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EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion

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Competing in the AT XI: A short guide

First post
CCP Gargant
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2013-07-18 16:06:49 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
With so many new teams in the tournament this year, and others that might want a refresher course, I am going to keep this post as a general tips and procedures for competing teams in the AT XI. First off, I'm going to list what the procedure for every match is and what you should expect.

My alliance has a match today!
Team captains should try and be online an hour (preferably more if possible) before their match is scheduled to start. We will be utilizing the Tournament Team Captains channel, specifically created by myself for this and any future tournaments that will be run. We expect all team captains to be present in that channel so we can ask there if there are any issues with teams, or if we need to get a message fast to all of the teams regarding the schedule.

Around 50 minutes before your match starts, a GM will contact your team captain. Note that this time may fluctuate depending on how the schedule is proceeding, but in an ideal situation this will be the case. The GM will confirm that you are the captain for the team, that you are already in the fleet that will be flying in the match and that your are herding your team together. For the first weekend, we will not be conducting banning but from the second weekend onwards, bans are handled at this stage.

Your full team does not need to be in the correct ships or fitted and ready to fly when the bans are conducted. Exactly 45 minutes prior to your match, the bans will be initiated. The designated team captains will receive a drop-down selector on their screen, where they select the ship types they wish to ban. This happens in a 1 - 2 - 1 random format, meaning one team goes first and the other captain sees what they have selected once it is their turn to ban. Likewise, the first captain will see the second teams two bans. Both sides should get a total of one minute to conduct the bans.

The banning process can be a bit jarring and stressful. Both teams can ban the same ship and that is considered a wasted ban. Keep this in mind when selecting your bans.

If you intend to field your flagship in the match, you need to tell that to your GM after the bans have been done, as well as who is flying it. Once both teams are in the system, the flagships will be announced in local, along with who is specifically flying them.

I'm about to fight in the tournament!
Once the GM has contacted you and everything is sorted, including which beacon in the tournament system you wish to be moved to (a, b, c or d), you can start fitting up and getting your pilots into ships. During this time, the referee will keep an eye on any rule infractions that pop up for the fleet. This means corporation join dates, illegal implants, illegal ships and other bad stuff. The GM will let you know what problems there are until all of them are fixed and it is time to be moved to the tournament system.

All members of the fleet must be docked to be moved. While the referees can be a patient bunch, please do not waste time by needlessly docking and undocking, incurring session change timers or remain undocked. If we are behind schedule or if too much time is being wasted, we will simply move on without the people that were ineligible to be moved. It is harsh but we have a time-table to stick to.

You can expect to be in system up to 10 minutes before the time your match is scheduled to start. This is so we can go through our advertisements and get cameras in place correctly. This means your team might need to be at the battle arena 5 minutes before the match actually starts, with some waiting time being incurred.

I'm in PE1-R1!
When you are moved into the system, you will be stationed at the beacon your team chose. These beacons are placed in a square pattern facing the battle arenas, with the other team having symmetrical beacons on the other side of the system. This is to prevent scanning. You will neither be able to warp around nor move, and that is intentional. Once everyone has arrived in the system, the referee will give the command in local to warp to a specific battle arena in the system, numbered from 1 to 6. When the command is given, the entire team MUST warp to the arena specified at a range of 0 - 50 km. Note that each member can choose a different distance, but they must all fall within the 0 - 50 km area.

Any failures in warping will result in the character who failed to be moved to the center of the arena. This includes going somewhere you are not supposed to or not warping in time.

Please remember to keep local clear of any unnecessary chatter. We will deliver orders about the match in local and disruptive players will be gagged.

Once all members of the team are on grid, we are ready to begin. You will not be able to move or lock, but you are free to turn on DEFENSIVE modules that affect ONLY your ship (and Ganglinks. Ganglinks are okay). DO NOT DROP DRONES BEFORE THE COUNTDOWN FINISHES. In the old days before the wizardry of CCP Veritas, you could move during this waiting period but if you did, you would be penalized and half of your ship's HP would be removed. Keep that in mind because the referees will resort to penalizing uncooperative players that break the rules.

This brings us to Micro Jump Drives. MJD's put your ship to max speed once you activate them and this will bypass the movement disables that affect your ship during the countdown. If you activate your MJD before the countdown reaches 0, your ship will be blown up by the referee.

Let's say that again with more severity as this is the first time the MJD is in a tournament. IF A MICRO JUMP DRIVE IS ACTIVATED BEFORE THE COUNTDOWN REACHES 0, THE OFFENDING SHIP WILL BE DESTROYED. It is therefore not allowed to spool up the drive while the countdown is happening. There will be no mercy when it comes to this violation!

Once the match is ready to start, a countdown timer will be initiated in the system. The countdown...

CCP Gargant | EVE Universe esports Coordinator

CCP Gargant
C C P Alliance
#2 - 2013-07-18 16:07:15 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Gargant
Please note that some of this information may change, and some info may be added if there are questions.

EDIT 19/07: Added the following clause to emphasize that the match needs to be ready before the scheduled time for us to stay on schedule.:

You can expect to be in system up to 10 minutes before the time your match is scheduled to start. This is so we can go through our advertisements and get cameras in place correctly. This means your team might need to be at the battle arena 5 minutes before the match actually starts, with some waiting time being incurred.

EDIT 21/07: Added the fact that you are allowed to turn on ganglinks when you first enter the system.

CCP Gargant | EVE Universe esports Coordinator

Kadesh Priestess
Goryn Clade
#3 - 2013-07-18 18:22:27 UTC
CCP Gargant wrote:
Once all members of the team are on grid, we are ready to begin. You will not be able to move or lock, but you are free to turn on DEFENSIVE modules that affect ONLY your ship. In the old days before the wizardry of CCP Veritas, you could move during this waiting period but if you did, you would be penalized and half of your ship's HP would be removed. Keep that in mind because the referees will resort to penalizing uncooperative players that break the rules.
Are ganglinks allowed at this stage? With all the bugs fleets have, especially after GM move, it's usually sane to double-check that all of your ships are getting respectable bonus.
CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#4 - 2013-07-18 18:31:50 UTC
Kadesh Priestess wrote:
CCP Gargant wrote:
Once all members of the team are on grid, we are ready to begin. You will not be able to move or lock, but you are free to turn on DEFENSIVE modules that affect ONLY your ship. In the old days before the wizardry of CCP Veritas, you could move during this waiting period but if you did, you would be penalized and half of your ship's HP would be removed. Keep that in mind because the referees will resort to penalizing uncooperative players that break the rules.
Are ganglinks allowed at this stage? With all the bugs fleets have, especially after GM move, it's usually sane to double-check that all of your ships are getting respectable bonus.

Yes gang links are allowed there, and they are also allowed at the entry beacons before you warp to the arena. If you see a problem please contact your GM as soon as possible and don't warp any ships into the arena until you receive a reply.

Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

Jason Shaishi
Market Maniuplation Is For Scrubs
#5 - 2013-07-18 19:15:00 UTC
CCP Gargant wrote:
When the command is given, the entire team MUST warp to the arena specified at a range of 0 - 50 km.

I can't seem to get any clarification from anyone in my Alliance (we have different views on this), does the entire fleet have to warp at a certain distance or can we as an individual warp to any distance.

(Say 2 of us want to warp to to 10 KM out, some 25 KM out, others directly on the beacon)
CCP Veritas
C C P Alliance
#6 - 2013-07-18 20:59:16 UTC
Jason Shaishi wrote:
CCP Gargant wrote:
When the command is given, the entire team MUST warp to the arena specified at a range of 0 - 50 km.

I can't seem to get any clarification from anyone in my Alliance (we have different views on this), does the entire fleet have to warp at a certain distance or can we as an individual warp to any distance.

(Say 2 of us want to warp to to 10 KM out, some 25 KM out, others directly on the beacon)

Each individual ship may be at a different distance.

CCP Veritas - Technical Director - EVE Online

Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#7 - 2013-07-18 22:39:50 UTC
Can we escape to a gate and claim asylum in jovian space?
CCP Veritas
C C P Alliance
#8 - 2013-07-19 09:23:56 UTC
Michael Harari wrote:
Can we escape to a gate and claim asylum in jovian space?

No. Such things can carry very stiff penalties.

CCP Veritas - Technical Director - EVE Online

Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#9 - 2013-07-19 10:34:04 UTC
Emphasis on stiff :)
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#10 - 2013-07-19 16:21:30 UTC
Piscis wrote:
Emphasis on stiff :)

and penal
M1k3y Koontz
House of Musashi
Stay Feral
#11 - 2013-07-19 21:01:46 UTC
Gallosek wrote:
Piscis wrote:
Emphasis on stiff :)

and penal

For a minute I forgot I was on the EVE-O forums Roll Welcome back bad humor!

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

Bigg Gun
T.I.E. Inc.
#12 - 2013-07-20 02:27:46 UTC
Jovians, their blue pill lasts and lasts and lasts...
Juoi Milar
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-07-20 09:55:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Juoi Milar
May I check on implants, are Zor's or named implants allowed at all. Or is it literally just +3 and below

Actually, please ignore, the rule is quite clear :-)
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2013-07-20 12:58:03 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Kadesh Priestess wrote:
CCP Gargant wrote:
Once all members of the team are on grid, we are ready to begin. You will not be able to move or lock, but you are free to turn on DEFENSIVE modules that affect ONLY your ship. In the old days before the wizardry of CCP Veritas, you could move during this waiting period but if you did, you would be penalized and half of your ship's HP would be removed. Keep that in mind because the referees will resort to penalizing uncooperative players that break the rules.
Are ganglinks allowed at this stage? With all the bugs fleets have, especially after GM move, it's usually sane to double-check that all of your ships are getting respectable bonus.

Yes gang links are allowed there, and they are also allowed at the entry beacons before you warp to the arena. If you see a problem please contact your GM as soon as possible and don't warp any ships into the arena until you receive a reply.

Gang links don't affect only one's ship, they affect the whole fleet. Please do clarify this, because otherwise hilarity will ensue and CCP will emerge with a bad rep for actually bad posting Lol

Guns make the news. Science doesn't.

Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#15 - 2013-07-20 22:39:17 UTC
You call that short?

1. Do what the officials tell you, no questions asked.
2. Do what your FC tells you, no questions asked.
3a. Don't die and kill the other blokes.
3b. Moving out of bounds makes you die, refer to 3a.
4. Do what the officials tell you, no questions asked.

That is short.