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CSM Guest Blog: "Reasonable Things" Crowdsourcing

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Commander Venture
Joint Espionage and Defence Industries
#1001 - 2013-07-19 11:33:49 UTC
Suggestion: Remote Navigational Assistance Ships and Mods
Keywords: Ships
Note: Imagine a tugboat guiding an oil tanker or carrier through the narrows of a harbor. Just like shield, armor, and capacitor reps, remote aligning should be another form of assistance that a fleetmate can render. The emergent web-instawarp trick demonstrates player demand for friendly remote align but is currently deemed an aggressive act by game mechanics. Ships and mods that can perform remote align assistance will not only make it a friendly act, but also expand fleet gameplay.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1002 - 2013-07-19 12:16:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Overs
Suggestion: Implement a "use it or lose it" sovereignty mechanic.

Keyword: sovereignty

see for earlier ideas and stabs at details

Lose the current iHub, TCU, and SBU system - btw, thanks CCP for fixing POS spamming. Instead let industrial activity be the main driver of sov. Industrial activity should include moon mining, reactions, refining, research, and production.

Instead of requiring a particular level of sov or iHub upgrade, let cyno gens, cyno jammers, and jump bridges generate a low level of sov.

Instead of iHub upgrades influencing the spawning of sites, let the level of industrial activity attract npc activity to that system and or surrounding systems. Unclaimed space next to claimed space with high industrial activity could become a new formula for NPC spawning.

Expand the wardec system to include sov wars. An invader could simply let the pressure of it's presence degrade an occupants industrial capacity until they loose sov, or, if they declare war, the presence of their fleet and the victories (or defeats) they accrue will factor into the sov mechanic. This would require the wardec system to allow allies to join an aggressor or make a secondary sov wardec system which allows that. I think such a system should allow for muti-vectored hostilities like 3 alliances duking it out for the same system.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1003 - 2013-07-19 12:30:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Overs
Suggestion: Instead of a linking two bridges together, let jump bridges project to cynosurals.

Keyword: jump bridge

Note: This could bring back the unbroken jump chains of the bigger empires, but such networks would not be protected by cyno jammers. A possible caveat could be to not allow a jump bridge and a cyno gen to be online in the same system at the same time. The jump bridge would not be dedicated to a particular cyno but would allow a user to jump to a selected list of cynos within range, including ones lit by fleet members.

This change in the jump bridge would also allow for force projection by smaller groups without Titans.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1004 - 2013-07-19 13:02:26 UTC
Suggestion: A small capital ship with a jump portal generator.

Keyword: capital ship

Note: This ship would be the size of a freighter (can fit through gates) but instead of a massive cargo hold they would only be able to fit a jump portal generator.
Valterra Craven
#1005 - 2013-07-19 13:28:14 UTC
Suggestion: Add to items an "affecting skills" tab that shows what make the modules better

Keyword: Skills, descriptions

Note: Skills have a tab that show what each skill allows. I'd like for each mod/ship/item in game to show if there is a skill that affects its performance.
Photon Ceray
Palmyra Universal Enterprise
#1006 - 2013-07-19 14:57:43 UTC
Suggestion: add toggle buttons to hide empty corporate hangars at pos, one for individual pos modules and one for over all. in addition, there should be an option to hide corporate hangars that a member has no access to. this will reduce the clutter of hangars at pos tremendously.

Keywords: interface, usability, inventory, corporate hangar, pos, player owned station, show, hide, clutter, hangar.
Nirnaeth Ornoediad
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1007 - 2013-07-19 15:05:47 UTC
Suggestion: Release high-resolution textures as an optional download.
Tags: Graphics, Enabler
Business reason: Relatively low cost to implement (initial setup + ongoing bandwidth costs, though the latter could be worked around), higher customer satisfaction, and supports the Enabler player type. Enablers create videos, movies, stream PVP, and generally contribute to retaining existing subscribers and attracting new subscribers.

Fix POSes.  Every player should want one (even if all players can't have one).

The Classy Gentlemans Corporation
#1008 - 2013-07-19 15:10:09 UTC
Suggestion: Make ECM reduce number of locked targets relative to the ratio of jam strength to sensor strength
Keywords: ECM, Gameplay
Note: this would work as so: when a target is ECM'd its number of max targets would then be reduced by (max_targets)*(ECM Strength/Sensor Strength) This way ECM is no longer dependent on an RNG and gives use to the currently never used modules that give extra max locked targets. While targets could still be completely jammed out by this(0 max locked targets) , these are ships with low enough sensor strength that they would have already been permajammed with current mechanics. This also would force logistics pilots being jammed to prioritize who they lock up, thus possibly slowing logistics response times in fleets where logi is being jammed without completely taking the logistics out of the equation.
Photon Ceray
Palmyra Universal Enterprise
#1009 - 2013-07-19 15:26:08 UTC
Suggestion: Implement a decay system in Eve, where unused towers, containers, pos modules, unpiloted ships and all kinds of space objects, if not used for a period of time will decay, take armor and structure damage, start to become derbis and salvageable.
this will get rid of those high sec and wh pos that have been there offline for years blocking the pos slots

Keywords: decay, unused, pos, salvage
#1010 - 2013-07-19 16:09:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Stridsflygplan
Suggestion: Make it possible to toggle overheat while cloaked.
Keywords: UI, PVP, balance, gameplay
Photon Ceray
Palmyra Universal Enterprise
#1011 - 2013-07-19 16:14:18 UTC
Suggestion: Increase the capacity of component assembly array so that it can hold materials for 2-4 freighter's worth of materials. it's really annoying and stupid to have to calculate and divide stacks every time just to be able to get some production rolling.

I expand the suggestion to increase all pos facilities capacity by 3-5 times. this will make the life of capital producers a bit less frustrating and will not in anyway break the game mechanics of purpose.

Keywords: industry, pos, pos facilities, capacity, minerals, stack, production, manufacturing, components
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1012 - 2013-07-19 17:09:47 UTC
Any pilot who can use cloacking device could change gameplay of entire corporations with do nothing, he even doesn't need make any gameplay moves. Just login, push one button, and forget about EVE on 23.5 hours.

Make new strategic upgrade for iHub + one new structure for POS which decloacks all ships in the curent system with activation from POS operator but have significant recharge time (about 12 - 48 hours).

Сloak, POS structure
Siresa Talesi
#1013 - 2013-07-19 17:49:18 UTC
Suggestion: Add the ability to turn off the jump gate animation.

Keywords: Effects, animations, options, jump, nausea.

There are many visual effects in this game which can be turned on or off at the player's discretion. The jump gate animation introduced with Odyssey is one which could benefit from the same capability. Many players have stated that they find the animation tedious, boring, or annoying when viewed several times in succession on long trips through space. Even worse, some players (and some devs) have reported experiencing physical symptoms as a result of this animation, including mild to severe nausea and headaches. The wild camera swings, rapid first-person motion with no stationary reference object, and brief duration (quickly snapping in and out of a different/moving view does not give the brain time to adjust to visual cues) have all been cited as contributing to nausea, while the flashing lights and color patterns seem to be responsible for migraine headaches.

CCP representatives have stated that they are working to improve the animation, but that it will take an unknown amount of time to do so, and there is no guarantee that any improvements will fix these issues. They have stated that they consider adding the option to remove the animation (as players have requested) to be a "cop out." Meanwhile, affected players continue to suffer from this animation, or stop playing altogether.

Implementing this as an option would in no way affect anyone who likes the new animation, it can easily be left "on," and would give choice to those who, for whatever reason, do not wish to view it.

For further details and discussion on this issue, please see the thread here:
Siresa Talesi
#1014 - 2013-07-19 17:58:02 UTC
Suggestion: Add an undock button to the Neocom.

Keywords: Undock.

With Odyssey, the "undock" button was relocated to the station services panel. While being disorienting for players who had been used to its location on the Neocom for years, relocating it has also removed some functionality. For example, it was previously possible to undock even when the station services window was not visible, such as in the map view. A player could plot a course in the map, launch using the undock, and navigate that course through the overview, all without ever having to close the map, allowing the player to continue exploring further routes, paths, and destinations while in transit. With the removal of the undock button from the Neocom, this same procedure requires additonal clicking, as pilots must now exit the map, undock through station services, and return to the map screen, which amounts to an admittedly minor but altogether uneccesary inconvenience.

Note: putting a copy of the undock button on the Neocom does not mean that it has to be removed from station services.
Siresa Talesi
#1015 - 2013-07-19 18:02:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Siresa Talesi
Suggestion: Add mapable hotkeys for launching drone groups.

Keywords: Drones, hotkeys.

Currently, drones can be ordered to attack, set to orbit, and recalled to the bay by the use of hotkeys. The only command that can't be given by a single keystroke is the launch order; this still requires use of the right-click menu on individual drones or groups. Adding multiple launch hotkeys which can be assigned to drone groups would simplify and streamline the use of drones in tense combat situations.
Gregor Bheskagor
Wrong Hole.
#1016 - 2013-07-19 18:21:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Gregor Bheskagor
Suggestion: Remove local from all space except as an opt-in channel.

Keywords: PvP, Chat, Immersion, nullsec, lowsec, highsec

I realize this would make things more difficult for both those attempting to sneak around in a system and those attempting to keep sneaky folks out, but it would add interesting levels of espionage and required alertness that are simply not currently necessary.

I suppose I can understand a lore reason for forcing local in high-sec (CONCORD requires local channel communication at all times or some such), but it'd still be nice to make it opt-in.

Sleeper ratter. Gas sucker. Cloaky coward. WHbear Extraordinaire.

Photon Ceray
Palmyra Universal Enterprise
#1017 - 2013-07-19 18:45:08 UTC
Suggestion: auto-repackage undamaged items in hangar. this helps reduce the clutter and the countless right click> repackage just to get things organized.

Keywords: inventory, interface, usability, repackage, items, hanar
Gregor Bheskagor
Wrong Hole.
#1018 - 2013-07-19 18:50:42 UTC
Suggestion: Find some way to make the stars and nebulae in the skybox not quite so near-looking when the player zooms in via holding right click + holding left click + moving mouse up and down.

Keywords: Graphics

Sleeper ratter. Gas sucker. Cloaky coward. WHbear Extraordinaire.

Neevor Airuta
Grey Horizon
#1019 - 2013-07-19 18:56:46 UTC
Suggestion: Make celestial bodies orbit each other in real time.
Tags: immersion, player experience
Note. Right now all celestial bodies are static objects with fixed positions to each other. Make them actually orbit each other with fixed, varied speeds. Only jump gates should have static positions, as it's neccesary by the lore, and removed beyond outermost planet in system in destination system's direction (to avoid planet collisions obviously).
Neevor Airuta
Grey Horizon
#1020 - 2013-07-19 18:59:00 UTC
Suggestion: If object (station, planet, system, constellation, etc) is mentioned in the official lore, add a quote from that lore into object's description. Or even link to proper story / article.
Tags: immersion, lore