one of our recruiters or join our public channel.

Would recommend these dudes.
Rokh Stah
Pyke Syndicate
Solyaris Chtonium
#5 - 2013-07-31 01:55:34 UTC
Looking for more options, thanks for the info :)

Daily bump
Tek Stalker
Rapid Withdrawal
Pen Is Out
#6 - 2013-07-31 04:38:55 UTC
Rapid Withdrawal is a corporation built for veteran players by veteran players. We are looking for mature drama free members. The corporation is based on the word cooperation. If you have been a member of a mega dictator corporation and didn't care for it give us a try. We are looking to build a corporation from the ground up that provides a good gaming atmosphere. A place we can set goals and achieve them together.

Right now we are focused on Faction Warfare, and Missions. Once we build a solid foundation. We will branch out into other aspects of the game.

If you’re a new player! Please don’t read this and think about not applying. We will be accepting new players to the game in limited numbers. We are looking for players that are switched on and able to learn the game at a rapid pace. We look forward to hearing from you!

Tek Stalker
Rapid Withdrawal
We Specialize In Pulling Out
Cretus Incendium
Electus Matari
#7 - 2013-07-31 16:24:02 UTC
[10K] is the Executor corp of Shinjiketo. Based on what's presented in your OP, I think all four of you would be a great addition to the corporation and alliance, and also that if your three mates present/communicate as effectively as you do you'd all fit right in.

We're living in Solitude in a (mostly) stable constellation with a good number of Clone Transport spawns and lots of lucrative combat sites/data sites via exploration, as well as nearby L4 agents for Fed Navy. We've actually been kicking about the idea of aligning the alliance with GalMil as a means of giving our rookies a less intimidating entry to PvP than the lowsec/nullsec/wh roams our vets enjoy.

10K is quite active, as are NBN and 33RD and span several timezones, though we are primarily USTZ at the moment (our EU recruitment director Roime is trying to change that).

We've got two basic doctrines that we're trying to herd our cats towards - your straightforward nano/shield buffer and the heavily plated alternative, but when it's simply a matter of "Hey guys, random dudes needing shot in Vevelone", you undock whatever you want and we try to #MakeItHappen.

I recently lost a Loki when an Archon undocked as I battled a Prophecy, Fleet Stabber and something else. My response on local was "lol" upon seeing the carrier, so that should attest to my sense of humor. The rest of my alliance mates are pretty much the same, with the exception of our rookies who watch me welp a Vigilant into a larger, stronger gang and don't get how I can be so blase about it - but they'll get it soon enough :D

I've never had a BLOPs pilot in corp, so I've never bothered training Cyno to V... I do, however, have Recons at V and for you and the sheer hilarity of it, I could see training Cyno V and doing some cat herding to get the other cloaky pilots in the alliance to do so as well (in fact, one of my corpies may in fact have it already).

Give a look at the recruitment thread on our forum and see if the added bit of spice our RP angle brings to our play is something that might interest you and your friends. You can register and post there or contact me ingame.

Fly wild, hope to hear from you soon!

Strike us like matches, 'cause everyone deserves the flames.

OOC Forums @ Backstage

Maximus Decimal
#8 - 2013-07-31 18:05:34 UTC
Check out our website mate, we pretty much offer everything you are interested in, and much much more.

DeT Resprox
#9 - 2013-08-01 11:47:21 UTC
Rokh Stah wrote:
Good day space pilots,

Myself (100m SP) and my newly initiated partner in crime (11m SP) are looking for new options as we don't want to deal with Sovereignty, drama and political grinding. We are both USTZ, central time.

A list of what both have experienced so far:

  • Sov. Grinding. (POS shooting, SBU grinding, (timers, timers and more timers)
  • Small / Medium / Large Gang warfare
  • Hot drops (Mostly covert, I fly BOPs and she flies bombers)
  • Lowsec and nullsec roams / War decs
  • Wormhole douche-baggery
  • Suicidal tenancies (It's okay, we're both clinically sound people)
  • Sniper fleets (up to BS)
  • Close combat brawler fleets

Obviously I've experienced a lot more than her, played the game for quite some time (Stacking prop mods anyone?). I have carrier skills but prefer not to train for dreads. I also have small/medium gang FC experience as well.

A little bit about us

  • We are both 26 Years old
  • NA Central Time
  • Both working
  • Mostly night people

We are fairly confident that we are both competent people, we've flown with many great FCs and worked well with our previous leadership. The reason why we left our previous corporation is due to the fact that things were winding down on the corporate level and we are looking for new things that are not sovereignty related.

We are looking for:

  • Lowsec / WH space and 0.0 roams.
  • Not a SOV grinding / holding / renting alliance/corp
  • ACTIVE membership
  • Faction warfare is OK, as long as its Minmatar/Gallente
  • A 'flexible' ship doctrine mentality, where the best ship to use is the one you can fly the best with the best weapons you can use
  • COVERT HOT DROPS, for the love of god please do these
  • A means of refilling the wallet after a days work of popping/losing ships
  • Chill, relaxed people with senses of humor and 'RL comes first' mentality

If you're out there, please reply here or send me an eve mail! We're both flexible but we're looking for something along the lines of whats been outline up top.


Forgot to mention, I have two more friends that follow me around like lemmings, if they're interested they might join as well (45ish m SP and 8ish m SP).

Hey Rokh - Please see our full recruitment post details at

We are a top Minmatar FW corp operating out of lowsec. If you take a look at you'll see we are running near the top in kills for the Minmatar faction :)

We also have the only player-run Agency system in EvE which is has been covered by ISD/CCP and in EON magazine, all details of which can be found in our recruitment link above Big smile

We are primariliy a bunch of UK/EU pilots with several USTZ members all in our 30-somethings out for a good laugh and pvp goodness Blink

For further information, join our ingame channel TRIAD AGENCY

Some key points about T.R.I.A.D
Arrow Top 1000 PVP Corp - See BattleClinic
Arrow Leading Minmatar Faction Warfare Corp - See Minmatar Killboard
Arrow The Only Corporation in EvE with our own missioning system and LP Item Store - See EveWiki
Arrow Led by a founder of Ushra'Khan and based upon deep backstory RP ethics of the Minmatar
Arrow LIVE EVENTS campaign system with coverage by CCP/ISD and EON Magazine

Ushra'Khan Leader + Founder // T.R.I.A.D CEO // EVEPANDORA.COM

Rokh Stah
Pyke Syndicate
Solyaris Chtonium
#10 - 2013-08-01 13:27:40 UTC
Thank you for the posts everyone, I'll be looking over your recruitment posts when I get home from work :) . Looking for a few more posts and we may be able to make a decision over the weekend.

Wry Salen
Flying Scissors
#11 - 2013-08-01 15:07:48 UTC
Rock Paper Lasers is a tiny alliance of US-primetime (mostly EST and Central) Wormholers basing out of a C4-C5 hole. We run scheduled stuff when we all know we're on. Most of us are working folks who have lives that aren't this game. Swing by our public channel "Lizard Laser Pub" at some point, have chat, and don't let our 57-account running alliance mates intimidate you.

Our Blackops Drop operations are starting up next week!
Donny Osmond
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2013-08-04 17:48:19 UTC
Shamless Plug!!

Check out our little forum post and videos!
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-08-04 21:08:31 UTC
Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.

CA3 Recruitment is: Open
Please join chat channel: CA3 Recruitment

Celestial Armag3ddon is a mixed (mostly pvp) corporation that operates out of null sec space with Tribal Band Alliance. We are openly recruiting active and dedicated players of all skill levels who are interested in low sec and 0.0 space.

-Recruitment Requirements-
-FULL API Key. (main and alt accounts)
-7 Million SP preferred.
-Actively participates in fleets.
-30 Day new member trial period.
-Able to use TS3 and Mumble.

-What we offer-
PVE/PVP oppurtunities
Good industrial Potential as of now
A good bunch of people
Safe Places (POS)
Black ops


Dre Cypress


Quantum Link Company
#14 - 2013-08-05 01:43:39 UTC
If you are looking for a PVP corporation, look no farther.

▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ Sneaky Bastards. █ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

Our Killboard

What we can offer to you as a member:

  • Idea Consistent Engagements Across multiple timezones with our coalition. (We are primarily US and AU timezone based, and are currently expanding in all timezones)

  • Idea An extensive Subcapital SRP Program

  • Idea A basic capital (Dreadnaught/ Carrier) SRP Program

  • Idea Alliance level fleets & content (Blackops & Small Gang Roaming)

  • Idea Specialising in Black Ops / Covert Ops PvP

  • Idea Coalition level fleets & content

  • Idea Access to 0.0 space for isk making

  • We are always looking for individual pilotsEvilEvil. Please join our public channel (Sneaky Bastards. (Corp)) or email T'Kalii for more information.

    "The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there's no risk of accident for someone who's dead."

    Storm Thara
    Flux Divinity
    #15 - 2013-08-05 12:27:45 UTC
    I recently joined End of Line and found a great place to call home. EoL is an active wh corp currently based out of a c4. We are currently looking for more EU and AZ and a few more US players to boost our numbers and make movement to a c5 wh possible.

    If this sounds interesting to you our recruitment thread isEoL Recruitment

    OR join us in game at "The End-of-LIne-Club".