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What did you do with your first Million ISK?

Tyrius Nabali
#1 - 2013-07-18 00:27:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyrius Nabali
I used my first batch of earned ISK to purchase an incredibly large plot of land on a planet in the Kor-Azor region.

Once construction is completed(which should be fairly soon I'm told), my entire remaining planetbound family - Mother, Father, Grandparents, 3 Sisters, 5 Brothers - will be relocated from Mishi IV to the luxurious new grounds.

How about you Summit folk? I know it has likely been quite a long time since you first gained the benefits of a Capsuleer, but do you remember what you did with your first batch of ISK?

I am asking merely as a curiosity, of course. I realize that I am stepping into a far larger world than I was used to on Mishi, so I was curious as to what the notoriously wealthy Capsuleer caste decided to do with their initial earnings.

Besides, such reminiscing is a welcome change from warmongering, yes?
Caroline Grace
Retrostellar Boulevard
#2 - 2013-07-18 02:33:43 UTC
I probably spent my first million on synthetic coffee, Iteron I and some data sheets about buttslapping.

I'm Caroline Grace, and this is my favorite musical on the Citadel.

Cretus Incendium
Electus Matari
#3 - 2013-07-18 03:35:07 UTC
I spent my first million on a Rifter and name-brand fittings. With what was left over, I bought another Rifter.... Just in case.

Strike us like matches, 'cause everyone deserves the flames.

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Denak Calamari
#4 - 2013-07-18 10:12:46 UTC
My first million went down the drain when I wasted half a dozen expensive suits during a contract.
Tyrius Nabali
#5 - 2013-07-18 11:30:04 UTC
Such frivolity. I suppose it comes with the territory of having access to more money than one knows what to do with.
Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#6 - 2013-07-18 11:38:57 UTC
I used it to make two million ISK.

Money makes money.

Katrina Oniseki

Anatole Madullier
Alexylva Paradox
#7 - 2013-07-18 11:57:10 UTC
Katrina Oniseki wrote:
I used it to make two million ISK.

Money makes money.

This, let the money work for you. I didn't major in business for nothing.

Now the millions that came after, that's another story altogether.

Repentence Tyrathlion
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#8 - 2013-07-18 12:01:39 UTC
First million? It went with the rest of the first billion or so - as I recall, the instructions were something like "Here's the money for an Obelisk, and the list of supplies we need. Get moving."

Slightly shocking to suddenly be handed that kind of money after having to more or less scrape through the academy. I hadn't seriously expected to put the freighter training to use for ages.
Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#9 - 2013-07-18 12:44:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Morwen Lagann
After five years, I'm not really even sure what the first million ISK I earned went towards. Probably toward fitting a Catalyst or Incursus that I used while doing freelance work for the Navy early on.

As I started earning money, I began to stick with a "buffer" policy on the liquid assets in my wallet - as my wallet balance passed certain levels, I would designate everything under that an "emergency fund" and avoid touching it. For a long time this point was located roughly around 2 billion ISK (I'd set it at about 500 million and 1 billion before that), but since then it has grown to be several times that size.

I can easily afford most things I would want at this point, but I still find this artificial restriction helps keep me mindful of my spending and how much I earn.

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#10 - 2013-07-18 12:49:57 UTC
my first million was part of fifty million donated to me by a friend as a "welcome to immortality" present.

I believe I spent some of that money on a Cormorant. I don't recall what happened to the Cormorant.

AKA Hambone

Author of The Deathworlders

Streya Jormagdnir
Alexylva Paradox
#11 - 2013-07-18 15:26:31 UTC
I saved it, because I was looking at the prices of bigger, better ships on the market and became stunned.

I am also a human, straggling between the present world... and our future. I am a regulator, a coordinator, one who is meant to guide the way.

Destination Unreachable: the worst Wspace blog ever

Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#12 - 2013-07-18 17:26:02 UTC
That was so long ago that I honestly can't remember. If forced to guess I'd say that it was likely used to buy a Slasher.

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Esna Pitoojee
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#13 - 2013-07-18 17:32:55 UTC
First million? I think I used part of it to upgrade the existing fittings on my Punisher - my first real, active hull - and the rest got saved away to start a 'buy me a cruiser' fund.

"Upgrade" being a relative term, though. I look at that thing now and wince at the equipment it has on it.
Kazuma Ry
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2013-07-18 17:57:20 UTC
I wish I could remember what I spent my first Million on, but Like Lord Pitoojee, I most likely spent it on a Punisher and fittings for it.
Makkal Hanaya
Revenent Defence Corperation
#15 - 2013-07-18 18:11:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Makkal Hanaya
Tyrius Nabali wrote:
Such frivolity. I suppose it comes with the territory of having access to more money than one knows what to do with.

If you're responding to Mr. Kalamari's comment, combat suits are not 'frivolity.' They're a necessary part of an operative's work.

As for me, I was primarily a hauler at the time, so I used it to pay insurance on contracts.

Render unto Khanid the things which are Khanid's; and unto God the things that are God's.

Karmilla Strife
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#16 - 2013-07-18 18:27:15 UTC
A punisher with fittings, (probably something silly like autocannons), implants, and skillbooks.
Emerita Von Nynniaw
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2013-07-18 19:25:19 UTC
I fully admit I spent most of it on... frivolous things that had held my attention for much of my previous life. But in my defense, such is the effect of jumping from having nothing to everything in such a sudden, unexpected manner.
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2013-07-18 20:27:56 UTC
First ever million isk?
Not quite sure, but my best guess... skillbooks, lots of skillbooks. Was a lot more than a million all told if i'm honest

Not indicative of corporate policy unless otherwise stated.

Tyrius Nabali
#19 - 2013-07-18 20:43:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyrius Nabali
Makkal Hanaya wrote:
Tyrius Nabali wrote:
Such frivolity. I suppose it comes with the territory of having access to more money than one knows what to do with.

If you're responding to Mr. Kalamari's comment, combat suits are not 'frivolity.' They're a necessary part of an operative's work.

As for me, I was primarily a hauler at the time, so I used it to pay insurance on contracts.

point taken. but that is a lot of lost suits.

wait, are we talking about suits that look nice and impress ladies, or suits that stop bullets?
Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2013-07-18 20:44:56 UTC
Saved it.

Saved it until I had four million ISK, and bought an Exqueror. That ship lasted me forever.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

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