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C4 vs C3 for 2 players

kesuke Miyagie
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-07-11 13:01:58 UTC
Just curious everyone input. Its me and a RL friend we can fly any ships we have over 100MSP each.

Whats a more viable option for us, we both have lower SP alts, mine soon will be able to fly orca and cloaky transport ships.

Is a c4 worth it over a c3 or will the extra time it takes to run sites using just 2 of us not be worth it?

Thoughts? We can use ANY combination of 2 ships.. what would be best for a c4 to try to blitz them (if thats a possible word for 2 of us lol)
Merchants of the Golden Goose
#2 - 2013-07-11 13:06:06 UTC
Think the general theme these days is C4 safer but less isk/hour/Toon.

Wormholes have the best accoustics. It's known. - Sing it for me -

Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-07-11 13:37:51 UTC
kesuke Miyagie wrote:
Just curious everyone input. Its me and a RL friend we can fly any ships we have over100MSP each.

Whats a more viable option for us, we both have lower SP alts, mine soon will be able to fly orca and cloaky transport ships.

Is a c4 worth it over a c3 or will the extra time it takes to run sites using just 2 of us not be worth it?

Thoughts? We can use ANY combination of 2 ships.. what would be best for a c4 to try to blitz them (if thats a possible word for 2 of us lol)

Bolded is important.

I would suggest not living in a C4 or a C3. Instead live in something that statics to either. If you're looking at a c3/4 for income then you want to static to them from another hole instead of being dependent on anom spawns. Eventually, you'll deplete your sites if you live in the hole you're farming. Whereas if you static to those types of systems, you can roll your hole until you find more sites to farm.

C4's offer more isk per hour if you can run them efficiently. 2 Tengus and you can run the weaker data/relic sites and all but the Information Sanctums for the anoms. That's a very low bar. You can even solo some C4 sites if you don't mind flying something expensive. But, honestly, when I see a Tengu self tanking a C4 site I see 2 things. 1) I see an expensive Tengu. 2) I see an expensive Tengu that has no backup and is an easy kill that will look nice on my kb.

C3's are similar but you won't make as much isk. They do, however, offer you more solo options. With 2 players + alts, I'd definitely go with the C4.

Don't ban me, bro!

kesuke Miyagie
Caldari State
#4 - 2013-07-11 17:35:17 UTC  |  Edited by: kesuke Miyagie
Yea i would go into one with a static c4.

I guess the main thing is 2 RR domis doable for class 4s? Maybe once our alts get a lil more skilled up we will skill them for logi.. or even at that is 2 t1 logis and 2 dps armor BS like apocs or a good choice?

Icarus Able
#5 - 2013-07-11 17:48:29 UTC
kesuke Miyagie wrote:
Yea i would go into one with a static c4.

I guess the main thing is 2 RR domis doable for class 4s? Maybe once our alts get a lil more skilled up we will skill them for logi.. or even at that is 2 t1 logis and 2 dps armor BS like apocs or a good choice?


Im not sure if the RR domis could tank enough for the C4.they will destroy a C3 though. I'd Reccomend maybe a C4-c3.Then you can do some some sites solo in the C3. Be warned though all roads lead to C3 they are a bloody wandering wormhole interesection half the time so running sites alone or even in a group can be dangerous.
Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-07-11 17:53:47 UTC
You'll need 3 or make one of the 3 pilot logistics w/ cap chain w/ one of the domis.

Don't ban me, bro!

Keizer Kip
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2013-07-11 17:56:56 UTC
You can solo class 4 wh sites in a Vargur without any links, implants or drugs. Type solo class 4 in youtube and you will find the examples.

Another (cheaper) option is to use a Dominix and a guardian paired up with energy xfer (domi gets 2 from the guardian) and you should be good to tank the site running a tank in the domi which consists of dcII, 2 x eanmII, explosive hardener II, 3 x drone dmg amps II.

Use kinetic and thermal resistance rigs and voila. For dmg use sentries.

You can fit 2 omni tracking links, web, scram, sensor booster (unscripted for a bit of extra range hitting the nps's far out).

The web and scram are for lolz if you get jumped by a small gang and to slow down the frigs. I use the guardians hobgoblin II''s to get rid of the frigs.

In my highslots i run 1 x T2 large energy xfer, 2 x large t2 RR, 2 x t2 drone link augmenter.

You should be able to solo 3 sites an hour which equals about 275-300 million isk.

Offcourse 2 domi's should work as well, more dps means less tank needed.
Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#8 - 2013-07-11 19:00:39 UTC
It sucks balls flipping the holes with no orca pilots, hope you have at least 2 with the 100m toons.

Actually running the c4 sites should be no problem between the 4 toons, security might be an issue. The new scanning system is a lot more forgiving, but you need to have your static and all holes closed beforehand to securely to do that.

We do it the way Kidd says, we want to farm C5's so we have a static C5. You absolutely need good security for farming a static.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Dizzy Uzzy
The Projects
Brotherhood of Spacers
#9 - 2013-07-12 12:15:20 UTC
I've run C4 sites with one other pilot, it's not the fastest way to make money but it can be done.

We were using a Tachy Nightmare with Basilisk reps and a cap chain between the two.
kesuke Miyagie
Caldari State
#10 - 2013-07-13 05:08:18 UTC
Thanks for the input.

So what is the consensus ? Our alts are very low sp, like less then 4msp so we can really only rely on them at the moment for hauling, scanning and cloaked up watching openings.

Can just TWO characters, in any duo ship combo effectively run class 4 sites? [Other then cap ships]

If yes, could you please share what works best in your opinion?

Xen Solarus
Furious Destruction and Salvage
#11 - 2013-07-13 06:42:32 UTC
Just two characters would be able to run just about everything that a C3 could throw at you, whereas they're would likely be a upper-range of sites in the C4 that would prove to be difficult. Would be possible in some impressive ships, but as already mentioned it would take time and you would be some nice and tasty targets.

Personally i'd vote for the C3, as the profit margin between just two players would be nice. Though if you are pretty active you could definately find yourself having to wait between site respawns after you've done them all. You could potentially make more from the C4 though, if you are willing to deal with the extra hassle. Perhaps you should try the C3 first, and run some sites in a connecting C4 and see how it goes?

The choice is yours!

Post with your main, like a BOSS!

And no, i don't live in highsec.  As if that would make your opinion any less wrong.  

Nix Anteris
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#12 - 2013-07-13 08:22:07 UTC
There's 104 class 2 systems (dual static) that connect to both a class 3 and highsec.

There's 103 that connect to a class 4 and highsec.

I'd recommend finding one of those. New PvE systems on demand, easy access to markets, high chances of PvP daily.
kesuke Miyagie
Caldari State
#13 - 2013-07-13 12:22:29 UTC
Nix Anteris wrote:
There's 104 class 2 systems (dual static) that connect to both a class 3 and highsec.

There's 103 that connect to a class 4 and highsec.

I'd recommend finding one of those. New PvE systems on demand, easy access to markets, high chances of PvP daily.

I am in talks with someone who is offering a c2 + hs + c3... i think this is what we are gonna do. Logistics = Easy for 2 people, there will be PvP opportunities which we really also want, and c3.. well for farming.

Thank you for everyone's input much appreciated!
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2013-07-13 12:40:29 UTC
kesuke Miyagie wrote:
Nix Anteris wrote:
There's 104 class 2 systems (dual static) that connect to both a class 3 and highsec.

There's 103 that connect to a class 4 and highsec.

I'd recommend finding one of those. New PvE systems on demand, easy access to markets, high chances of PvP daily.

I am in talks with someone who is offering a c2 + hs + c3... i think this is what we are gonna do. Logistics = Easy for 2 people, there will be PvP opportunities which we really also want, and c3.. well for farming.

Thank you for everyone's input much appreciated!

GL with that.

the only potential problem is a C2/C3/HS is one of the most popular WH's in game There is a much higher probability that if someone sees a very small corp, likely unable to defend themselve in one, they will kick them out either for themselves or to sell.
Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#15 - 2013-07-14 21:28:04 UTC
kesuke Miyagie wrote:
Nix Anteris wrote:
There's 104 class 2 systems (dual static) that connect to both a class 3 and highsec.

There's 103 that connect to a class 4 and highsec.

I'd recommend finding one of those. New PvE systems on demand, easy access to markets, high chances of PvP daily.

I am in talks with someone who is offering a c2 + hs + c3... i think this is what we are gonna do. Logistics = Easy for 2 people, there will be PvP opportunities which we really also want, and c3.. well for farming.

Thank you for everyone's input much appreciated!

Whats the stats on the high? If you cant close it running sites in the c3 static will be insecure to say the least.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it