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No major PVP driver in WH space

First post
Randy Wray
#281 - 2013-07-08 21:08:20 UTC
You could say pvp in Eve is extraordinarily meaningfull in the MMO genre because if you blow up someones ship you either waste their time or money, most of the time both. If you care about your time then you care if your ship gets blown up.

From this perspective what marmite does is the most meaningfull activity in eve because all we do is blow up people's ships and you cant really argue we're not doing well, for example we have destroyed 150billion vs test alliance please ignore. In other words several thousand dollars in plex money, how could you argue this isn't meaningfull?

Solo Pvper in all areas of space including wormhole space. Check out my youtube channel @ for mostly small scale pvp in lowsec/nullsec

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#282 - 2013-07-08 21:11:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Cipreh
Quinn Corvez wrote:

@ Cipreh welcome to the conversation but generally most people agree that low end wormholes (c2s in particular) are working fine so we're not really talking about that, as far as I can tell.

I've been following the thread pretty closely, but there's very little more to say. I think that there's some underlying issues with the dynamics of w-space, in regards to permanent residence, since, as was said about fifteen times before now, they weren't originally designed for what we're doing in them. This is one of the subjects I spoke a lot about during my CSM run, and to be honest, there's more issue with the mentality of people living in w-space, then the mechanics at this point.

You cannot force people to fight you, no matter how badly so many people wish they could. There's a vast number of people are so risk adverse, that they refuse to engage if there's even a slight chance that it might not come out in their favor, or are so very quick to scream blob. But of course, that's alright if they're on the other side of that blob and manage to get some juicy kills. Right?

I can't think of any w-space organization that isn't guilty of this.

The issue doesn't lie with w-space, it lies with the natural progression of these organizations within wormholes, and the structure, and mechanics of the game, and human nature itself. There's better security in greater numbers, and as an organization, you're less likely to lose if you've got the numerical advantage. (Barring certain rare situations.) Once you've reached a certain "critical mass", or even a certain level of recognition, it becomes far less likely that smaller groups are even going to try to engage you, because no one wants to fight a battle that they're fully aware they've got no chance of winning.

And so it's now CCP's fault that this 30 man corp won't fight your 20 man T3 fleet.

For meaningful change to happen, there would need a radical shift in the mindset of EVERYONE, and that's just not going to happen barring intervention from CCP. The people are the problem, not the game.

Blog: Twitter: @Cipreh I am also available on Skype, details available upon request. Feel free to contact me via any of the above methods,or in-game.

El Geo
#283 - 2013-07-08 21:11:40 UTC
The day dullbears realize that sov is only relevant to dullbears will be a good day for eve.

Players don't need to be in your alliance to rat in the space you pay for, good job on being so relevant Lol
Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#284 - 2013-07-08 21:25:22 UTC
Cipreh wrote:
The people are the problem, not the game.

That's what I say about pretty much every economic system (well, not game but you get the idea)!!!!

I agree with your human nature perspective and agree 100%... but: If a game doesn't take into account human nature then is that not a problem with the game? The game is played by humans so human nature is bound to happen. Not necessarily arguing but rather pointing out something obvious which many people do not seem to see.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#285 - 2013-07-08 21:30:49 UTC
Onomerous wrote:
Cipreh wrote:
The people are the problem, not the game.

That's what I say about pretty much every economic system (well, not game but you get the idea)!!!!

I agree with your human nature perspective and agree 100%... but: If a game doesn't take into account human nature then is that not a problem with the game? The game is played by humans so human nature is bound to happen. Not necessarily arguing but rather pointing out something obvious which many people do not seem to see.

That's where the underlying issues with the dynamics of w-space, in regards to permanent habitation come into effect. I mentioned that in my post above as well. I don't know how to fix it, but I think it's something worth looking more closely at.

Blog: Twitter: @Cipreh I am also available on Skype, details available upon request. Feel free to contact me via any of the above methods,or in-game.

Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#286 - 2013-07-08 23:01:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
Cipreh wrote:

For meaningful change to happen, there would need a radical shift in the mindset of EVERYONE, and that's just not going to happen barring intervention from CCP. The people are the problem, not the game.

Aren't you contradicting yourself a bit?

You say that wormholes where not designed to support what we currently do in Wormhole space which is clearly a design failure on CCPs part if that is the case. They could have easily made wormholes less inhabitable by having less moons and no PI.

You admit that the need for some alliances to grow big, blue and batphone each other is just human nature but you think humans being humans is the problem?

In a perfect world we might all make some silent agreement to not do the stuff that creates the perceived problem but this is not a perfect word, in fact it's not even a real world. EVE is a virtual reality with rules created solely by CCP, and we simply operate within the boundary CCP have created.

If some people think that everything is fine in wormhole space, they are entitled to that opinion but if people think there is a problem, the only people that can make a change is CCP... Should this change happen? I don't know but that's what we are trying to find out in this thread.

Maybe the SMA not dropping loot was CCPS solution to growing wormhole population but by doing this, they took a pretty big conflict driver from us ("us" in general, not the alliance I'm in).
agent thirteen
Bad blood Industrial Group
#287 - 2013-07-09 00:50:31 UTC
I refuse to be spoken as if I were a station monkey I mean we all know that were are gate monkeysBear
#288 - 2013-07-09 00:54:47 UTC
agent thirteen wrote:
I refuse to be spoken as if I were a station monkey I mean we all know that were are gate monkeysBear

The kids grow up too fast, cute.
Northern Coalition.
#289 - 2013-07-09 00:58:18 UTC
Winthorp wrote:
agent thirteen wrote:
I refuse to be spoken as if I were a station monkey I mean we all know that were are gate monkeysBear

The kids grow up too fast, cute.

I see you too have the "Jack Miton Syndrome", hope you get well soon.

no more games... it's real this time!!!

agent thirteen
Bad blood Industrial Group
#290 - 2013-07-09 01:10:55 UTC
perhaps 1 day ill be good enough to camp the wormhole gates as well as you guys do
State War Academy
Caldari State
#291 - 2013-07-09 06:25:37 UTC
I hear this is a thread about warm holes...
Nix Anteris
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#292 - 2013-07-09 06:52:36 UTC
Xolve wrote:
I hear this is a thread about warm holes...

Seems mostly about people complaining that the high class warm holes have been ruined by large gangs.
Q 5
#293 - 2013-07-09 07:06:13 UTC
Scratches head...a reason to fight, I thought pvp was all the reason too fight purely for the fun?

Did I miss the point of pvp?

Things to fight for (reasons),

1. WH gas.

2. Sleepers stuff.

3. Great PI.

4. Great mining opportunity.

5. Not letting your POS die.

6. Not letting someone get between you and your pewpews.

7. Not letting another monkey move into your part of the forest.

What else reason do you want, if your not happy with WH life make a move into a low sec / 0.0 and you'll never be lonely again.

When you moved to WH space you did this knowing that there's no SOV, you can still take all that pewpew isk and move out to 0.0 rent a system (preferably one bordering an enemies space with low sec as a neighbors and you will get allllllll the reason in the eve universe to fight.
Interbus Universal
#294 - 2013-07-09 09:42:12 UTC
The best way to fix a personal lack of wh pvp would be to join a corp that nobody knows and that does not post its kills. Everyone will think 'oh never heard of them and they have a lousy killboard, they are no threat'.

After half a year or so when people are becoming aware of the corp, through personal experience or because a lot of kills are still posted due to other people posting their losses, you disband and form a new corp.

The problem is, if such a corp existed, there'd be no way to find it, so you couldn't join... UghBig smile


Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#295 - 2013-07-09 10:16:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Lloyd Roses
Terrorfrodo wrote:
The best way to fix a personal lack of wh pvp would be to join a corp that nobody knows and that does not post its kills. Everyone will think 'oh never heard of them and they have a lousy killboard, they are no threat'.
UghBig smile

Tried that, doesn't work. People rarely engage you, even if you're part of a no name three man corp.
Edit: Even linked the killboard in corp description so people could confirm that there really is only one toon pvp'ing...
Interbus Universal
#296 - 2013-07-09 10:22:37 UTC
True, most people will never fight if they can help it. But there are also a lot who check killboards and corp stats before engaging. I do it too Big smile


Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#297 - 2013-07-09 10:40:08 UTC
Terrorfrodo wrote:
True, most people will never fight if they can help it. But there are also a lot who check killboards and corp stats before engaging. I do it too Big smile

I might have expressed that poorly, but they do fight, after gathering their alliance into BS/recons and start camping the hole on their homeside, sitting at range.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#298 - 2013-07-09 11:05:32 UTC
Because you are obvious bait Blink
Unknown Means Unknown Consequenses
#299 - 2013-07-09 11:28:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Mcpate
There is plenty of 'conflict' in WH space. If you don't have enough then go create's not hard. I dont seem to have any problem finding people willing to create wrecks ...the only point of contention is who's wreck will it be? You may have to re-ship and fly something that will fit into multiple wormholes but look at it this way: Caps aren't for flyin, they're for killinLol

I never did give anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell. Harry S. Truman

Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#300 - 2013-07-09 12:27:58 UTC
Time zones come into play as well. Weekends seem to lead to more PVP as the US players can play during the day when the Euros are active. The Russians seem to be very active although they are mostly PVE'ers. If you can get in quickly enough, you can at least kill a few before they POS up.

As stated before, it is easier to get PVP in C1-C3 with a HS static. Day trippers/WH divers can help add some excitement to your playing time. I don't think most of the PVP driver conversation in this thread is directed at those WH. It is C4-C6 which have less action.

**off topic**
Props to No Holds Barred for trying to fight last night. I think you were out of time zone but at least you tried something. Not much you could have done with your numbers at the time. Hopefully on the weekend we can roll through and shoot each other when numbers get a bit closer for each side!!??