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Carebears Unite! and lets hit the goons from behind!

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Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#941 - 2013-07-26 14:47:58 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:

I think all 3. Even if it was not originally set out to be a scam, I don't think a 3 month old of his caliber would pass up the opportunity to nab a billion isk in ships.

Maybe not now, maybe when he realise only 5 people showed up in VFK, instead of thousands expected, he will rage and declare himself winner of all prizes. Then he might shelter under the fact that it s not a scam and he legitimately won these.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#942 - 2013-07-26 14:47:58 UTC

I think all 3. Even if it was not originally set out to be a scam, I don't think a 3 month old of his caliber would pass up the opportunity to nab a billion isk in ships.

I know, I almost wish I'd thought of it myself.

Rally popular support by making token attacks against the most hated group in EVE? Check.

Ask for donations? Check.

Run off with the lot? Checkmate.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#943 - 2013-07-26 15:33:29 UTC
Hey could you guys try to keep it a little more positive in here? Some of us are trying to have fun...! Blink

But seriously, why the personal insults on Harry? He's not bragging and he's not being arrogant. He's posting reports of his successes to encourage other highsec players to get in there and start shooting. He's putting a positive spin on things to keep the energy and momentum up. If you've ever put together a corp or any other volunteer group, you know that being a cheerleader is a huge part of it. 10% of people lead and organize, and maybe another 20% are active, reliable, and show self-initiative. That leaves another 70%-- the huge majority-- who need to be encouraged and motivated. That's what Harry's doing with his reports from the front-- P.R., recruiting, motivating, and keeping the momentum up. (I'm speaking for Harry here-- if that's not correct Harry, then say so). No need to hate on him for that.

And by the way, when I talk to Goon guys in local around VFK, it's usually positive, no bitterness, good sense of humor all around. They know who I am-- the carebear incursion thing is in my bio. We can shoot at each other without hating on each other. What's wrong with that?
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#944 - 2013-07-26 15:40:44 UTC
Khergit Deserters wrote:
Hey could you guys try to keep it a little more positive in here? Some of us are trying to have fun...! Blink

But seriously, why the personal insults on Harry? He's not bragging and he's not being arrogant. He's posting reports of his successes to encourage other highsec players to get in there and start shooting. He's putting a positive spin on things to keep the energy and momentum up. If you've ever put together a corp or any other volunteer group, you know that being a cheerleader is a huge part of it. 10% of people lead and organize, and maybe another 20% are active, reliable, and show self-initiative. That leaves another 70%-- the huge majority-- who need to be encouraged and motivated. That's what Harry's doing with his reports from the front-- P.R., recruiting, motivating, and keeping the momentum up. (I'm speaking for Harry here-- if that's not correct Harry, then say so). No need to hate on him for that.

And by the way, when I talk to Goon guys in local around VFK, it's usually positive, no bitterness, good sense of humor all around. They know who I am-- the carebear incursion thing is in my bio. We can shoot at each other without hating on each other. What's wrong with that?

Nothing wrong if you are a reasonable human being. Rejecting others people advice, not listening if we explain why deklein is empty. Trying to make a point by shouting louder than the rest, is not reasonable.

Calling people brainless zombies, goblins or whatever, does not help either.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#945 - 2013-07-26 15:47:37 UTC
Also, there's the question of these "reports of his successes". So far I've not seen anything I would consider a success. How he has lost so many ships considering he has primarily been fighting cyno ships with no guns on them amazes me somewhat.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#946 - 2013-07-26 16:02:46 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
SKINE DMZ wrote:
Symolian couldn't be more right, and mr lucas you still don't understand, it doesnt have to be a statement to the goons, it can be a statement to the highsec carebears or even to yourself, knowing that even the "biggest" alliance in game does not scare you, you are free to do how you wish in this game, and that makes it a very enjoyable experience. We don't care about losing ships, or killing them, it's fun to go out there and do dangerous play, thats it. You goons coming in here saying "ooh but it wont work and it has no effect and do you even know?" just means you guys are too silly to understand and are ruining your own game as don't you all want it to be a sandbox?

I do understand. You want to show everyone that you can do what you want. But you can hang around empty systems anywhere, so it makes absolutely no difference. It's not something new to hang around in VFK trying to harass goons, but you guys are choosing to do it at a time when even the goons won't be there. It's completely pointless.
That and the fact that it's being orchestrated by an idiot and will probably result in you being killed by a random pipebomb before even getting to VFK destroys any ability for it to be a statement to anyone.
I'm coming in here because I'm bored and don't have access to EVE during the day. Seeing you guys threatening empty space is pretty amusing.

I just want to pick out one point: "it's fun to go out there and do dangerous play"
It's not dangerous is it though. The only danger is getting down here, then it's empty space. If you are really after danger, then fly down to Fountain, stage in an NPC station (there are a few) and launch micro attacks on people from there. You get to shoot a lot and may even get some good kills in as there's often frigates traveling around. That would be fun and dangerous.

the system is not empty, there are many haulers going back and forth as well as people going to ratting areas from VFK, not sure why you keep repeating it like a jumping cd... we want to be in VFK because its your main hub and we get some easy targets, we are partly new players to gain some experience, why don't you get this easy explanation although we mentioned it over 100 times now? please explain, and we will help you to fully understand it...

I don't want to leave any goblin in the dark about this...

Talk about "not empty" - came across an elite frigate wreck with a deadspace module in it. A total of 39 million ISK in loot.

Yeah, it's "empty" out there.

There's so much loot, PVP, and harvest to be had out there it's fantastic. But the psyop is simple: convince people they will get blobbed in two seconds, not to even try it, and build a combination of defeatism and Stockholm syndrome on pure lies. So those that buy into the lies will ferociously defend the lies when someone else comes along who is not fooled by them.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Harry Forever
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#947 - 2013-07-26 16:04:24 UTC
Khergit Deserters wrote:
Hey could you guys try to keep it a little more positive in here? Some of us are trying to have fun...! Blink

But seriously, why the personal insults on Harry? He's not bragging and he's not being arrogant. He's posting reports of his successes to encourage other highsec players to get in there and start shooting. He's putting a positive spin on things to keep the energy and momentum up. If you've ever put together a corp or any other volunteer group, you know that being a cheerleader is a huge part of it. 10% of people lead and organize, and maybe another 20% are active, reliable, and show self-initiative. That leaves another 70%-- the huge majority-- who need to be encouraged and motivated. That's what Harry's doing with his reports from the front-- P.R., recruiting, motivating, and keeping the momentum up. (I'm speaking for Harry here-- if that's not correct Harry, then say so). No need to hate on him for that.

And by the way, when I talk to Goon guys in local around VFK, it's usually positive, no bitterness, good sense of humor all around. They know who I am-- the carebear incursion thing is in my bio. We can shoot at each other without hating on each other. What's wrong with that?

good one Khergit, I think its the other side of the coin, we not only attack cynos but deep believes what can and can not be done... it feels like telling people there is no god although they believe in it and they need to believe in it to survive, we are breaking chains here, who where made over 10 years, its hard and people feel unconfident with their new freedome, not feeling safe in their alliance anymore scares them to death maybe. its not an easy path we did choose, but I'm sure if we hold together we can lighten up that darkness and show them the new and exciting world they are living in :')
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#948 - 2013-07-26 16:05:02 UTC
There's so much loot, PVP, and harvest to be had out there it's fantastic. But the psyop is simple: convince people they will get blobbed in two seconds, not to even try it, and build a combination of defeatism and Stockholm syndrome on pure lies. So those that buy into the lies will ferociously defend the lies when someone else comes along who is not fooled by them.

So, you're totally going to still be doing this after the war in Fountain is over, right? You know, the war that has almost the entirety of the CFC's combat force tied up?

When the cat is away, the mice will play.

You guys are the mice.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Miku Yumi
Emergency Medical Assistance Unit
#949 - 2013-07-26 16:06:48 UTC
Dont stop believin Smile
Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#950 - 2013-07-26 16:10:31 UTC
Miku Yumi wrote:
Dont stop believin Smile

Dang, now you put that horrible song in my head. Dirty Goons doing psy ops attacks on us! Blink
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#951 - 2013-07-26 16:25:55 UTC
symolan wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:

The statement says nothing as it has no effect. All it does is keep a bunch of noobs out of highsec for a day while they fail at traversing through null. Goons aren't even going to be there. So how is it a statement to the goons?

Well as I said, I don't expect it to have any impact on much, but...

I've started Eve some years ago for a few weeks and came back few weeks back... after I've seen this thread, I noticed that I'm in grave danger to become too carebearish (the ISK-fixation in this game is seductive (? not native speaker).

So I let myself be inspired a little, fitted a frig and went through 0. It's not as hard traversing thru that space as I expected... and as you seem to think according to the quote. Yeah there were some bubbles and camps but as CCP gave us cloaking that didn't lead to a loss.

I won't Corp out of personal reasons (wifes can be special...)

but I'm currently trying to find a way to find a use of 0, even if it's solo there must be a way to use that whole space (what waste otherwise, also I feel entitled to be there as long as I'm not sent back).

Regarding the statement to the goons. Statements do not have to have a direct impact. Sometimes it's enought it was made (Galilei?).

And I guess there are more than a single statement the guys want to make here. And most I guess not directed to the goons. But directed at the carebears.

The short time I'm back and reading the forums they gave me the impression that in 0 there's only death for a solo player. Via the ISK-fixation I would assume that many people (solo's, of which there seem to be a surprising lot here, also as I at least find it harder here to socialize than in other MMO's; you don't meet people too often by surprise or in a different way and when there's always the paranoia...) will have been deterred of heading out there.

I also read how Null wants players to leave HS and come there... but I get the impression that holds only true if they join corp X or Y.

Why is that? (I do have a suspicion... imagine half the solo's roaming thru null.... Nullbears wouldn't dare to undock for weeks... again, not confirmed, just my impression after processing available info)

I at least am planning to be an annoying neut that does a touristic tour through all of Eve.

You have it right.

Yeah this is not the end of the goons. But it will be the end of the nullsec we know.

Because if you look at the rage over AFK cloakers, nullsec is just as wallet-hugging as highsec. A nullsec bubble camper who does not get his kill will cry like a highsec mission runner throwing a tantrum over a ninja salvager.

So far the focus is on highsec carebears to realize that internet spaceships is not as "srs business" as people are conditioned to think. Now you have ship-hugging and wallet hugging all over the place.

The truth is, once the carebears show the way, the greifers and pirates (there's a huge difference) will catch on. So instead of suicide ganking hulks and attacking haulers in highsec, they will realize the potential for butthurt is much greater in nullsec. Think killing some noobs first mission drake is fun? He was going to lose it anyway. Sneak past Joe Camper who hasn't gotten a kill in an hour and tell him how fail he is for some real "tears" if that's what you are after. Send in a dessie suicide force and take out their intie that cost more than both ships combined and you get some real tears.

But those are the bottom feeders.

Nullsec has sold the same ISK fountain that they lie about highsec being. And they do this on their foundation of lies. Sure anybody can survive in nullsec, they will tell you, so long as you are in a corp/alliance.

What they fear most is the aspect of thousands of random neutrals out there hunting and harvesting. Sure they can be killed, blobbed, ganked, camped, and all that other good stuff.

But as much as we can argue that a gun has limitations, so does the power and scope of nullsec. You want to contain highsec? Well, their lies and propaganda have been successful, but in the long term, nothing else could work.

That's why the goons have sent in their crack team of forum warriors. Because the real target of all this is the big lie. The real target of all this is this fear that gets instilled in everybody to fear losing a ship while the goons act like they relish in it - making fighting them seem as futile as having a fistfight with an ugly person who has already lost all of his teeth.

No the nullsec alliances are not going to come toppling down. But like a mansion infested with zombies, you have a lot of beautiful real estate in which you can never rest. Eventually it would be abandoned.

So the target is the lie, the target is the carebear, their own impressions, and their own conditioning. You cannot defeat human weakness, they say, because you can't fight weakness - it's like throwing energy down a black hole. But weakness can be cancelled out.

Thousands of highseccers roaming nullsec looking for fights, loot, and harvest (for in the background there are explorers and miners doing their thing) will turn the "big blue donut" - something we can expect once more when TEST is defeated - into a festering hellhole of violence and fear. But there will also be freedom in a land where those who think they own it have none themselves, and pay to keep it that way.

This is the rise of nullsec piracy.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Falin Whalen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#952 - 2013-07-26 16:31:05 UTC
Khergit Deserters wrote:
Miku Yumi wrote:
Dont stop believin Smile

Dang, now you put that horrible song in my head. Dirty Goons doing psy ops attacks on us! Blink

Hold on to that feelin'

"it's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves." The Trial - Franz Kafka 

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#953 - 2013-07-26 16:40:38 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
And in fact one of my corp mates was in VFK yesterday I believe, and you were refusing to fight him apparently. He said you were in a destroyer and refused to fight him in a 1 on 1 unless he came out in a frigate. Yeah, super courageous there.

Quoting to see if harry answers for his cowardice
Harry Forever
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#954 - 2013-07-26 16:45:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Harry Forever
Ustrello wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
And in fact one of my corp mates was in VFK yesterday I believe, and you were refusing to fight him apparently. He said you were in a destroyer and refused to fight him in a 1 on 1 unless he came out in a frigate. Yeah, super courageous there.

Quoting to see if harry answers for his cowardice

yea he was in a bigger ship, was a pretty smart move not to engage, but he was sad as a baby not getting his dummy... smart things you don't understand I assume, for sure there where 5 other goons waiting cloaked up like usual when they play those games

Ustrello by the way, blocked as well, you are unuseful to me, sorry
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#955 - 2013-07-26 16:48:48 UTC
Joepopo wrote:
the russians did fleet up with Harry once but I have logs from yesterday where they refuse to take him in fleet since he has no bomber... Nice teamplay.

Now some facts:
- Harry kills 300m woth of cyno in a month and gets annoyed when i show how we kill 10B of ships in 1 hour.
- Harry does not have the balls to get to Fountain, he refuses to check for himself that there are indeed more people there than in VFK (maybe affraid that the trip in null sec will be too safe)

- Herzog, an eve veteran, won't risk his shiny toys in null. he prefers to roll an alt with less than 900000 SP. of course null will feel safe this way.

Maybe goons will show up on the 28th either as neutral alts in your fleets, killing you all by surprise, or camping on the way, when you re boating alone to VFK.

Either way you will feel miserable.

You demonstrate, as usual, the box you are stuck in.

I already told you that I won't hurf and blurf about how new players should go to nullsec and then go running in their with 7 years worth of SP racking. I'm sure if I did that, you will be in this thread pointing that out. It's an enlightening experience to focus the SP pathway of an alt for a specific purpose unlike my original experience of "a little here, a little there". It's a genius system.

Second, the only shiney toy I have is a Federation Navy Comet. I actually had 2 of them, but I gave one to Harry. I still have those free ships that were given to us in the past (Echelon, that sailboat, etc) but those are collectors items anyway.

Finally, I have donated enough materials to this project that I could have a hangar full of shineys.

For you, maybe it's all killboard and shineys. You are telling me how to play, with not actually appearing to tell me how to play. Stop wasting your time.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Falin Whalen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#956 - 2013-07-26 16:49:18 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Lots of words.

Ah, irrational enthusiasm, soon the inevitable confrontation with reality, then the rational diillusionment, and after that comes a new motivational stimulation to which you will become irrationaly enthused by, and the whole cycle starts again.

"it's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves." The Trial - Franz Kafka 

Harry Forever
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#957 - 2013-07-26 16:54:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Harry Forever
Falin Whalen wrote:

Ah, irrational enthusiasm, soon the inevitable confrontation with reality, then the rational diillusionment, and after that comes a new motivational stimulation to which you will become irrationaly enthused by, and the whole cycle starts again.

guys you so not know how to play this game, you just tell others not to play it, why? because they could find out how much you suck at it?
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#958 - 2013-07-26 16:54:32 UTC
Miku Yumi wrote:
Dont stop believin Smile

I think the slogan will be:

"Never give up. Never surrender"

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Leafar Nightfall
Silent Owls
#959 - 2013-07-26 16:55:08 UTC
Goons and their fear of changes to the status quo...Roll
Alt Elongur
#960 - 2013-07-26 16:57:25 UTC
Falin Whalen wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Lots of words.

Ah, irrational enthusiasm, soon the inevitable confrontation with reality, then the rational diillusionment, and after that comes a new motivational stimulation to which you will become irrationaly enthused by, and the whole cycle starts again.

What part of, "Pffffffffffffft!" didn't you understand?

This alt will self destruct in 10 seconds.