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The old Stuff back - including improvements

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Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#321 - 2013-07-10 08:42:39 UTC
Gustav Mannfred wrote:
the idea is, to make the new modules optional. These guys, whos find better the new weapons can use it as well (like CQ)

What? all five of them?

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Atelierele Grivita
#322 - 2013-07-10 10:05:11 UTC
Gustav Mannfred wrote:
i keep it up to date

Here's the thing, I say I like the new stuff more, you say you don't. Who's right, who "wins"? Currently the vast majority of the playerbase thinks the graphical and design changes are improvements and should stay.

Without an overwhelming support on your side, you will never get any of these changes reverted. I could also ramble on about how stagnation is a disease and changes, even bad ones are GREAT and are the engine of progress; but clearly these ideas would bounce off you.

Also, your spelling is crap. If you want to sell an idea, at least try to write properly.
Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#323 - 2013-07-16 15:58:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Gustav Mannfred
Debora Tsung wrote:
Gustav Mannfred wrote:
the idea is, to make the new modules optional. These guys, whos find better the new weapons can use it as well (like CQ)

What? all five of them?

yes, adding a tickbox in general settings, so you can enable and disable what you like.
For example you can use the old turret modells and sounds together with the new nebulaes and missle effects.

the fontselection dropdown gets readded with the 3 old fonts and the new fonts.

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.

Alexila Quant
Versatility Production Corporation' LLC
#324 - 2013-07-16 16:00:33 UTC
Because everything in your post isn't a complete waste of development time.
Call Rollard
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#325 - 2013-07-16 17:58:14 UTC
+1 I like the idea. Especially the Jukebox and old Nebula idea etc. I don't have music enabled in EVE anymore due to the Jukebox being removed.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#326 - 2013-07-16 18:22:37 UTC
Can you people just let this thread die already.
Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#327 - 2013-07-17 07:53:30 UTC
Astroniomix wrote:
Can you people just let this thread die already.


i'm REALY miss the old stuff.

Teri Cox
#328 - 2013-07-21 08:50:38 UTC
i still want to see, how the old turrets looks on the tier 3 battlecruisers and tier 2 destroyers
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#329 - 2013-07-21 10:49:26 UTC
Think about how insulting your request sounds to the team that put hours into the artwork and systems. They were tasked with taking something that was old and crappy, and making it better. The layers of sign-off and oversight means that everyone from the individual artists, 3d programmers, team leaders, managers, all the way up to the art director and beyond have looked at the body of work, and assessed it as 'a significant improvement'. As a company they are proud of the changes and think that they make Eve a better product to work with, a more competitive product against its peers, and a better game to play.

Then, every (and I mean every) modification that the dev team makes, some brainless numpty makes a post "can I turn it off" or "can I have the old one back". Its people like you, and threads like this, that cause Devs to take the opinion "no matter what we do, someone will complain - so lets stop listening to the complaints" You know that right?

If you don't like something aesthetic in the game - make a simple post that you don't like it - if you absolutely must. Do it in the test features and ideas section before it hits TQ, and IF THE DEVS DONT CHANGE IT then you can safely assume that your opinion, however valid you feel it is, is not that of the masses. Constant whining for years makes you look like a ****...
Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#330 - 2013-07-21 12:24:50 UTC
BadSeamus wrote:
Think about how insulting your request sounds to the team that put hours into the artwork and systems. They were tasked with taking something that was old and crappy, and making it better. The layers of sign-off and oversight means that everyone from the individual artists, 3d programmers, team leaders, managers, all the way up to the art director and beyond have looked at the body of work, and assessed it as 'a significant improvement'. As a company they are proud of the changes and think that they make Eve a better product to work with, a more competitive product against its peers, and a better game to play.

Then, every (and I mean every) modification that the dev team makes, some brainless numpty makes a post "can I turn it off" or "can I have the old one back". Its people like you, and threads like this, that cause Devs to take the opinion "no matter what we do, someone will complain - so lets stop listening to the complaints" You know that right?

If you don't like something aesthetic in the game - make a simple post that you don't like it - if you absolutely must. Do it in the test features and ideas section before it hits TQ, and IF THE DEVS DONT CHANGE IT then you can safely assume that your opinion, however valid you feel it is, is not that of the masses. Constant whining for years makes you look like a ****...

thanks for the hint in to post stuff like this in the testserver feedback, before it is on TQ. Next time i will do this, if i dont like something. but back then, as i saw the video about the new nebulaes and turret modells, i did not came earlier to the idea, to open up a thread in the testserver feedback. i know, its now over 2 years ago, as the turret got changed. the three big things in this thread( nebulaes, turrets and missilelaunchers) are those, wich me let wine. the rest is just small stuff. i also got contacted by a dev in spring last year and told me, that it may takes too long. (years and more).

What i want with this thread is not to say, that the new stuff of CCP is crap. they did realy great things i like (V3 textures for ships, algined stargates and the ship rebalancing...) all were good stuff. i mean, also the new nebulaes did really took long to make, (video came out in march 2011 and it were on tq in december 2011.

what i want, is just an option to turn off the new nebulaes/turrets/missiles. i found, the old looked better. and as a poster saied, he want to see, how the new ships will look then (me too). i dont want to talk the work of CCP bad, it is all fantastic, what they do. but there are always peoples, wich dont like something (like the jukebox and static plex thread, that is now going for almost 8 months.). And my idea is, as i sayd years ago, to NOT REMOVE the new ones, just to add an option in General settings, to switch to the old nebulaes etc... but the new ones stays standard settings for new players or if you cleaned all settings. And i also not believe, that it takes soo long to get that back, they have evry bulid saved to test. so it may takes a few days to get it back and may one to two weeks for testing.

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.

Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#331 - 2013-07-22 14:51:30 UTC
I guess my point is that a) you've made your point - as insensitive as it is and now b) your just coming across like 'noise' that diminishes all other - perhaps more valid - complaints.

You asked "Why?" when someone asked you to let the thread die - I was just giving you a reason. Anyhow - I'm guilty here of making the thread live longer - so no more posts from me. Good luck getting Eve rolled back to 2008 - I'm sure that you'll do wonders for the subscriptions numbers by making it look worse.
Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#332 - 2013-07-22 16:16:21 UTC
BadSeamus wrote:

You asked "Why?" when someone asked you to let the thread die - I was just giving you a reason. Anyhow - I'm guilty here of making the thread live longer - so no more posts from me. Good luck getting Eve rolled back to 2008 - I'm sure that you'll do wonders for the subscriptions numbers by making it look worse.

do you read, what the thread says? i wrote, to add an option in general settings, to swich between old and new stuff, i dont want it to roll fix back to 2008. just with settings. and it stays at 2013

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#333 - 2013-07-22 18:01:24 UTC
Gustav Mannfred wrote:

do you read, what the thread says? i wrote, to add an option in general settings, to swich between old and new stuff, i dont want it to roll fix back to 2008. just with settings. and it stays at 2013

People have already explained to you why this will never happen. You even had a dev straight up message you telling you it wasn't going to happen.

Probably wasting my time here because this is the guy that took a year to figure out how to spell "turrets" correctly.
Rhianna Ghost
Ghost Industries Inc.
#334 - 2013-07-23 06:17:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Rhianna Ghost
Gustav Mannfred wrote:
BadSeamus wrote:

You asked "Why?" when someone asked you to let the thread die - I was just giving you a reason. Anyhow - I'm guilty here of making the thread live longer - so no more posts from me. Good luck getting Eve rolled back to 2008 - I'm sure that you'll do wonders for the subscriptions numbers by making it look worse.

do you read, what the thread says? i wrote, to add an option in general settings, to swich between old and new stuff, i dont want it to roll fix back to 2008. just with settings. and it stays at 2013

Do you read it as well?

  • There was a Dev telling you, why it is not feasable to support two completly different sets of digital 3D assets
  • There were numerous People before and after that, telling you the same thing

Why do you think you will get somewhere with this?

I am not sure CCP would do it, if they could, but they simply CANNOT. The new V3 hulls and the old assets are not compatible. The new warp effect etc. is not compatible to the old nebulas etc.

If you would just implent a switch to turn the old things back on, you would not see have Attac BCs as there are simply no models for them.

And they will not put any developer hours into this, as they see it as a step backwards. They had the two sets of assets back with I think it was Trinity, and it was a bad idea. The game pretty much stalled asset wise.

Why in the name of the goddess do you think this thread could get somewhere?
Beckett Firesnake
Amarr Empire
#335 - 2013-07-23 06:42:52 UTC
Fed up to see this useless Post.
The New Eve Online is far better than the Old.
Please stop boring us with this.
Everybody already answer you that even it could be gret, the old stuff will not come back.

Discuss to make things better is always a good think, but discuss to make them worst is not really constructive...
State War Academy
Caldari State
#336 - 2013-07-23 11:49:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Jureth22
yes please,i hate the new gun sounds/visuals,fitting screen and many others.autocannons have a poor visual grap,and most of the time i barely even notice they firing.

the old missiles explosion were way more violent and pleasing to watch. (torpedoes huge explosion radius effect,rockets with the bright lights etc)

the system nebulas where far better than today

the old fitting screen from 2008 i think,was the best one i ever seen in all the years of playing.

stargate sound,the visual graphics when using it.

jump drive visual (2008)

tbh the new stargate efect that game with oddysey is nice...for 2-3 times,then it becomes absolutly frutrating and theres no way to remove.
Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#337 - 2013-07-23 13:27:14 UTC
Jureth22 wrote:
yes please,i hate the new gun sounds/visuals,fitting screen and many others.autocannons have a poor visual grap,and most of the time i barely even notice they firing.

the old missiles explosion were way more violent and pleasing to watch. (torpedoes huge explosion radius effect,rockets with the bright lights etc)

the system nebulas where far better than today

the old fitting screen from 2008 i think,was the best one i ever seen in all the years of playing.

stargate sound,the visual graphics when using it.

jump drive visual (2008)

tbh the new stargate efect that game with oddysey is nice...for 2-3 times,then it becomes absolutly frutrating and theres no way to remove.

the new jump effects are not bad, but i find, each faction and each type of stargate should have another jumpanimation.

the new sounds are really bad, all lasers have almost the same soundeffect etc.

And the dev telled me that over one year in the past, and the computertechnology becomes better and better. and i dont believe, that the old turrets arent compantible with the v3 textures or the new ships. i dont believe, that the old nebulaes arent compantible with the warptunnel and jumpanimation. these are just effects.

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.

Hanspeter Meier
#338 - 2013-07-25 09:16:30 UTC
Please, bring that stuff back. I like to see the Aprocrypha starfield once more. and how the old turrets looks on the new ships.
Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#339 - 2013-07-25 09:47:09 UTC
the only things i'd like to see come back would be the minimize windows to bottom of the screen. and the old item management system.

personally i find the new versions frustrating and if anything a step backwards in useabuility.
Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#340 - 2013-07-25 16:58:53 UTC
monkfish1234 wrote:
the only things i'd like to see come back would be the minimize windows to bottom of the screen. and the old item management system.

personally i find the new versions frustrating and if anything a step backwards in useabuility.

minimize Windows to bottom? sounds nice, maybe i will add it to the thread

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.