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[Odyssey 1.1] Skill group name changes

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Sir Dragon
Einherjar Yggdrasils
#341 - 2013-07-06 16:42:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Sir Dragon
No, let perfection be.

[consider this letter as pointing at no one at all : and my end all "i never want to need to post anything again" uber answer].

I am presuming that statistics has lead
CCP to this conclusion of
"changing skill catagories".

I can assure you that almost everyone is a whiner (me too).
We whine and whine and whine.
It is not, necessarily, the game that is causing us to "whine",
maybe it was to much coffee or that dude that called me bad things...

So you can go ahead and re-invent the wheel (skill catagories);
to that end of, answering the mighty clarvoyant call of "staticstics",
but I assure you that people will keep whining,
and "lo and behold when the dust has settled"
statistics will start demanding more preposterous change to suit the whiners.

Before you know it
CCP's Eve will be a smoldering ruin
that pritty much resembles Blittz's Wow
that is an "apply face to keyboard"
compatible "we let whiners define the game".

Or is it Job Security that makes people come up with these ludicrous ideas:
a person spining up theories outof crack statistics to that end of "having some thing todo"... who knows...
Love, consider telling your boss, "hey, can i invest some of my time in CCP's WOD".

What i am on about is . . .
you conform to whiners and their ludicrous ideas
you eventually wind up with equally false statistics
that lead CCP into game breaking ideas.
Pantera Home Videos:  ; ; .
Oraac Ensor
#342 - 2013-07-06 18:03:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Oraac Ensor
Zaxix wrote:
Sal Landry wrote:
Zaxix wrote:
Phoenus wrote:
Please for the love of christ Ytterbium, learn how to spell armour properly.

You don't need to encourage the savages who have decimated the second most widely spoken language in the world.

It's funny that a Brit would attempt to defend his native tongue by choosing words that have a French origin for that particular variant of spelling. You're also mispronouncing it for that particular spelling. We took the liberty of correcting the spelling and maintaining the correct pronounciation.

Your empire had its day. The language is OURS now!

**** off.

Aren't you brits supposed to say Sod off or Bugger off? Chalk one more up for the Yanks! You even curse like us!

You're jumping to conclusions - I don't see anything that identifies Sal as a Brit.

Brits only say "sod off" or "bugger off" when they're being polite. "**** off" is about as English as you can get (derived from Middle English, first recorded use 1503).

As for defending French-derived spellings, Brits don't have an inferiority complex regarding their history or ancestory. Maybe Americans would find retaining the French versions an unwelcome reminder of the eternal debt they owe to the French army for winning their revolution for them.

American English isn't even consistent. They have "armor", "color", "humor", etc, but still use "glamour". In a British court the accused is charged with an "offence" and "evidence" is given, but in an American court the accused is charged with an "offense" but still faces "evidence".

Having said all of that, I think there's undeniable evidence that the two versions of the language are merging rapidly, thanks first to movies, then tv and now the Internet. And it isn't one-way traffic - I've noticed several examples of British vocabulary in recent US tv shows.
Ronny Hugo
Goonswarm Federation
#343 - 2013-07-06 19:05:17 UTC
6k character limit. So I'll cut my 6 hour work to bits:

Ship skills work like this:
-One skill per ship, at L1 you can fly the ship, no skill prerequisites.
-Each ship has several sub-skills:
--armor hp.
--shield hp.
--Shield Recharge rate.
--Shield emergency (chance for damage going through the shield at under 25% shield capacity).
--hull hp.
--capacitor-bank skill (cap amount).
--power core (cap recharge).
--Scan resolution.
--sensor strength.
--signature radius.
--Armor EM, thermal, kinetic, explosive resistance skills.
--Shield -----\\---
--hull ----\\----
--cargo cap.
--drone cap?
--Drone bandw?
--Calibration points?
They only improve 1 ship. But subskills are mostly 1X for sub-capitals. The attributes they give are not huge, just one attribute is improved in each skill. T2 ships and T3 ships have extra attribute sub-skills. The ship skill still improves the bonuses of each ship as they do now.
Module skills work like this:
(Tiered module)
---Armor repairing (skill, no prerequisites):
---Small armor repair (skill, armor repairing L1 prerequisite).
---Medium armor repair (skill, armor repairing L2 prerequisite).
---etc. With small armor repair skill at L4 T2 small armor repairer can be used. And the same with medium and large. All these skills improve repairer amount for their specific module size.
(untiered module)
---Sensor boosting (skill, can use module at L1, T2 at L4, no prerequisites).
(then there are these efficiency skills for the modules)
-Low-current (group previously electronics):
--Armor (group):
---Small Armor repair processor efficiency (skill, reduces CPU use of this module).
---Medium armor repair (skill)...
--Sensor boosting (group):
---Sensor booster processor efficiency (skill, reduces CPU use).
-High-current (group previously engineering):
--Armor (group):
---Small armor repair powergrid efficiency (skill, reduces PG use).
---Small Armor repair capacitor efficiency (skill, reduces cap use).
---Medium armor repair (skill)...
--Sensor boosting (group):
---Sensor booster capacitor efficiency (skill, reduces CPU use).
(sensor booster does not require more than 1PG so does not have PG efficiency skill).
-Gun skills, tank skills and rig skills, drone skills, module skills, will be pretty much the only thing to keep people from training an Amarr BS and then training a Caldari dreadnought next. Gun skills will require a bit less time to train for those who specialize enough (fex large artillery), but the efficiency skills only help that gun, large artillery in our example, so generalizing will quickly mean you spend more time training gunnery skills now than it would take before.
Turrets also have module-specific (specific to type and size module) tracking speed skill, signature radius skill, optimum range skill, falloff skill, cycle time skill. launchers have their equivalent skills.

-Each tiered module has 3 sizes that dictate powergrid use, capacitor use and CPU use (some 4). Frigate size, cruiser size, battleship size, and some capital size.

If you train battleship repairer you should not have to train frig repairer also. But, this does not mean everyone will fly around in maxed out battleships after 30 days training, it will take longer to become a perfect pilot for a ship, but a perfect pilot is slightly more perfect (if he hasn't trained his cargo space to L5 instead of Hull HP to L5). But you can also fex not care about shield and hull HP and resistance at all if you're training an archon, and focus all time on maxing out capital repair skill and armor resistance skills. Coupled with some selected drone skills, etc, one could fly a carrier in acceptable time, but to be really really effective it will still take quite some time. Except, NO time is spent training none-archon skills in this example, and in other examples no other time will be spent training other stuff than what you specifically want to use.

You can easily fly a standard ship with no other skills than base skills, but you'd spend your time doing PVE until the skills are decent. As it is now though, you must spend lots of time on things you won't use in order to meet lots of funny prerequisites. Prerequisites BEFORE you can fly. Anyone should be able to fly whatever ship they want to fly (and fit, not counting possible powergrid and CPU limits) within lets say 30 days, even a Titan if they can pay for the skills and ship right away, but if you want to fly it well you should not be forced to train other ships and modules you don't use, but you should be forced to sacrifice other skills (if you want to fly a battleship well in little time you must sacrifice subskills that you don't train for your small guns, fex, and other frigate and cruiser sized modules in favor of efficiency skills for battleship sized modules and tracking and falloff for your large turrets etc).

Above ship sub-skills with large T2 energy turret, Large energy turret tracking+falloff+range+cap+powergrid+CPU+sig radius reduction subskills all at L5 its about 222 days to fly one battleship with perfect skills. Not counting the low-slot modules, mid-slot modules, and any other high-slot modules and rigs. Same amount of time for all other ships. But, about 50 days would be enough to have a quite useful PVE battleship. It would also change the weight of the game from training for months before being able to fit certain modules regardless of powergrid, CPU and Cap situation, to being able to fit modules right away, just buy the skill to be able to use all the modules and train them to L1. But if you wish to make a career out of it you'll have to focus lots of training time correctly. Partly because without high-level efficiency on some modules (fex the guns you use) its going to be difficult to fit everything you need with the available powergrid, CPU and cap. Increasing focus on fitting choices.
Ronny Hugo
Goonswarm Federation
#344 - 2013-07-06 20:07:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Ronny Hugo
Oh, and I know someone will not understand the whole concept given the limited character explanation, so I must add a second post even though its frowned upon.
-Fex in the new system if I had skills primarily on armor tanking I would by that skill-set be limited to armor tanking vessels, in practical terms not absolute terms. Since I could fly any ship very quickly, but to fly shield tanking ships with armor tanks are not very practical. The route for shield-tanking and armor tanking will be slightly longer, with the armor and shield resistance skills moved over to the ship sub-skills (they would replace the resistance skills of today. They only work when adding passive modules that increase resistance, also in the new system). And armor, shield and Hull HP moved to the ship sub-skills. armor-tanking ships will have far larger armor-bonus to armor-hp subskill than shield-tanking ships (so it wouldn't hurt a shield-tanker to not train armor HP subskill, and thus allowing more specialization). The point is to have to make the tough choice about what to NOT train, more so than what to train. Since the number of skills that take short are so high (I know I want to train all the skills I DONT EVEN USE to L3 or so before I go for 12D+ skills lol).
-Incase you misunderstood it, the drones would work like the turrets in skills. You can fly heavy drones almost right away, but you would need to upgrade the drone control ability and control range etc sub-skill for each ship you wish to fly drones with (not all ships can fly drones, carriers have multiple drone subskills).
-Oh, and all the skills everyone has to train now in order to do anything (science, electronics, engineering, mechanics, hull upgrades, navigation etc), go away in various ways and some transform into subskills, module specific skills, module type and size specific skills for modules with several size modules etc.
But certain things will remain as the core "identity" skills as it were.
-Industrial profession (mining skills, trading skills, manufacturing skills, invention skills).
-What sort of tank you use,
-what weapons type and size and variation (short or long range, energy/projectile/hybrid/missile, small/medium/large/capital, T1/T2, how much cargo space you require for ammo also impacts choice of ships) you use,
-drone skills (which type (size and damage type, drone tank type (drones tank like your ship does)),
-navigation skills (If you have trained AB or MWD most, 1MN, 10MN or 100MN size most),
-what modules you have trained most (Fex ECM is more caldari oriented perhaps),
-what rigging skills you have focused on (armor tanking, navigation, drones, gun rigs for your particular best-skilled guns, etc).
You will be able to train for the best possible fitting of one fit, lets say tachyon large T2 beam turrets on an apocalypse, with all the subskills and tank needed etc to have the ship as good as need be for it to be "maxed" in about half a year, a quarter year if you drop some things that in practice can be painfully not trained and still be quite useful in a fleet battle (like the two L5 gun skills, L5 resistance skills, L5 gun cap efficiency skill, L5 gun CPU efficiency skill, and a few other L4 and L5 efficiency skills that you don't need because you have just enough CPU and capacitor (cap rigs and one damage rig, with better efficiency skills almost right at the half-year mark you could have two damage rigs and even one cap rig (perfect calibration subskill), or so it would be balanced in my world).

Oh, and I have now spent 12 hours on this, please spend more than five seconds before figuring out if you have imagined the concept correctly and like it or not. I know we all like it the way it is, but that does not mean we can't like it in another way that allows new people to join the game without being forced to pay as much money as we have before they can fly what we can fly. We're afterall the ones who will sell stuff to them and earn our PLEX from their losses as they run about in low-subskilled ships (either because they're newbs, or because they can't bring themselves to specialize enough). Think about that before you think the new players will somehow get to play for way less investment, and that it is somehow unfair that they get to have it easier than we did.

Edit: And a lot will be balanced to reflect the new skills. Fex 1600mm armor plating will require more powergrid, even more so with T2 1600mm plating, but with the right efficiency skill focus you can put large passive and active tanks on battleships (you free powergrid with the powergrid efficiency skill on all the other modules also, improving tank ability, same is true for shield tankers who improve powergrid efficiency of low-slot modules etc). Same with 800mm plates for cruisers etc.Shield extenders will be affected by shield HP subskill, armor plates will be affected by armor HP subskill. Lots of specialization-friendly changes so that you can become better at your ship(s) of choice. Ships will to a larger extent be more specialized (so two frigs do two completely separate jobs very well instead of crossing each others task). But each ship will allow for a wider assortment of fits based on what you focus your skills on in terms of tank, weapons and efficiencies.
Edit2: To imagine how playing the game would be with the new system imagine this: Everything is way more difficult to fit due to powergrid, processing, capacitor and calibration points requirements of modules and weapons, but all weapons and modules have module type and size specific skills to improve these efficiencies. So even though you fly the same ship many others do, you can fit combinations of modules not many others can. And fex shield-tanking ships have more shield and way less armor HP (so armor HP subskill doesn't give a lot to them), and vice versa to armor tanking ships. Shield tanks can compete with armor tanks, passive can compete with active.
ISD Tyrozan
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#345 - 2013-07-06 20:17:28 UTC
A post containing an attempt to bypass the profanity editor has been deleted.

Forum rule 7. Use of profanity is prohibited.

ISD Tyrozan


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

@ISDTyrozan | @ISD_CCL

Broxus Maximas
Caldari State
#346 - 2013-07-06 23:17:52 UTC
Good changes it is now much easier to understand.
The Scope
#347 - 2013-07-07 00:59:56 UTC
Why not just call "electronic systems" , "Electronic Warfare" instead? Seems simpler.

Dristan Evrard
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#348 - 2013-07-07 04:08:53 UTC
If you must change Spaceship Command to make the skill category and skill different, leave the category named Spaceship Command, and change the skill to Spaceship Piloting, or even better, just Piloting.

Also, please "split" the infinitive. It's good English to do so.
CCP Ytterbium wrote:

  • Electronics: has been renamed to “CPU management” not to conflict with group names and be more explicit at what the skill actually does.

  • [*] Engineering: has been renamed “Power Grid management” not to conflict with group names and be more explicit at what the skill actually does.
Kirimeena D'Zbrkesbris
Republic Military Tax Avoiders
#349 - 2013-07-07 05:59:07 UTC
Ronny Hugo wrote:


Opinions are like assholes. Everybody got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks.

Ronny Hugo
Goonswarm Federation
#350 - 2013-07-07 07:23:04 UTC
Kirimeena D'Zbrkesbris wrote:
Ronny Hugo wrote:


Yesyes, but what do you think of it? Maybe you could reiterate the conceptual change in skills in fewer words?

PS: I have never seen reading as a drag, its the act of opening the book that makes me yawn.
Exploration Frontier inc
#351 - 2013-07-07 11:03:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Altrue
Of course nostalgy would tell me to be against this change, but I have to admit that it makes things more obvious now, so overall that's a good change.

There is just one thing wrong, I don't think that the subsystem category should dissapear. It's highly confusing, as you put individual-ship related skills with general ship related skills. So : Keep the old Subsystem category !

Also I'm not sure about Planetary Management skills, imo they should still be in their own category. On the other hand, I understand that the new category with minigame skills would then be very.. light.

Everything else is very fine !

I just hope that these nice changes are not taking too much developpement time, and not trying to hide the true lack of content.

Edit : Also, Electronics into Electronic System, and Spaceship command into Spaceship piloting.. LOL. It is both not really needed AND not lore friendly. Especially the spaceship piloting part.

Signature Tanking Best Tanking

[Ex-F] CEO -

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Ekaterina 'Ghetto' Thurn
Department 10
#352 - 2013-07-07 11:05:16 UTC
This appears like more 'dumbing-down' of the game to me. The average EVE Online player is not stupid or ignorant and can work out what the current skill category names mean and relate to.

I and many other would much rather CCP STOP trying to fix things that are not broken & please start fixing things that ARE BROKEN!

The first one that springs to mind is Corporation/Alliance Roles & Permissions in conjunction with their use on Player Owned Stations. We know this needs fixing. You know this needs fixing. It may take some time but please fix this and not things that are not broken. I'd pull my hair out but I don't have that much left. Grrrr. Cry

" They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out. " Rick. " Find out what ? " Abraham. " They're screwing with the wrong people. " Rick. Season four.   ' The Walking Dead. ' .

Destination SkillQueue
#353 - 2013-07-07 11:29:24 UTC
Ekaterina 'Ghetto' Thurn wrote:

I and many other would much rather CCP STOP trying to fix things that are not broken & please start fixing things that ARE BROKEN!

The first one that springs to mind is Corporation/Alliance Roles & Permissions in conjunction with their use on Player Owned Stations. We know this needs fixing. You know this needs fixing. It may take some time but please fix this and not things that are not broken. I'd pull my hair out but I don't have that much left. Grrrr. Cry

I'd like to highlight and support this sentiment. I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to improve on minor features and make things more understandable. I'm also not suggesting you're not working on the important stuff. It's just important to underline, that this stuff is of little importance to us and your initial plans aren't turning it to gold either. Just a system with different oddities. It's minor fiddling on unimportant things, that seems borderline pointless busywork. A thousand improvements of this caliber won't even come close to the benefits and good will of, for example, what giving dev love to corporation management would yield.
Ronny Hugo
Goonswarm Federation
#354 - 2013-07-07 12:28:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Ronny Hugo
Ekaterina 'Ghetto' Thurn wrote:
This appears like more 'dumbing-down' of the game to me. The average EVE Online player is not stupid or ignorant and can work out what the current skill category names mean and relate to.

Everyone can learn one thing, yes. But new players are pushed into a whole (not half) universe of things to learn all at once without any clear indications of what to learn when.
If it isn't made easier it hurts CCP's bottom line (and the speed at which new features emerge). If it is not made easier then at least it should be clear in what order they need to learn things (and not just what order they need to DO things, but about what they should learn about first and second etc to have a good rate of growth for understanding the universe). Then they can learn early that they can ignore learning about POSes, planetary interaction, null-sec, capital ships etc until later.

But I can agree that on its own changing the names of the skills and the way they are grouped does little to add to the game. It does quite little to make it easier for new people.
It would be an easier system if you had three skill-sets,
-one set for the ships (1 ship-skill per ship to fly the ship, each ship with its set of sub-skills/secondary skills that don't transfer to other ships),
-one set for the modules (one skill per module, modules with more than one size has subskills, each module has its efficiency-skills (use less CPU, PG, cap etc)),
-one set for the profession-skills (science skills, planetary interaction skills, corp skills, fleet command skills, anchoring skills, manufacturing skills, social skills (skills to improve how well you can do missions and what you get paid)).
This would make it quite obvious what to learn first if you wish to improve an attribute on your ship (yield, dps, velocity, HP etc), and what to train if you wish to do something else than just fly. It could be explained with a few pictures instead of a tutorial if need-be. If you want to use a module, you train the module skill (no prerequisite skills), if you want to use a ship, you train that ship-skill, if you want to improve you train what you want to improve (tracking, PG use, cap use, CPU use, sig radius, HP, resistance, falloff, range, cycle time, drawbacks, damage multiplier etc).
(is this a short enough skirt Kirimeena D'Zbrkesbris?)
EDIT: Oh, and on frigates most T1 frig-size modules fit without problems, so new people don't have to bother with sub-skills for their modules for basic frig fits. That means they only need to train the module skill, the ship skill, and then they can fly both. The point is to have them flying as they learn, not studying a curriculum before they are given the keys to the spaceship.
Vas Vadum
Draconian Empire
#355 - 2013-07-07 12:34:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Vas Vadum
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Update based on what we have seen so far.

Starship Piloting instead of Starship Command:
Energy Management and Operation:
Multiple Targeting and Advanced Multiple Targeting:
Electronic Warfare Drone Interfacing:
Agreed, it doesn't sound that great.

CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Don't you think changing skill names is "dumbing the game down"?
EVE gameplay and sense of loss should be harsh, dark and unforgiving, in that there is no doubt and we agree completely. However, fighting the UI at every turn should not be the main complexity point here - it just means players have become used to an old and outdated interface for too long. Simply put, the hard and unforgiving nature of EVE should not be to retrieve information on a basic level, it should be on how players act based on that information and interact with the gameplay that revolves around it.

Yea, none of these sound good. It's like you're calling all eve players idiots because they can't figure out what stuff does, and aren't bright enough to spend 2 minutes clicking the little blue info bubble on each skill. I knew off the bat "targeting" had to do with how many targets I could lock. Like. DUH. You'd have to be less than a monkey to not figure that out.
P.S. Don't need to be a PVPer to figure out what targeting skill does. Stop making the game work for 12 year olds. Don't make this as bad as Halo is with children screaming out curse words when someone shoots them.

CCP Ytterbium wrote:

Planetology and Subsystem groups:
If possible we would like to separate skills by purpose, not feature. For instance we are not splitting Sience skills if they are based on Tech2 Invention or Tech3 reverse engineering.

Typos, typos everywhere! Seriously man, are you rolling your face on the keyboard when typing?
Eeep sorry, didn't double-check the last section of the OP, will fix this now P

[sarcasm] You misspelled Science. [/sarcasm]

CCP Ytterbium wrote:
How about moving the Anchoring skill out of the Corporation Management group?
Definitely, CSM suggested moving it to the Electronic Systems group as it's tied with bubbles, but one could also argue it fits under Production as its tied with Starbases. What do you think?

Maybe Starbase should be moved to Corporation, as it is most usually a corporation asset. Anchoring? It is mostly used for starbase structures, but that's a tough one to move somewhere.

Things I agree with. (to many quotes, so took quotes out)

QUOTE: Ekaterina 'Ghetto' Thurn
I and many other would much rather CCP STOP trying to fix things that are not broken & please start fixing things that ARE BROKEN!

The first one that springs to mind is Corporation/Alliance Roles & Permissions in conjunction with their use on Player Owned Stations. We know this needs fixing. You know this needs fixing. It may take some time but please fix this and not things that are not broken. I'd pull my hair out but I don't have that much left. Grrrr. Cry

QUOTE: James Amril-Kesh
Don't dump subsystems into the same group as rigging skills. That's a ******* awful idea and it causes the exact problem you're trying to fix with the science and mechanics skill groups.

Keep the subsystems skill group and add a rigging skill group.

QUOTE: Carmaine
Has people have already said, keep Spaceship Command, we are commanders, not pilots. We're not sitting on the deck and piloting our mighty battleships, we are on the deck ordering our men tasks that they were trained to do (on top of other things like the whole "we feel what the ship feels thing".) Same could be said about the targeting rename, very poorly done.

Why is planetary Interaction split all over the place? Your intention is to make things cleaner and easier to understand by new players, than you go and move all the planetary interaction skills to different skill subsets. (Command Center Upgrades in Resource Processing? Advanced Planetology in Scanning (Btw, logy means science of/the study of, if anything it should be in science).)

Keep the T3 tab, if anything you should be added more sub-tabs to that for each race, not removing it!

QUOTE: Lunaleil Fournier
Went and re-read entire thread...all lot of synergy in this thread on feedback it seems.

+1 for keeping sub-systems separate from rigs.
+1 keep spaceship command.
+1 for target management or similar.
+1 for changing tactical weapon reconfiguration to Siege module operation

I think that PI scanning should go in the PI group...its a different type of scanning and I think it still makes sense even though it slightly breaks the theme. There's always an exception to the rule!

QUOTE: Chat on EVE
Vas Vadum - (link to this post)
Chirality Tisteloin - ah yeah. those are a bit dumb
Vas Vadum - CCP wants to fix things that aren't broken
hanabal drake - typical
parsious - mmm they want to expand the customer base
parsious - thats really silly for a busniess to do
Vas Vadum - Yea, lets expand to 12 year olds so they can learn curse words and pick up bad habits and stuff.
Gettz Squall - and click our fleetporn
hanabal drake - they cant even handle a small percentage of thier costomers on one node and they want to expand? how bout expanding thier equipment first?
Noriko Mai
#356 - 2013-07-07 12:35:49 UTC
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
Ekaterina 'Ghetto' Thurn wrote:

I and many other would much rather CCP STOP trying to fix things that are not broken & please start fixing things that ARE BROKEN!

The first one that springs to mind is Corporation/Alliance Roles & Permissions in conjunction with their use on Player Owned Stations. We know this needs fixing. You know this needs fixing. It may take some time but please fix this and not things that are not broken. I'd pull my hair out but I don't have that much left. Grrrr. Cry

I'd like to highlight and support this sentiment. I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to improve on minor features and make things more understandable. I'm also not suggesting you're not working on the important stuff. It's just important to underline, that this stuff is of little importance to us and your initial plans aren't turning it to gold either. Just a system with different oddities. It's minor fiddling on unimportant things, that seems borderline pointless busywork. A thousand improvements of this caliber won't even come close to the benefits and good will of, for example, what giving dev love to corporation management would yield.

It looks like they are avoiding the real problems and fix everything around the broken things. I don't understand this... There a obvious things broken as hell and they do stuff like this... But what do you expect from a company that is unable to to unify the description of a few ships for YEARS.

"Meh.." - Albert Einstein

Psychotic Psychosis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#357 - 2013-07-07 12:51:33 UTC
You need to remember that people who do the skill renaming probably / very likely don't work on the issues regarding UI Implemenation/Combat/Anything Else. It is probably part of the localization team editing text files.

Either way CCP, Thanks for your continued work, but maybe you could confirm whether or not the people assigned to this is their core jobs, and not taking time away from more important bugs.

Vas Vadum
Draconian Empire
#358 - 2013-07-07 12:51:42 UTC
Noriko Mai wrote:
It looks like they are avoiding the real problems and fix everything around the broken things. I don't understand this... There a obvious things broken as hell and they do stuff like this... But what do you expect from a company that is unable to to unify the description of a few ships for YEARS.

It's because they don't know how or lack the skill to fix these problems at the current time. At least that's my guess. So they go about changing other things to make it look like they are doing work while they sit there twiddling their thumbs wondering how to fix the issues that plague the game. I mean they did an epic update, and now they are going back to doing dumb useless things.
Psychotic Psychosis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#359 - 2013-07-07 12:55:00 UTC
Vas Vadum wrote:
Noriko Mai wrote:
It looks like they are avoiding the real problems and fix everything around the broken things. I don't understand this... There a obvious things broken as hell and they do stuff like this... But what do you expect from a company that is unable to to unify the description of a few ships for YEARS.

It's because they don't know how or lack the skill to fix these problems at the current time. At least that's my guess. So they go about changing other things to make it look like they are doing work while they sit there twiddling their thumbs wondering how to fix the issues that plague the game. I mean they did an epic update, and now they are going back to doing dumb useless things.

I'm pretty sure CCP as a very well established game dev completely has the "skill" to do these sort of changes, i mean they coded a permanent universe to begin with...
Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#360 - 2013-07-07 13:37:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Harvey James
also talking about missile skills.. its a little confusing if you look at the base missile stats before you put them in your ship the stats don't really take into account your missile skills ..

also since missile skills usually add upto 100% range and 50% on other stats like tracking its hard to understand looking at say a Heavy missile in eve what kind of performance you will get from them.

besides making these stats accurate with your skills added in game i would also suggest reducing the skills down to more conservative 5% a level .. and then apply the difference to the missiles themselves this would massively help new players understand what the missiles will actually do without having to load them into a ship or look at eve Hq or something.
Adding missile range in km would be nice instead of having to calculate velocity X flight time.

You shouldn't need 3rd party applications to understand and get accurate figures that the game should be doing already
perhaps also the descriptions of missiles in game could be more informative like the ammo for guns now have clear percentage stats on the descriptions.

also add a new skill called medium assault missiles and they could be a lower damage better tracking version of HAMS.
replace RML's with medium assault launchers that way you get better tracking against smaller ships but without the massive loss of dps and ofc using small missiles on a medium sized ship is out of whack really.

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using