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Can we turn off the new jump animation?

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Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1061 - 2013-07-08 16:17:49 UTC
Ilkahn wrote:
SKINE DMZ wrote:
eve - the only game where people quit over a simple animation

Not true, the bitter vets charge jita and attempt to blow up the indestructable monument first. Then they unsub and make vieled threats of lawsuits and e-lawyerism that they know nothing about.

Second thing that happens is that subs run out and they are logged off midflight. They panic, run for the credit card, resub then hit the forums putting more forum posts about how they shall now unsub again thus showing CCP just how ticked off they are.

Eve players have a relationship with CCP much like an old married couple.

That is not what happened, so much that CCP felt the sudden drop of income and they were forced to appologize on the incarna incident and they had to fire some people.

We all hoped they would have understood the lesson..

THis time there is no such reaction because CCP respose has not been on the lines of " #!@#!@3 yourself we do what we want".. the simple difference of approach , echoes in how we behave.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Deep Space Resources Ltd.
#1062 - 2013-07-08 17:24:02 UTC
Ilkahn wrote:
SKINE DMZ wrote:
eve - the only game where people quit over a simple animation

Not true, the bitter vets charge jita and attempt to blow up the indestructable monument first. Then they unsub and make vieled threats of lawsuits and e-lawyerism that they know nothing about.

Second thing that happens is that subs run out and they are logged off midflight. They panic, run for the credit card, resub then hit the forums putting more forum posts about how they shall now unsub again thus showing CCP just how ticked off they are.

Eve players have a relationship with CCP much like an old married couple.
nope not all the drama, I just unsubbed my 3 accounts. This is my last expires on 18 this month. Hope to return one day with an on / off option built.

Expired Li Tiger (main) and Toire No Benza
Siresa Talesi
#1063 - 2013-07-08 19:05:18 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Well, there's been feedback: they are looking on it, there's summer holidays ahead and it will take time.

They said it would take time to modify the animation into an optimized form, because apparently that is the only solution they are willing to consider. They can't even say how long it will take, because it will probably go through many iterations and still won't be right. In the meantime, they are unwilling to implement a stopgap measure to make things easier on the affected customers - this clearly illustrates exactly how much they care about their players.

Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
The more I think about it, I am more convinced that tehre is no way in which CCP can avoid this stuff from happening. They use a certain development approach that allows them to produce 2 udpates per year, but also haves its own drawbacks, one of them is diffcult synchronization.

They could have avoided it by listening to the feedback from the test server before it went live.

They could have avoided it by listening to their own devs who reported being made sick by the animation, instead of behaving like playground children and ridiculing them.

The fact is that this could have easily been avoided; CCP had plenty of notice of the problem before it went live. But their hubris and pride in their new animation deafened them to the feedback they were given, and they continued on as if nothing were wrong. They closed their eyes and stuck their fingers in their ears and willfully ignored the signs that could have helped them avert this situation.
Bryla Jax
AeD Corp
#1064 - 2013-07-09 08:19:46 UTC
And back to front page.
And still no on/off button.
CCP Eterne
C C P Alliance
#1065 - 2013-07-09 11:39:20 UTC
I have deleted some spam from this thread,

EVE Online/DUST 514 Community Representative ※ EVE Illuminati ※ Fiction Adept

@CCP_Eterne ※ @EVE_LiveEvents

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1066 - 2013-07-09 12:23:54 UTC
Please turn it off!

Signatured removed, CCP Phantom

Ace Uoweme
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1067 - 2013-07-09 13:20:50 UTC
Siresa Talesi wrote:

They could have avoided it by listening to the feedback from the test server before it went live.


Just like Blizzard if they listened to the beta testers and advice of players not trying to dictate the game as "How I only want to play it!!!", Cata+ could've had 20 million players playing.

But devs are human and they have all the problems of humans. One in gaming that hurts is tunnel vision. So into a feature or outcome, they refuse to see the consequences overall.

CCP seems to be really affected with it. They really need a fresh face into the fold not just another gamer programming a game, as gamers just making a game are victims of being but gamers. It's like trying to get PvPers to see how PvE affects a game, and killing the goose with the golden egg hurts them in the end.

It's all about balance. Be it with new features to new mechanics, can't lose sight of the bigger picture -- the ecology of the game itself, and how everything is dependent on everything.

_"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." _ ~George Orwell

Deacon Abox
Black Eagle5
#1068 - 2013-07-09 17:01:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Deacon Abox
Flamespar wrote:
I remember when the trinity expansion came out that players were then whining about the prettier graphics.


Some people were whining about losing the old look of the ships that they got attached to. I remember, on another account, being awe struck, even as I too missed some of the old appearances of some of the ships. I still miss the old Ishkur's cartoon spiraling antennae. But it was an aesthetic difference.

Noone was getting literally nauseous from looking at the new ship graphics (the way the forced camera rotation and spiral animation on every gate jump do). Noone was saying that the new graphics were obstructing their view of space after jumping into a system (as the new autoscan graphics and hover pop up boxes do). Noone was saying that the new graphics were imperiling their survivability after a gate jump (the way that either or both of these things are now imperiling their survivability after a gate jump).

There is a huge qualitative difference between the present complaints and the former complaints with Trinity. But then I'm sure you know that anyway. You just thought you could be cool or cute to equate the two.Roll

CCP, there are off buttons for ship explosions, missile effects, turret effects, etc. "Immersion" does not seem to be harmed by those. So, [u]please[/u] give us a persisting off button for the jump gate and autoscan visuals.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1069 - 2013-07-09 17:31:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Deacon Abox wrote:
Flamespar wrote:
I remember when the trinity expansion came out that players were then whining about the prettier graphics.


Some people were whining about losing the old look of the ships that they got attached to. I remember, on another account, being awe struck, even as I too missed some of the old appearances of some of the ships. I still miss the old Ishkur's cartoon spiraling antennae. But it was an aesthetic difference.

Noone was getting literally nauseous from looking at the new ship graphics (the way the forced camera rotation and spiral animation on every gate jump do). Noone was saying that the new graphics were obstructing their view of space after jumping into a system (as the new autoscan graphics and hover pop up boxes do). Noone was saying that the new graphics were imperiling their survivability after a gate jump (the way that either or both of these things are now imperiling their survivability after a gate jump).

There is a huge qualitative difference between the present complaints and the former complaints with Trinity. But then I'm sure you know that anyway. You just thought you could be cool or cute to equate the two.Roll

Hmmm, then again he could be thinking of when the current warp tunnel effect was implemented, when people did complain of vertigo and swore it would be the demise of EVE.

Or perhaps he's thinking of when the new nebulae were introduced, when people claimed the effect hurt their eyes and made it impossible to play the game... again an issue sure to lead to the demise of EVE.

Or perhaps he's thinking of the Pulse Laser effect, which people swore was inducing epileptic fits, and would inevitably lead to the demise of EVE due to the massive lawsuits.

Or perhaps he's thinking of the new fonts, which people said gave them severe headaches and made the game completely unplayable.

Or any number of other graphical effects changes over the years that people demanded be removed or get an off switch... which instead either became a non-issue as people got used to it, or it received a minor tweak that solved the issue.

I have all the sympathy in the world for people that are genuinely affected in an adverse way. You can usually tell who they are because they are the ones that are okay with the effect being adjusted so as to no longer cause them distress.

Which makes sense, because if the effect no longer causes them a problem, then why remove it (or demand an on/off switch and alternative graphic be coded). The issue is solved, for both the player and for CCP. At that point demanding anything further is simple personal preference, and has nothing to do with any consideration for the rest of the player base.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#1070 - 2013-07-09 17:45:38 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
I have all the sympathy in the world for people that are genuinely affected in an adverse way. You can usually tell who they are because they are the ones that are okay with the effect being adjusted so as to no longer cause them distress.

Which makes sense, because if the effect no longer causes them a problem, then why remove it (or demand an on/off switch and alternative graphic be coded). The issue is solved, for both the player and for CCP. At that point demanding anything further is simple personal preference, and has nothing to do with any consideration for the rest of the player base.

Ranger -

So if people are effected by this animation and request a change, that is acceptable. But then you go on to say that if they are no longer affected, "then why remove it (or demand an on/off switch and alternative graphic be coded)." ?

Change the graphics, not be affected, so therefore no need to change the graphics since you're no longer affected?

Bit confused here.
KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#1071 - 2013-07-09 17:47:36 UTC
Half a dozen stealth patches later - and we still can't get a simple off switch?
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1072 - 2013-07-09 18:12:53 UTC
Guttripper wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
I have all the sympathy in the world for people that are genuinely affected in an adverse way. You can usually tell who they are because they are the ones that are okay with the effect being adjusted so as to no longer cause them distress.

Which makes sense, because if the effect no longer causes them a problem, then why remove it (or demand an on/off switch and alternative graphic be coded). The issue is solved, for both the player and for CCP. At that point demanding anything further is simple personal preference, and has nothing to do with any consideration for the rest of the player base.

Ranger -

So if people are effected by this animation and request a change, that is acceptable. But then you go on to say that if they are no longer affected, "then why remove it (or demand an on/off switch and alternative graphic be coded)." ?

Change the graphics, not be affected, so therefore no need to change the graphics since you're no longer affected?

Bit confused here.

Sorry for the confusion.

If people are affected by this animation and it is adjusted to no longer cause them distress, problem solved. At that point there is no need to demand that CCP remove it or add an on/off switch (which they are reluctant to do or unable to do in an efficient manner).

There are a number of elements that can be easily adjusted within the current animation (camera swing, timing, opacity), and that should be explored first.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Kyra Quinn
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1073 - 2013-07-09 18:41:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyra Quinn
Ranger 1 wrote:
If people are affected by this animation and it is adjusted to no longer cause them distress, problem solved. At that point there is no need to demand that CCP remove it or add an on/off switch (which they are reluctant to do or unable to do in an efficient manner).

There are a number of elements that can be easily adjusted within the current animation (camera swing, timing, opacity), and that should be explored first.

For me it's mostly the camera rotation at the beginning and sometimes, if I'm tired, the "zoom in" when arriving in the new system. The tunnel effect is not an actual issue as such but I just don't find it really interesting or good looking. And while I'd be happy with an outcome that took several iterations to be good looking at not causing problems, right now I'd like an off switch so I'm not affected by it.
Deacon Abox
Black Eagle5
#1074 - 2013-07-09 18:47:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Deacon Abox
Ranger 1 wrote:
Hmmm, then again he could be thinking of when the current warp tunnel effect was implemented, when people did complain of vertigo and swore it would be the demise of EVE.

Or perhaps he's thinking of when the new nebulae were introduced, when people claimed the effect hurt their eyes and made it impossible to play the game... again an issue sure to lead to the demise of EVE.

Or perhaps he's thinking of the Pulse Laser effect, which people swore was inducing epileptic fits, and would inevitably lead to the demise of EVE due to the massive lawsuits.

Or perhaps he's thinking of the new fonts, which people said gave them severe headaches and made the game completely unplayable.

Or any number of other graphical effects changes over the years that people demanded be removed or get an off switch... which instead either became a non-issue as people got used to it, or it received a minor tweak that solved the issue.

I have all the sympathy in the world for people that are genuinely affected in an adverse way. You can usually tell who they are because they are the ones that are okay with the effect being adjusted so as to no longer cause them distress.

Which makes sense, because if the effect no longer causes them a problem, then why remove it (or demand an on/off switch and alternative graphic be coded). The issue is solved, for both the player and for CCP. At that point demanding anything further is simple personal preference, and has nothing to do with any consideration for the rest of the player base.

So you think that you can whiteknight his post by proposing your own supposed equivalent former graphic changes?

Sorry no again.

I don't remember the same kind of thread for the warp tunnel graphics changes. But feel free to find a link and post it. You could be right. Regardless, it does not change the effect many are feeling from the new gate jump and autoscan visuals and lack of choice about it.

The complaints about the new nebulae were aesthetic. The unplayability complaints persist regarding certain npc/pve mission clouds and such. These do obscure one's ability to even see if your modules are blinking red or green, on or off. They do offend some people's eyeballs. They do cause stupid fps rate drops on many computers. But then if someone is offered a mission they don't like for that reason they can reject it. Conversely jumping gates is something one does very often and it is a necessity unless you are playing some market order change spam bot.

Pulse lasers may have been before my time. Regardless, oh look, and easy on/off button for turret effects.

The old font was a *****. Some people don't like the new one. Font/readability problems actually may have lost the game many players. But oh look, now we can resize the text.

As for your "genuinely" quip - Yeah, everyone would like an adjustment that does not cause the effects. But they don't appear to be adjusting this problem any time soon, or with any urgency do they. Is an adjustment any harder than an on/off button? How about a jump gate effects button on the escape menu the same as we have for turret effects, missile effects, ship effects? Apparently that was doable. Why must I attempt to turn off the damn autoscan every friggin jump? And even then it takes multiple clicks and devoted attention that I would rather use for looking at my overview, seeing where the other ships are in space using my own mouse panning and not having that obscured by large popup info boxes and intrusive large green and red diamonds surrounded by huge circles.

This thread and all who post are yes, kicking CCP to get on the fix. Otherwise, yes, we will be moving with our asses and wallets to something else. And no, you can't have my stuff. Genuinely.

CCP, there are off buttons for ship explosions, missile effects, turret effects, etc. "Immersion" does not seem to be harmed by those. So, [u]please[/u] give us a persisting off button for the jump gate and autoscan visuals.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1075 - 2013-07-09 19:14:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Deacon Abox wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Hmmm, then again he could be thinking of when the current warp tunnel effect was implemented, when people did complain of vertigo and swore it would be the demise of EVE.

Or perhaps he's thinking of when the new nebulae were introduced, when people claimed the effect hurt their eyes and made it impossible to play the game... again an issue sure to lead to the demise of EVE.

Or perhaps he's thinking of the Pulse Laser effect, which people swore was inducing epileptic fits, and would inevitably lead to the demise of EVE due to the massive lawsuits.

Or perhaps he's thinking of the new fonts, which people said gave them severe headaches and made the game completely unplayable.

Or any number of other graphical effects changes over the years that people demanded be removed or get an off switch... which instead either became a non-issue as people got used to it, or it received a minor tweak that solved the issue.

I have all the sympathy in the world for people that are genuinely affected in an adverse way. You can usually tell who they are because they are the ones that are okay with the effect being adjusted so as to no longer cause them distress.

Which makes sense, because if the effect no longer causes them a problem, then why remove it (or demand an on/off switch and alternative graphic be coded). The issue is solved, for both the player and for CCP. At that point demanding anything further is simple personal preference, and has nothing to do with any consideration for the rest of the player base.

So you think that you can whiteknight his post by proposing your own supposed equivalent former graphic changes?

Sorry no again.

I don't remember the same kind of thread for the warp tunnel graphics changes. But feel free to find a link and post it. You could be right. Regardless, it does not change the effect many are feeling from the new gate jump and autoscan visuals and lack of choice about it.

The complaints about the new nebulae were aesthetic. The unplayability complaints persist regarding certain npc/pve mission clouds and such. These do obscure one's ability to even see if your modules are blinking red or green, on or off. They do offend some people's eyeballs. They do cause stupid fps rate drops on many computers. But then if someone is offered a mission they don't like for that reason they can reject it. Conversely jumping gates is something one does very often and it is a necessity unless you are playing some market order change spam bot.

Pulse lasers may have been before my time. Regardless, oh look, and easy on/off button for turret effects.

The old font was a *****. Some people don't like the new one. Font/readability problems actually may have lost the game many players. But oh look, now we can resize the text.

As for your "genuinely" quip - Yeah, everyone would like an adjustment that does not cause the effects. But they don't appear to be adjusting this problem any time soon, or with any urgency do they. Is an adjustment any harder than an on/off button? How about a jump gate effects button on the escape menu the same as we have for turret effects, missile effects, ship effects? Apparently that was doable. Why must I attempt to turn off the damn autoscan every friggin jump? And even then it takes multiple clicks and devoted attention that I would rather use for looking at my overview, seeing where the other ships are in space using my own mouse panning and not having that obscured by large popup info boxes and intrusive large green and red diamonds surrounded by huge circles.

This thread and all who post are yes, kicking CCP to get on the fix. Otherwise, yes, we will be moving with our asses and wallets to something else. And no, you can't have my stuff. Genuinely.

Well, 10 seconds found this one to start New Warp Tunnel is making me sick thread.
Most similar comments were in the Crucible feedback thread.

An on/off button is far from a simple proposition in this case. While it may be acceptable (and coded that way from the start) to do without turret effects during high lag inducing activities like combat, that is a far different situation from an effect that is used often by everyone in the game... not only from a technical stand point but from a professional stand point. To simply have a blank screen is completely unacceptable to any game company, and would be ridiculed. An alternative would have to be developed and coded, tested, and finally implimented. It's not something that you can simply "do without".

Also, you do realize you don't have to turn autoscan off every jump right? If it's off it simply does one sweep after undocking or changing systems and immediately fades out. It does nothing to obscure your view or (more importantly) adversely affect a properly set up overview.

If you are so intent on an immediate fix, and can't wait for the appropriate people to return from summer vacation, perhaps it is indeed time for you to take a short break. No one is going to make fun of you for doing so.

Sorry you didn't like the "genuinely" comment. It was directed solely at those whom (often by their own admission) are chiming in on this thread not because they have been physically affected, but because they simply don't like the effect and this is their best shot at furthering their own goals. They of course have every right to do so, but their view point does not concern me. My only concern is for those with a genuine physical issue.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Deacon Abox
Black Eagle5
#1076 - 2013-07-09 19:57:49 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Well, 10 seconds found this one to start New Warp Tunnel is making me sick thread.
Most similar comments were in the Crucible feedback thread.

Thanks for posting a link to one very short thread with essentially one person complaining and also with a ready workaround. A workaround that does not involve having to turn away from the screen every time you jump and hope that you do not turn back too quickly. As for the general comments thread, I'm sure there was a general comments thread for this expansion as well.

Ranger 1 wrote:
An on/off button is far from a simple proposition in this case. While it may be acceptable (and coded that way from the start) to do without turret effects during high lag inducing activities like combat, that is a far different situation from an effect that is used often by everyone in the game... not only from a technical stand point but from a professional stand point. To simply have a blank screen is completely unacceptable to any game company, and would be ridiculed. An alternative would have to be developed and coded, tested, and finally implimented. It's not something that you can simply "do without".

You seem to know a lot about coding eve? As for everyone, everyone is shooting internet space weapons aren't they? Oh, that's right there are .01 isk underselling bots. As for the "blank screen", it seems eve was doing fine before these effects were made mandatory.

Ranger 1 wrote:
Also, you do realize you don't have to turn autoscan off every jump right? If it's off it simply does one sweep after undocking or changing systems and immediately fades out. It does nothing to obscure your view or (more importantly) adversely affect a properly set up overview.

So if I'm being chased or chasing someone through some gates I should politely ask them to wait at each gate for my screen to clear. Thanks for clearing that up.

Ranger 1 wrote:
If you are so intent on an immediate fix, and can't wait for the appropriate people to return from summer vacation, perhaps it is indeed time for you to take a short break. No one is going to make fun of you for doing so.

Sorry you didn't like the "genuinely" comment. It was directed solely at those whom (often by their own admission) are chiming in on this thread not because they have been physically affected, but because they simply don't like the effect and this is their best shot at furthering their own goals. They of course have every right to do so, but their view point does not concern me. My only concern is for those with a genuine physical issue.

Yes, I need to take a break from arguing with the likes of you. Or maybe you need to take a break from arguing with the likes of me. Or maybe it is you who need to take a break from needing these awesome new visual effects that you apparently so crave.

Ok, so your concern is you think protecting CCP dev's vacations, or verifying the vertigo felt by other players. Here let me mail you my verified internally felt nausea with the jump animation. Also, I could send you a video or photo of me looking away from the screen upon a gate jump ( or hundreds of photos for every gate I jump. How about a photo or a video of me clicking at least twice to turn off the autoscan features after every jump? Post your mailing address and I'll get right on it since it is your concern.

To be less sarcastic, I don't know why you seem offended that some people are affected by this new stuff and want a way to not be affected? A solution that does not eventually result in not playing the game. You like the new stuff. Hooray for you and CCP for making you happy. Unfortunately, for many folks it seems it is doing exactly the opposite. We want a choice not to have to suffer the effects. It won't affect you one bit now will it? So why are you upset that we post in this thread?

CCP, there are off buttons for ship explosions, missile effects, turret effects, etc. "Immersion" does not seem to be harmed by those. So, [u]please[/u] give us a persisting off button for the jump gate and autoscan visuals.

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#1077 - 2013-07-09 20:09:40 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
(...) To simply have a blank screen is completely unacceptable to any game company, and would be ridiculed. (...)

So this is why they removed the 10 years old iconic animated login screen and replaced it with a black screen and a white progress bar with text that doesn't fades and becomes an unreadable white blob? Lol

You're clever, Ranger 1.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1078 - 2013-07-09 20:50:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Deacon Abox wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Well, 10 seconds found this one to start New Warp Tunnel is making me sick thread.
Most similar comments were in the Crucible feedback thread.

Thanks for posting a link to one very short thread with essentially one person complaining and also with a ready workaround. A workaround that does not involve having to turn away from the screen every time you jump and hope that you do not turn back too quickly. As for the general comments thread, I'm sure there was a general comments thread for this expansion as well.

Ranger 1 wrote:
An on/off button is far from a simple proposition in this case. While it may be acceptable (and coded that way from the start) to do without turret effects during high lag inducing activities like combat, that is a far different situation from an effect that is used often by everyone in the game... not only from a technical stand point but from a professional stand point. To simply have a blank screen is completely unacceptable to any game company, and would be ridiculed. An alternative would have to be developed and coded, tested, and finally implimented. It's not something that you can simply "do without".

You seem to know a lot about coding eve? As for everyone, everyone is shooting internet space weapons aren't they? Oh, that's right there are .01 isk underselling bots. As for the "blank screen", it seems eve was doing fine before these effects were made mandatory.

Ranger 1 wrote:
Also, you do realize you don't have to turn autoscan off every jump right? If it's off it simply does one sweep after undocking or changing systems and immediately fades out. It does nothing to obscure your view or (more importantly) adversely affect a properly set up overview.

So if I'm being chased or chasing someone through some gates I should politely ask them to wait at each gate for my screen to clear. Thanks for clearing that up.

Ranger 1 wrote:
If you are so intent on an immediate fix, and can't wait for the appropriate people to return from summer vacation, perhaps it is indeed time for you to take a short break. No one is going to make fun of you for doing so.

Sorry you didn't like the "genuinely" comment. It was directed solely at those whom (often by their own admission) are chiming in on this thread not because they have been physically affected, but because they simply don't like the effect and this is their best shot at furthering their own goals. They of course have every right to do so, but their view point does not concern me. My only concern is for those with a genuine physical issue.

Yes, I need to take a break from arguing with the likes of you. Or maybe you need to take a break from arguing with the likes of me. Or maybe it is you who need to take a break from needing these awesome new visual effects that you apparently so crave.

Ok, so your concern is you think protecting CCP dev's vacations, or verifying the vertigo felt by other players. Here let me mail you my verified internally felt nausea with the jump animation. Also, I could send you a video or photo of me looking away from the screen upon a gate jump ( or hundreds of photos for every gate I jump. How about a photo or a video of me clicking at least twice to turn off the autoscan features after every jump? Post your mailing address and I'll get right on it since it is your concern.

To be less sarcastic, I don't know why you seem offended that some people are affected by this new stuff and want a way to not be affected? A solution that does not eventually result in not playing the game. You like the new stuff. Hooray for you and CCP for making you happy. Unfortunately, for many folks it seems it is doing exactly the opposite. We want a choice not to have to suffer the effects. It won't affect you one bit now will it? So why are you upset that we post in this thread?

This wold be easier if you actually read what you quoted. Blink

1: You wanted a link, that took literall 10 seconds to find. If you want more, have at it.
2: The former effect no longer exists, the loading screen is gone and no longer part of the code that has been rewritten. This has been covered multiple times.
3: If you're being chased why on earth would you wait for the sweep to end? Do what everyone else does and do what you would normally do (I'm assuming run for the next gate, or run back to the one you just came through). That is, if you're quick enough to even do that much in the few seconds before it's gone. That sensor sweep in no way interferes with your normal activites, or obscures your view. It's translucent.
4: I never called your sincerity into question, nor do I require proof. I strongly support the effect being changed so that it no longer causes you issues. I am also realistic enough to acknowledge that CCP has let it be known that simply removing it (or an on/off switch) is not an option. However, if the effect is tweaked to no longer cause you discomfort, there really is no need for anything else to be done.
5: I have no idea why you think I'd be offended by people who are genuinely affected. Quite the opposite, as I've demonstrated repeatedly. I simply have no interest in the desires of those who would choose to leverage your discomfort to further their petty dislikes.

Far from being upset, I encourage you to detail what you ascertain to be the exact causes of your discomfort so that they can be more easily identified and corrected. At the same time I recognize that the effect is not likely to be completely removed or be given a toggle, as that is simply the reality of the situation.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1079 - 2013-07-09 20:52:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
(...) To simply have a blank screen is completely unacceptable to any game company, and would be ridiculed. (...)

So this is why they removed the 10 years old iconic animated login screen and replaced it with a black screen and a white progress bar with text that doesn't fades and becomes an unreadable white blob? Lol

You're clever, Ranger 1.

Hello Ishtanchuk. I believe they've already mentioned it is on the list for a more interesting animation, along with all the other loading screens in the game. Smile

There is also just a wee bit of difference between the graphics you see as the game loads compared to the graphics you see dozens of times each time you play the game. Blink

On a side note that may be helpful to you, I also had the issue of the text blobbing together during load. I recently got a new graphics card and the issue entirely dissappeared. I may have let my drivers on the old card get out of date, or perhaps the increase in power solved the issue (my old card was pretty out of date). I'd give updating your drivers a whirl and see if it helps.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Deacon Abox
Black Eagle5
#1080 - 2013-07-09 21:11:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Deacon Abox
Welp, Ranger1 - click, hide posts.

I suggest you do the same with mine. Because I'll keep posting about my discomfort from (and my dislike for) these new graphics.Cool

at least until I unsub if they don't fix them by September

CCP, there are off buttons for ship explosions, missile effects, turret effects, etc. "Immersion" does not seem to be harmed by those. So, [u]please[/u] give us a persisting off button for the jump gate and autoscan visuals.