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CSM Guest Blog: "Reasonable Things" Crowdsourcing

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The Scope
Gallente Federation
#781 - 2013-07-16 09:06:58 UTC
Suggestion: Alloy buy ship and it's fiting from saved fits window
Keywords: Trade, Market
Note: Buy 10 drakes and all modules and ammo in Jita requires a long time. I want do it with one button.
Roki Romani
Gallente Federation
#782 - 2013-07-16 09:15:02 UTC
Suggestion: Let me spin my ship during the new gate jump animation
Keywords: Animation, camera, ship-spinning
Note: Keeping the player's ship as the focal point during the transition animation should go a long way in addressing motion sickness complaints.
Roki Romani
Gallente Federation
#783 - 2013-07-16 09:17:33 UTC
Suggestion: Add "Jump through to..." as the primary radial menu action on jump bridges.
Keywords: UI, radial menu, jump bridges
Note: For bonus points, make this work on bridging titans who are in fleet and have an active bridge.
Roki Romani
Gallente Federation
#784 - 2013-07-16 09:27:56 UTC
Suggestion: Immediately fetch my local inventory upon entering a server node.
Keywords: Inventory management, lag compensation, Australia
Note: Inventory management is extremely slow and laggy for Australians. Opening containers take about 400ms each after docking or undocking. Filling a T1 hauler with containers to improve cargo space, and then using that ship to haul for a mining fleet, becomes an exercise in tedium and frustration.
Prospector Yurskeld
NanoTech Imperium
Long Range Foundation
#785 - 2013-07-16 09:44:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Prospector Yurskeld
Suggestion: Enable moving Command Centers from one spot to another.
Keywords: Planetary Interaction, PI, UI
Note: The CC is where the camera zooms when viewing a planet, and it mostly serves no other purpose. Currently, moving a CC means tearing down all the structures and setting them up again. Could be extended to all structures, providing PG/CPU exists for new link lengths -- or only allow unlinked structures to be moved. The simplest change for the most benefit is allowing the CC to be moved if it has no links.
Prospector Yurskeld
NanoTech Imperium
Long Range Foundation
#786 - 2013-07-16 09:44:38 UTC
Suggestion: Automatically select the next available slot (if any) at the location of a bpo/bpc when opening the "Install Job" window.
Keywords: Industry, UI, Science, Research
Note: Including mobile labs/assembly arrays at towers if the blueprint is contained within. This UI element:
Miss Teri
Skybert Organization
#787 - 2013-07-16 10:36:56 UTC
Suggestion: In Corp->Members tab, add Location sub-menu to right-click menu.
Keywords: UI, Corp Management
Note: Only valid for directors and whomever else can see corpies location.
Miss Teri
Skybert Organization
#788 - 2013-07-16 10:40:27 UTC
Suggestion: Update member-lists (colortags) of visible chat windows when joining/leaving fleet.
Keywords: UI
Note: Currently colortags in eg Local do not change unless you refresh it manually.
Miss Teri
Skybert Organization
#789 - 2013-07-16 10:42:35 UTC
Suggestion: Fix right-click menus that are larger (vertically) than the screen. (Eg. space right-click with many bookmarks)
Keywords: UI
Kagutsuchi Togenada
Lagrange Industries and Exploration
#790 - 2013-07-16 11:04:00 UTC
Suggestion: Horizontal scrollbars for tables; nuff said.
Keywords: UI
Note: Its 2013 and the only solution to see the obscured rows of a table is to enlarge the containing window or make the columns narrower. And you cant tell if there are more columns at all... (examples: science & industry window, market, OVERVIEW, CORP ROLE MANAGEMENT and approx. 90% of the ui generally...)
#791 - 2013-07-16 11:11:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Merkatori
add cosmic signatures in overview
Keywords: Overview
Prospector Yurskeld
NanoTech Imperium
Long Range Foundation
#792 - 2013-07-16 11:17:17 UTC
Suggestion: Add a keyboard shortcut to move the camera so the center point of all probes is in the center of the screen.
Keywords: UI, scanning
Note: Don't adjust zoom when moving the camera. Related to
Prospector Yurskeld
NanoTech Imperium
Long Range Foundation
#793 - 2013-07-16 11:17:57 UTC
Suggestion: Add a keyboard shortcut for the "analyze" button in the scanning window.
Keywords: UI, scanning
Prospector Yurskeld
NanoTech Imperium
Long Range Foundation
#794 - 2013-07-16 11:18:54 UTC
Suggestion: Add a keyboard shortcut for the "scan" button in the d-scan window.
Keywords: UI, scanning, d-scan
Demonos 555
#795 - 2013-07-16 11:35:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Demonos 555
Suggestion: Change the effect lasts Margin Trading. When using the skill - lending (If there is insufficient ISK repayment negative balance (- ISK) hours pay for an account through the credit period)
Keywords: Trade, Market
Note: "ENG" In the real exchange no false orders. Lending produces broker to obtain a negative balance. I propose to do the same in the game. Margin Trading with a shortage of money should result in a negative balance. The negative balance of - to be extinguished over time (eg, 10 days) hours pay a subscription of calculation: 30 days = 1 PLEX = 540kk, 540kk/30/24 hours = 750,000. Total for debt -750000 ISK one o'clock payment.
Demonos 555
#796 - 2013-07-16 11:36:27 UTC
Suggestion: Изменение действия навыка Margin Традинг. При использовании навыка - кредитование (При нехватке ISK погашение отрицательного баланса (- ISK) за часы оплаты аккаунта через кредитный срок)
Keywords: Trade, Маркет
Note: "RUS" На реальной бирже нет фальшивых ордеров. Кредитование производит брокер, с получением отрицательного баланса. Предлагаю так же сделать в игре. Margin Trading при нехватке денег должен приводить к отрицательному балансу. Отрицательный баланс - гаситься через некоторое время (например 10 дней) часами оплаты подписки, из рассчета: 30 дней = 1 PLEX= 540kk, 540kk/30/24 часа=750000. Итого за долг в -750000 ISK один час оплаты.
Demonos 555
#797 - 2013-07-16 11:51:15 UTC
Suggestion: Make a display option drones "drones in Bay" as in "Dronis in Local Space"
Keywords: UI
Note: "ENG" For what would be seen in a state of drones "drones in Bay". Some are satisfied with the current mapping of the players - do enable / disable the option.
Demonos 555
#798 - 2013-07-16 11:51:55 UTC
Suggestion: Сделать опцию отображения дронов в "drones in Bay" как в "Dronis in Local Space"
Keywords: UI
Note: "RUS" Для того, что бы было видно состояние дронов в "drones in Bay". Некоторых игроков устраивает текущее отображение - сделать включаемой / отключаемой опцией.
Demonos 555
#799 - 2013-07-16 11:58:32 UTC
Suggestion: Increase guard turrets CONCORD inflicted damage and made ​​dependent on the level of protection of the player.
Keywords: Game
Note: "ENG" To pirates and suicides around bases and star gate was interesting and fun.
Demonos 555
#800 - 2013-07-16 11:58:55 UTC
Suggestion: Увеличить охранным турелям CONCORD наносимое повреждение и сделать зависимым от уровня защиты игрока.
Keywords: Game
Note: "RUS" Что бы пиратам и самоубийцам около баз и звездных ворот было интереснее и веселее.