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Caldari PVP needs a serious buff.

#1 - 2011-11-09 03:13:24 UTC
Problems with Caldari PVP

1. Signature Radius - Your signature radius becomes massive the minute you start putting on any kind of buffer tank. In most situations you'll have a signature radius comparable to the next class of ship up i.e. battlecruiser signature radius approx.= battleship class radius.
2. Lower (effective DPS)*EHP factors with comparable ships - Especially true with Caldari battleships Caldari battleships don't stand a chance against their rivals.
3. Lowest base speed of any race - Caldari ships can't often dictate range which is an essential factor to success in PVP.
4. No Utility Mids - After you've finished putting on your tank you OFTEN (not always) don't have enough room for the appropriate tackle/target painters to up your effective dps, sensor boosters or midslot eccm (lowslot eccm is a joke).
5. No racial advantage - I know what you're going to say Caldari ships have higher sensor strength than other races BUT they're not any harder to jam really the difference in sensor strength is so pitifully low that their might as well be no difference at all.
6. Can't use utility highs - If you are using a raven you can't fit a heavy neut without sacrificing tank or dps to the point of rendering the fit ineffectual against anything really. If you're using a neut
7. 80% of your dps comes from high slot weapons - This means that you are more vulnerable to the effects of ECM because if you're jammed that's 80% of your dps gone.

Before you all start harping on about the Drake the Drake has half the problems listed and a massive signature. Battleships mince Drakes. The Drake isn't the best battlecruiser that award goes to the Hurricane and there are a lot of good arguments that suggest that the Harbinger is better than the Drake as well.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#2 - 2011-11-09 04:08:18 UTC
FOFs When your drake is jammed it still has DPS. Not true of the hurricane. Look you get some of the biggest tank in the game only makes sense tehre will be lower gank...

90% of of the time my posts are about something I actually find interesting and want to learn more about. Do not be alarmed.

Tamiya Sarossa
Resistance is Character Forming
#3 - 2011-11-09 04:20:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Tamiya Sarossa
1. 99% of time in PvP you're MWDing- in which case everyone's sig is freaking massive, it's not just Caldari.

2. Many Caldari ships boast some of the best on paper EHP/DPS ratios in the game - see HAM Drake, Torp Raven, Brick Tengu, etc - however these may not be the most common setups because DPS/EHP isn't actually the most important ratio for determining a good pvp ship, which is another reason why this point is, no pun intended, pointless.

3. Many Caldari ships are competitive speedwise because they have lows for nanos/shield tanks don't slow you down. Agility is more key than raw speed in many situations, and caldari are amongst the most agile ships.

4. My cookie-cutter drake fit has 2 utility mids. That's a hell of a lot more than my cookie-cutter armor harb or anything else. Sure, utility mids are harder to come by on shield tanking ships, but you still have some and you also have more room for damage mods/speed mods. Take a look at the shield cane, which you cite as a superior PvP ship - see any utility mids on those minmatar shield tankers?

5. Missiles are an awesome weapon system in many situations. Mainly HM's - torps are situational and cruises's could use a boost, but Caldari in general have a decent weapon system with bonuses to a decent damage type (kinetic). They also get shield resist bonuses racially, which are the best kind of tank bonuses. (benefit both RR and local tanks).

6. Though you do have a harder time fitting those utility highs, it's not impossible - the problems with the raven are more symptomatic of its terrible fitting than of a problem with Caldari ships in general. My laser/shield/ownage scorp has plenty of room for nuets in its highs, for example.

7. You and almost every other non-drone oriented ship gets most of it's damage from the highs. This is good, I like this. Drones die surprisingly often to competent players, and I especially don't want my DPS left behind when I'm kiting and have to run in a hurry. You have the highest racial sensor strength, so ECM should be proportionally less effective at hindering your DPS. (another racial advantage right there, innit?)

And as for the drake, I'm sorry, but it is awesome. I would take my cookie cutter drake over a hurricane/harby anyday. You're welcome to take me up on that. And it's only the beginning of a laundry list of decent Caldari ships - all of the ECM ships are viable (5, 6 odd?), the drake is excellent, Tengu is amazing, Raven rocks when applied properly (gang dps boat) Caracal certainly isn't bad, and many frigs are competitive.

This isn't to say that Caldari doesn't have it's downsides - for example, the Hybrid line is in need of some serious buffing, and most likely still will need some help even after the hybrid boosts - but if you're only looking at the ECM/missile boats, there's not a useless one in sight.

I'm not opposed to some slight boosting of many Caldari ships, but in general you're grossly exaggerating their deficiencies and ignoring the advantages they do have. These kinds of broad statements about racial PvP are never accurate because the capabilities of ships within races vary considerably, and I disagree with your points for the majority of Caldari ships - they may apply to specific ships, but by generalizing them to all Caldari ships, you're rendering that irrelevant.

Say that Caldari hybrid boats should be boosted, suggest specific ship tweaks (raven fitting perhaps) - but don't tell me Caldari is bad at PvP in general, especially when your list of reasons cites specific ships and is egregiously wrong when applied to the race as a whole.
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2011-11-09 04:54:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
ImmutableDark wrote:

Have you considered that you might just be bad at PVP? It's very easy to blame the equipment when you can't handle it properly.

Although... Men that hit women are never really good at standing up against anything anyway so it must be you.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Red Teufel
#5 - 2011-11-09 05:05:45 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
ImmutableDark wrote:

Have you considered that you might just be bad at PVP? It's very easy to blame the equipment when you can't handle it properly.

Although... Men that hit women are never really good at standing up against anything anyway so it must be you.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2011-11-09 08:19:00 UTC
Drakes are amazingly good for a 30mil ship, have excellent range, a great slot layout and plenty of utility. A lot of people think they're overpowered. I don't see how you'd think that they're bad. If battleships didn't mince drakes there'd be no counter to them.

Caldari pvp is alright. Mainly it's the ceptors and bs that are kinda weak. Their direct combat bs are a bit rubbish (scorpion is pretty good) but hopefully the blaster buff will help out the rokh. Caldari ceptors are garbage. The eagle is terrible as well. But overall the race is fine and hopefully the blaster boat lineup will be stronger come next month.
Potato IQ
#7 - 2011-11-09 08:33:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Potato IQ
Caracal, Cerberus, Rook, Falcon, Onyx, Tengu, Drake, Nighthawk, Scorpion. Some are these are arguably best in class, so please stop talking gibberish
Decus Daga
Unfit for Duty
#8 - 2011-11-09 11:56:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Decus Daga
No problems pvp'ing here as a caldari... oh except one problem... i get so bored with missiles ive cross trained minmatar ah ha. Really, really boring sometimes when im not manually piloting :P
Lakshata Chawla
#9 - 2011-11-09 13:33:05 UTC
I just came here to say that I LOVE my Hookbill.
Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#10 - 2011-11-09 15:57:43 UTC
Yes the Drake needs a buff. It's just terrible. As a matter of fact I think heavy missiles should have a boost as well. That would really get the Drake and Tengu in line with the other races.

nom nom

Live Adult Entertainment
Federal Krab Office
#11 - 2011-11-09 16:19:42 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
ImmutableDark wrote:

Have you considered that you might just be bad at PVP? It's very easy to blame the equipment when you can't handle it properly.

Although... Men that hit women are never really good at standing up against anything anyway so it must be you.

This guy nailed it yo

Like my comment and recieve 1 million isk ingame!

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2011-11-09 20:15:19 UTC
Try being the guy trying to kill a horde of nano drakes. I can't kill any single one of you bastards, but neither can you kill me. It's a mexican standoff all day, every day. But then, that's what happens when people use fits designed with the thought that "they dont really want to commit to a fight"

Really people have so many commitment issues in this game

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

#13 - 2011-11-09 20:32:42 UTC
Princess Nexxala wrote:
Yes the Drake needs a buff. It's just terrible. As a matter of fact I think heavy missiles should have a boost as well. That would really get the Drake and Tengu in line with the other races.

oh you Pirate
No range? No problem!   Join the Church of the Holy Blasterâ„¢ . A Hybrid religion.
Cletus Graeme
Shai Dorsai
#14 - 2011-11-10 00:55:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Cletus Graeme
Let's have a look at the sub-capital Caldari lineup of PvP ships - ignoring Logistics, Marauders (PVE) and Faction ships

9 Hybrid ships: Merlin, Cormorant, Moa, Ferox, Rokh, Raptor, Harpy, Eagle, Vulture

These could ALL use a buff, some (Eagle, Ferox, Rokh) desparately need one. Hopefully they'll get fixed this winter.

10 Missile ships: Kestrel, Caracal, Drake, Raven, Crow, Hawk, Flycatcher, Cerberus, Nighthawk, Tengu

Some of these ships aren't great (Crow, Raven, Hawk) but others are awesome (Drake, Tengu).

7 ECM ships: Griffin, Blackbird, Kitsune, Falcon, Rook, Scorpion, Widow

These are mostly decent pvp ships with a few exceptions (Kitsune, Scorpion) which can still be useful in certain situations.

I think it's pretty clear that IF the hybrid rebalance makes the rail ships decent in pvp then Caldari have nothing to complain about. It's going to be an interesting Xmas :)
Alara IonStorm
#15 - 2011-11-10 03:32:52 UTC
ImmutableDark wrote:
there are a lot of good arguments that suggest that the Harbinger is better than the Drake as well.

Bye bye credibility, bye bye.
Lord Hader
Shattered Star Exiles
#16 - 2011-11-10 06:42:52 UTC
Did someone seriously suggest that the Harbinger was better than the Drake? I don't know what Koolaid they're drinking, but sign me up for some, because I could use the groovy trip.
Terakai Darou
Synchron Delta Ops
#17 - 2011-11-10 10:20:57 UTC
Yes, it is horrible that the drake gets minced by battleships. Not like that ever happens ot oher BC's, eh? While the sig radius makes it more vulnerable to big stuff, even a HAM drake has quite the rangeadvantage to many other ships (barring sniperfits).
Also, caldari might not be dominant in the solo 1v1 BS stages but a raven can still put out a good 1000 dps with a decent tank at a rather low SP count I'd say.
Goonswarm Federation
#18 - 2011-11-10 15:10:00 UTC
OP is just wishing he could fly a Caldari ship like a Hurricane.

wahhhhhhhh why can't my 70k ehp drake do 700 dps also, waaaahhhhhhhh

H T F U :)



If EVE is real, does that mean all of us are RMTrs?[/b]

#19 - 2011-11-10 15:35:00 UTC
There's nothing wrong with Caldari, because Caldari = drake, and drakes are fine in pvp. Raven = drake, Ferox = drake, Rokh = drake, Moa = drake, and everything else Caldari = drake. Thus nothing Caldari ever needs buff.

There's nothing wrong with Gallante, because Gallante = Nyx. Brutix = Nyx, Hyperion = Nyx, Thorax = Nyx, Diemost = Nyx, and everything else Gallante = Nyx. Thus nothing Gallante ever needs buff.
Ascendant Operations
#20 - 2011-11-10 17:32:08 UTC
Fail troll is fail. For anyone taking OP seriously, here's why he would be a moron if he was making a serious post here.

ImmutableDark wrote:
Problems with Caldari PVP

1. Signature Radius - Your signature radius becomes massive the minute you start putting on any kind of buffer tank. In most situations you'll have a signature radius comparable to the next class of ship up i.e. battlecruiser signature radius approx.= battleship class radius.

Because this is any better than being slowed to a crawl by plates amirite.

2. Lower (effective DPS)*EHP factors with comparable ships - Especially true with Caldari battleships Caldari battleships don't stand a chance against their rivals.

Right. The Scorpion doesn't stand a chance, its total crap Roll. Also, have you even looked at the Raven? Its a perfectly competitive brawler compared to the other races' BS.

3. Lowest base speed of any race - Caldari ships can't often dictate range which is an essential factor to success in PVP.

You want the longest range EWAR/weapons AND the ability to dictate range? You can't have your cake and eat it too.

4. No Utility Mids - After you've finished putting on your tank you OFTEN (not always) don't have enough room for the appropriate tackle/target painters to up your effective dps, sensor boosters or midslot eccm (lowslot eccm is a joke).

You need to learn to fit ships.

5. No racial advantage - I know what you're going to say Caldari ships have higher sensor strength than other races BUT they're not any harder to jam really the difference in sensor strength is so pitifully low that their might as well be no difference at all.

Caldari have the Drake and ECM bonused ships, thats plenty of advantages right there. Not to mention the best PVE boats.

6. Can't use utility highs - If you are using a raven you can't fit a heavy neut without sacrificing tank or dps to the point of rendering the fit ineffectual against anything really. If you're using a neut

Other races have the same issue with fittings. People need to make compromises, deal with it.

7. 80% of your dps comes from high slot weapons - This means that you are more vulnerable to the effects of ECM because if you're jammed that's 80% of your dps gone.

As above, the same holds true for every other races, deal.

Before you all start harping on about the Drake the Drake has half the problems listed and a massive signature. Battleships mince Drakes. [They damn well better] The Drake isn't the best battlecruiser that award goes to the Hurricane and there are a lot of good arguments [Show us some] that suggest that the Harbinger is better than the Drake as well.

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